Super Sect System

Chapter 798 Luo Shen breaks his arm

Yan Sheng raised his head and looked up at Duan Hun Mountain in mid-air, with a hint of awe in his eyes.

But that's just awe of the strong.

Just saying a name can make so many strong people regress. What kind of prestige is this?

Yan Sheng did not reach out to accept the token handed over by Duan Hunshan because he did not want to become Duan Hunshan's disciple. In other words, he already had a place of belonging in his heart.

"Senior, I'm sorry, this junior will not be rewarded for having no merit." Yan Sheng stepped back subconsciously.

Regarding the rejection, Duan Hunshan was not angry. Instead, he threw the token directly and said with a smile: "Then I take back my original sentence, but you must accept this meeting gift."


Yan Sheng couldn't avoid it and could only take it with one hand.


Just as Yan Sheng was about to refuse again, he was interrupted by Duan Hunshan, "Boy, I have never taken back the things I sent out. If you don't want them, you can throw them away."

"Thank you, senior." Yan Sheng thanked him quickly and put the token away without any further hesitation.

The people around looked at this scene with only envy.

No one dares to have an opinion!

Just as Yan Sheng was about to leave after thanking him, Duan Hunshan stopped Yan Sheng again and asked, "Boy, you were born with two different bloodlines. If they spread the news, aren't you afraid of being killed?"

"Afraid, but it doesn't matter anymore." With the token, you can join the Immortal Sect.

He believes that the Immortal Sect can protect him!

But Duan Hunshan didn't know this. He was shocked when he saw the determination on Yan Sheng's face and didn't understand why Yan Sheng wasn't afraid.

Everyone knows that genius is fragile, and there are very few geniuses who can truly grow up.

Because geniuses are envied by others, there are many people who want to destroy them.

Born with two different bloodlines, he is undoubtedly a genius among geniuses. There are many strong people who want to win over such a talent, but there are also many strong people who want to kill him.

"That's all, I'll help you one more time!" Duan Hunshan's cold eyes immediately looked at the Zhenyue Realm powerhouses by the lake.

The murderous intention suddenly arises!

A fierce murderous intention suddenly swept across, and the alert Ji Wu couldn't help but immediately noticed Duan Hunshan's murderous intention and was about to run away. However, the next moment, the gate of Duanhun Mountain Range shook.


The golden pulse gate trembled, and a golden sword light flew directly towards Wujin who was running away half a step away.


Killed with one sword in an instant!

As he fell, the others immediately panicked and felt like they were running in all directions.

However, in front of Duan Hunshan, there was no point in running away.

The next moment, hundreds of golden sword energy flew out, one sword per person, killing hundreds of people.

Those in the Zhenyue Realm didn't even have a chance to resist, so they fell into a pool of blood unwillingly.

This scene made Yan Sheng dumbfounded, and cold sweat broke out on his back.


Too cruel!

Is this person crazy?

After killing everyone, Duan Hunshan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relaxed look: "Now no one can tell the truth about you being born with two different bloodlines. Think about it, how about returning to my sect?"

"Senior, I already have a sect that I want to join." Yan Sheng thought about it and decided to tell the truth directly.

Because the other party has killed so many people for him.

When Duan Hunshan heard Yan Sheng's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Which sect? You must understand that ordinary forces cannot protect you."

"Immortal Sect."

"Immortal Sect? I haven't heard of it. But I would like to hear what he gave you, and why he refused me like this." Duan Hunshan is still very confident in his charm.

After all, he is invincible in the middle realm!

And its reputation is outstanding!

"The leader of the Immortal Sect can instantly kill an extremely powerful person with one move."

"I can do it too!"

In fact, he has never really tried to kill a powerful person in an instant.

But he feels he can do it!

He has never killed a powerful person in an instant, it's just that he didn't do it.

"But the master of the Immortal Sect does not use the Pulse Technique."


"It's not a spirit either."


Duan Hunshan walked around for a while.

If it’s not a pulse technique or a spiritual body, then what else is there?

"It's something called magic."


Duan Hunshan was a little puzzled.

Yan Sheng knew that he couldn't explain it in just a few words, so he simply didn't want to say any more and hurriedly said goodbye to Duan Hunshan, "Senior, if there's nothing else, I'll go home first."

"'s okay, go ahead!"

Duan Hunshan thought for a while and finally did not stop him.

He now also has a strong interest in this Immortal Sect.

Killing the powerful Wujin instantly, this kind of combat power is absolutely something that ordinary Wujin can possess.

However, the other party did not use the Pulse Technique.

But what magic?

What is magic?

Never heard of it.

He wanted to see this Immortal Sect.

So he was going to follow Yan Sheng to see the Immortal Sect.

Above the sea of ​​clouds.

Wen Ping stood on the invisible flying boat, overlooking the scene, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Duan Hunshan has never been defeated in the same situation, but he is a very capable person."

Originally, Wen Ping didn't like this kind of robbing people, but he found that the other party didn't force Yan Sheng to become his disciple, and in order to prevent the news of Yan Sheng's twins from leaking out, he killed everyone nearby. From then on, Wen Ping started to have a good impression of Duan Hunshan.

I'm also trying to win over him!

"Such a person would be very good if he could cultivate both magic and veins."

Wen Ping murmured, then looked elsewhere.

Because another token was discovered.

This time, Long Yue got it, but after Long Yue got it, he was chased by several half-step unstoppable strong men. As they chased, more and more people began to join.

Behind Long Yue, thousands of people gathered in an instant, most of whom were not from Moon Worshiping City.

On the other hand, in Nanbujie, although the entrance has been opened, not many people have actually entered.

Most of them are forces who don't know the existence of the token, or weak forces who feel there is no hope of finding the token.

The hometown of a powerful man named Tianwuban was upstaged by a few tokens.

I have to say, YY's power is really terrifying.

He just posted a notice over the Moon Worship City to accept people.

Moon Worship City.

Yan Sheng hurried home, ready to tell his parents about getting the token and share the joy.

But when I got home, the house was empty.




Yan Sheng hurriedly ran to the next door to ask the neighbor if he had seen his parents, but what he got was a shake of his head in ignorance.

At this time, a man with hook-like eyes was walking towards him step by step in the alley.

This person is Luo Kong.

He had been waiting for Yan Sheng here for a long time, waiting for Yan Sheng to fall into a trap!

At this time, Luo Kong only had Yan Sheng in his eyes. As he slowly approached, his pace gradually accelerated. Then he raised his speed to its peak in an instant and shot towards Yan Sheng outside the house.

The frightening murderous intention swept over immediately, scaring Yan Sheng so much that he ran back.

However, at this moment, Luo Kong stopped.

Someone has grabbed fate by the throat!

Luo Kong's originally sharp eyes suddenly revealed a look of panic, because he couldn't see clearly how this person approached him. But it is certain that the person in front of him is much stronger than his master!

This person is naturally Duan Hunshan.

Duan Hunshan raised his eyes coldly and asked, "Who are you, Luo Shen?"

Luo Kong's eyes trembled suddenly. He didn't recognize the person in front of him, but the other person could tell at a glance that he belonged to the Luo family.

"I don't know Luo Shen!"

"The Luo family's "Qing Shen Jue" is not enough for me to admit my mistake."

"Go to hell!"

Luo Kong was very decisive and immediately exploded his veins.

However, the strength gap was there after all. Just when Luo Kong was about to explode his veins, Duan Hunshan sealed Luo Kong's veins with one hand, and then knocked him unconscious with a punch.

"Thank you, senior." Yan Sheng came to his senses and quickly thanked him.

Duan Hunshan said: "There are quite a few people who want to kill you. Let's think about it again and join my sect. If you agree, I can also kill Luo Shen, the head of the Luo family. Killing chickens to scare monkeys will ensure that no one will be killed in the future." Anyone dares to touch you!"

"Thank you for your kindness, senior...but why do the Luo family want to kill me? We have no grievances and no enmity?"

Yan Sheng was quite puzzled.

If you want to kill him, it should be someone from the Lu family, right?

Duan Hunshan smiled softly and said: "Because you are weak, they are unscrupulous. Again, after entering my sect, no one will dare to touch you again. It is very likely that your parents will also be taken away by them. ”

"Father, mother..." Yan Sheng suddenly looked anxious.

Duan Hunshan was secretly happy, "It doesn't matter, if they dare to hurt your parents, Luo Kong will be buried with them. I will take you to find Luo Shen right now!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Words of great joy.

Seeing this, Duan Hunshan nodded with satisfaction.

He was most afraid that Yan Sheng would not accept his help.

Once Yansheng accepts his help, the matter of recruiting disciples is basically half successful.

"Grab my hand." Duan Hunshan stretched out his arm and immediately flew towards the Luo family after Yan Sheng grabbed it.

After arriving at Luo's house, they searched the Luo house but found no trace of Yan Sheng's parents. So Duan Hunshan captured someone and continued to lead Yansheng into Fengjianyuan, heading towards Luo Shen's camp.

When flying over the Luo family camp, Duan Hunshan directly threw the unconscious Luo Kong down from high altitude.


Luo Kong directly hit the open space in the center of the camp.

The Luo family members were startled. When they slowly approached and found that it was Luo Kong, they quickly called out to Luo Shen.

As soon as Luo Shen stepped out of the tent, Duan Hunshan's voice came from the air, "Luo Shen, long time no see."

Luo Shen looked up and his expression changed slightly.

He saw Duan Hun Mountain.

I also saw Yan Sheng next to Duan Hun Mountain.

"Senior, what are you doing here?"

"Do you still need me to explain it clearly?"

Luo Shen glanced at the eldest disciple on the ground who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, his brows trembled suddenly, and then he said: "Senior, this is a misunderstanding!"

Duan Hunshan asked coldly: "Where are this child's parents?"


"At this time, is there any point in pretending to be stupid?"

"Junior, I really don't know... As for my rebellious disciple Luo Kong, no matter what he did, I am responsible for it. It's just the parents of this son. I really don't know as I said." Luo Shen did not abandon his responsibility.

On the contrary, he knew that if he hurriedly put aside the relationship at this time, he would be confirming the fact that he sent people to kill Yansheng.

In this situation, it seems that Duan Hunshan already knows about Yan Sheng's natural twins of different bloodlines, and he has probably accepted him as a disciple. Therefore, he could only bear the charge of lax discipline and could not admit that he wanted to kill Yansheng.

Duan Hunshan said coldly: "If you cut off your arm, I will believe you!"

"Senior, please calm down. This junior has never met this son, let alone have any grudges. I will definitely not hurt his parents. Although I don't know why I, the rebellious disciple, would conflict with him, but the fault of the disciple, I, the master Willing to take it!”

Luo Shen immediately condensed the sword with pulse energy, aimed it at his left arm, and stabbed him directly.

No hesitation at all!


Luo Shen didn't even frown when his left arm landed on the ground.

Wen Ping, who was high in the air, couldn't help but admire this scene.

What a ruthless person!

If you say a broken arm, break an arm!

People who are cruel to others are not terrible. The most terrible people are those who are cruel to themselves.

"It's a pity that you have to stand on the opposite side of our Immortal Sect, otherwise it would be a blessing for such a ruthless person to join our Immortal Sect." Wen Ping sighed with regret, and then Yu Jian fell down.

It's time for him to show up.

If Duan Hunshan continues, maybe this Yan Sheng will be taken away.

When Wen Ping went down with his sword, Yan Sheng was anxiously asking himself, "Then where can my parents go?"

Duan Hunshan comforted him: "Since it's not at Luo's house, it will be easy to find him. I will accompany you to find him!"

Luo Shen, still calm and collected, bowed slightly and said, "Senior, I would like to send you my best wishes... If necessary, everyone in the Luo family will do their best to help me to make up for the mistakes of a traitor like me!"

"Luo Shen, you are quite ruthless!" Duan Hunshan smiled softly, and then left with Yan Sheng.

He had no reason to be angry with Luo Shen anymore.

Having a broken arm and admitting his mistake has already given him enough face.

No matter how powerful the Nanhua Sect is, no matter how powerful the Duan Hun Mountain is, they cannot attack Luo Shen without any reason. After all, the opponent is also a five-star force and belongs to the You Kingdom!

[To predict what will happen next, please listen to the explanation next time!

Asking for a monthly pass~]

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