At the same time, on the street of this street, outside the residence of a wealthy businessman, a middle-aged man was walking leisurely. Beside him was a young man, walking with his head held high, full of energy, but he liked to hold his head up and point his nostrils at others, as if he was superior to others.

The vermilion lacquered door behind the two of them was still open, and the master who sent him away hadn't entered the house yet. Anyone who passed by him would respectfully call out—Elder Sun when they saw the black and gold robe on his body.

After walking a few steps, a whisper in his ear made him stop.

Several teenagers were discussing something.

"I don't know what the master of the Immortal Sect is thinking. The entry fee is actually a thousand gold. Are they crazy about money?"

"You thought the Immortal Sect was the original 2-star sect? Now even if you beg me to join, I won't go."

"Please, I won't go either."

"Pull it down, you are qualified to enter, I was kicked out of the fourth level of body training, you are one of the first level of body training, and the second level of body training."

"No way, the fourth level of body training is over?"

"The suzerain of the Immortal Sect takes himself too seriously."


After a few people discussed, Elder Sun immediately asked the disciples beside him: "It's really strange that the Immortal Sect has started accepting disciples. Mu Yan, do you know who the current suzerain of the Immortal Sect is?"

Mu Yan replied quickly, not daring to be negligent, "The son inherits his father's career, it should be that kid Wen Ping."

"you know?"

"No, I've seen it once from afar."

"Wen Ping, that man's son. The tree fell and the macaques scattered. It's interesting that Wen Ping wants to make a comeback."

"Master, shall we go and have a look?"

"Of course we have to go and see. Our Backing Mountain Sect is already the only sect in Cangwu City. It will be a matter of time before we swallow the Immortal Sect's territory. I want to see what the hell this Immortal Sect is doing. None of my disciples!"

After Elder Sun finished speaking, he walked towards the end of the street and stopped at the foot of Yunlan Mountain.

From a distance, he saw a lot of people gathered at the foot of Yunlan Mountain, definitely not less than twenty or thirty people. After he walked over, he was seen by the residents on the side. Many people didn't know him, but they knew the black gold robe on his body.

The sign of the elders of the patron sect!

Everyone slowly forked a path, allowing Elder Sun to walk to the foot of Yunlan Mountain without any hindrance.

After glancing at the sword stele, Elder Sun couldn't help but smile inwardly.

Do you really think it is immortal?

Mu Yan stepped forward, looked at Wen Ping, and motioned, "Master, he is Wen Ping, the current suzerain of the Immortal Sect."

Elder Sun didn't say anything, just stood still.

Mu Yan stepped forward quickly, and said to Wen Ping in a cold voice: "From the Immortal Sect, this is Elder Sun of our Backing Mountain Sect, why don't you come to see him?"

Wen Ping raised his head, without looking at the two of them, he just said to a young man in front of him, "If you say no, didn't you read the sign?"

"I can give 1500 gold coins."

"You only need 1,000 gold coins to get started, no matter how much you give, if you don't meet the standards, you can't join my Immortal Sect."

After all, the joy in Wen Ping's heart!

It will be good after the attraction ability of the main hall is turned on, but everyone passing by will be attracted by the Immortal Sect.

Although most of them came to watch the play, three people came to the door in just one hour, and they were all only one step away from geniuses.

It's a pity that the standard set by the system is there, and he rejected all three of them.

Seeing that Wen Pingli was ignoring him, Mu Yan on the side became a little impatient, and shouted angrily, "Hey, didn't you hear me talking to you? Immortal sect!"

"Look at the sign when you get started, and if your aptitude is up to the standard, just pay here. From now on, you will be a disciple of my Immortal Sect."

"Hey, the surname is Wen!"

Rolling up his sleeves, Mu Yan rushed over to grab Wen Ping out.

But was interrupted by Elder Sun, "The Immortal Sect has been turned into a place to collect money in just a short time. It's really sad and lamentable! The entry fee is a thousand gold. Those who don't know think that the Immortal Sect is a three-star sect."

Wen Ping glanced at the other party, and still said the same words, "For those who enroll in the sect, please look at the sign, and those who meet the standards come and pay the fee."

"Just accept it, just collect money, anyway, the Immortal Sect will change its name soon."

Elder Sun smiled coldly and looked around.

All the people who looked at him turned their eyes away, and some even left because they were afraid of offending the patron sect. Although they were all drawn over by the attracting power of the main hall, they were no match for the cowardice in their hearts.

After a few glances, the twenty or thirty people around had almost left.

But they also turned their heads twice. After all, the Immortal Sect is a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse. They still want to join in the practice, but the people from the Backer Sect actually came, and it was the elders of the Backer Sect.

Seeing this, Mu Yan also smiled triumphantly, and shouted to the surroundings: "The Immortal Sect is no longer the original Immortal Sect. If you want to practice, you want to go further on this road. Only by joining our Backing Mountain Sect There is a way out."

When everyone heard Mu Yan's words, they all whispered to each other.

"The people of the Immortal Sect are miserable."

"With the intervention of the Mountain Sect, the Immortal Sect's wish to gradually grow by recruiting disciples must have come to nothing."

"Hey, I still want to try my luck to join the Immortal Sect. It's a pity. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!"

After all, people left the foot of Yunlan Mountain one after another.

Wen Ping looked at the two people in front of him with some displeasure at this moment, and asked, "Are you two here to make trouble?"

The voice of this sentence fell, and the people who hadn't walked far stopped immediately.

Started to choke!

But I just don't know how the Immortal Sect will deal with it.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to fight. Elder Sun is a member of the Mountain Sect."

"What's the matter with the backing sect? The Immortal Sect used to be a 2-star sect, so how could you be afraid of an elder from a 1-star sect?"

"Are you stupid? The Immortal Sect is gone, haven't you heard?"

"Ann, I'm sure we broke up today, what else can we do? If we want to practice in the future, we can only join the backer sect."

Before the discussion stopped, two voices came one after another!



Turning their heads, everyone saw two black shadows flying out suddenly, and then fell into the bushes a few meters away.

But no one couldn't see what was flying out.

Suddenly a person shouted in shock: "Where are the people from the backer sect?"

"What about people?"

Everyone looked left and right, and their eyes were focused on the bushes, waiting for who the person coming out of it was.

But don't look, they all have the answer in their hearts.

The two people from the Backer Sect disappeared, and the two people from the Immortal Sect stood there firmly. The ending and the answer are very clear!

Elder Sun of the backer sect was thrown out like a trick.

[Friction friction, please collect]

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