Super Sect System

Chapter 787 Chaotian Gorge - Yuanyang Domain! (nearly 6,000 words)

When the news came that the Immortal Sect was about to enter Chaotian Gorge, there was an uproar throughout the sect. Yun Liao and others were quite shocked because the Immortal Sect had made a move that all the forces in Tiandi Lake wanted to take, but did not dare to take it and could not make it.

For Long Ke, Long Yue and others, they actually just felt that everything happened very quickly and were not too shocked.

They saw everything about the Immortal Sect and knew that it was absolutely impossible for the Immortal Sect to stay in Tiandi Lake for long. Because the stage of Tiandi Lake is too small, the Immortal Sect cannot perform its performance.

"Elder Chen, congratulations. I didn't expect that the sect leader would only take you with him to Chaotian Gorge for the first time."

"Elder Chen, congratulations!"

"Elder Chen, congratulations!"

Amid the congratulations and envy from many elders, Chen Xie thanked him one after another in panic.

He didn't expect that the sect master would only take him there alone.

"I've only been with you for a few days, and we have to separate again. I really can't bear to say it." After Chen Xie replied, he was about to leave. He had packed everything that needed to be packed. Finally, he had to spend more time with his wife and children. time.

Because we are leaving tomorrow.

The next day.

Feijia Mountain.

Under the gaze of the whole sect, Wen Ping took Chen Xie and stood in the teleportation array.

"Sect Master, what is this?"

Long Yue originally wanted to say something to tell Wen Ping to be careful, because after all, Chaotian Gorge was no better than Tiandi Lake. But as soon as he saw the Earth Temple-style teleportation array covered with dragon wall inscriptions, he immediately understood that this was something remarkable.

Wen Ping explained: "With the teleportation array, you can teleport yourself wherever you want, and you can arrive in an instant. However, you can only teleport up to 10 people at a time. If there is something wrong with the demon clan, you can use it to teleport directly." Go over there. But I can only teleport you, not bring you back."

Wen Ping did not mention the figure of 3 million miles.

Because it's too exaggerated.

Although he didn't know how many times this world was the world he originally lived in, he didn't think it was as wide as 3 million miles.

"Wherever you want to teleport, you can reach it in an instant... So what, Sect Master Wen, honestly speaking, what other magical things does the Immortal Sect have?" Long Yue looked at the teleportation array and had the idea of ​​breaking the casserole and asking the truth.

"Okay, everyone leaves the teleportation array. I won't be back in three days, and I'll leave the sect's affairs to you." Wen Ping drove everyone out of the teleportation array, and then marked the teleportation point on the first point on the map. At the destination, the teleportation array was activated.

The white light soaring into the sky immediately sent Wen Ping and Chen Xie out of Tiandi Lake.

As soon as Wen Ping left, everyone eagerly walked to the teleportation array, then looked at each other, and randomly marked a landing point on the map released by the teleportation array - above the East Lake!


A white light shot into the sky.

In an instant, he fell from the sky and landed on the East Lake.

Unexpectedly, everyone jumped into the water with a splash. When they emerged from the water, everyone was smiling like a child.

The edge of Chaotian Gorge.

On the endless plain, the breeze was blowing, and a white light suddenly arrived, landing in it with a bang. In the white light, Wen Ping and Chen Xie slowly walked out, like strangers from heaven.

"Go up."

Wen Ping threw the sword to the ground.

The moment Chen Xie walked up, Wen Ping stepped on it and disappeared into a giant wave.

In the sea of ​​clouds, Wen Ping stared down, glancing at the system map from time to time.

Target Yuanyang Domain!

One of the seven major areas of Chaotian Gorge, this area is as wide as several Tiandi Lakes!

The most frightening thing is that Yuanyang Domain is the smallest among the seven domains controlled by Chaotianxia Youguo.

After crossing the vast plain on the edge of Chaotian Gorge, a huge stone pillar appeared in front of us.

The stone pillars soar into the sky, reaching a height of five hundred feet, as if they are supporting the sky.

There are also three words on the stone pillar.

Yuanyang Domain!

"Sect Master, Yuanyang Domain!" Chen Xie was a little excited.

Wen Ping nodded in response, "This is our first stop."

When he passed the towering stone pillar, Wen Ping finally understood why Tiandi Lake did not have the power of Chaotian Gorge.

Because of the pulse energy concentration that existed before Tiandi, Chaotian Gorge is at least three times that of Tiandi Lake. It is almost comparable to the Immortal Sect Realm that has just undergone a second transformation.

The Immortal Sect, which has undergone the second transformation, has a pulse concentration ratio of 5:1 with that of Tiandi Lake.

With such strong pulse energy, the speed of opening the pulse will be very fast - as long as the technique is better.

"Sect Master, no wonder just a random force in Chaotian Gorge can make our world look up to us. It has developed in such a unique environment for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, no one knows how powerful it is." Chen Xie also felt the difference between heaven and earth. , I couldn’t help but sigh.

Wen Ping smiled and said: "This will be the stage of the Immortal Sect in the future."

Chen Xie looked at Wen Ping in front of him. Even if he couldn't see the high-spirited and confident face, he could feel Wen Ping's momentum. At this moment, he lost his mind.

He suddenly saw endless possibilities.

This was something he had never seen in anyone before.

"Sect Master, my subordinates will definitely work hard to help the Sect Master accomplish his great cause!"

"Elder Chen, this is just the world outside Tiandi Lake. Have you ever thought about the world outside Chaotian Gorge?"

"Is there a world beyond Chaotian Gorge?"

"Maybe there is..."

Wen Ping smiled, and then began to lower his sword.

The first destination is about to arrive!

Star Sword Mountain!

According to the information provided by the system, there are more than a dozen cities around Xingjian Mountain with a large population. At the same time, the big sect on Star Sword Mountain has also declined, which is exactly the same as the original situation of the Immortal Sect.

As for the reason for his decline, it was that the top strong man of the sect was killed, and then the macaques were scattered under the pressure of all parties. At least that's what the system collects.

As for whether there is a deeper reason, it is unknown.

But no matter what the reason for its decline, it still declined after all.

When Wen Pingyu Jian stayed above Xingjian Mountain, what he saw was a depressed and overgrown sect territory. It can be seen that the sect on Xingjian Mountain was once extremely glorious, with numerous buildings stretching across dozens of peaks. However, it is now covered with vines and grass. On some buildings, only the tile eaves can be seen, while other places are covered by ivy.

"Sect Master, what is this?" Chen Xie asked.

Wen Ping responded, "A declining sect, perhaps from now on this will be the Immortal Sect's mountain gate in Chaotian Gorge."

"It should be good to clean it up." Chen Xie praised.

After Feijian made a circle, Wen Ping landed in front of the main hall of this declining sect. Smelling the smell of weeds in the air, Wen Ping walked slowly inside, letting the clicking sounds continue under his feet.

Because the old woman in front of the main hall seems to have bad ears.

When Wen Ping's voice came closer and closer, she slowly raised her head and stopped her farm work.

"Young man, everything inside has been emptied. There is nothing left to move." The old woman raised her head and looked at Wen Ping with squinted eyes.

Wen Ping looked around and said, "Grandma, I'm not here to scavenge, I'm just wandering around."

"What can I do? Apart from Huangcao, the only old woman in the Lingxiao Sword Sect is me. If you have nothing to do, just go down the mountain. Xingjian Mountain is not safe at night."


Then, Wen Ping's mental power swept around, including the entire Lingxiao Sword Sect.

What the old woman said was true, she was the only one in the entire Lingxiao Sword Sect.

When Wen Ping tried to look at her using the system, he found that there was no information at all.

Of course, this does not mean that the opponent is so powerful that the system cannot see through it.

It's because there is no record of the old woman in front of her in this world, and no one remembers her. She is alive and breathing, but no one knows that she is still alive, and no one knows that she exists.

It's the same as death.

Wen Ping asked: "Grandma, why are you here alone?"

"Do you have money?"

The old woman asked rhetorically.

Wen Ping took out a white crystal and asked, "Can you answer my question now?"

"Okay, okay!" The old woman suddenly smiled as if she saw money, "That's good, it's quiet and no one is making any noise. Where can I find such a good place to live outside of Star Sword Mountain?"

"Sect Master..." Chen Xie pointed to the plaque in front of the main hall.

The words "Lingxiao Sword Sect" are spotless.

Wen Ping understood what Chen Xie meant. Why would an old woman, who was not even in the Body Refining realm, climb five or six meters high to erase the words "Lingxiao Sword Sect"? The reason was probably only known to her.

Wen Ping didn't want to ask any more questions, but began to think about Tateyama Gate in his heart.

Once the mountain gate is established, the current territory of the Lingxiao Sword Sect can be integrated into the Immortal Sect. Most of these buildings are still standing and can be moved directly, which is equivalent to getting a huge advantage for no reason.

If it were built with Hua Baijing, it probably wouldn't be possible without a hundred or two hundred thousand Baijing.

For now, Wen Ping is unable to build special buildings on a large scale. It would be much easier to accommodate new disciples who join the sect if these ordinary buildings are available. After all, the Immortal Sect cannot always take the elite route in recruiting people.

"Let's go." Wen Ping decided to check out the other two places and choose the best one.

The long sword fell to the ground, and Wen Ping took Chen Xie and left the Lingxiao Sword Sect directly.

The old woman was about to say a few more words, but when she raised her head, she couldn't see anything anymore. She looked around, her brows suddenly trembled, and her cloudy eyes suddenly released a sharp light, "He turned out to be a strong man without restraint!"

There is no limit to the land!

The original leader of the Lingxiao Sword Sect was Di Wugao!

At the same time, Wen Ping shuttled through the sky and looked around Xingjian Mountain.

In general, despite the decline of Xingjian Mountain, weeds are growing in disorder.

But the surrounding city is extremely prosperous. Different from Tiandi Lake, the city here has no city walls. A city often stretches for more than ten miles and has a large population.

This is a bit like the city in Wen Ping's previous world.

After leaving the area around Xingjian Mountain, Wen Ping began to stare at the map and rush to the second place. After dark, we finally arrived at our second destination. On top of a towering mountain.

The mountain is really submerged in the clouds, and the scenery is infinitely beautiful. Looking from a distance, the surrounding rolling mountains are also hidden in the clouds and mist, just like a fairyland. It was Wen Ping's dream to build a mountain gate above this sea of ​​clouds.

Aren’t all the sects in Xianxia novels located in places like this?

When people go up the mountain, they have to ride a crane or walk on the cable bridge.

It's a pity that although this place is nice, there are few people around it. It took Feijian a long time to see the city.

Therefore, the second destination has also entered the queue of pending decisions.

At dawn the next day, Wen Ping flew to his third destination.

This third destination is different. It is the largest city in this area. Looking down from the high school, you can't even see the edge. The population is at least around 100 million according to system records.

If the Immortal Sect Mountain Gate is built in a city with a population of 100 million, it will definitely develop very quickly.

However, when building a mountain gate here, you have to bear a lot of things. The forces in this city are complicated and the competition between the forces is quite fierce. Moreover, the people who rule this city are official people from You Kingdom.

Although he would have to face this sooner or later, Wen Ping finally thought it would be better to find a safer place first.

After all, Zhetian Tower is still watching with eager eyes.

In this way, Wen Ping rejected the third option, but hesitated between the first and second options. In the end, Wen Ping chose the first one - the former site of Lingxiao Sword Sect.

There is a large population there, which is conducive to development, and it also allows him to spend the first month smoothly.

In short, no matter how hard you choose, Xingjian Mountain is still to your liking!

On the third day after leaving Tiandi Lake, Wen Ping returned to a city near Xingjian Mountain and found a place to stay. I want to know about the situation around Xingjian Mountain.

By the window of the inn's wing, Wen Ping looked at the streets with people coming and going and asked, "Elder Chen, how long will it take to establish your intelligence network in this city?"

"If you want to completely control every disturbance in this city, with the sound transmission stone provided by the sect master, it should only take a few months." Chen Xie responded confidently.

"A few months..."

Normally, it would be extremely difficult for one's own eyes to penetrate this city with a population of tens of millions within a few months. But Wen Ping felt it was too long.

It seems that it is time to build the Ji Zhi Building. The special building known as the Zhizhi Building has all its functions to create an intelligence network. What Wen Ping wants is to establish an intelligence network in a short time.

"Does the sect master think it's been too long?"

Chen Xie probably felt that Wen Ping was dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do about it, and it would be very troublesome to explain.

After all, this is not Tiandi Lake.

But Chaotian Gorge.

There are so many unknown things.

Wen Ping responded noncommittally and said, "It's a bit too long, but you can take your time."

"Don't worry, Sect Master, my subordinates will establish an intelligence network as quickly as possible." Chen Xie responded quickly.

"Hmm..." Wen Ping was about to continue talking when a startled sound from the street silenced Wen Ping's words.

"The Qing family has issued a notice!"

"The Qing family has issued a notice!"

Before Wen Ping had time to become curious, he saw people on the street running towards a certain place like crazy.

Even in the inn, many people who were having dinner ran out with them, and they didn't even have time to pay their bills. The most awesome thing is that after the waiter chased him out, he didn't chase the bill, but ran forward with the flow of people.

"It's interesting." Wen Ping stood up and said, "Elder Chen, let's go take a look too."


Chen Xie quickly followed.

When he arrived at the gathering place, Wen Ping saw a huge crowd of people, and estimated that at least tens of thousands of people had gathered here. Among the crowd, the lowest realm is the Divine Profound Realm, let alone the Zhenyue Realm. They can’t even be counted.

Only then did Wen Ping understand why the Long family's guards were all in the Zhenyue realm, because there were indeed more Zhenyue realms in Chaotian Gorge.

These people gathered together and looked at the announcement in front of a tall building.

The announcement was made of words condensed with pulse energy, and there were only a few words before and after it, but it attracted tens of thousands of people to gather here.

Wen Ping looked immediately.

[Recruit 10 people from Zhenyue Realm and 1,000 people from Shenxuan Realm. If you contribute enough, you can learn the art of the Qing family. Start time: three days later. 】

"The wait is finally here!"

"Legend Pulse Technique, here I come!"

There were endless sounds of surprise among the crowd.

When Wen Ping saw this, a smile flashed across his lips, because he had already seen this situation from the information on the Yuanyang Domain of Chaotian Gorge provided by the system. In the entire Yuanyang Territory, no, it should be said that the entire Chaotian Gorge, the school pulse technique plays a decisive role.

Basically every sect and every force has its own profound sect art, which is much more powerful than ordinary art and is what every casual cultivator dreams of.

This is why Wen Ping must build a mage tower!

"Sect Master, these people are really crazy in order to learn the sect's art. Tens of thousands of people are competing for such a small number of places. This is too tragic." Chen Xie couldn't help but sigh.

Wen Ping responded: "In Chaotian Gorge, the most indispensable thing is people. And the sect's pulse technique is indeed very powerful."

Wen Ping felt this deeply when he met Long Ye and the others.

Because they possess the sect's pulse technique, they are much stronger than Wen Zun and the others. It can even be said that Wen Zun and the others cannot defeat Long Ye or He Nian.

Chen Xie stared at the crowd for a while, then smiled bitterly and said: "There are still some powerful people who are not afraid to stare at this opportunity. It seems that the Qing family's sect art is really strong. .”

Wen Ping smiled.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard someone walking by laugh at him, "You're so awesome. It's just these casual cultivators who are crazy about it. The Qing family's pulse technique ranks last in Moon Worshiping City!"

Wen Ping looked sideways and saw the slender expression of a handsome young man.

It can be seen that he really looks down on the Qing family's sect's skills.

"Then why are they so crazy?" Chen Xie couldn't help but ask.

The young man smiled softly and said: "You are stupid, you still have to ask this question? Because no matter how cool the Faction Pulse Technique is, it is still a Faction Pulse Technique, and it is the treasure of all major forces."

"I've learned a lesson." Chen Xie suddenly realized.

Your young man suddenly asked: "Where did you two come from?"

Chen Xie hurriedly responded, "It's not a big deal to come from a small place."

However, Wen Ping made no secret and said directly: "We are from the Immortal Sect."

"Immortal Sect? I've never heard of it. But judging from how busy you two are, I guess it's not from some big force." The young man responded bluntly, then went directly to put his hand on Wen Ping's shoulder, "Brother, do you want to Join our Nitian Sect? I will make you a deacon directly!"

"Ni Tian Sect?" Wen Ping tried his best not to laugh.

After all, I am a person who has gone through thousands of steps to refine my heart.

How could you be amused by such a middle-class name?

"The name is loud enough. Let me tell you, even if you join the Qing family, it will take at least ten or eight years to make enough contributions to learn the art of sect. It is better to join our Nitian Sect, and we will create the art of sect ourselves in the future!" The young man! He smiled straightforwardly and said, "Introduce yourself, Elder of Nitian Sect—Hao Qing!"

"I also have a sect, so I have no interest in joining other sects." Wen Ping said with a smile.

"You have a sect? What is it called?"

"Immortal Sect."

"Oh, the Immortal Sect belongs to you. Nitian... Immortal, your name is quite famous! Why don't we merge? Our Nitian Sect has now developed into a four-star force, and the sect leader has also reached the level of freedom. As long as the sect leader breaks through the Earth Unforbidden, our Heaven-defying Sect can be upgraded to a five-star force. We can also have a place in this Moon Worshiping City! And I will quietly tell you a secret of our Heaven-defying Sect - in fact, our sect leader has cultivated the original The Lingxiao Sword Sect’s pulse-suppressing technique. Lingxiao Sword Sect was a top popular force at the time, and its pulse-suppressing technique is stronger than all the sect’s pulse techniques in Moon Worshiping City!”

As soon as he said this last sentence, the people on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

Laughed out loud.

Hao Qing immediately glared at him.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you, the Anti-Tian Sect, and the Lingxiao Sword Sect, which has been around for decades. If there really is a so-called sect-suppressing pulse technique, you disciples of the Lingxiao Sword Sect would still be huddled in this Moon Worshiping City?"

Hao Qing immediately retorted, "We don't want to leave. Do you think that everyone is the same as you? We have feelings for the Lingxiao Sword Sect, so we never leave. The reason is to restore the Lingxiao Sword Sect!"

"Okay, you have feelings, we don't, so I wish you and the Defying Heaven Sect can defy the heavens soon."

After saying that, everyone around was happy.

Hao Qing rolled his eyes at these people, and when he looked back, Wen Ping and his wife had disappeared.

Seeing that there was no trace of Wen Ping and the two of them, Hao Qing sighed, "Oh, it's so hard to meet two people from out of town, but they slipped away like this."

Then he glared at the person just now and said, "You are so annoying."

At the same time, Wen and Ping were already on their way out of Moon Worshiping City.

Star Sword Mountain stands at the gate of the mountain!

Before that, Wen Ping had to communicate with the old woman.

I hope she can join the Immortal Sect.

Just in time to fulfill his previous promise to Uncle Wang - find him a wife!

For a person who has refused to leave the Lingxiao Sword Sect for decades, he is definitely affectionate, so he is not worried about Uncle Wang being played with his feelings.

[What kind of story will happen in the Immortal Sect in Chaotian Gorge?

Please vote! ! !

Will write tomorrow. . 】

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