Super Sect System

Chapter 849 Ye Wuhuan, do you want to rebel (first update)

"Elder Mu, the most important thing on this trip is to protect the sword!"

Chen Xie gave instructions.

Because he is afraid that the people in Longmen will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Yiyi also hurriedly answered, bowing until his face almost touched his knees.

"Senior, please."

Mu Long raised his hand and a demonic force lifted Yi Yi up, and immediately said: "Elder Chen, please send someone to lead the way."

Just as Chen Xie was about to speak, Mu Long said again: "The sect leader gave me a word before he left. Elder Chen, you must not show your true face if you can. The owner of the omniscient master knows all things, so you should continue to wear it." That veil of mystery is wonderful!”

Chen Xie nodded understandingly, then looked around a few times, preparing to send a confidant to lead Mu Long. The place where Yijian was imprisoned, he had sent people to investigate very clearly these days, it was in the Nine Heavens Prison of Longmen.

Nine Heavens Prison is as taboo in Jianshui City. Everyone knows that this is a scary place that you can't get out of once you get in.

It really eats people!

And he doesn’t even spit out bones!

Dragon Gate usually uses Nine Heavens Prison to imprison enemies, so it is extremely heavily guarded. There are almost one guard every ten steps, and they are all Zhenyue Realm powerhouses. It would be difficult for most people to get in, but for those who are powerful, it is very easy to get in.

It's just that the Nine Heavens Prison is so heavily guarded. He is worried that if Elder Mu forces his way into the Nine Heavens Prison and causes too much noise, the people in the Nine Heavens Prison will jump over the wall in despair and kill him with a sword when they see that they are the beings of the upper realm. Then what will happen to this operation? It loses its meaning, even if it kills all the people in Nine Heavens Prison, it will not help.

While he was thinking about it, people from Jinzhilou began to volunteer to recommend themselves.

"Master, I am willing to lead the way for Elder Mu."

"I do too!"

However, they were all rejected by Chen Xie.

"Ye Wuhuan, I leave this matter to you."

In the end, Chen Xie chose Ye Wuhuan, who had just succeeded in instigating a rebellion. He still trusted Ye Wuhuan. After all, he had done a lot for Jinzhilou during this period, and he also dared to openly express his separation from Zaishui.

This is also the reason why he took over the task of protecting Yiyi.

Since there is no problem with loyalty, he is the only earth-free combat power currently available in Jinzhilou.

Chen Xie felt that the only way to break into the Nine Heavens Prison was Ye Wuhuan, who was boundless in the earth!

Ye Wuhuan immediately accepted the order, "Elder Mu, are we leaving now?"

Mu Long responded, "Right now!"

Ye Wuhuan swung the paper fan, closed it, and then gave everyone a fist, his scholarly demeanor suddenly took on a chivalrous air.

As soon as he put away the paper fan, his chivalrous spirit was mixed with a hint of murderous intent.

It seemed that he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Nine Heavens Prison.

With the spread of the Immortal Daily, even the guards who stayed in the Nine Heavens Prison all day gradually learned about the deeds of the Immortal Sect.

Kill the deputy sect leader of Hongye Sect!

The upper-level sword demon enters the sect!

It only took a little over a month from appearing to dominating the Star Sword Mountain Range!

All these deeds made these guards a little worried, because the closest to Star Sword Mountain is their Dragon Gate.

Although they are local snakes, it is not a pleasant feeling to be next to a real dragon.

They used to firmly believe that there was a Red Leaf Sect in the Shang Dynasty, so they could rest easy, but now that a Sword Demon of the Shang Realm has appeared in the Immortal Sect, they are a bit vain.

"What does the sect master say now?"

"The sect master doesn't seem to be doing anything. He just sent people to the Star Sword Mountain Range to check on the Sword Demon. It can be seen that the sect master is also a little worried."

"I hope it's fake."

"The Immortal Daily is produced by the Immortal Sect's Ji Zhi Lou. Whether the things on it are true or false is entirely up to them. Don't be unreasonable. Maybe they knew that Yijian was caught by us, so they deliberately released this Plant fake news.”

"It's not impossible. Okay, don't worry too much. Don't we still have the Red Leaf Gate above us?"

Speaking of Hongyemen, everyone immediately felt calmer.

Is it possible that one of the three giants in the Red Territory is still afraid of a newly rising Immortal Sect?

How powerful was the Lingxiao Sword Sect back then?

Wouldn’t he be destroyed as usual?

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside Jiutian Prison, as if a meteorite fell from the sky and hit the door of Jiutian Prison.


A loud noise came, followed by screams.

A huge aura swept over, and before the guards in the Nine Heavens Prison could react, a blue figure floated in before the ten breaths were up.

This person is Ye Wuhuan!

Ye Wuhuan held a paper fan in his hand, opened his veins, and turned the entire Nine Heavens Prison into a wet quagmire in the blink of an eye.

The quagmire is like a mouth of unfilled desire, constantly pulling down the guards of Nine Heavens Prison while devouring their hope of survival. A strong man at the lower level of Zhenyue was swallowed up by the quagmire in just a few breaths, and he didn't even have time to open his veins.

Zhenyue Shangjing can still struggle for a while, but his attack can only splash a piece of mud in the quagmire and cannot make any big waves.

The next moment, the huge mud dragon raised its head from the mud, like a carp jumping over a dragon gate, leaping high and then submerging into the mud.

Also disappearing along with it were the guards of the Nine Heavens Prison, the walls of the Nine Heavens Prison, and the blood-stained cells.

"Ye Wuhuan!"

"Are you going to rebel?"

When the guards of the Nine Heavens Prison who came from the depths of the Nine Heavens Prison saw this scene, they immediately looked like cats with exploded fur.

Ye Wuhuan looked up to the sky and smiled, saying: "When did I, Ye Wuhuan, ever be loyal to your Longmen? And who are you to question me?"

As soon as he raised his hand, his pulse trembled!

Suddenly, thousands of fast-moving mud snakes rushed towards the Nine Heavens Prison guards from all directions in the quagmire.

Many Nine Heavens Prison guards quickly formed pulse formations to resist Ye Wuhuan's attack. However, the vein gate had just taken shape when Ye Wuhuan's attack arrived. Mud snakes pierced through their spiritual bodies like loaches drilling through mud.

In from the chest, out from the back!

In a moment, the quagmire was dyed bright red with their blood. As the mud snakes surged, the blood and mud were mixed together, gray and red, very oozing. However, the guards of Nine Heavens Prison are still coming in a steady stream.

At the same time, at this moment, a ball of golden light in the Nine Heavens Prison shot straight into the sky. With a thunderous explosion, the golden light exploded, and then printed a dragon head pattern in the sky.

The dragon's head was in the sky, and most of the people in Jianshui City looked up at this scene, knowing that something big must have happened.

Because this is the summoning signal of Longmen!

The next moment, tens of thousands of Longmen members in Jianshui City gathered, including thousands of Zhenyue Realm powerhouses.

Lei Qianshan and Jian Chenxin also put down what they were doing at this moment and rushed to Nine Heavens Prison!

The Jiutian Prison was attacked, so Jinzhilou must have sent someone to rescue them.

"finally come!"

Lei Qianshan jumped up and flew towards Nine Heavens Prison.

At the same time, at the moment Lei Qianshan took off, Jianshui City suddenly saw hundreds of golden pillars rising into the sky, like giant pillars optimizing the sky.

The giant pillars stood around Jianshui City, and then quickly shrank, encircling the Nine Heavens Prison for ten miles, and one giant golden door after another appeared at the same time.

Longmen Wusheng Formation!


The previous generation of Longmen Sect Master spent fifty years casting it, and it was the last essence of life of a top four-whirlpool master craftsman!

Those trapped in the formation will have their strength restricted if they are not practicing Longmen Kung Fu, Longmen School pulse technique or Longmen Spirit Body.

(Second update, 5 p.m.)

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