Super Sect System

Chapter 857 Entering the Seven Domains of Zongbao and reaching the top 100 on the Heavenly Ranking (

In the Xingjian Mountains, Biyuantan, and in the backyards of Zhizhilou's shops in every city, beast carts were constantly coming in and out.

The beast cart contained boxes after boxes of Immortal Daily News. Whenever a box of Immortal Daily News arrived, the people in the store would immediately move it into the store.

Within a short time, nearly half a million copies of Immortal Daily were sold out.

The people in the store quickly continued to move, but the speed of moving the Immortal Daily could not keep up with the speed of buying the Immortal Daily.

A steady stream of people lined up in front of the store, eager to buy a copy of the third issue of the Immortal Daily.

Even after waiting for half an hour, he would happily pay and then happily buy an Immortal Daily.

This scene was played out in dozens of cities at the same time, and the Hongye Sect vassals who originally resisted the Immortal Daily couldn't help but line up to buy one.

Since you can't defeat Ji Zhi Lou, then join the newspaper buying team!

When people got the new issue of the Immortal Daily and saw the most conspicuous words "Immortal Sect Recruitment", they all excitedly shouted to those who didn't have the Immortal Daily next to them.

On the streets where people were coming and going, people gathered in small groups to watch the Immortal Daily, marveling over and over again while watching.

"The Immortal Sect is recruiting people!"

"Look here, these big characters!"

"Those who join the sect will be guaranteed to be in the top 100 of the Red Domain in the Seven Domains!"

"Isn't this Immortal Sect's tone too loud?"

Everyone was amazed, because entering the top 100 of the Seven Domains of Zongbao was really a bit exaggerated.

How big is the Red Territory?

Billions of people.

There are countless conditions for participating in the Seven Domains Climbing Ranking every year, and among them there are many top geniuses who are rare to see in a century.

By joining the sect, you can guarantee your top 100, which is amazing!

This Immortal Sect really dares to say that!

Just as they continued to look down, when they saw the quota for joining the sect, they all became upset again.

"Eighty people!"

"The Immortal Sect wants to recruit eighty people!"

"That is to say, the Immortal Sect will send the eighty people who have started to enter the top 100 on the Seven Domains Celestial Ranking."

People were amazed.

According to records, in the past five hundred years, even the three overlords Hongye Sect, Xuanting Pavilion and Yin Yang Family have not been able to ensure that my disciples will be in the top 100 of the Seven Domains’ Heaven Ranking List in the past five hundred years. Stopped more than 20 people!

Of course, it's not without miracles.

In the last hundred years, a miracle happened during the Seven Domains Climb to Heaven Ranking.

Fully 23 people in the top 100 are disciples of the Yin Yang family!

Shocking the Red Territory!

This Immortal Sect actually wants these eighty people to enter the top hundred, which is really unbelievable.

"Is this Immortal Sect bragging about Haikou, or is it serious?"

"It feels like a joke."

"80 people! Guaranteed to be in the top 100! Is it possible that the Seven Domains Climb to Heaven List is run by the Immortal Sect?"

Most people remained skeptical, and then looked down, and then saw the qualification requirements for those who wanted to join the sect.

Less than 40 years old!

Of course, this is the most basic.

If you are over 40 years old, you cannot participate in the Seven Domains Climbing the Sky Ranking.

This is no problem.

The second condition: half a step to Zhenyue realm is enough!

Everyone was confused when they saw this condition.

what happened?

Isn't it guaranteed to be 100?

Being able to reach the level of Zhenyue before the age of forty is indeed considered a genius, but there are too many such geniuses in the Red Territory.

In the past Seven Realms Climbing Heaven Ranking, the top 100 in the Red Realm were all at the lower Zhenyue Realm, the lowest Zhenyue Realm, and there were even some Zhenyue Upper Realm!

This is the true strength of the Seven Domains Climbing the Sky List!

But the Immortal Sect only requires half a step to the Zhenyue realm.

Seeing this, countless people were very confused, and suddenly felt that the Immortal Sect seemed to be playing a joke on everyone that was not very funny.

Moon Worship City.

Wen Ping walked to the reception hall alone and listened to the people around him talking about the Immortal Sect's recruitment.

When he heard that most people thought the Immortal Sect was joking, Wen Ping actually didn't care because none of these people met the criteria for joining the sect.

They say whatever they like.

At this time, Wen Ping took out the sound transmission stone and contacted Chen Xie.

"How about the third period?"

Chen Xie hurriedly said: "Sect Master, according to the reports from the members of the Zhizhi Building in each city, the third phase is far more popular than the first and second phases. Especially the people in Biyuantan are the craziest. Originally, the people in Biyuantan were the craziest. In each city, I sent a lot of extra people in advance to print two to three million copies of the Immortal Daily. However, they were all sold out within an hour. It is expected that in a large city with a population of tens of millions, such as Jianshui City, the number of copies of the Immortal Daily will be very high. The number that goes out must be about 10 million."

"Not bad." Wen Ping praised.

Chen Xie continued: "People's yearning for the outside world is still very strong, even for these people in Chaotian Gorge. After all, there are too many Chaotian Gorges, and 99% of the people may not be able to go too far in this life. Sect Master, If we work hard together, we guarantee that everyone in the entire Red Territory will be interested in Immortal Daily within half a year!"

Speaking of this, Chen Xie was a little excited.

If everyone in the Red Territory can read the Immortal Daily, then the first step towards changing the world will be considered a sure one!

Next is Yuanyang Domain!

Then there are the seven domains!

Finally, there is the entire Chaotian Gorge!

After Chen rested his passion for a while, the conversation suddenly changed, "But there is one thing that may make you unhappy."

Wen Ping responded, "Say it directly."

Chen Xie was silent for a while, and then said after a long while: "According to the information collected by the members of Jinzhilou, whether it is the people in the Xingjian Mountains or the people in Biyuantan, they have kept the information about the Immortal Sect recruiting people. question."

"Does that mean no one believes it at all?"

"Some people still believe it." Chen Xie smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that the sect leader would directly point out what he didn't dare to say.

To be honest, when he got the news, he went out to look around and asked many people who had read Immortal Daily.

Everyone seemed suspicious.

I don’t believe the Immortal Sect’s extremely exaggerated promise of a hundred repayments.

Not only do they not believe it, but there are also some clowns who can't stand the Immortal Sect and slander the Immortal Sect, saying that the Immortal Sect is crazy for wanting to be famous. They are definitely deceiving people to join the sect. After all, once you join the sect, you cannot retreat. Once you leave the sect, it is tantamount to betraying the sect.

The Immortal Sect has a higher realm.

After knowing that he was deceived, who would dare to judge the sect?

These bad remarks were also spread by word of mouth together with the things in the Immortal Daily, one to ten, and one to ten.

Everyone knows it!

At this time, Chen Xie heard Wen Ping on the other side of the sound transmission stone smile and said: "There is no need to pay attention to them, just those who are truly qualified to join the sect believe. There are many such people, and they will definitely choose immortality Zong’s.”

"Sect Master, why are you doing this now?"

Chen Xie was puzzled.

Wen Ping explained: "Because they are half a step into the Zhenyue realm, they would not have been able to reach the top 100 in the Red Domain of the Seven Domains Climbing to Heaven Ranking. After joining the sect, even if they could not enter the top 100, what would they have lost? No, instead they would have gained He has lost his identity as a disciple of the Immortal Sect. The Immortal Sect has strong men in the upper realms, and its attraction is fatal to these people."

Chen Xie nodded understandingly.

Wen Ping continued: "Send someone to keep an eye on the five confusions of the teacher's path. If there is any situation, please contact me directly."

Chen Xie nodded.

(Continue to write the fifth update... It is expected to be published in an hour or two novels. It depends solely on the status of the code.)

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