Super Sect System

Chapter 774 The turning point of the Hundred Sects Alliance

Bolian nodded understandingly.

He didn't want to say anything more at this time.

Because things between the Hundred Sect Alliance and the Immortal Sect have become very complicated now, and one wrong step may lead to an abyss.

As for his unwillingness to see the bloodshed and countless casualties of the Hundred Sect Alliance, Bolian certainly knew that it was just external rhetoric.

In short, he would do whatever the two gold-level bosses asked him to do, and he would not do anything more than what they asked him to do.

"Sir, I'm going out first."

"Go ahead -"

After Bolian left, he immediately went back to his place to write a milder order and sent it out.

As soon as the order was given, Bolian went to find a place to drink.

He originally thought that with the death of the four silver-level chiefs, his power would be even greater, but now he feels that the burden behind this power is really crushing.

How could he explain the anger among the major sects?

How can we make them choose to swallow their anger?

That group of people are just a bunch of fools who don't know anything. They only think about plundering and saving the face of the Hundred Sects Alliance all day long.

At the same time, after Bolian left, the two gold-level leaders began to discuss Chaotianxia's attitude.

King Longyang has already conveyed his attitude. This centenary event will be stopped here. Chaotianxia will not send anyone again and will let them wait for another hundred years.

Gong Cao said angrily: "In all these years, the big forces in Chaotian Gorge have never been in this situation. What happened this year?"

If the centenary event really comes to an end, it will not only be a shame for the Hundred Sects Alliance.

Instead, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Wen Zun was silent.

He is not as emotional as Gong Cao.

Instead, he has been meditating, thinking about how to solve the centenary event.

"If it doesn't work, we will change the reward mechanism. For those young guys who rank high in points in the rookie battle, we will let other Zhenyue Shangjing players get one point, and each person will take a few as disciples, and then reward them for each A person has a three-whirlpool whirlpool diagram, and these white crystals are all borne by the Hundred Sects Alliance."

"Isn't the Three Whirlpool Diagram a bit too expensive? Currently, there are not many people in Tiandi Lake who can use the Three Whirlpools. How old are they, why should we give them the Three Whirlpools?"

A three-whirlpool picture is expensive to make, and the materials are scarce. There is no problem in giving away a few pictures at once, but once there are ten pictures, it will be difficult for the Hundred Sects Alliance to afford it.

Wen Zun asked indifferently, "Then think of a good reward, one that is comparable to the opportunity to practice in Chaotian Gorge!"

"I can't think of it." Gong Cao was a little unconvinced, "But your reward is too valuable. It's okay to give it to your own people, but there are many young boys in Sanrenyi who are among the best. Do you have to give it too?"

"Give it, give it, send them away as soon as possible. Our most important thing now is to deal with the relationship with the Immortal Sect." Wen Zun was a little helpless.

Of course, he was afraid of one more thing.

That's Sanrenyi's attitude.

If they also fall to the Immortal Sect and the three sects join forces to attack the Hundred Sects Alliance, how can the Hundred Sects Alliance survive?

In terms of number of people, Yaozu and Sanrenyi combined are much more numerous than the Hundred Sects Alliance.

In terms of top experts, both the Immortal Sect and the Monster Clan have unstoppable experts, and the Hundred Sects Alliance is simply incomparable.

As for the current Hundred Sect Alliance, they are not even qualified to be used by Chaotianxia.

It is foreseeable that if the Hundred Sects Alliance disappears, Chaotianxia will get close to the Immortal Sect and recognize the Immortal Sect's status in Tiandi Lake.

The Hundred Sects Alliance has become a thing of the past.

Thinking of this, Wen Zun couldn't help but close his eyes, and then gently rubbed his brow with his fingers.

Just then, voices came from outside the door.

"Three seniors and two gold-level chiefs are in front."

The door to the room was pushed open rudely.

It can be seen that Wen and Zun did not dare to have any dissatisfaction with the arrival.

Instead, the two of them immediately greeted him respectfully.



The two immediately gave up their seats and stood aside.

After Di Ting and the three of them sat down, Di Ting said straight to the point: "The matter has been investigated clearly. The person who killed me in Zhetian Tower should be from the Immortal Sect."

In fact, the three people in Diting have not investigated in the past few days.

Because the results don't matter at all.

The important thing is that the Immortal Sect's special features interest Zhe Tianlou.

However, Wen and Zun were very happy after hearing this.

"The three seniors are really aware of everything."

"You know everything!"

The two of them admired, and then went over to help pour water.

Di Ting continued: "I heard that you have a grudge against the Immortal Sect?"

Wen Zun nodded.

Di Ting smiled softly, making people puzzled.

Immediately he said: "If your Hundred Sect Alliance surrenders to my Zhetian Tower, your hatred will naturally be our hatred, how about that?"


Wen Zun was stunned.

After a while, the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly rose.

After the rain, the sky will clear!

It’s really sunny after the rain!

Wen Zun answered immediately, for fear of being too late, "It is a blessing for the Hundred Sects Alliance that the seniors are willing to support our Hundred Sects Alliance. How could the two of us not be willing?"

"That's very good." Di Ting immediately winked at the two strong men from Zhetian Tower beside him.

The other two strong men from Zhetian Tower stood up immediately and quickly left the room.

When he came back, he was followed by many Zhenyue Upper Realm powerhouses, all of whom were top leaders of the Hundred Sects Alliance.

After they entered the room, Di Ting continued: "From now on, you all prepare plans to attack the Immortal Sect. You must be the most ruthless and present them to me early tomorrow morning. As for those existences above the Earth Unforbidden Sect, they will Let our Zhetian Tower solve it."

"Did you hear everything?"

Wen Zun echoed from the side.

Everyone understands.

The Hundred Sects Alliance has changed.

The gold-level leader is no longer the supreme leader.

"Sir, let's find a solution right now."

"Please don't worry, sir!"

Everyone responded in unison, wanting to show off in front of the new leader, and then left the room majestically.

After taking them away, Di Ting said to Wen Zun and others: "I still leave their leadership to you. I hope you can satisfy us. If we are satisfied, then Zhetian Tower is satisfied. Do you understand?"

Wen and Zun nodded immediately.

"Sir, we understand!"

Of course, in fact, neither Wen Zun nor Gong Cao care about power.

They saw something else.

From now on, they have a backer. This backer can not only help them eliminate their worries, but may also help them step into the realm of freedom!

Seeing that Wen Zun and the two had good attitudes, Di Ting smiled with satisfaction, "You two tell them about our Zhetian Tower, and let them understand how lucky they are to be able to be the vassal force of Zhetian Tower. .”

After that, Tingting stepped out of the room.

The remaining four people were left, two of them were chatting, and the other two were shocked and echoed.

Just like that, the night passed.

As many as seventy or eighty plans to attack the Immortal Sect were all sent to Wen Zun and his wife in the early morning.

After Wen Zun got it, he immediately went to Diting and presented the plan.

One of the plans was chosen on the spot.

And marveled at it!

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