Super Sect System

Chapter 781 Thousands of Arrows Fired Together

"Array up!"

As Wen Zun shouted from high in the sky, the coalition forces on the ground began to form a square formation at the entrance to the Wangchuan Mountains.

Looking from a distance, it was pitch black, stretching for miles.

On the side of the monster clan, the Titan Giant Ape took the lead and stood at the front of the group of monsters. The huge body stood in front of everyone like a mountain.

"Human, come to die again?"

Taishan's voice spread like thunder.

Wen Zun responded, "What a bastard and simple-minded person. Do you really think we can't do anything to you?"

Demon-killing crossbow!

It was created by many three-whirlpool master craftsmen from the Hundred Sect Alliance who spent hundreds of years.

Even if you use it to shoot an ordinary arrow, it can penetrate the body of a great demon in the Divine Profound Realm.

If you equip it with the Demon-Slaying Arrow, you can kill the Zhenyue Demon King!

Unfortunately, the demon clan was still immersed in the joy of winning the last battle and did not realize that the real danger had arrived.


With Wen Zun taking the lead in the charge, the coalition forces began to charge forward. From a distance, it looks like a black wave.

At the moment when the coalition forces rushed forward, the demon army also rushed forward under the leadership of Taishan.

Wen Zun and the Titan Giant Ape were the first to fight together. They were both together, and the two sides were evenly matched in the brief battle.

This time Wen Zun was not in a hurry.

Because his goal is no longer to quickly eliminate the Titan Ape, but to win steadily.

A dozen breaths after the confrontation between the two, the alliance of hundreds of sects and the demon army began the first wave of confrontation at the entrance of the Wangchuan Mountains.

A large number of monsters began to fall.

The coalition forces of the Hundred Sect Alliance also fell in large numbers.

Just after the collision, the number of casualties was already in the thousands.

In fact, this is war!

In the face of war, life is always worthless.

Just as the armies of the two sides were clashing, the demon-killing crossbow team at the rear also began to advance.

Huge crossbows several people high were moved forward in a huge phalanx, pushed by more than a dozen people, and then stopped hundreds of feet away in the Wangchuan Mountains.

However, in the first round, the Demon-Slaying Crossbow was not launched.

What was fired in the first round was just some ordinary sword rain.

But hundreds of thousands of people were shooting arrows at the same time, and the rain of arrows was completely overwhelming. A large number of monsters still began to fall under the rain of arrows.

But when one falls, another will rush up.

Because after a great victory, the demon clan was completely unafraid of life and death and only wanted to tear the people of the Hundred Sect Alliance into pieces.

Huai Kong looked at this scene from a distance. Although he was heartbroken, he still did not move.

He had expected this scene to happen.

The war between the Hundred Sect Alliance and the Monster Clan will definitely end with huge sacrifices.

"what is that!"

Shifeng on the side suddenly pointed at the demon-slaying crossbow camp in the center of the Hundred Sects Alliance.

Huai Kong and others immediately looked intently.

But no one knows what it is.

Ziran reminded: "Elder Chen has not given any information in this regard. I am afraid this is a hidden method of the Hundred Sects Alliance. We must be careful."

He Nian answered from the side: "If I read it correctly, it should be the Demon-Slaying Crossbow, which was jointly invented by a group of whirlpool craftsmen during the battle between Chaotianxia and the Monster Clan a long time ago. The top-level Demon-Slaying Crossbow can An arrow can kill a demon king, but the one created by the Hundred Sects Alliance should not be enough to harm the demon king."

If I hadn't seen them, I would have almost forgotten He Nian.

This is something that He Mansion sold to the Hundred Sects Alliance a long time ago.

"They must be destroyed!"

Huaikong's eyes immediately locked on the place where the Demon Killing Crossbow was.

He Nian then said: "I will take the demon kings I originally hid to get rid of them. Once they are allowed to take effect, I am afraid many demons will die."

After saying that, He Nian rode on a big demon from the Wing Clan and started flying there.

Following He Nian's order, the nearly a thousand demon kings who had been hiding in the forests of the Wangchuan Mountains revealed their demonic bodies one by one and rushed after He Nian.

Wen Zun, who was fighting with the Titan Giant Ape, saw this scene and quickly shouted: "Protect the strong crossbow!"

Wen Zun had no idea that the demon clan would hide so many demon kings in the forest.

If so many demon kings were allowed to rush in front of the demon-slaying crossbow, one hundred thousand demon-slaying crossbows would probably not be enough for them to dismantle.

The hidden efforts of Bai Zong Alliance and Bai Nian were in vain.

Under Wen Zun's shout, the silver-level chief responsible for commanding the demon-killing crossbow quickly gave the order.

One hundred thousand demon-killing crossbows were fully loaded with bowstrings at this moment.

One after another, huge demon-killing arrows were aimed at the demon group.


Following the order, a sound like a mountain roaring and a tsunami followed, followed by a rain of demon-killing arrows with a black eye, which rushed towards the demon group of demons.

The eyes of the demon kings who originally rushed towards him were immediately attracted.

After a few breaths, all the demon kings became angry.

Because after the rain of demon-slaying arrows fell, all the monsters within a hundred feet of the rain of arrows were killed by the demon-slaying arrows.

Nearly ten thousand monsters were all wiped out in a matter of seconds!

When He Nian saw this, he quickly shouted, "Destroy those demon-killing crossbows at all costs!"

He Nian took the lead and rushed into the crowd of Zhenyue strongmen from the Hundred Sect Alliance who were blocking the attack.

The nearly a thousand demon kings also roared and killed from one side in the direction of the demon-killing crossbow.

No matter what year it is.

Those same demon kings.

Now everyone knows that if we don't deal with those demon-killing crossbows and let them fire a few more rounds, I'm afraid the demon clan will suffer countless casualties!

However, how could the Demon-Slaying Crossbow camp, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of coalition troops, be so close?

The Demon King is powerful, but he cannot deal with tens of thousands of people at the same time.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't kill all the tens of thousands of people who came to stop him in an instant.


The silver-level chief who commanded the Demon-Slaying Crossbow smiled, but issued another order to prepare for the second round of volley.

After a few breaths, the sound of roaring mountains and tsunami breaking through the air came out again.

The jet-black rain of demon-killing arrows hit the demon clan and demon group.

Amidst roars, tens of thousands more monsters fell to the demon-killing arrows.

Huai Kong was angry when he saw this scene.

Just when he was about to take action, Shifeng spoke first, "Brother, let me go!"

"I am coming too!"

Long Yue answered.

The large number of casualties on our side made Long Yue, Shi Feng and others who were originally responsible for the command unable to sit still.

If we shoot a few more rounds, how many demon clans will die?

At this time, Wen Ping's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"It's useless for you to go. There are a few pairs of eyes staring at you from a distance. As soon as you get close, they will take action."

Huai Kong and others immediately looked back.

Wen Ping Yujian was seen behind everyone.

Huaikong said hurriedly: "Sect Master, if we don't deal with those demon-killing crossbows, I don't know how many demon clans will die!"

"If I give you time and let you become more familiar with the use of demon power, this kind of thing can be completely avoided."

Wen Zun knows very well, what is the most powerful thing about the new demon clan?

Demonic body?

Supernatural power?

No, neither.

The most powerful thing is the demon power!

Wen Ping followed up and said: "Give me the order, and all the monsters will use their demon pills to attack with their demon power."

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