Super Sect System

Chapter 1015 The Unstoppable Immortal Sect (6100 words)

At this time, when the sixth wave of beasts was about to come, a curtain of light appeared on all sides of the unborn tide.

Within the light curtain, everyone's names and points rankings were revealed, ranging from 1 to 1,000.

Currently number one in the standings - Yun Liao (Immortal Sect).

Total score: 2073 points.

Second in the standings - Hanwei (Xuanting Pavilion).

Total score: 137 points

Ranking third in the standings - Dictatorship (Yin Yang Family).

Total score: 134 points

Fourth in the standings - Boluo (Yin Yang Family)

Total score: 77 points

Fifth in the standings - Ye Chenqian (Xuanting Pavilion)

Total score: 70 points

In the standings, Yun Liao stands out.

However, except for the first place, there is no one else from the Immortal Sect on the standings.

Among the first hundred, most were from the Xuan Ting Pavilion and the Yin Yang Family, and some were geniuses from other five-star forces.

In fact, this does not mean anything, because everyone knows that except for Yun Liao, the Immortal Sect has not even opened the pulse gate.

Rather than being curious about the Immortal Sect's plan, they are paying more attention to the people on the standings at the moment, those opponents who have a lot of points.

So soon after the standings came out, the distance between everyone was widened, and no one dared to get too close to each other anymore.

But still no one dares to get too close to the Immortal Sect.

Because Yun Liao's points are too scary.

At the same time, there were many spectators who were overlooking the standings from the air, discussing the standings and the Immortal Sect.

After all, the Immortal Sect had previously threatened that he wanted 80 places in the top 100 in the Red Territory!

But now there is only Yun Liao on the standings.

"I don't know what the Immortal Sect's plan is. This is the sixth wave of beasts. Are they not planning to take action?"

"Are they planning to wait for other people to get enough points, and then they're going to rob those people of their points?"

"Brother, you are right to the point. Maybe the Immortal Sect is planning to do this. In terms of their strength, there are really not many people who can stop them."

"Although they almost all only have the lower realm of Zhenyue, their pulse skills have stepped into what the Immortal Sect calls the ultimate, or even transformation realm, and their explosive strength is comparable to the upper realm of Zhenyue. If they want to plunder some of the lower realm of Zhenyue , or the points of Zhenyue Middle Realm Tianjiao, those people can't stop them at all."

"No way, is the Immortal Sect planning to do this?"

Along with everyone's discussion, everyone's eyes were on the Immortal Sect.

After hearing these words, many forces sitting on the Inanimate Tide thought that this was the plan of the Immortal Sect.

For a moment, everyone looked bitter.

Because if people from the Immortal Sect really do this, there is nothing they can do.

The law of survival is the law of survival, and they cannot condemn the Immortal Sect.

It's just that if people from the Immortal Sect really do this, it's a bit too much.

Jun Tian, ​​who was sitting next to Wen Ping, couldn't help but asked curiously: "Sect Leader Wen, are they really planning this as everyone said?"

Wen Ping didn't intend to explain anything.

There is no need to explain anything to everyone.

But since Jun Tian asked this question, Wen Ping still responded calmly, "Is there anything wrong with doing this?"

"There is indeed no problem. The law of survival is the law of survival." Jun Tianyi Gu actually agreed with this approach from the bottom of his heart.

The expressions on other people's faces became even worse after hearing the conversation between the two.

Especially the upper echelons of the Yin Yang Family and Xuan Ting Pavilion.

After all, they currently occupy the largest number of people in the top 100 in the Red Territory. If the Immortal Sect wants to snatch points, they will most likely attack their disciples first.

But at this moment, Wen Ping's words caused the expressions of many forces on Wushengtide to instantly soften and feel relieved.

Wen Ping said: "However, this is just a last resort. I don't think they will use this method unless it is a last resort."

Sure enough, just as Wen Ping finished speaking.

80 people from the Immortal Sect opened their veins at the same time.

The sixth wave of beasts is coming as expected!

Tens of thousands of monsters from the lower realm of Zhenyue surged out of the inanimate tide, surging in all directions like a wave and pounced on everyone on the battlefield.

Yun Liao was heard shouting, "Everyone is ready to meet the enemy! Now, it's time for you to show off. Kill them all!"




Hundreds of veins are opened at the same time.

One pulse after another surged towards the oncoming beast tide, and at the same time, Yun Liao's storm sword formation also fell down.

However, the direction where the Storm Sword Formation fell was impressively behind the 80 people.

This time, Yun Liao no longer blocked the tide of beasts for these 80 people, but they faced the surging tide of beasts.

When thousands of monsters came towards us, although the 80 people fought individually, their pulse skills all hit the same place.

As soon as they met, thousands of Zhenyue realm monsters fell down.

Immediately afterwards, 80 people went out again.

The second wave of offensive harvested thousands of monsters again.

The originally raging beast tide, in front of the disciples of the Immortal Sect, was like paper that could be broken with a single poke.

Seeing this scene, Yun Shui Zaitian, Yin Yang and others understood why Wen Ping said that looting points was a bad idea.

In one encounter, thousands of monsters were slaughtered.

Thousands of points were divided up.

There are 80 people in the Immortal Sect, at least one of them has earned forty or fifty points.

Although there is still a long way to go before entering the Red Domain, this is just an encounter.

"These 80 people are extraordinary in strength."

Wudu looked at it and couldn't help but sigh.

The Immortal Sect really has a profound foundation!

In the past, the three Hongye Sect families combined might be able to produce 80 geniuses with such strength, but the Immortal Sect can only produce them all.

Thinking of this, Wudu became even more curious.

Why haven’t I heard of the Immortal Sect with such a profound background before?

Is the Immortal Sect really just established?

The two elders of Yin and Yang on the side sighed when they saw Wudu, and couldn't help but interjected, saying: "Senior Wudu, if you know what these 80 people were like before, you should be able to understand why many young people in the Red Territory have such dreams. Joined the Immortal Sect.”


Wudu immediately looked at the Yin and Yang elders.

What's the story here?

"These 80 people, a few months ago, had mediocre qualifications, and they were no more than everyone else in the Red Territory. Even most of them were only half a step into the Yue Zhen realm a few months ago, but after a few months of joining the Immortal Sect, their strength has reached This is the current state.”

After the two elders of Yin and Yang spoke, they continued to look at Wusheng Chaoxia, leaving Wudu alone to look at the 80 people of the Immortal Sect in disbelief.

I saw those 80 people walking in the tide of beasts, as if they were walking on flat ground. Killing the monsters in the lower realm of Zhenyue was as easy as mowing grass.

Looking at other people on the battlefield, after being surrounded by a large number of monsters, they seemed to be stretched thin, and people kept dying at the hands of monsters.

There were only 10,000 people originally, but after being hit by the sixth wave of beasts, the number of people dropped by thousands in just one hour.

However, Yun Liao is even more exaggerated.

When the rest of the Immortal Sect began to disperse and kill the monsters, Yun Liao walked with his sword and landed at the place where the monsters were densest.

Judging from the density of monsters, there were at least tens of thousands of monsters gathered, and they were swarming toward hundreds of people several miles away.

When the hundreds of people saw this scene, they were so frightened that they ran towards the edge of the lifeless tide.

They firmly believe that as long as they run fast enough and run long enough, they can hold on until others come to harvest these monsters.

However, they murmured that these tens of thousands of monsters were determined to bite them to death.

He also overestimated how quickly other people could slay demons.

"Is this the end?"

"I'm not willing to give in. I thought I could break into the top thousand of the Red Realm."

"So what if I don't give in? I still want to rush into the top 100 and join the Immortal Sect. Hurry up and crush the token. Later, the monsters will rush up! When the time comes, you want to crush the token and leave. I’m afraid there’s no chance.”

If tens of thousands of monsters arrive, how can there be any chance of crushing the token?


A young man decisively crushed the token in his hand and was moved out.

At this moment, streaks of sword light fell from the sky.

Swish swish——

The sword light is like rain, spreading to the earth.

Every monster he saw was killed.

Tens of thousands of monsters were killed in an instant.

This scene made the group of people who had just lost their souls so happy.

"It's Yun Liao, Yun Liao of the Immortal Sect!"

"too strong!"

"Is Yun Liao going to fight tens of thousands of Zhenyue realm monsters alone?"

Amid their surprises, countless sword lights fell.

A large number of monsters were instantly killed by the light of the sword!

The originally unparalleled beast tide was suppressed by Yun Liao in an instant.

In just one hundred breaths, Yun Liao killed two or three thousand of the tens of thousands of monsters. The remaining seven or eight thousand monsters immediately gave up attacking the weak few hundred people and instead rushed towards Yun Liao.

However, Yun Liao chose to be positive.

Never take a step back!

Killing thousands of half-step Zhenyue monsters is one thing.

Facing tens of thousands of Zhenyue realm monsters is another matter.

The monsters such as Hanwei, Duanfeng and others who saw this scene from a distance couldn't help but were speechless. In addition to horror, there was only horror in their hearts.

"The courage of one person facing tens of thousands of monsters is truly amazing."

"If we win this battle, Yun Liao's number one position in the Red Territory will be basically stable."

The two sighed, feeling indescribable in their hearts.

It's uncomfortable to be pressed down like this, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Ruoyun Liao won.

After this battle, you can get tens of thousands of points.

First place in the Red Domain, the dust has settled immediately!

Because if they were asked to kill these ten thousand monsters, although they would not die at the hands of the monsters, they would probably die of exhaustion before killing all the monsters.

Under their gaze, countless sword lights fell.

Yun Liao stood proudly high in the sky, quietly watching the monsters below that kept dying in the storm sword formation.

The monsters in the storm sword array went crazy one by one, stampeding their own kind into the sky frantically.

However, as soon as they jumped up, they were killed by the storm sword formation.

As time goes by, the number of monster deaths continues to increase.

one thousand.

two thousand.

Three thousand.

According to this kind of fighting intensity, let alone Zhenyue Upper Realm, most of the half-step ground forces would be a little overwhelmed. However, there was no trace of exhaustion on Yun Liao's face.

At this moment, Yun Liao became the protagonist of the entire shaved sky world.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him, admiring the unforgettable scene in front of them.

They had never seen such a grand scene in the Seven Domains Climb to Heaven Ranking, which made them wonder what was going on in this world.

Is this still a competition for the younger generation?

Cheers suddenly rose at this moment!




The entire Shaokong Realm was cheering for Yun Liao, and they also wanted to see if Yun Liao could kill ten thousand demons by himself.

As time went by, when there were fewer and fewer monsters left, people's cheers reached a fever pitch again.

Wu Du, who had seen so many geniuses and monsters, couldn't help but sigh at this moment, "I'm afraid there are few of the younger generation who can match him in the entire Yuanyang Domain. If this scene is seen by Senior Tianye, I'm afraid Senior Tianye won't be able to sit still, maybe he will come to accept Yun Liao as his personal successor, right?"

"Senior Tianye?"

Wen Ping took advantage of the situation and looked towards Wudu.

Wudu asked in surprise: "Sect Master Wen doesn't know about Senior Tianye?"

"have no idea."

"Senior Tianye is the powerful Tianwujin who created the Sky Realm, and he also came out of the Red Realm. I didn't expect that Sect Master Wen didn't know about it."

Wudu suddenly became more curious about Wen Ping's origins.

It stands to reason that as long as you have been an elder in the Red Territory since childhood, grow to a certain stage, and come into contact with all the powerful people in the earth, you will know that Senior Tianye is the one.

Wen Ping chuckled and said, "I guess you are ignorant."

Wudu smiled coquettishly and said: "Sect Master Wen, you are too humble! But even if you don't know him, the senior Tian Wuxing behind you must know him. Maybe the two of them have a good relationship, otherwise he wouldn't bring him with him You come to Red Territory to establish a sect.”


Wen Ping turned around and stopped answering.

The reason why he was curious about who Tianye was was because he was simply curious about why Wudu mentioned him.

However, since the other party is the master of this shaving world, he is probably paying attention to this competition.

So Wen Ping immediately opened the system interface and searched for information about Tianye.

There is not much information about Tianye.

However, key information can be found in the system.

Tianye is an old-fashioned strong man named Tianwujin. He achieved Tianwujin more than 400 years ago, but his current level is only at the lower level of Tianwujin.

But his status is indeed not low.

Not only is he a supreme elder of a six-star force, but he is also a divine general of the Shenyou Army of the You Kingdom, commanding nearly ten million Shenyou Army who have experienced hundreds of battles on the battlefield.

Regarding the position of God General.

A strong person may not be able to become a divine general.

However, every divine general in You Kingdom is a very strong Tianwu Forbidden expert.

There is no need to go into details.

Regardless of whether he is paying attention to this competition or not, it means nothing to Wen Ping. It is nothing more than getting into the eyes of the senior officials of Youguo earlier or later.

At the same time, as time passes little by little.

The sixth wave of beasts is coming to an end.

After three hours of hard work and at the cost of eliminating two to three thousand geniuses, the sixth wave of beasts was finally cleared away.

Among them, Yun Liao alone eliminated more than 10,000 monsters.

When the standings appeared again, everyone couldn't help but take a breath, while the geniuses who were also on the battlefield could only sigh.

Currently number one in the standings - Yun Liao (Immortal Sect).

Total score: 14073 points.

Second in the standings - Hanwei (Xuanting Pavilion).

Total score: 1137 points

Ranking third in the standings - Dictatorship (Yin Yang Family).

Total score: 1055 points

Fourth in the standings - Ye Chenqian (Yin Yang Family)

Total score: 667 points

Fifth in the standings - Boluo (Xuanting Pavilion)

Total score: 578 points

It's still Yunliao who stands out.

It is completely impossible to catch up with his points.

Compared with the score changes of the first few people, everyone is more concerned about the score changes of the remaining 80 people in the Immortal Sect.

When everyone saw No. 33, they suddenly saw a person's name.

No. 33 in the standings—Chen Qin (Immortal Sect)

Total score: 322 points

No. 34 in the standings - Ye Wumei (Immortal Sect)

Total score: 307 points

No. 35 in the standings - Liu Xiaotian (Liu family)

Total score: 300 points

Then on the 36th, he became a member of the Immortal Sect.

No. 36 in the standings—Yang Luo (Immortal Sect)

Total score: 299 points

Among the top 100 in the Red Territory, more than 50 positions are already occupied by Immortal Sect members.

The 80 people of the Immortal Sect, if they don't exert their strength, they will become a blockbuster when they exert their strength.

Suddenly, the elders in the family of more than fifty people almost jumped up with excitement.

After all, their family has never received such an honor.

For hundreds of years, no one has ever made it this far on the Red Realm Seven Realm Climbing List.

"That's my son!"

"That's my brother, look!"

"Look, that's the child of my second aunt's brother's cousin. It's so amazing that it instantly reached No. 77 on the ranking list!"

All of a sudden, all kinds of relatives appeared.

Regardless of whether they have seen it or not, they are all proud of them at this moment.

Ironically, they had never interacted with each other before. Even if they met, they never said hello to each other.

As for the audience who had nothing to do with Chen Qin and Ye Wumei, at this moment, all of them were filled with envy and only horror.

"If I had known, I would have let my children try their luck in the Shi Dao puzzle. If they could pass the Shi Dao puzzle, my children would probably have a place on this ranking list."

"Stop dreaming. Do you know how many people were trying to get into the puzzle of the master's way at that time? The Immortal Sect does not care about your level when it accepts people, but it doesn't accept all cats and dogs."

"I thought they had been keeping quiet and wanted to reap the benefits and directly plunder other people's points. I never expected that we took it for granted. With such strength, we don't even bother to bully people weaker than ourselves."

"The first five waves of beasts didn't take action. Once they took action, they immediately rushed into the top 100 of the red domain. If no one targets the Immortal Sect, then when the seventh wave of beasts or puppets comes, I'm afraid that the 80 top 100 of the Immortal Sect will be in the red domain. The quota is just like Yun Liao, the dust has settled.”

"It's hard to say. I think there will definitely be people who are interested in the Immortal Sect. These people must be still waiting for an opportunity."

Everyone said something to each other, and quietly ushered in the seventh wave of beasts.


The seventh wave of puppets!

When the door to Wushengtide opened and thousands of huge metal puppets came out, everyone's expressions became serious.

Zhenyue lower realm puppet tide!

Densely packed metal puppets were lined up under the lifeless tide, standing neatly like well-trained soldiers.

"It turned out to be Puppet Chao!"

"Although this puppet tide is still in the lower realm of Zhenyue, they are not afraid of life and death and have no feelings. This time it is a bit difficult."

At this time, even the genius of the Zhenyue Middle Realm dare not say that he will be able to withstand the seventh wave of puppets.

Although the monster doesn't care about life, if it is hit by a knife, it still knows the pain and knows how to dodge.

But the puppet is different.

It won't hurt if it gets stabbed, and the attack in its hand won't stop.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the crowd.

The puppet tide has not moved yet, but everyone on the battlefield has.

That's right!

Many people knew that they would not be able to withstand the tide, so they took the lead in attacking the people around them.

Earning a few points is a point.

Suddenly, the tideless battlefield turned into a mess, and Puppet Chao seemed to be waiting for the end of the internal fighting, so there was no movement until now.

Upon seeing this, all the Immortal Sect disciples quickly moved towards Yun Liao.

"Elder Yun, what should we do?"

"Should we go grab some points too?"

Yun Liao pondered for a few moments, and then said: "Save your energy and launch the first round of attacks first. No matter how many points you can get, retreat immediately after the first round of attacks."

Now that a big fight has begun, Yun Liao will definitely not be polite.

The reason why I didn't attack them before was because if the Immortal Sect took action first, they would definitely become the leader and be attacked by the crowd.

But it's different now.

After hearing Yun Liao's order, the 80 people immediately distanced themselves to prevent Wu Shengchao from judging them to be cooperative.

After closing the distance, he rushed directly towards the nearest group of people.

When the people who were originally fighting saw this scene, those on the fringes were frightened out of their wits.

"I go!"

"The Immortal Sect is coming to kill them."

"Let's go!"

A group of people immediately wanted to run away to avoid the impact of the Immortal Sect.

However, how could Yun Liao let them go so easily?

Third level earth magic.

Extreme pressure!


The chanting ended in an instant, and huge pressure instantly rushed towards the hundreds of people closest to them.

Faced with this heavy pressure, Zhenyue Xiajing couldn't stand up for just a breath, and was directly pressed to his knees on the ground.

In desperation, he wanted to crush the token and escape, but it was already too late.

80 Pulse Techniques swarmed in!



With one face-to-face meeting, the hundreds of people who were under heavy pressure were all eliminated.

Of course, those hundreds of people also wanted to fight back, but under the heavy pressure, they didn't even have the opportunity to release the pulse technique, and they could only be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.

In just ten breaths, 80 people cleared out hundreds of people at once, immediately cleared away the tokens on the ground, and then quickly retreated.

Never be wary!

Those who originally wanted to fight back against the Immortal Sect could only make a futile attempt.

After missing the target, they quickly stopped and retreated, not daring to stay on the edge.

In short, the number of people leaving the Immortal Sect is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, after everyone from the Immortal Sect had retreated a thousand meters from the battlefield, Yun Liao asked everyone to stop, and then looked at the puppet tide that was still motionless, and said: "Listen to my command and be ready for the second wave of impact at any time. It's still the same, Leave after taking advantage and don't get caught up in a chaotic fight."



80 people agreed in unison, opened their pulse gates, and prepared for the second wave of impact at any time.

They didn't have time to see how many points they had plundered, because no matter what, it would definitely not be less.

Each person basically got three or four tokens in his hand, which added up to one or two hundred points, which was enough to make another jump in the rankings.

After ten breaths of preparation, Yun Liao pointed in a direction and the voice sounded again.

"Left front, prepare to attack!"

As soon as the words fell, the 80 people instantly turned into a torrent and rushed towards the messy battlefield on the left front, with the potential to swallow up a thousand people there.

Ahem, see you tomorrow. . .

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