Super Sect System

Chapter 813 Uncle Lan’s test results (first update)

During this period, he was actually paying attention to Zhan Taiye and Uncle Lan.

Although the current level of the two is not very high, it is undeniable that their foundation is very solid. Zhan Taiye and Lan Shu both practiced the hellfire alien veins and the fire spirit body, which was far beyond what Muye could compare with.

Although the Hellfire Extraordinary Veins and the Fire Spirit Body are both elementary things that appeared in the Immortal Sect, they are still the top existences in this world.

In just one hundred breaths, Uncle Lan had already taken the lead and rushed to the eighty or ninetieth level, and he was still walking as fast as he went up.

The Hongye Sect disciples were stunned.

"who is this?"

"You are not young, and you are wearing the clothes of an outer disciple. It seems that you have worked hard the day after tomorrow."

"I feel like in his current state, he has a chance to reach level 101... Who is this person?"

Everyone looked at each other and tried to find someone in the crowd who knew Uncle Lan, but no one knew him.

After asking for a long time and no one knew, everyone watched Uncle Lan carefully and felt respect in their hearts.

Even though innate talents are enviable, to them, they are still something that does not exist.

Envy is envy, but not longing for anything.

At most, I applaud and feel jealous.

But Uncle Lan in front of him is not young, and he seems to be a great being who relies on acquired hard work to change his talents. For those of them who are not very good at innate talent and value hard work, Uncle Lan’s part-time job is a great existence.

They seemed to see hope in Uncle Lan.

"This uncle is awesome!"

"With hard work, I have now reached level 90 and above. The future is promising."

"Looking at his current state, it seems that he may not be able to be injured at level 101, reaching the level of Makino. He has the qualifications to step into the Earth Unlimited through acquired hard work. This kind of perseverance is really scary."

Under the admiration and awe of everyone, Uncle Lan quickly rushed up to the 90th step with flying steps.

At the same time, Tian Hui and Qing Huang, who had just returned from despair and were about to go to the pavilion to continue drinking together, suddenly heard the noise and had no time to sit down, so they immediately turned their attention to Tian Jie Yuan.

The feeling of disappointment that he couldn't catch Makino because he was flying too slowly disappeared in an instant.

There are actually people who want to climb to level 101 again!

Tianhui Fuxu sighed: "Only in the past year or two has a Hongye Sect disciple reached level 101, and today it is expected that a second person will appear. This year is a good year!"

Qing Huang also stroked his beard and smiled, pouring a glass of wine thoughtfully, looking forward to Uncle Lan climbing the 101st step.

Although his flying speed is not as fast as Elder Chen Lie, it is not necessarily worse than Elder Tianhui.

Makino, who has no terrifying innate talent, is also very good at winning a person with great perseverance who has reached level 101 through acquired hard work!

And this kind of person may go further than Makino, and may even be more powerful.

After all, not everyone can have great perseverance.

Elder Tianhui on the side saw that Qinghuang was silent and continued with a smile: "I want to rely on acquired efforts to climb to the 101st level. There may not be such a person in ten years. I didn't expect that we met."

"Those with great perseverance have a promising future!" Elder Qinghuang responded lightly.

Tian Hui smiled coldly in his heart and couldn't help but take a step forward.

Upon seeing this, Elder Qinghuang immediately took two steps forward.

Tian Hui smiled and took two more steps forward.

At this moment, on the edge of the heavenly steps, Uncle Lan was already very close to the 101st step. He suddenly stopped amidst the cheers of the Hongye Sect disciples, and then couldn't help but look back at the Hongye Sect disciples behind him.

So cool!

It feels so good to be looked up to!

Uncle Lan smiled intoxicatedly, and then stepped directly onto the 101st step.

"Level 101!"

"Wow, this uncle is so handsome."

"Wait a minute, this uncle is still going up."

"Can you still leave?"

All the Hong Ye Sect disciples were dumbfounded.

The two Tianhui people who quickly flew to the top of Tianjieyuan were also stunned.

It is not easy for a person with great perseverance to reach 101 through hard work in ten years. Now this person with great perseverance can still go up?

Both of them knew the concept of what to go up further.

That proves that the person with great perseverance in front of him is not just destined to be unstoppable.

Under the gaze of everyone, Uncle Lan stepped onto 102 and put the four-whirlpool picture beside him directly into the Tibetan Ring. Then he quickly walked up to 103, 104... took one step and took a four-whirlpool picture.

Facing the golden aura spreading down from the edge of the stairs that day, Uncle Lan still walked as fast as he could.

Many Hongye Sect disciples were instantly dumbfounded.

The two elders Tianhui and Qinghuang were also dumbfounded.

"what's the situation?"

"A stroll in the garden?"

"Isn't it said that every level after 101 is as difficult as climbing to the sky?"

Everyone immediately focused their attention on the two elders Tianhui and Qinghuang, trying to find the answer from them.

Under the eager anticipation of thousands of people, Tianhui took a breath, and then said tremblingly: "I am afraid that this child is destined to enter the middle realm in the future, and may even become the best in the middle realm."

Lower realm, middle realm, one day and one place!

When Elder Tianhui said what he said, every one of the disciples of the Hongye Sect became excited.

There are only a few people in the Hongye Sect who can reach such a high level by relying on their innate talent. Now, there is an outer disciple who relies on acquired hard work and has climbed above the 120th level, and has been amazed by the elders.

Thousands of people immediately exploded. Hundreds of people rushed out of the crowd and ran to Hongye Gate to tell each other.

Suddenly, half of Hongyemen was shocked.

At this time, Uncle Lan had reached level 142, but stopped at this time.

"Is it your limit?" Uncle Lan's legs were shaking and he felt that his strength was drained, but he still took a step forward.

This step was far more difficult than before, but Uncle Lan still took this step.

Because he doesn't want to accept his fate!

Since level 142 is the limit, he has to rush to level 143.

Even if you fail, there will be no regrets!

If it succeeds, it’s progress!

This deeply affected many Hongye Sect disciples, and they couldn't help but clenched their fists and worried about Uncle Lan.

Gradually, shouts came from the crowd.




Amid the shouts of the mountains and the tsunami, Uncle Lan stepped on step 143 with one foot, and then the second foot!

After standing firm, thousands of Hongye Sect disciples jumped up happily.

Although they were not the ones to set foot on the 143rd step, everyone was very happy.

Because this is an example of hard work and gives them hope!

For decades, I have never heard of anyone changing his talent to such an extent through hard work.

Level 143!

I am afraid that in the future he is destined to become the top powerhouse in the realm of Earth Without Forbidden Realm.

At this moment, the two elders Tianhui and Qinghuang also started laughing.

His eyes and expression were full of satisfaction.

"This boy is destined to be famous in the Red Territory in the future!"

"Alas, it seems that we are not qualified to be his masters."

The two of them were both happy and sad.

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