Super Sect System

Chapter 844 Is the vassal of Longmen the owner of Zhizhilou? (First update)

Seeing that Jian Chen Xin didn't seem to be joking, Lei Qianshan believed it and decided to follow Jian Chen Xin to take a look.

Take a look at who the owner of this mysterious Zhizhilou is.

Know everything about the world?


Jin Zhilou's tone was quite loud, like a little kid who just started out and didn't understand anything.

"Where is he now?"

"Right in Shearwater City!"

When Jian Chen said these words in his heart, Lei Qianshan was startled for a moment, and a sneer with murderous intent curled up at the corner of his mouth for a long time.

He doesn't like killing people as much as Jian Chen Xin, but knowing that the building owner is so bold that he dares to appear in Jianshui City, is there any reason not to kill him? He doesn't like others interfering in his territory, just like he doesn't allow strange men to appear next to his woman.

"Come with me!"

Jian Chen's heart immediately turned into a thunderbolt and rushed into Jianshui City.

Lian Lei Qianshan quickly followed.

After landing in a deserted alley, the two of them switched to walking, walking along the street seemingly aimlessly, but very clearly. Finally, we came to a place, Yishui Academy in Jianshui City.

Dragon Gate vassal!

Five-star force—Yishui Academy!

Lei Qianshan frowned and asked, "Are you sure you are here?"

"You didn't expect it, did you? In fact, I didn't expect that why the vassal of Longmen would become the owner of the Zhizhi Building? The reason for this can only be known by catching the dean of Yishui Academy." Jian Chen's heart entered through the door. , take a stroll in the courtyard.

Are there any academy students passing by on the roadside? There are all kinds of people with varying strengths, but no one pays attention to Jian Chen and Xin.

In less than a moment, the two of them were standing downstairs of Yishui Building.

The dean of Yishui College is on top right now!

A water tower.

In the room on the top floor, the dean of Yishui Academy was sitting on a chair, holding an Immortal Daily in his hand and looking at it with satisfaction. That look was like looking at one's own child, full of pampering and love.

In fact, he has read Immortal Daily more than a hundred times in the past few days, and has read an article over and over again hundreds of times.

But not enough!

Whenever he had some free time, he wanted to read the Immortal Daily.

While stroking his white beard, the dean of Yishui Academy looked at the Immortal Daily with a smile. Standing next to him was a young woman with dark eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes, skin as white as jade, and a little smile, which looked particularly charming.

This person is Yiyi, the only daughter of the dean of Yishui College.

"You've watched it hundreds of times, why do you keep watching it over and over again?" Yiyi couldn't understand his father more and more these days.

"Because it is something that can change the world. Although it is just a thin piece of paper, it carries the dream of being a father. I seem to have seen the future. After seeing it, people can know it without leaving home. A prosperous time for world affairs.”

The dean of Yishui College was very excited at the moment, looking forward to the future in his heart, and his old and decaying heart exuded the passion of young people.

He was also young, and he once liked to pursue everything he wanted, such as strength, women, power, etc. However, when his youth passed away, he hid all of this in his heart, hiding it so deeply that he would have forgotten the passionate and bright dream he once had unless someone reminded him.

Now the light of hope has awakened his dream. In his lifetime, he wants more and more people to read the Immortal Daily.


The door to the dean's office was suddenly kicked open.

Lei Qianshan walked in, clapping his hands as he walked, "Yijian, you really surprised me with your immortality. The last time I saw you, you got rid of a serious problem for my Longmen, Loyal Sun and Moon It’s a lesson. We’ve only seen each other for a few years, why have you changed so much?”


The old dean was startled, and the Immortal Daily slipped from his hands.

how come?

He thought he had done it covertly enough.

He placed the workshop where Immortal Daily was printed underground in Yishui College. It was a place where no other person knew of its existence except him and his daughter.

"Brother Lei, am I right? This old guy is the owner of Zhizhilou." Then, Jian Chenxin walked in with a malicious smile on his face.

The moment Jian Chenxin walked in, a sword directly opened the vein gate, and a disk-shaped sword energy struck directly. He then pulled his daughter back and threw her out of the window, "Yiyi, let's go!"

Yiyi shouted in shock: "Father, let's go together!"

After Yi Jian saw that the sword energy he had slashed was casually broken by Lei Qianshan, he shook his head and said helplessly: "Don't look back, keep running forward, leave Jianshui City! If you don't enter Chengdi Unforbidden Realm, don't come back. !”

With tears in his eyes, Yiyi looked at his father's majestic back and burst into tears, but he didn't stop as he left.

As soon as she lowered her head, she grasped the stone that her father quietly gave her!

Lei Qianshan didn't care at all about Yi Yi's escape, he just stared at the dead end sword in front of him, and then asked: "Is this dean of Yishui College idle? Why did you betray me and create a so-called Ji Zhi Tower. "

"Jianzhilou...Jianzhilou...It seems that someone betrayed me." Yi Jian laughed miserably, but he had no regrets about it.

The Immortal Daily is out.

He is very happy!

Although he may not have the opportunity to witness the glorious moments of Immortal Daily and welcome the coming new world, he is still very happy.


Lei Qianshan opened his pulse gate.

The pulse gate trembled, and the momentum of the Earth Unforbidden Middle Realm was immediately suppressed, and then Lei Qianshan was seen shooting away. His fists hit the chest of Yi Jian directly, sending it flying hundreds of feet away and smashing through it. The gate of Yishui Academy.

When the Yishui Academy students who were originally shocked saw this, they all hurriedly ran up, concerned and wanting to help.


"What's wrong with you, Dean?"

The moment they ran forward, Lei Qianshan and Jian Chenxin appeared in front of them. The four highlighted veins scared them and they fled.

Yi Jian laughed miserably, looked at Lei Qianshan and said: "Lei Qianshan, Jian Chenxin, since I can't escape death today, I might as well tell you a secret before I die!"


Lei Qianshan responded coldly.

Yi Jian touched his beard that was stained red by the blood at the corner of his mouth, showed a meaningful smile, and said: "I am just an insignificant existence in the Ji Zhi Building. The real Ji Zhi Building and the back of the Ji Zhi Building, you Do you two know what it is?"

Jian Chen was startled.

Not the owner of Zhizhilou?

Jian Chen said angrily: "You are trying to be mysterious. The people in Shuicheng have already confessed. Are you interested in pretending again?"

Yijian smiled and said: "Have they ever seen the real Jinzhi Tower? They have only seen me. They are not qualified to see the people above!"

After saying that, Yijian laughed.

He saw the anger on Jian Chenxin's face.

He saw Lei Qianshan's silence.

It’s not a loss to be killed today!

(Second update, 5 p.m.)

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