Super Sect System

Chapter 809 Heading to the Red Leaf Gate (8000 words)

After instructing people to continue to pay close attention to the movements of the Hundred Sects Alliance, Wen Ping prepared to go back to practice.

When the upgrade of the main hall is completed, he will build a new building.

The magic system has been formed, and the Mage Tower and Hai Nian Pavilion can satisfy the current cultivation of Immortal Sect disciples. But in the magic line, apart from the ten-story tower and the dormitory area, there is no other way to obtain magic.

And except for sword control, magic is no longer enough to keep up with the rapid development of the Immortal Sect.

Therefore, Wen Ping decided to build a more advanced building and improve the magic line at the same time!

During the three days before the construction of the main hall was completed, Wen Ping was naturally ready to improve himself.

The most important thing is that he wants to go to the Hell of the Undead again.

After gaining a lot of strength from the demon clan, Wen Ping didn't have time to go to the Hell of the Undead to look for new undead creatures.

Currently, he is in the upper realm of Zhenyue, so he can use the undead summoning technique to summon the undead in the upper realm of Earthly Unforbidden Realm.

Back at Tingyu Pavilion, just as Wen Ping was about to enter the Hell of the Undead, news came from Chen Xena.

"Sect Master, there is movement at Hongye Gate."

Chen Xie's voice on the other side of the sound transmission stone was particularly low, as if he was faintly worried about something.

Wen Ping asked: "What happened to them?"

As the Hongye Sect once destroyed the Lingxiao Sword Sect, Wen Ping originally didn't care much about it. At most, he was curious about why the other party would not allow any force to establish a new force on the site of the Lingxiao Sword Sect.

There is Youguo blocking the road ahead.

Behind, there is a sky-covering tower watching eagerly.

So Wen Ping didn't care much about a red leaf gate.

Because there are so many lice, we are not afraid of being bitten.

Chen Xie responded, "The Hongye Sect issued a warning message yesterday, giving the Immortal Sect three days to leave Star Sword Mountain, otherwise the entire sect, including humans and animals, will be slaughtered."

"This Hongye Sect is really domineering."

"Sect Master, I understand that the reason why Hongye Sect does not allow anyone to establish a new force in Xingjian Mountain is because the current sect leader of Hongye Sect was once the wife of the sect leader of Lingxiao Sword Sect."

"Is there anyone else who misses the past so much?"

Wen Ping didn’t believe it.

If it's nostalgia, why let the Lingxiao Sword Sect die?

Chen Xie responded, "Maybe it's a little nostalgic, but more of it is hatred. Because the current leader of the Hongye Sect was once rebelled and abandoned by the leader of the Lingxiao Sword Sect, Xingjian Mountain has become a place of painful memories for him. She doesn’t even allow anyone to mention the words Star Sword Mountain in front of her.”

"Ignore this and continue to do your work. If the Hongye Sect dares to come, he will naturally pay the price he deserves." Wen Ping told Chen Xie nonchalantly, and then turned off the sound transmission stone.

After opening the maze in Tingyu Pavilion and ensuring that no one would disturb him, Wen Ping's mental power entered the Hell of the Undead again.

Entering the Hell of the Dead for the third time, Wen Ping felt that the Hell of the Dead seemed different.


To be precise, he felt differently about the Hell of the Undead.

The surrounding death aura no longer rejects it, but rather likes it.

"Maybe it's because of the authentic Qinglian." Wen Ping murmured.

These days I practice beside the authentic Qinglian, and I am more or less tainted with the aura of the authentic Qinglian.

After all, the authentic Qinglian body derived from the authentic Qinglian is a special existence that can open the hell of the undead.

Thinking of this, Wen Ping wondered if undead creatures would also be interested in him?

Wen Ping's mental strength immediately jumped to the ground, and then slowly approached an undead creature.

This undead creature was relatively weak. When Wen Ping's mental power approached, it crawled to the ground in horror. It was like an ordinary demon clan suddenly saw the demon king.

"I didn't expect that just a little bit of the authentic Qinglian breath would make undead creatures so fearful." Wen Ping was delighted, and then continued to experiment several times.

Finally, it was concluded that even a little bit of the aura of the authentic Qinglian could make undead creatures comparable to Zhenyue Realm feel scared.

As for the existence of the earth without restraint, he didn't care about this little bit of breath, and was stunned for a while.

After the experiment, Wen Ping began his search journey in the Hell of the Undead.

It is already difficult to find the undead creatures in the Unforbidden World, and it is even harder to find the undead creatures that are comparable to the Unforbidden Realm.

After searching for a long time, I traveled millions of miles through the hell of the undead, but still found nothing.

So Wen Ping easily caught a few undead creatures that were comparable to the Earthly Unforbidden Realm, because the Undead Summoning Technique could not only use one powerful undead creature.

If he summons an undead creature in the Unforbidden Realm, he can only summon one.

If it were an undead creature comparable to the Unforbidden Realm, it would be 10.

If it's the lower realm, it's 30!

Of course, Wen Ping would not look for 30 undead creatures in the lower realm, as that would be too time-consuming. That's why Wen Ping took action when he encountered undead creatures that were comparable to those in the Unforbidden Realm on the road.

After some searching, although I couldn't find any undead creatures that were comparable to the upper realm of the Earthly Unforbidden Realm, I found five that were comparable to the Earthly Unforbidden Middle Realm.

The first one, a three-headed hell dog that Wen Ping has been waiting for!

The second one, a ghoul.

The third one is a skeleton warrior holding a giant axe.

The fourth one is a skeleton warrior holding a bone bow.

The fifth one, a bone dragon!

It took Wen Ping two days to capture them all.

On the third day, Wen Ping began to search for the final prey.

After crossing the mountain and the sea, Wen Ping suddenly saw a palace, a dark and huge palace.

Outside the palace, skeleton warriors were the guards and bone dragons were the protectors. The scene was extremely exaggerated.

"I just met the boss of the Hell of the Undead?"

Wen Ping's mental power immediately rushed into the dark black palace and saw the undead creature on the throne.

To be precise, it seems that it should not exist in this world of the dead.

Because it is holy.

Pure white and innocent, and emitting holy light.

However, when Wen Ping felt it carefully, he discovered that there was an evil aura in this holy light.

And this evil aura directly hit his heart. If the summoning of the dead hadn't released energy again to block this evil aura, Wen Ping in another world would have been affected.

"System, what kind of undead creature is this?"

The system responded, "There are six wings behind it. They are holy and arrogant. Their race is called the Six-Winged Seraph. But it has many names, one of which is Lucifer."

"Lucifer, the leader of the Demon King of Hell... represents arrogance! It is said that he is the only fallen angel who maintains the image of a holy angel. I didn't expect it to be true."

Wen Ping looked at Lucifer on the throne and was extremely surprised.

The Condemner is already so strong. Although it is only comparable to the lower realm, it can sweep away all the strong ones in the lower realm.

As the leader of the devil, Lucifer will definitely become more powerful.

Wen Ping didn't even think about it, and the mental power net directly covered it.

Even Lucifer cannot escape the fate of being captured!

During this period, Lucifer wanted to escape, but was knocked unconscious by the energy released directly from the summoning of the dead. In the end, he could only be captured by Wen Ping and became Wen Ping's summons.

After doing all this, Wen Ping and I did not leave immediately, but continued to wander around the palace until the remaining five undead creatures that were comparable to the Unforbidden Realm were completed before leaving.

After this wave, Wen Ping not only harvested Lucifer, but also 10 undead creatures from the Unforbidden Realm.

You can use them when you don't need to release Lucifer.

After returning to Tingyu Pavilion, Wen Ping immediately asked the system and looked at Lucifer's information.


Special ability: Can make people arrogant. No matter who the person is, they will become arrogant.


The evil eye (makes people arrogant)

Gate of Hell (releases a large number of undead creatures, which can stay in the world for 100 breaths and carry out large-scale attacks)

Fallen Judgment (can weaken the opponent's spirit body, lowering it to a lower level, and it will be reduced to half if it is perfect)

Sinful Impact (7 times damage, can only be used once a day) Sinful Body (massive increase in attack power, speed, etc.)

"Very strong!"

Wen Ping couldn't help but praise.

Especially the 7 times damage, which shocked Wen Ping.

Although it can only be used once a day, the seven times the damage is enough to instantly kill a strong person in the same realm.

"It is indeed Lucifer, the leader of the devil." Wen Ping happily closed Lucifer's information interface.

at the same time.

The sword demon enters the Valley of the Wind again.

During the three days that Wen Ping was in the Hell of the Undead, the Sword Demon had once again found a training ground.

The trial site for the wind spirit body has been found, and now the only thing left is the trial site for wind attribute weapons.

After reaching the border in the east and west, the sword demon immediately started flying to the north and flew a hundred thousand miles. Finally, the trial site for wind attribute weapons was found at the end of the north.

Sword Demon was very curious about wind-attributed weapons, so after finding the trial site, he entered it to experience it as soon as possible.

This time, there were no monsters in the trial area, only a dazzling array of wind-attribute weapons.

There is no fan bone and the fan surface is made of wind.

A sword surrounded by spiritual wind.

And a spear wrapped in a hurricane.

When the sword demon wanted to get close to one of them, the sword and the fan automatically released attacks to drive the sword demon away.

The sword demon didn't believe in evil and wanted to forcefully approach. Unexpectedly, a fan unleashed an attack comparable to the Unforbidden Realm.

"I finally understand the words at the door... The weapons here are chosen by oneself, not by people." The sword demon didn't dare to think about how powerful a weapon that can release its own attacks would be if controlled by someone. powerful?

This makes Sword Demon want to change his wind attribute.

The exercises can be re-established.

Naturally, alien veins can also be disabled.

However, before entering the Immortal Sect, the Sword Demon did not dare to have such an idea.

Because once the alien vein is abolished, there will really be no alien vein.

But in the Immortal Sect, alien veins can be obtained directly.

Fire attribute, wind attribute...

As long as you pass the trial, you can get it, and it is no different from the innate one.

"Ask the sect master when I get back. If it's possible, I will abolish my metallic veins."


Sword Demon firmly believes that the wind attribute is more powerful than the metal attribute.

After leaving the Valley of the Wind, Sword Demon first went to the mission hall to hand in the mission, and then immediately started looking for Wen Ping.

Wen Ping happened to be admiring the newly upgraded main hall in the main hall, so the sword demon quickly found Wen Ping.

The first thing he said when he saw Wen Ping was, "Sect Master, I want to abolish my alien bloodline and cultivate the wind attribute instead?"

"It's a bold idea, but you have to know that if your alien bloodline is destroyed, your realm will definitely fall."

Wen Ping said this not because he did not support Sword Demon's idea, but because he wanted to see if Sword Demon was acting on a whim.

The sword demon nodded and said with certainty: "It's just a decline in realm. Every loss must be gained. I am more confident in the wind attribute."

"Now that you have decided, do it. The wind attribute is indeed very powerful, especially after you have found the wind attribute spirit body, the school pulse technique and the weapon trial site, the wind attribute has become perfect. When you start again When you return to the upper realm, you will definitely be stronger than you are now.”

"With the Sect Master's words, I have confidence."

The sword demon immediately apologized and said goodbye, and returned to the dormitory area with the steps of identification, and directly destroyed his alien bloodline.

His own realm fell directly from the upper realm to the middle realm.

This made everyone in the dormitory area dumbfounded.

Long Ke couldn't help but sigh, "Elder Sword Demon is so decisive, it's amazing."

All the elders couldn't help but sigh.

When the geniuses who had just joined the sect saw this scene, they immediately had the same idea as the sword demon.

"The style of the seniors is really breathtaking."

"Since the seniors dare to destroy their own alien veins and then practice the wind attribute, what do we have to fear?"

"Yes, what are we afraid of?"

Except for Yansheng, the other nine people immediately expressed their intention to abolish their own alien bloodlines.

And just do it.

Yan Sheng actually wanted to do it, but he couldn't guarantee whether he would be able to gain the wind attribute if he abolished a different bloodline.

So I felt like I was looking for Wen Ping.

"Sect Master, I also want to abolish my own alien bloodline and cultivate the wind attribute like Senior Sword Demon did."

Wen Ping looked at Yan Sheng who was serious, and then asked the system in his mind.

"System, in a situation like Yansheng's, can you abolish your own alien veins and modify them?"

"Yes. His body can accommodate two alien veins, so it doesn't matter if both alien veins are disabled."

Wen Ping suddenly understood, and then said to Yan Sheng: "If you have this intention, simply abolish the two alien veins and replace them with the hell fire and wind attribute veins. The wind will help the fire, and you will be stronger. But abolish the alien veins. The process is very painful, and your realm may hit rock bottom, so you have to think clearly.”

Yan Sheng said firmly: "Sect Master, my strength is already at the bottom, so it doesn't matter. As for the pain, I can bear it!"

Wen Ping nodded, and then said: "Then you go to Elder Long Ke and ask him to help you eliminate the alien bloodline."

Yan Sheng nodded and quickly ran back to the dormitory area.

As soon as Yan Sheng left, Wen Ping smiled helplessly.

He didn't expect this wave of sword demons to have such a big impact.

After shaking his head helplessly again, Wen Ping looked at the built-in store in the main hall.

It's a pity that there is no high-level mirror-breaking pill.

Instead, something else was refreshed—a new cannon.

Level 3 Assault Weapon—BX-Destruction!

The range is 100,000 meters.

Compared with the vortex cannon, it has increased ten times!

The vortex cannon has an attack range of only 10,000 meters.

Power - Intermediate!

The vortex cannon is only the primary level.

"System, what does BX mean? Also, how powerful are level three offensive weapons?"

The system responded, "The power of level three offensive weapons can only be tested by the host itself, and the system cannot accurately predict it. As for BX, it represents immortality."

"You can just write immortality...Write it in English." Wen Ping couldn't help but complain.

It seems that if you speak English, you will be very good at it.


Don't tell me yet.

Before I understood it, it looked really awesome.

"No, why are these level three assault weapons so expensive?" Wen Ping was stunned when he took a look at the price.

Ten thousand reputations!

Qiankun Lei is only 1,000!

"The price is clearly marked. If the host has any doubts, you don't have to buy it." The system responded coldly.

Wen Ping looked at the BX-Destruction Cannon helplessly, gritted his teeth and bought it, after all, it was not easy to master.

Ten thousand, just ten thousand.

Wen Ping suddenly thought of a question, "System, will there be a lot of things that require reputation in the future?"

"Yes, gold coins and white crystals are just things that make the host excessive. When the host grows to a certain level, the white crystals will be replaced. Fame has become the mainstream, so the host had better consume fame carefully."

"Sure enough, I knew it."

Wen Ping sighed helplessly.

After solving the problem of Bai Jing, now we need to solve the problem of reputation.

This system is so screwed up!

"While I can still build and upgrade buildings with white crystals, I have to quickly build more and upgrade more."

Wen Ping closed the shop inside the main hall and immediately prepared to build the building he had originally thought of.

Fayuan Valley!

Fayuan Valley is something similar to Nausicaa of the Wind, but it is a serious cultivation environment. Practicing magic there will get twice the result with half the effort, and there are also various blessed places there.

There are spells in the blessed land that are no less powerful than sword control, as well as real magic weapons.

Of course, getting them is not an easy thing.

Why is it not simple? It is not mentioned in the architectural introduction.

So we can only wait until the construction of the building is completed before looking at it.

Construction price - 100,000 white crystals.

Wen Ping started building without thinking.

[Fayuan Valley is under construction...]

[Remaining time: 20 days]

"20 days, it actually takes so long to build the Fayuan Valley." Wen Ping couldn't help but sigh.

However, it’s only 20 days.

Wen Ping can still afford to wait.

After completing the new building, Wen Ping did not continue to mess around with the main hall. Wen Ping was not in a hurry to use the new land construction rights obtained by upgrading the main hall to three levels.

The new territory obtained after the previous upgrade of the main hall was given to Cangwu City by Wen Ping.

This time, Wen Ping decided to wait.

It cannot be used casually.

After all, the division of this new territory is indeed no small matter.

The Immortal Sect now has no shortage of land, so the new territory cannot be randomly divided into a certain plain or a certain big city.

After settling these matters, Wen Ping returned to Tingyuge and continued his practice. At the same time, he inquired about the news of the Hundred Sects Alliance.

When he learned that the Hundred Sects Alliance was still in the stage of gathering people, Wen Ping didn't care and did not let the demon clan continue to gather.

After all, this war can no longer be changed by numbers.

What ultimately determines the outcome is, again, the strong man in Zhetian Tower.

Fourteen cities.

When Nanhua Sect declined and gradually declined, those forces that carved up Nanhua Sect's territory began to continue to face the Immortal Sect.

Although the Immortal Sect did not come to grab resources, it was still hanging over their heads like a sharp sword.

No one wants to sit back and wait.

When the warning from the Red Leaf Gate was issued, 14 cities and 70 forces all watched the fire from the other side.

Three days after the warning given by Hongyemen, 70 forces still communicated with each other and held a large gathering.

Representatives from 70 forces were present.

After Chen Xie sent a shadow to sneak into it, he watched them from the third floor of the Ji Zhi Building.

"You are really brave. You actually want to attack us before the Hongye Sect takes action. The euphemistic name is to share the worries of the Hongye Sect, but in fact they are coveting magic and want to carve up our Immortal Sect in advance." Chen Xie looked grim and felt a little worried.

70 forces have gathered into a group, and their power cannot be underestimated!

If this really happens, the Immortal Sect will probably face a catastrophe.

After recording the process of their discussion on jointly defeating the Immortal Sect in the crystal ball, Chen Xie immediately found Wen Ping.

Wen Ping looked at it for a while, with a cold expression, and then asked: "Elder Chen, what do you think we should do?"

"Sect Master, 70 five-star forces have gathered into a group, and their strength cannot be underestimated. Although most of them are relatively weak, with the gathering of seventy or eighty earth-free lower-level powerhouses, plus the nearly ten middle-level powerhouses, I'm afraid Our Immortal Sect can’t bear it either. Now my subordinates feel that we must avoid their sharp edges.”

"What's the way to avoid it?"

Wen Ping looked at Chen Xie, waiting for Chen Xie's answer.

Chen Xie thought for a while, and then said hesitantly: "Be behind closed doors! Then my subordinates tried to alienate them. After all, it was a temporary agreement. In fact, everyone has their own agenda. As long as we can alienate them at this time, their alliance will be It’s bound to fall apart.”

"This is a way, you go ahead and do it." Wen Ping agreed with Chen Xie's method.

Chen Xie nodded and quickly left Tingyuge.

This matter cannot be delayed, Chen Xie must take action immediately.

The 70 forces are at odds with each other, so all they need to do is stir up suspicion among them.

But this is also a very difficult thing.

To be honest, Chen Xie was not completely sure.

But he knew that he had to do it, and he had to succeed.

After Chen Xie left, Wen Ping murmured: "It's good to alienate them, but the source of the problem is not with them. A group of rabble is a rabble after all, and the Red Leaf Sect is the key."

Wen Ping immediately came up with the idea of ​​going to Hongyemen for a walk.

There are still six or seven days left in the first month of Chaotianxia Lishanmen, and Wen Ping doesn't want any surprises to happen.

Red leaf gate.

Do you really think of yourself as a behemoth that dominates everything?

Wen Ping immediately asked the system to retrieve the Hongye Sect information from Jinzhilou.

The strongest sect in the Red Territory!

It is superior to many five-star giants, and there seems to be some strong men who are even half-step unstoppable.

Half a step to the end of the world...

This made Wen Ping fall into deep thought. Although the intelligence showed that he might exist, Wen Ping must regard him as a certain existence. Because there can’t be any surprises, you must be well prepared when going to Hongyemen.

After sending out the notice prohibiting leaving the sect, Wen Ping began to prepare for going to Hongye Sect.

Wen Ping originally wanted to take the Sword Demon with him, but after thinking about it, the Sword Demon had just been destroyed by his own alien lineage, and his power had plummeted. Going to the Red Leaf Sect wouldn't be of much help.

As for the others, Wen Ping thought about it and finally took Kurosawa over.

Kurosawa, the trophy obtained when killing Wei Qianjue, is also the third member of the Immortal Sect's tree planting team.

Kurosawa's combat ability is not strong, but he can release black mist that cuts off pulse energy.

The talent of isolating pulse energy is quite BT.

In the past, Wen Ping would have thought it was nothing. He only felt that although Kurosawa's ability was BT, it was not enough to be used by him. But Wen Ping slowly discovered that there seemed to be no second Kurosawa.

Tiandi Lake does not.

When asked about Huaikong, there is no second Kurosawa in the demon clan.

Therefore, Kurosawa's existence, at least for now, is unique, so his ability to isolate pulse energy is also unique for now.

Just when Wen Ping was still thinking about what needed to be done, the sound of the system rang in his ears.

[The mission to show off your power is released! 】

[When you first arrive at Chaotian Gorge, you can stay in a corner, but your reputation cannot be trapped in this corner. Go to the Red Territory, spread the reputation, and let the entire Red Territory know the name Immortal Sect. 】

[Mission goal: 70% of the people in the Red Territory know the Immortal Sect]

[Task reward: 100,000 reputations, "Changmo Gong" upgraded to heaven level]

[Sect members allowed: 3 people]

"I'm going, I just want to go to Hongyemen to cause trouble, teach Hongyemen a lesson, and let them know why the flowers are so red. I didn't expect that this system is more ruthless than me..." This made Wen Ping fall into deep thought again. middle.

Overall, the mission rewards are great.

But the task is not easy!

If Chen Xie's intelligence network was already deeply rooted in the Red Territory, it would be easy to do this.

But now Chen Xie's intelligence network has just extended from the fourteen cities, and it can't help him at all.

Fortunately, there was no set time for the task, and there was no penalty for failure, so Wen Ping wasn't that anxious.

After closing the taskbar, Wen Ping used the sound transmission stone to contact the Yaozu and asked the Yaozu to send Kurosawa back first.

As for the remaining two accompanying places, Wen Ping still chose randomly as usual.

Because the purpose of this trip is not to complete the task.

Mainly to go to Hongyemen to do something.

When it was time for dinner, Wen Ping gathered together everyone who wanted to leave the sect for a visit.

"As always, whoever the chopsticks are turned to will go out with my sect leader. There is no goal for this trip, and I can't tell when I will come back." Wen Ping warned again, and then looked at Yun Liao.

Yun Liao picked up the chopsticks and turned them around on the dinner table.

For the first time, the chopsticks pointed at Uncle Lan.

Wen Ping’s father’s opposite-sex brother!

Uncle Lan has been practicing since Wen Ping rescued him from the sect, and has stepped from the Tongxuan realm to the Shenxuan realm.

Of course, such strength is insignificant in Chaotianxia.

When Uncle Lan saw the chopsticks turned to him, the joy on his face jumped out, "Thank you all."

"Uncle Lan, why are you so polite?"

"Uncle Lan, remember to bring me something that is only available in Chaotianxia when you come back."

Everyone gathered around him talking.

Uncle Lan scratched his head and said with a smile: "We'll talk about this later. Let Elder Yun finish the second turn first."

Only then did everyone become quiet.

The second time, the chopsticks pointed to Huanshan.

The son of Huancheng, the lord of Cangwu City.

The moment the chopsticks pointed at him, Huan Shan stood up directly, and then he felt like asking: "Sect Master, can I give this opportunity to Zhan Taiye? She has always wanted to see the scenery of Chaotian Gorge."

After saying that, Huan Shan lowered his head and glanced at Zhan Taiye beside him.

Zhan Taiye immediately buried his head shyly, his face flushed.

Wen Ping smiled, probably knowing what was going on.

Wen Ping looked at Zhantai Qingxuan and asked, "Elder Zhantai, do you have any objections?"

Zhan Tai Qingxuan responded: "The sect master can decide."

"Okay, then find a time to decide on the marriage... No, I said find a time... Forget it, let's leave today!" Wen Ping smiled, not bothering to correct his slip of the tongue.

After deciding on the entourage, Wen Ping did not continue to be verbose and asked the two of them to go back and pack their things first.

Seeing Wen Ping leaving in such a hurry, the elders were a little puzzled.

Yun Liao hurriedly asked: "Sect Master, why are you so anxious this time?"

"Time will not wait for me. After I leave the Immortal Sect, I remember to watch everyone and not allow anyone to leave the sect. 70 five-star forces from 14 cities may come at any time, but as long as you don't leave the Immortal Sect, there will be no problem. Elder Chen is watching outside the sect, if you need to know anything, just use the sound transmission stone to ask Elder Chen Xie."

Wen Ping warned as he walked towards the teleportation array.

At the end, He Nian couldn't help but ask: "Sect Master, where are you going this time?"

"Mix and stir in the red realm."

Wen Ping responded calmly.

The more indifferent He Nian was, the more He Nian felt that this matter was no big deal.

Otherwise, the sect leader would not leave the sect at this critical time.

"That side of East Lake?" He Nian asked.

Wen Ping's expression immediately condensed, and then he said: "If there is a sudden change, let Wei Sheng Xingyu take action."

As the person who created Zhetian Tower, Wei Shengxingyu knows best how to deal with Zhetian Tower.

He Nian responded, "Sect Master, I understand."

"Okay, go ahead and do what you are supposed to do." Wen Ping dispersed the crowd and waited for Kurosawa's arrival.

When Kurosawa was sent to the Immortal Sect by the great demon of the Wing Clan among the demon clan, Wen Ping led two people and one demon to stand in the teleportation formation.

After determining the landing point, Wen Ping immediately activated the teleportation array.

The white light enveloped Wen Ping and soared into the sky, then landed on the Red Sea Mountains in the Red Domain.

The Red Sea Mountains, where Hongye Gate is located.

After landing, all the trees he saw were orange-red.

Red leaves rise and fall with the wind.

At first glance, it really feels like you are in the Red Sea.

"What a nice view!"

Zhan Taiye sighed, and then couldn't help but throw himself into a sea of ​​orange-red flowers.

Kurosawa was quite frightened at this time. After landing, he knelt down and said, "Sect Master, I..."

Kurosawa has always been a guilty person. From planting trees with the red-eyed giant ape, from a tree planting brigade to a supervisor overseeing the white crystal mine for the Immortal Sect, this is a qualitative leap. It's scary.

He was also allowed to meet the statue of Nuwa and practice the path of demon immortals, which made Kurosawa feel like he was living in a dream. Now that she was taken out of the Immortal Sect by the superior sect leader, she was even more at a loss.

Wen Ping smiled and said: "Get up! Your talent is very good. It would be a pity if you are just asked to guard the White Crystal Mine. If you can help this sect master during this trip, you can join the Immortal Sect."

"Thank you, Sect Master. Kurosawa will definitely die." Kurosawa was ecstatic and kept buckling his head.

Wen Ping nodded and said nothing more.

After opening the system map, Wen Ping took out the flying boat.

Although they are already in the Red Sea Mountains, they are still thousands of miles away from the Red Leaf Gate station.

After boarding the flying boat, Wen Ping warned: "From now on, if anyone asks you, you will call yourself a rogue cultivator."

The two of them nodded quickly.

"Let's go to Hongye Gate first."

Wen Ping immediately drove the flying boat to the Red Leaf Gate.

(Um... I guess there won’t be any tonight. Maybe tomorrow.)

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