Super Sect System

Chapter 817 The genius Xiaoye who has no friends in Hongyemen (first update)

After Wen Ping entered the Qujing Realm, due to the unexpected incident of Zhan Taiye and Lan Shu disappearing out of thin air, the Hongye Sect strongmen responsible for surveillance had become a mess. The entire Hongye Sect outer door was sensed and searched up and down. four times.

After three hours, there was still no trace of the two of them.

I then asked the person in charge of the outer sect, but none of the deacons of the outer sect knew the two of them.

Of course, they did not think carefully about whether Zhan Taiye and Uncle Lan were disciples of the Hongye Sect.

Because you are not a disciple of the Hongye Sect, why come to the Hongye Sect to ascend to heaven?

So they only thought that maybe the two of them didn't have many friends, and they didn't have much presence in the outside world on weekdays, so there weren't many people who knew them.

After some searching, they converged on a point again.

They all looked at each other, trying to find some expression on others' faces that would make them happy.

"did you find it?"

"You didn't find it either?"

"No, you haven't either?"

"No way, no one found it?"

Everyone was gradually dumbfounded, and their faces turned as white as December frost.

Although it wasn't ice, there was a bone-chilling chill.

One of them forced a smile and said with a smile: "Why don't you go back to the inner sect and have a look, maybe the two outer sect disciples have already gone there. The outer sect disciples have reached the sky in one step, and they can't wait to go to the inner sect to report to the elders."

Everyone looked at each other, their faces finally looked better, and then they ran towards the inner door without stopping.

However, when they ran to the junction of the outer door and the inner door, an overwhelming aura from the ground pressed down on everyone.

The breath fell from the sky, forcing them to stop and look at the sky.

In the blue sky, Elder Tianhui stood with his hands behind his back, his long silver beard moving in the wind, and the deep joy in his eyes that lasted for a long time.

Tian Hui smiled and asked, "Everyone is in such a hurry, where are they going?"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they didn't know how to answer at all.

to be honest?

That's a dead end!

However, there was a clever person who quickly said: "Report to the elder, let's go to the inner gate to see Junior Sister Xiaoye and the others."

"The two of you have reached the inner gate?"

Elder Tianhui stroked his beard and frowned, his eyebrows forming the character Sichuan.

"Are you sure?" Because he had just come from the inner gate and had never seen Xiaoye or the other two.

The strong joy in his eyes slowly faded away, just like the white mist in the morning, slowly disappearing between heaven and earth. When the joy disappeared, Elder Tianhui's eyes immediately carefully scanned the group of people in front of him.

However, they are all veterans who have lived for almost a hundred years, and it is not easy to hide their emotions in front of others.

The smarter man just now spoke up and said: "Elder Tianhui, it's true as you usually say - geniuses are all lonely. We found that Junior Sister Xiaoye has almost no friends in the outer sect, and the two of them combined have only one friend. The number of palms... No wonder we are not geniuses."

Elder Tianhui originally had doubts in his heart, but seeing that there was nothing unusual among the others, he felt that it might just be him and Xiaoye who missed it.

He walked on the front foot, and Xiaoye and the others arrived on the back foot.

Elder Tianhui immediately showed his usual amiable look and said with a smile: "That's natural. Geniuses are lonely, and only ordinary people get together."

Everyone on the ground quickly responded and praised Elder Tianhui for his unique insights.

However, Elder Tianhui suddenly changed the topic, causing everyone's faces with bright smiles to freeze instantly!

"From now on, Xiaoye and the two of you will be under your watch. If anything happens, inform me as soon as possible. In short, if something happens to the two of them, I won't need to elaborate on the consequences... Lead the way and go see Xiaoye and the others. "

When speaking to everyone, Elder Tianhui had a serious face and murderous intent in his eyes.

But when the conversation turned to Xiaoye and the two of them, their expressions turned kind, as if they were friendly elders.

It is precisely because of this that everyone's hearts are cold.

As they walked forward, everyone was begging for the two of them to appear at the inner door.

However, their begging was in vain.

When they came to the inner gate to report, hope did not come to them.

Elder Tianhui entered the hall and asked, and the answer he received was that no outer disciples had come to report here today.

Hearing these words, the strong men of Hongye Sect felt that their eyes were darkened, their feet felt weak, and their future in life was instantly dim.

When they were both thinking about whether to confess, Elder Tianhui murmured, "Did both of them go to find Deputy Sect Master Dong?"

A ray of setting sun shines into everyone's hearts again!

With this hope, everyone followed Elder Tianhui and immediately went to the Main Hall of the Inner Sect of Hongye Sect to meet the East Deputy Sect Master.

As they walked up the stairs of the main hall step by step, their hearts were beating.

The third floor is where the East Deputy Sect Master is located!

After standing on the third floor, everyone could not help clenching their fists and sweating as they watched Elder Tianhui search deeply for the back of the East Deputy Sect Master.

Life or death, it all depends on this moment!

Dongjin is standing by the window at this moment, and outside the window is the endless scenery of red leaves.

With the breeze blowing on his face, Dongjin held the volume in his hands and looked at the things recorded in the volume seriously. He was meticulous about every detail.

"Tianhui, you came just in time."

Dongjin smiled happily and handed the volume in his hand to the attendant beside him, and then motioned for Tianhui to sit down.

"Tonight you bring Xiaoye and Zhao Si over, and we will have a meal together."

"My subordinate understands."

Tian Hui was not surprised at all by the invitation from the East Deputy Sect Master.

If he were an ordinary genius, he would naturally not be invited by the East Vice Sect Master.

That Zhao Si is different.

Not to mention Xiaoye.

However, Tian Hui immediately felt something strange, and then asked hurriedly: "Deputy Sect Master Dong, do you mean that Xiaoye and the others are not with you at this time?"

"At my place?" Dongjin's smiling face suddenly changed, and a coldness swept over him, "Tianhui, what you mean by this is that Xiaoye is not at your place either... What's going on, let you Can’t you even look at anyone?”

With that said, Dongjin stood up slowly, and the coldness in his eyes made Tianhui immediately bend down.

Tian Hui was still a little confused at the moment, but the idea was ready to come out.

But, he didn't dare to think so.

Deputy Sect Master Dong handed Xiao Ye and Zhao Si over to him. If he really turned around, he would be lost.

This is no small matter!

"Deputy Sect Leader East, my subordinates said that Xiaoye and the others have entered the inner gate. I went to the reporting office and couldn't find them, so I thought they were here."

"Since we have come to the inner gate, we should be at the inner gate. Let your people go find them quickly. I want to see them before sunset today!"

Dongjin ordered coldly.

Tian Hui quickly stood up, took three steps in succession and walked out.

At this point, Dongjin didn't think anything was wrong. After Tianhui left, he showed a smile, but he was somewhat helpless.

He thought that Xiaoye and the two might have found the inner door novel, so they ran away somewhere.

It's just that these two guys can get rid of Elder Tianhui's people, which is a bit of a trick.

A peerless genius is indeed a peerless genius!

At such a young age, he is quite capable!

However, Tian Hui already felt something was wrong at this time.

Of course, he didn't dare to think too much yet.

When he walked to the stairs, he saw that the dozen or so people under his hands had buried their heads deeply.

He got it!

So disappointed!

Tian Hui's brows trembled suddenly at the next moment, and the thought that he dared not even think about spewed out and occupied Tian Hui's entire heart, making his body tremble with anger.

A dozen people can't stand two people!

Then what are you doing?

Tian Hui said angrily: "I'll give you one hour to find Xiao Ye and Zhao Si from the inner gate. I don't care what method you use, if you can't find them... come and see me!"

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