Super Sect System

Chapter 834 Wen Ping——Dead

Like Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Fayuan Valley is also located in a unique secret place.

However, unlike Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind enters from the forest, while Fayuan Valley enters from the sky.

There are suspended stone steps at the bottom, one step after another leading straight into the air.

A total of eighty-one levels!

Symbolizes the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

Stepping onto the first level, the world suddenly changed.

The surrounding world, green mountains and forests, and the familiar Immortal Sect buildings disappeared without a trace.

Looking around, I am only born in the blue sky.

At the end of the stairs is the Tianmen.

The gate of heaven is wide open, and within it is the Fayuan Valley.

The higher you go up the stairs, the more ferocious the rich aura becomes, like the sea breeze before a storm.

"This kind of world is suitable for cultivating immortals." Wen Ping walked up with brisk steps while listening to the systematic introduction in his ears.

"Fayuan Valley cannot be upgraded. The sect leader has no privileges when entering. Regardless of disciples or elders, you can only enter for one hour per day to practice. Each hour requires 10 sect mission points. Each person can only avoid death once per day. Chance."

Wen Ping was stunned.

The footsteps also stopped.

"Avoid death?"

"Fayuan Valley is a corner of the real world of cultivating immortals. Although it is not as dangerous as the real world of cultivating immortals, it is still not something that anyone can step into rashly. If a sect member enters, the second death will be the real meaning. Death on top.”

"Then it seems that there is a lot of opportunity in the Fayuan Valley."

There is such a sentence in the novel about cultivating immortals.

The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity.

Fayuan Valley, as the only training place of the Immortal Sect where people may die, what kind of existence does it contain?

With curiosity, Wen Ping continued to walk up.

The system went on to explain: "Fayuan Valley is divided into three areas. In the outer area, the entrance extends thousands of miles inward. This area is low-risk and suitable for sect disciples to enter. In the middle restricted area, the outer area extends thousands of miles inward. This area is extremely dangerous. Of course, the opportunities in it are also very rich. At the same time, if you want to go deep into this area, you need to consume 100 sect mission points again, and the time limit is one hour. Finally, there is the final restricted area, and the risk factor of this area is The highest level, no one is allowed to enter unless it is forbidden. Although entering this area does not require additional sect mission points, the chance of falling is very high."

"The final restricted area..."

Wen Ping was silent.

The Immortal Sect currently has not many powerful people in the land.

Demon King Huai Kong, Demon King Shi Feng, Sword Demon and Mu Long, in addition to He Nian, Long Yue, Long Ke and Wei Sheng Xingyu who may step into the ground at any time.

Let them try it out.

If there are really those who dare not go in, Wen Ping will be very disappointed.

To shrink back is the last thought a practitioner should have.

"Let me explore the path for you first... the system, are there any benefits for the first time it is built?"

"not at all."

"Without building welfare, what can I do if I stay there for an hour?"

"The flow of time in Fayuan Valley is different from that in the outside world. One month passes in Fayuan Valley, and one hour passes in the outside world."

"One hour is equal to one month!"

Wen Ping suddenly became happy.

There are a lot of things you can do in Fayuan Valley.

There is no pulse energy in the Fayuan Valley, but although the pulse technique cannot be practiced, the spirit body, spells, etc. can be practiced.

At this moment, Wen Ping was already standing at the edge of Fayuan Valley without realizing it.

As the sect leader, entering Fayuan Valley does not require deducting sect mission points, but it does deduct 100 reputation points.

"The Qiankun Thunder that can kill the earth only has 1,000 reputations. How come there are so many reputations for a trip to Fayuan Valley?"

"Don't the host want to enter the final restricted area? When entering the final restricted area for the first time, you first need to enter through the middle, and you cannot teleport directly."

"Do you think I'm a rich man?"

Wen Ping was still a little bit reluctant to take away 100 reputation points at once.

After all, fame can only be gained by completing tasks.

Who knows if there will be more fame missions in the future?

This thing is not white crystal, it can definitely be regenerated!

Take one step forward!

The world changes again.

Wen Ping stood in front of a boundary monument. The boundary monument towered into the clouds, as if it were standing against the sky and the earth. There were four big characters written on it - the central restricted area!

Standing on the edge of the central penalty area, Wen Ping glanced at the Xianxia world around him.

Shouldn't the restricted area be peaceful?

Colorful spiritual birds fly over the treetops, butterflies float in groups through the flowers, and spiritual beasts in the forest chase each other and make sparse sounds.

The flowers are in bloom, the trees are luxuriant, and the forests are deep. From time to time, there are also the cries of spiritual animals in the mountains, making people feel particularly peaceful.

This is a wonderland.

It doesn’t feel like a restricted area at all!

After Yu Jian took off, Wen Ping looked down at the land. He saw the spiritual fruits guarded by spiritual beasts, the cave heaven and paradise blocked by white mist, and all kinds of wonderful places. Wen Ping didn't bother to explore this.

Because the central restricted area is not suitable for people around the world, these places are left to the sect disciples to explore.

In the next three days, Wen Ping kept flying with his sword, and finally arrived at the final restricted area of ​​Fayuan Valley.

The final restricted area finally had a bit of a terrifying flavor.

Just the piece of animal bone exposed on the ground in the edge area contains surging spiritual energy, which is far stronger than the bones of a real dragon.

If you bring it back to the little darling and the little darling, as long as they can digest it, they will definitely be able to reach the strength of the earth.

It's a pity that there is no such big hidden ring.

We can only throw the big and little ones in later and let them eat by themselves.

Of course, it's not that you can't cut off a piece and take it back, but the flying sword in Wen Ping's hand can't hurt it at all.

Just when Wen Ping was about to go deeper, another pile of bones emerged from the ground a thousand meters ahead.

Like a skull.

If it were just bones, Wen Ping wouldn't bother to look at it anymore.

But in the center of the bone, there is a huge golden demon pill.

The demonic power is so pure and intense that it is terrifying!

"This monster has been dead for many years, but the demon elixir is still intact." He walked over and picked up the demon elixir. Before he could take a closer look, a more powerful aura of the demon elixir came.

Very close!

Within a kilometer!

Wen Ping glanced around a few times and determined his target on a hillside ahead.

After breaking through the hill with a sword, sure enough, there was a set of bones inside, and the demon core was still intact.

At this time, Wen Ping realized something.

Pick up the demon pill and directly lift the sword into the air!

The mental power was immediately poured out!

"As expected, there are demon pills all over the place." Wen Ping was overjoyed and quickly started the scraping mode with his sword.

With so many high-quality demon pills, Wen Ping suddenly made a bold guess!

Within a short while, Wen Ping searched the surrounding area and harvested more than thirty demon pills in total.

Among them, ten demon pills are extremely good!

Sure enough, there is a big opportunity in this restricted area!

If so many demon pills were swallowed by Huai Kong and the others, how much strength would they gain?

Wen Ping felt that it was absolutely indispensable.

However, we still have to go back and experiment by how much it will increase.

Just when Wen Ping was about to continue searching for the demon pill with his sword, a gust of wind hit him so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react.

A strong wind passed by, and Wen Ping was unable to stand firmly on his sword.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura came down that made him shiver.

And getting closer!

"not good!"

Wen Ping was startled, and just as he was about to react, strange hurricanes gathered from all directions tore him apart.

A cloud of blood mist suddenly exploded in the air.

The heavy sword under his feet was also shattered at this moment.

Wen Ping - died!

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