Super Sect System

Chapter 793: Six families collaborate to destroy the Immortal Sect plan

The next day.

Zhizhilou released the latest version of the Immortal Qingyun List, adding a detailed explanation of the realm of pulse art.

Pulse art no longer only has the four realms of Beginner, Xiaocheng, Dacheng and Perfection.

Two new realms that have never appeared before, the Ultimate and the Realm of Transformation, are presented to everyone.

After popularizing the pulse technique realm, the Immortal Qingyun Ranking also added the five-star power rankings of the fourteen cities around Star Sword Mountain.

At this point, the people of Moon Worship City, who were the first to see the latest version of the Immortal Qingyun List, seemed to have discovered a new world.

At this point, the Immortal Sect's reputation has reached its peak in the eyes of people in Moon Worshiping City.

Surpassing all the forces in Moon Worshiping City in one fell swoop!

Those five-star forces that had been operating in Moon Worship City for hundreds of years were surpassed overnight!

Going to the streets again, the only things that were talked about in the streets and alleys were about tokens and the realm of Pulse Technique.

"It turns out that after the realm of perfection, there are two more realms."

"Let me tell you, since the Pulse Technique has reached the perfection state, why are there still people who can go to the next level and practice the so-called secret technique? It turns out that it is just a change derived from entering the Ultimate Realm. Tsk tsk! I didn't expect the Immortal Sect. The study of pulse art is so profound.”

"My eyes are opened. From now on, the state of perfection will no longer be the end of the pulse technique, but the beginning of sublimation."

"The Immortal Sect is willing to share this research, which is incredible and of great merit. If they hadn't told us, we might have always thought that the realm of perfection is the end."

"Indeed, I am truly impressed by the Immortal Sect's move."

Amidst the outcries of appreciation, many people ignored the eye-catching five-star power rankings.

Because for most casual cultivators, knowing which of the so-called five-star forces is strong and weak is not that important at all.

Because they can't afford to offend everyone.

But also because each one is actually unattainable.

Only those who are truly a member of the five-star forces will stare at the five-star forces rankings at this moment.

When the head of the Qing family was holding the Immortal Qingyun List in the study, his face was very ugly. He slapped the Immortal Qingyun List on the desk and said angrily: "Jinzhilou actually placed my Qing family in the 70th place!"

There are only 72 five-star forces in these 14 cities!

Excluding the Shan family at the bottom, only one family is weaker than them!

Moreover, it is ranked 70th because the head of the Shan family is dead. Although the Shan family can still be called a five-star force, it no longer has the strength of a five-star force.

Thinking of this, the head of the Qing family looked very unhappy.

"What does the Immortal Sect's Ji Zhi Lou want to do! They just point out our sect's pulse technique, but now they want to rank us forces one by one!"

The head of the Qing family slapped the table and stood up angrily.

He can't bear it!

At the same time, when the leaders of the other five-star forces saw the latest Immortal Qingyun List, some had surprised expressions on their faces, while others had unhappy expressions.

If you rank high, you will naturally be happy.

And those with low rankings would be very uncomfortable.

In the past, I could still be secretive and pretend to be strong, but now I directly give you a ranking. Who is strong and who is weak has become very clear, and it can no longer be pretended.

Those with low rankings, such as the Cao family, are angry, but there is nothing they can do about it?

The last person who had an opinion was already dead, and he almost got involved.

Although he didn't die, he had to pay a price of 200,000 white crystals.

Feeling helpless, Cao Tianjue could only visit a few houses and tell the story of the powerful relationship between them. If this continues and the Immortal Sect is allowed to do whatever they want, their lives will not be easy in the future.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake.

But the Immortal Sect now has a tendency to trample them under their feet.

So the six five-star forces gathered together again, but after a long discussion, no one could come up with any solution.

In the end, Luo Shen came up with a decision. Since he could not destroy the so-called Immortal Qingyun List, he could only think of disgusting the Immortal Sect in other ways and delaying their development.

"Go on, please don't let the Immortal Sect pick up another token in Kazamahara. No matter who gets it, it can't be the Immortal Sect."

After the agreement was reached, Luo Shen was the first to give the order!

This time, Luo Shen no longer emphasized that he could not conflict with the Immortal Sect.

It's not that he forgot to emphasize it, but that he no longer wanted to emphasize it.

If there is a conflict, let him do it!

Is it possible that the Immortal Sect will start a war with the five-star forces because a few disciples were injured?

As soon as Luo Shen gave the order, the clan leaders of the other five five-star factions also followed suit and dispatched more people into Fengjian Plain.

Everyone has only one goal.

That is, even a token cannot be obtained by the Immortal Sect!

Even if those tokens are snatched by casual cultivators, the people of the Immortal Sect cannot get them.

After issuing the order, the six people began to discuss the distribution of Kazamahara's search area.

Luo Shen and the others knew that if they searched blindly without a complete plan, the Immortal Sect would take advantage of the loopholes.

Only the six families were like a net, spread across the wind, so that the people of the Immortal Sect could work in vain.

"You two are responsible for the eastern part of Fengjian Plains. The Qing family is responsible for the western part. Don't you happen to have a lot of people? Cao family, Feng family, you are in the south and north. I, the Luo family, will search in the central part." Luo Shen said in Feng Mahara marked out five areas on the map, and then wrote the names of each force on them.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Finally, Luo Shen said: "Remember, no one from the Immortal Sect can die."

The five people nodded.

They knew that as long as the Immortal Sect's people did not die, they would have no reason to go to war with them.

No one would be so stupid as to start a war with the five-star forces with great fanfare just because a disciple of the sect was injured, right?

When the matter was almost discussed, Feng Xiaoguo suddenly asked, "What should we do if we snatch those tokens that we don't know what they are used for?"

Everyone looked at each other.

I couldn't help but laugh, watching the wind disappear like a fool.

Luo Shen also smiled and then explained: "It's very simple. We have what they want in our hands. Then we have the initiative and can negotiate with the Immortal Sect to get a share of the pie."

Cao Tianjue responded, "Brother Feng, you and I want to give the Immortal Sect 200,000 white crystals. We can't give them for free, right?"

Feng Xiang was stunned, nodded and said, "Then I will go to Feng Jian Yuan myself and see if I can find a few more tokens."

After saying this, everyone laughed.

"Brother Feng, if you go looking for it, the target will be huge. We are not the only people from Moon Worship City who will go to Fengjian these days." After Luo Shen said this, he was about to continue saying something when suddenly there was a call from outside the door. Come and shout.

"Clan leader, there is a situation in Baiyue City." The Luo family came in a hurry and said this quickly outside the door.

The smiles of Luo Shen and others suddenly stopped.

Luo Shen walked over and opened the door with doubts, and asked, "What happened?"

The visitor said: "Clan Chief, you will know if you look up. The head of the Immortal Sect used his pulse energy to condense characters and wrote a line of characters in the sky above the Moon Worshiping City!"

[Ahem, so embarrassing~]

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