Super Sect System

Chapter 1045 The terrifying effect brought about by the list

When Qing Qian thought of this, she felt very unhappy.

It's not a good thing, but the Qianjiang Sect people have been oppressing them in Zeming Palace for more than a day or two. It is very difficult and almost impossible to change this situation.

Fortunately, she heard a piece of gossip a few days ago.

It is said that someone created a vortex diagram that transcends this era. The current vortex diagram can only increase the pulse technique, but the vortex diagram he created can bring special abilities to people.

Just like the magical power of the demon clan!

She didn't believe it before, but now that she sees the Uzumaki Master List, she really hopes that the news is true.

Such a person really appeared.

In this way, if he could enter the Zeming Palace, it would be easy for the Zeming Palace to overwhelm the Qianjiang Sect.

"By the way, that rumor seems to have come from the Red Territory. Jun Tianyi is in the city at the moment, so why not just ask him?" Qingqian was glad that she sent someone to follow Jun Tianyi to look after them. This was foresight!

At the same time, when the entire Shenfei City was bustling with excitement because of the Uzumaki Master List, everyone in the Thousand Craftsmen Sect looked at the Uzumaki Master List in the Immortal Daily with pride.

"Among the 100th to 51st places on the Yuanyang Domain Whirlpool Masters List, my Thousand Craftsmen Sect actually accounted for twenty-five people. What surprised me even more was that Zeming Palace was so weak. A total of Only twelve people.”

"Originally, our Thousand Craftsmen Sect was number one in the hearts of the world. Now, despite the propaganda from Immortal Daily, it is conceivable that people will join our Thousand Craftsmen Sect in succession soon."

"You think, once the Uzumaki Masters List comes out and the strength of our Thousand Craftsmen Sect is exposed, will those Uzumaki Masters who choose to join Zeming Palace quit Zeming Palace and join our Thousand Craftsmen Sect?"

Just as several of the Uzumaki Masters in the Thousand Craftsmen Sect were discussing, there was sudden movement in their arms.

Several people took out tokens at the same time!

Then they looked at each other, both showing surprise.

I saw that all the tokens in the hands of a few people had turned from white to yellow - this meant that someone had personally gone to the Qianjiangmen branch to seek their help in making the vortex map.

This kind of situation is almost difficult to happen on weekdays, because generally speaking, only when someone steps into Jiwujin, they will come to the Thousand Craftsmen Gate and find one among the many four-whirlpool master craftsmen to create a four-whirlpool whirlpool diagram for them.

Even though the Thousand Craftsmen Sect has a good reputation, only a few people come to visit it every month, and at most there are only ten people.

But the Thousand Craftsmen Sect has quite a few Four Whirlpool Divine Craftsmen, so the chance of selecting them is basically very small.

On weekdays, of course, there will be businessmen or people from other forces who come to Qianjiangmen to share the helm and ask them to create a four-whirlpool diagram for profit or create a four-whirlpool diagram in advance as a reward for the sect, but like this Business, they rarely meet once a month.

Maybe even just once a year.

Because most people only dare to use the Four-Whirlpool Diagram. To create a Four-Whirlpool Diagram, the resources, materials and treasures required to create a Four-Whirlpool Diagram are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But now the tokens in their hands reacted at the same time, which meant that they were invited at the same time!

This has never happened before.

When several people came from the place of cultivation to the outermost part of the Thousand Craftsman Sect branch, the person responsible for managing the Chamber of Commerce was already waiting there. After seeing a few people, he immediately came up to them and said, "Greetings, all true disciples!"

"what happened?"

Several people looked confused.

The middle-aged woman in charge of managing the Chamber of Commerce said with a smile: "Gentlemen, please allow me to tell you slowly. Thanks to the Immortal Daily's Uzumaki Master List, almost all the guests who came to ask for the Four Uzumaki Pictures today are I found it after seeing the list.”

"Didn't our Thousand Craftsmen Sect also have a good reputation before? Is this Immortal Daily's role so great?"

Several people were confused, but they still walked towards the Chamber of Commerce.

The middle-aged woman who was responsible for managing the grand event smiled and explained: "You are not the first people to ask this question. To be honest, it is the probability of being on the Uzumaki Masters list! In the past, the world only knew me, the Uzumaki of the Thousand Craftsmen Sect. There are many master craftsmen, but they don’t know the probability of success of our Qianjiang Sect’s high-quality craftsmen. Now that they know the probability of our true master’s high-quality craftsmanship, they are interested. The same materials, the same price, but I Qianjiang. People from the craftsman sect are more likely to create high-quality beings, how can they not be tempted?"

When several people heard this, they suddenly became enlightened.


If they were to put themselves in their shoes, they would choose the Uzumaki Master of the Thousand Craftsmen Sect instead of anyone else.

When several people arrived at the Chamber of Commerce, they were even more shocked by the crowd.

Of course, most of them come to buy under the four vortexes.

But the number of them is so large that it’s really scary. The entrance of the Chamber of Commerce was actually full of people, and everyone was registering their names. How could this be seen in the past?

When they came to the place where the guests who created the four-whirlpool diagram were received, they even smiled knowingly.

All the true disciples in Shenfei City were actually invited.

Many business owners, as well as newcomers to the land, and people from five-star forces came to ask them to create a four-whirlpool diagram.

Only then did they truly feel the terrifying effect brought by Immortal Daily.

The appearance of the Whirlpool Master Craftsman List is really a great blessing to the Thousand Craftsmen Sect.

At the same time, one of the three people in the Zeming Chamber of Commerce who followed Wen Ping and others hurried back to Zeming Palace.

"Where is Elder Qing Qian?"

As soon as he entered the Zeming Palace, he hurriedly went to find Elder Qingqian, and he was very impatient along the way.

He didn't even look back when he bumped into someone, and trotted forward on his own.

However, seeing that he was a core disciple, everyone could only give up, even the guests.

Who can afford to offend the Four Whirlpool God Craftsmen?

However, it was inevitable to attract criticism.

"No wonder the Thousand Craftsmen can suppress them. There is a reason for this. It's really unlucky."

"Okay, let's go. This is the Zeming Chamber of Commerce. If you don't buy us, just leave. Talk nonsense and be careful of your life."

"Go, go, go!"

The few people who were knocked down by him hurriedly left the Zeming Chamber of Commerce, got on the beast cart out of the door, and turned to the Thousand Craftsmen.

Of course, even if some people were not hit.

But because they read the Immortal Daily, after walking around the Zeming Chamber of Commerce, they all chose to go to the Thousand Craftsmen.

Suddenly, the number of customers at Zeming Chamber of Commerce was half of that of usual days. Qing Qian felt it immediately after he walked out of the house and walked around for a while. When he was wondering, the core disciple came running over.

"Elder Qing Qian, it's not good. As soon as the list of whirlpool craftsmen in the Immortal Daily came out today, everyone in Shenfei City went to Qianjiangmen. Qianjiangmen's Chamber of Commerce is now surrounded by people who want to buy whirlpool maps. And after I stared at it for a while, I found that many of our old customers also went to Qianjiangmen quietly."

Qing Qian's face suddenly changed when he heard this, "What?"

After speaking, Qing Qian immediately left the Chamber of Commerce and turned into a stunning swan flying towards Qianjiangmen.

The core disciple hurriedly caught up. When he caught up, he saw Elder Qing Qian standing there angrily above Qianjiangmen's Chamber of Commerce. When he arrived, Elder Qing Qian angrily said, "Go back!"

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