Super Sect System

Chapter 832 Returning to the Clan

"Master, what about us?"

"There must be a lot of panic in Hongye Sect right now. If we don't go back, something big might happen."


More than a dozen deputy sect masters of the Red Leaf Sect have already completely forgotten about the Nine-tailed Demonic Fox Clan. In their view, the Hongye Sect is their foundation. Dozens of Earth-bound masters have died. If at this moment... If you don't go back, you might be in trouble. If the situation continues to deteriorate, even if you, together with the Yin Yang family and the Xuan Ting Pavilion family, exterminate the nine-tailed demon fox clan during this trip, you won't be able to restore the losses faced by the Red Leaf Sect.

Ye Wuping was silent at the moment. Compared to the many deputy sect leaders, she really had many more things to consider.


She was very unwilling.

How much effort had she put into catching this divine son of the nine-tailed demon fox clan, and had she planned it for more than ten years, and she would not kill him if she said she wouldn't?

But don’t leave. There is no strong person in charge of the situation in Hongye Sect at the moment. The situation may continue to deteriorate. Where it will eventually go is really unknown.

"Immortal Sect, Immortal Sect. You really gave me Ye Wuping a big surprise. If you don't wipe out your Immortal Sect from top to bottom, I will be really sorry for the surprise you gave me." Ye Wuping closed his eyes and turned away bitterly. Go away and no longer look at the Supreme City, nor the blue sky and white clouds.

She has decided to leave!

In desperation, she could only give up her ambitions and choose to go back to stabilize the Hongye Sect.

At the Red Leaf Gate, all the powerful people withdrew from Supreme City Cheese. The people in Supreme City couldn't believe this.

They are still waiting to see a good show.

However, after receiving the news from the vassal forces of Hongye Sect, everyone was relieved and understood why Hongye Sect left.

Of course, they fell into more horrifying reverie.

"Immortal Sect?"

"I have never heard the name of this sect. They unexpectedly attacked Hongye Sect while the leader of Hongye Sect and others were away from the sect, and killed the deputy sect leader of Dongjin and more than fifty elders of the Earth Unforbidden Realm. ”

"You only know one but not the other. Why do you think the Immortal Sect came to the door? That's because the Hongye Sect issued an announcement to annihilate the Immortal Sect a few days ago, but because of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox clan's affairs, there was no such thing. Take action immediately. But the Immortal Sect takes action first!"

"This Immortal Sect is really decisive."

In the supreme city, people coming and going chatted with each other.

For eating this big melon, no less than the son of a god of the nine-tailed demon fox clan would be sentenced to death.

How many years has it been since Hongyemen suffered such a big loss?

a hundred years?

Two hundred years?

Now there is actually a force that attacks Hongyemen directly and kills dozens of powerful people in a row. This is really shocking.

While everyone in Supreme City was discussing this matter, people from the other two major forces were also laughing. After all, the three families are not close friends to begin with, so why cooperate? It's just because they have a common enemy.

Putting this layer aside, they should be considered enemies.

Now seeing that Hongyemen suffered such a big loss and had to leave Supreme City, the two of them were happier than anyone else.

However, what the two families did not expect was that precisely because of the departure of the strong men from the Red Leaf Sect, the nine-tailed demon fox clan came to rescue the contemporary son of the nine-tailed demon fox and succeeded. Although they paid a heavy price, the nine-tailed demon fox clan successfully rescued the Son of God and gave both families a slap in the face.

Of course, this is all for later.

red domain.

It had been four days since Wen Ping left the Red Leaf Sect. At dawn on the fifth day, he finally led everyone back to the Immortal Sect.

The first thing Wen Ping did after returning was to send these talented disciples from Hongye Sect to plant trees.

When Yang Lele and others saw that the new tree-planting handymen were all Zhenyue realm experts, they were all very surprised. Especially when they saw that they were all so young, they were even more amazed and speechless.

"You, you, you! What's your name?"

Yang Lele pointed at the arrogant woman in front of her.

That woman is the top genius of the Red Leaf Sect, and she is also a top-level existence in the Red Territory. Now being pointed at by a brat like Yang Lele, she is naturally very angry. Just when she was about to curse a few words, she felt a terrifying aura suddenly coming out from behind her that made her hair stand on end, so she could only bury her head obediently.

Likewise, others buried their heads helplessly.

This is no longer the Red Leaf Gate.

With their strength, what is the difference between resisting and seeking death?

Then everyone told Yang Lele their names truthfully.

After listening to a few words, Yang Lele said directly: "I am the senior brother of the Immortal Sect, remember. In the future, you should not call such complicated names, just follow the other tree-planting handyman disciples and use numerical names. Your name is Twenty-Two , your name is twenty-three, raise your head, your name is twenty-four..."

After the queue reached more than seventy people, Yang Lele took everyone to the back mountain, and then began to distribute tools and assigned the original tree planting handymen to look after them.


It is a creature with strong evil roots.

When bullied, they will resist and feel very uncomfortable.

But if someone lets them bully them, they will not hesitate to inflict on others what others have done to them.

This happens invisibly, and even the parties involved are not aware of it.

After Yang Lele left, a Zhenyue Realm expert with Duanzhu qualifications loudly scolded the new Hong Ye Sect geniuses.

"You all look sad. Someone in your family has died? Please cheer up. If you can't complete the task in a day, don't even think about resting. If you dare to be lazy, be careful I won't be polite to you."

Let's talk, he also introduced himself quite proudly.

At the same time, Wen Ping left the Immortal Sect with Mu Long and teleported directly to Demon Emperor Lake through the teleportation array.

Demon King Lake has been transformed by the huge demonic energy during this period, and has become completely different from before.

There are monsters everywhere, and some of them are very skilled in using monster power.

When Wen Ping and Mu Long arrived, Mu Long was very curious at the moment, stepping on the land of Demon Emperor Lake with a look of doubt on his face.

Because he felt an unusual aura.

This is an atmosphere that has never been felt before in the previous era and this era.

Just as Mu Long looked around curiously, his foot suddenly stepped on a piece of grass, and then he heard the grass suddenly scream, "Senior, be careful, you stepped on me."

Mu Long was startled and looked at the grass that was speaking human words, and then witnessed the grass rising directly from the ground and finding a place to take root again.


Wen Ping smiled and ignored Mu Long's expression of having never seen the world. "Keep walking and you will see more different monsters."

Mu Long nodded and continued walking forward with Wen Ping.

(That’s all for today. The motherboard of my computer is broken. I have to fix it the day after tomorrow. I wrote a chapter in an Internet cafe. I couldn’t stand the air and felt nauseous after a while. Speaking of which, after high school, I basically I haven’t been to an Internet cafe a few times.)

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