Super Sect System

Chapter 783 The water of Qujing comes from the sky!

When the monster clan retreated towards the Wangchuan Mountains like an ebbing tide, the people of the Hundred Sect Alliance gradually stopped in their tracks.


Some people pointed to the sky in surprise.

The coalition forces immediately stopped running and looked towards the sky.

The real darkness has quietly risen in the sky. It floats from a distance and gradually swallows up all the light. What is in the darkness, no one can see clearly, and even the senses cannot penetrate it. They can only feel the mystery of the darkness at the edge.

This scene was also seen by the demon clan who were retreating, but the demons didn't know what it was. Only He Nian frowned and retreated quickly, very eagerly. While running, he yelled at the monsters beside him to run faster.

After a while, more than one million monsters retreated into the Wangchuan Mountains, and they all looked up to look at the darkness that was still advancing this way. It was obvious that the speed of its envelopment was not fast, but He Nian who discovered the Immortal Sect was still shouting to retreat.

The Demon Clan still has great trust in the Immortal Sect, because it was the Immortal Sect that brought new life to the Demon Clan, so the Demon Clan continued to retreat.

Huai Kong, who was confused, rushed to He Nian's side and asked, "Elder He, what's going on?"

He Nian said with a serious expression: "Zhetian Tower's usual trick is to break the space barrier and open the curved realm. The space barrier in Tiandi Lake is not as good as Chaotian Gorge, so whether it is to create a secret realm or a world, although it is difficult, but It's very simple for the powerful ones on earth. So they opened the space barrier and let Qujing appear in front of us majestically. The darkness was just a means of covering up, and what was under the darkness was Qujing. "

He Nian was stunned for a while, then continued: "If it devours it, no matter how many of us there are, or how much we rob, we will all die in the bend."

He Nian originally wanted to say there were no exceptions.

But when I think of Wei Sheng Xingyu being rescued by the sect master in the twists and turns, the absence of exceptions becomes exceptions.

"What do they want to do?"

"have no idea."

He Nian shook his head.

In the battlefield of Chaotian Gorge, the strong men of Zhetian Tower cannot break through the space barriers at will, nor can they use the curved realm at will.

Therefore, it is rare for him to use the warping method to fight, and he has only seen this situation in battle records on the battlefield.

At this time, Wen Ping's voice came from high up again, "He Nian, command the demon clan to retreat, withdraw from the Wangchuan Mountains, and then bypass the Wangchuan Mountains to find the coalition forces of the Hundred Sects Alliance. Huai Kong and Shifeng will follow our sect leader to welcome them. enemy!"

He Nian responded, "Yes, Sect Master!"

He Nian immediately quickened his pace and began to command the demon army.

Huai Kong and Shi Feng quickly moved towards Wen Ping.

At this moment, everyone and all demons understood that the real war was about to begin.


Huai Kong was shocked.

At the edge of darkness, the nameless Zhetianlou strongmen headed by Di Ting were flying towards them.

"Sect Master Wen, there are five of them!" Shi Feng said hurriedly.

The other side has five powerful people with no restrictions.

But there are only three of them!

This gap is a bit big.

When this scene fell into the eyes of the people from the Hundred Sect Alliance, everyone was extremely excited.

The panic in their hearts was immediately dissipated, and then everyone shouted loudly.

"Zhetian Tower will win!"

"The Hundred Sects Alliance will definitely win!"

Wave-like sounds penetrated the clouds outside the Wangchuan Mountains.

At this moment, they forgot about Wen Zun's death.

Forget the deaths of two to three hundred thousand people.

I even forgot the panic I felt just now.

Instead, there is a belief, a belief in Zhetian Tower.

When Shifeng saw this scene, he couldn't help but cursed: "What a bunch of wallflowers. They will fall in whichever way the wind blows. As soon as their gold-level boss died, they couldn't wait to be fooled by the people who cover the sky tower." dad."

"Don't worry about them, look at the darkness above your head. Their purpose is unknown, so you need to be very cautious." Wen Ping reminded.

Huai Kong and the two men immediately looked above their heads.

Qujing has nothing to do with Wen Ping.

His spirit body can bear it for a while.

When he really couldn't bear it anymore, he could also take out the flying boat from the middle of the system space.

The flying boat can always travel freely in the winding environment.

But the two demons of Huai Kong can't.

After watching the darkness expand for a while, Wen Ping couldn't help it anymore, "I want to see what tricks you want to play."

Wen Ping took out his wand.

Start chanting the mantra.

At the same time, the slightly green corpse in the hidden ring was also released.

After the chanting of the spell was completed, Wei Sheng Blue opened his white and empty eyes, and held the old giant sword again.

Huai Kong and the two glanced at each other, feeling secretly shocked.

They both knew this man.

What surprised them was that he stood up again. Sect Master Wen could even resurrect the dead.

The next moment, the faint blue flew directly into the darkness, holding the giant sword in one hand, ready to take action at any time.

Di Ting and others in the sky were shocked when they saw the faint blue.


"You're not dead?"

Several people quickly asked questions.

But Weisheng Canglan didn't answer, but rushed directly into the five people, raising the giant sword in his hand.

At this moment, the pulse gate is fully opened.

Endless killing and crazy killing, set out again!

Because of the strength bonus given by the summoning of the undead itself, the madness was even more violent this time. The giant sword was swung like crazy, giving people a sense of distant terror. At the same time, not only the giant sword in his hand, Wei Sheng Canglan also rushed towards Di Ting who was closest to him like crazy, as if he was about to kill Di Ting first.

"Weisheng Canglan, it turns out you faked your death!" Di Ting looked angry at this time, because what he hated most was betrayal.

"If you dare to charge up alone, you are really seeking death!" The other four people immediately left behind Di Ting and flew towards Wei Sheng Canglan from both sides.

The four of them opened their veins simultaneously, stood at the four corners respectively, and then launched attacks on Wei Sheng Canglan at the same time.

However, Wei Sheng Cang Lan just stared and listened.

Madness Slash slashed hard at Di Ting.

Di Ting also showed up as a monster, transforming into a humanoid monster, with long pointed ears that were particularly conspicuous. At the moment when the monster body was revealed, Di Ting's ears suddenly twitched, and then his hand with only four fingers reached forward, and an explosion followed.


It's like a monster is screaming in the abyss.

This voice rushed in front of Wei Sheng Canglan, and then firmly blocked Wei Sheng Canglan's giant sword.

But it only lasted for a while, and the sound wave formed by the sound was directly cut away by the second room. With a swing of the giant sword, it struck Diting.

At the same time, the attacks from the other four people had also arrived.

Each of the four people made a move, but they were all blocked by Wei Sheng Canglan's Zhenyue Armor, which only made Wei Sheng Canglan's body tremble. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Di Ting's pulse gate trembled, and he raised his hand to kill with another sound wave.

The sound waves rippled past like blue waves, resisting the giant sword that was slashed down by the madness again and again.

Wei Sheng Canglan still ignored the attacks of the other four.

"Listen, be careful, this guy seems to want to kill you!" the other four strong men from Zhetian Tower warned.

"Weisheng Canglan, you want to kill me, let's see if you have the ability. Your Zhenyue armor can resist for a while, let's see how long it can resist!" Di Ting was not in a hurry, and just continued to release sound waves to block it. Listening to the madness.

However, I felt that at the next moment, Wei Shenglan suddenly jumped up.

The five people were stunned for a moment, wondering why Wei Sheng Canglan wanted to withdraw suddenly.

Feeling the huge killing force gathering above them instantly, the people in Di Ting understood immediately.

Wei Sheng Cang Lan unexpectedly used a unique move to suppress the enemy at the very beginning of the battle.

Endless massacre and a blow from the sky!

"Isn't this guy afraid that he won't last long?"

"Crazy, crazy!"

"Tingting, be careful. This guy's strength has improved a lot recently and he is stronger than any of us."

After the few people communicated, they immediately got close to each other.

Five people are blocking one person, but they still have absolute confidence.

When the five people's energy shields stood above their heads, a faint blue streaked across the sky and fell like a falling star.


The moment the two collided, the huge impact drove away the darkness.

The curved realm hanging in the air was revealed. When it lost the obstruction of darkness, it flowed down like a waterfall.

Seeing this scene, Wen Ping thought to himself: It's really cruel.

The people in Zhetian Tower actually wanted to use this water of Qujing to wipe out both the Hundred Sect Alliance and the Immortal Sect.

Fortunately, Wei Sheng Canglan went up and tried it and opened it in advance. Otherwise, if it had continued to expand, the water in the curved realm would have sprayed out of an entrance that was not sure how big it was. It will probably be very easy to submerge the East Lake by then.

By then, how many people will be able to survive?

Today he finally saw the viciousness of Zhetian Tower.

"Oops!" Di Ting looked at this scene and felt extremely angry.

If the Water of the Curved Realm is released in advance, the other party will be on guard.

Moreover, the opening in Qujing is not big enough now, and the current flow will only submerge the Wangchuan Mountains at most.

But at this time, the Wangchuan Mountains were deserted.

The demon clan and the Hundred Sect Alliance have all retreated.

Di Ting roared angrily, "Weisheng Canglan, you betrayed Zhetian Tower, do you know what price you will pay!"

Wei Sheng Cang Lan did not respond!

Just jumped up again.

A huge killing force is gathering in the air again!

Within a few breaths, it fell again like a meteor.


This attack directly shattered the shields formed by the five people's pulse energy.

At the moment of the explosion, all five people stepped back, and doubts arose in their hearts.

But in the next second, Wei Zenglan jumped into the sky again.

The falling blow comes again!

"This guy is crazy, his spirit body can withstand several such attacks!"

"How come this guy didn't know he was so crazy before?"

The people in Zhetian Tower were speechless at this time.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to follow suit and release the earth-level pulse technique. Fortunately, the combined power of the five people's earth-level pulse techniques could block Wei Sheng Lan's sky-falling strike. But the most painful thing for them was that Wei Sheng Canglan kept using the same move as if he didn't even care about his life.

After four or five times, several people finally realized the truth.

Logically speaking, the spirit body should be unable to bear such a high-intensity pulse technique, but the slight blue color has no effect at all.

At the same time, when the perception is enveloped in Wei Sheng Canglan.

There is no heartbeat in the slightly blue color.

No breathing.

The pupils of his eyes have also turned white.

Even the skin is somewhat rotten.

No matter how he looked, he looked like a dead person.

"This is a dead person controlled by Wen Ping! Wei Sheng Canlan has died long ago, and the current Wei Sheng Canlan is just a corpse!" Diting suddenly woke up and looked at Wen Ping in the distance.

His understanding of the Immortal Sect was once again refreshed in his mind.

No one in Zhetianlou has ever mastered this method - no one above the earth can control the dead for their own use!

Di Ting hurriedly said: "Set up a pulse formation and kill it quickly. It was sent by the Immortal Sect leader to consume us. We can no longer let Weisheng Canglan keep using Falling Sky Strike."

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