Super Security in the City

Chapter 1071: Evil Dragon Fuzhu

The search for the Dragon King’s Treasure went smoothly. Six days later, the merchant ship saw a large island ahead. On the island, the mountains are continuous!

This is not the Dragon Island, the Dragon Island is in another place.

But on this island, the evil dragons have already gathered.

Luo Jun and others landed soon. After landing, everyone looked for it according to the schematic diagram of the Dragon King’s Treasure Map.

It was ten o'clock in the morning and the sun was shining.

In the mountains, the mountain breeze mixes with the sea breeze, making people feel relaxed and happy. Looking around, his eyes are also green. At this time, everyone was slightly nervous. Because they are about to face the evil dragon. Not only the evil dragon, but also the dragon king.

And there is also the legend of God Xuankong.

This island hides too many mysteries.

The road ahead is still very smooth. The location of the island is one of many islands in the North Sea. And the Dragon King Treasure is in one of the caves on this island. This cave is hidden in the mountains, but it is actually very difficult to find. If there is no treasure map, it would be impossible for Luo Jun and his party to find it.

And the location of the cave entrance is very hidden. The hole is facing downwards, from the top down to the hole inside!

The inside of the cave was pitch black, and even the sun couldn't get in.

Luo Jun brought the Huo Zhe here, but Luo Jun would not light the Huo Zhe at this time. This is too terrifying.

Luo Jun concentrating for a moment, he felt that there were indeed eight powerful breathing sounds inside. Want to come here are the eight evil dragons. It wasn't just Luo Jun who felt it, Lin Zhaonan, Luo Yin, Chen Jiahong, and Qiao Ning also felt it.

"Go!" Luo Jun did not hesitate too much, he said softly, and then jumped out of the hole first.

His body is light and silent, and he hardly makes any sound.

Qiao Ning was the second to jump down, and Qiao Ning's body style was not so powerful. So Luo Jun tacitly caught Qiao Ning.

Next, Lin Zhaonan, Chen Jiahong, and Luo Yin also jumped down.

A group of people went into the cave without knowing it.

They dared not make a sound at this time, but they both had their spears in each other's hands. These spears are here to kill the dragon.

The front of the cave is very wide, like an underground palace.

But there are no buildings inside, it's all rocky. There are many gems, jewels, gold and silver treasures and so on around. The gems shone brightly.

The ground is also covered with a lot of gold and silver jewelry!

It's not an exaggeration to say that this is a treasure. It's just that, Luo Jun and others are not interested in these yellow and white things at all.

The underground palace is very quiet.

Luo Jun and the others immediately saw that there were eight evil dragons crawling in front of them. These evil dragons closed their eyes and were sleeping.

"It's an opportunity!" Luo Jun thought to himself.

Everyone thought so too, they looked at each other, and then crept towards these dragons.

Qiao Ning's palms were full of cold sweat.

At that critical moment, Luo Jun had always been by Qiao Ning's side. He didn't say anything, but his concern for Qiao Ning was silent. Qiao Ning could see this, but she didn't show anything.

Qiao Ning was the first to do it. She flashed, and lightning jumped onto the dragon's head, and then exhausted all her strength to directly pierce the spear into the dragon's head.

He directly nailed the dragon to the ground.

At this moment, Luo Jun and others also shot at the same time.

Luo Jun and the others found an evil dragon, they jumped up with lightning speed, and killed it with a single shot.

Of course, the dragon's vitality is strong, and one shot can't kill it. Even if such injuries were fatal to them, they still made a stern roar.

When Qiao Ning stabbed the evil dragon, the evil dragon roared fiercely, and then his body twitched violently. After all, Qiao Ning was a long-time man. She calmed down and grasped the spear tightly. No matter how the dragon swung its body, she still grasped the spear tightly.

But at this time, there are three evil dragons that have not been killed. They were awakened immediately.

As soon as Qiao Ning looked up, he saw a dragon on the left suddenly rise. The evil dragon opened his big eyeballs, and his eyes were surprised and angry. Afterwards, the evil dragon spouted a blaze of flames toward Qiao Ning fiercely. The burning area of ​​the flames was so large that Qiao Ning had no choice but to jump down quickly, and then rolled on the spot.

A scorched earth formed immediately behind her.

And the temperature of the whole cave has risen suddenly.

The dragon that was nailed by Qiao Ning's spear could not move, but the fire-breathing dragon was chasing after it, and it jumped and flew immediately.

The big wings flapped and the strong wind burst.

The evil dragon spouted another flaming sword toward Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning stretched his body skills to the limit and quickly leaped ten meters away.

After the evil dragon spurted wildly, he focused on Qiao Ning.

It was also at this time that Luo Jun pulled out his spear and shot it at the dragon attacking Qiao Ning.

Luo Jun's gaze was still on Qiao Ning from beginning to end. He shot out with this shot, and his strength was extremely fierce. It burst out like a rocket, tearing the air apart.

With this shot, Luo Jun also fired at the dragon's armpit.

The evil dragon was very sensitive, and when he turned around, he shot and flew out with the large-winged general Luo Jun's spear.

Luo Jun moved faster, he kicked his foot on the ground, and immediately rushed out without waiting for the dragon to turn around. He grabbed the evil dragon's claws, then swung his body, and jumped directly onto the evil dragon's back.

The dragon was shocked and shook his body quickly, trying to throw Luo Jun out. Luo Jun's horse stepped steadily like Mount Tai, and after a few steps, he rode on the head of the evil dragon.

All these changes are at the moment of lightning.

Chen Jiahong, Lin Zhaonan and Luo Yin also had to deal with the other two living dragons.

In this cave, the advantage is that it is not big. Convenient for sneak attacks!

The disadvantage is that after these evil dragons wake up, once they attack and kill, it is difficult for Luo Jun and others to find a place to hide.

Although only three dragons are alive, the situation is very dangerous.

The other five dragons had swung a few times, and finally died directly.

Lin Zhaonan also jumped up, just like Luo Jun, and finally reached the head of an evil dragon.

Chen Jiahong and Luo Yin worked together to stab the spear in their hands. Luo Yin shot air, and Chen Jiahong accurately hit the dragon's armpit. So just like this, the two solved another evil dragon.

Chen Jiahong and Luo Yin quickly flashed their figures, and then picked up the remaining spears.

Luo Jun caught the evil dragon. Seeing that the evil dragon couldn't stun Luo Jun, he flew straight forward, breathing fire toward Qiao Ning. Luo Jun pulled out two of the dragon scales with both hands extremely fast. Then his hands dug into the dragon's brain. He grabbed his brain bones with both hands, and forcibly lifted the dragon's head up. The dragon sprayed fire on the wall.

The evil dragon let out a scream.

At the same time, the evil dragon was not stupid, and rushed upwards, just to kill Luo Jun on the top of the cave.

The cave roof was rugged and hit, and with the power of the dragon, it was absolutely dead.

Luo Jun's feet pointed upwards quickly, and when he hit, he kicked. With a bang, his hands were directly inserted into the dragon's brain with the help of force.

Going deep into it, there is a sticky brain inside. At the same time, Luo Jun also caught a hot thing!

"It's the inner pill of the evil dragon, fire pill!" Luo Jun understood immediately.

The evil dragon's head was so badly injured that he fell off immediately, moved a few times, and died tragically.

Lin Zhaonan's battle also became fierce. Lin Zhaonan, Chen Jiahong, and Luo Yin cooperated and killed the last dragon.

Dragon Slayer!

This prediction was really accurate, although not all of the ten evil dragons were killed by Luo Jun and Qiao Ning. But it was definitely because of the two of them who died.

At this moment, everyone was slightly relieved.

Luo Yin said: "These evil dragons' inner alchemy may be a good thing."

Luo Jun is not very interested in these. He said: "Let's go and see the Dragon King first."

When Luo Yin heard this, he couldn't say more.

Inside the cave, there are other cave houses.

Luo Jun knew that there should be the secret of the Dragon King and Xuankong God Venerable. The inner alchemy of these evil dragons are just small things, and Luo Jun's eyes will not be so short.

And Luo Jun was also very afraid that the Dragon King would really wake up.

The army rushed over this way to prevent the Dragon King from awakening. The Dragon King is a great supernatural power who can compete with God Xuankong. Once it successfully awakens, it will definitely be a disaster for Luo Jun and the others.

Luo Jun felt that since he was the saint of dragon slayer, he had his own mission.

Afterwards, Luo Jun led everyone to go inside.

After entering, unexpectedly saw the cliff!

Below the cliff, there is no bottom. The fog barrier surrounds all the year round and stays for a long time, so there is nothing underneath that I can see at all.

On the opposite side of the cliff, there are also rugged rocks. But there are more than three hundred meters between here and the opposite, and Luo Jun and others are simply unable to cross over.

Facing such a situation, Luo Jun and others stayed for a while. None of them expected that there would be a cliff in this cave!

Luo Jun first closed his eyes and focused on feeling. Although he has no mana, he has the super sensitivity of a martial artist.

"There is no heartbeat below." Luo Jun opened his eyes suspiciously after a long while.

Chen Jiahong said: "There is no sign of life either."

Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan also said, "We didn't feel anything either."

Qiao Ning has no magic power, but has lost his sensitivity. So she can't feel anything.

"Then what should we do now?" Chen Jiahong asked Luo Jun.

Luo Jun looked at everyone, frowned and said, "What do you think?"

Lin Zhaonan said: "We have all come to this point, we can't just leave like this? And, what is the use of killing ten dragons now? If the Dragon King really wakes up, then we are all dead."

Luo Yin said: "I think we should find a way to look under the cliff."

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