Super Security in the City

Chapter 1158: Come to the Hall of Stars

Fu Qingzhu's injuries have not fully recovered, and these few of them pose no threat to Luo Jun at all. Even as long as Luo Jun is willing, these people can't come or go today!

Moreover, when Luo Jun arrived in the Bronze Immortal Palace, his murderous intent was already up. If Fu Qingzhu didn't have enough reasons, he would not let Fu Qingzhu leave alive.

Fu Qingzhu and the three walked out of the Bronze Immortal Hall, and Xiao Ai was there.

Fu Qingzhu came to Luo Jun and the others.

The sun was dazzling, and the grass was green on the lawn.

Luo Jun did not speak first.

Fu Qingzhu said in a deep voice, "We are here to send you a message for the star master."

Luo Jun calmly said, "Oh, is it?"

Fu Qingzhu said: "Situ Linger is in the Hall of Stars."

Luo Jun suddenly lost his color.

He has the deepest city and wisdom, but when it comes to Situ Ling'er, everything will be messed up.

"Why is Ling'er in the Hall of Stars?" Luo Jun couldn't help but said.

Fu Qingzhu said: "Is Situ Ling'er in the Hall of Stars? Honestly speaking, I don't know because I haven't seen it either."

Of course, Qiao Ning also knew what Situ Ling'er was to Luo Jun. Although this will make her a little uncomfortable, she will not be jealous. She just said in a deep voice, "Since there is a trump card of Situ Ling'er, why didn't you say it earlier, but you still have to go so far as to say it as a last resort?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Qiao Ning, maybe I can answer you this question. I didn't say it before, because the star master never needed to threaten someone in this way. Now I say it because he doesn't want to drag him down anymore. As for why the star master didn’t take action by himself, maybe it was because he had a great relationship with the **** emperor and their trapped meteorite stream. Otherwise, why would Situ Ling'er be in the hands of the Star Hall?"

Qiao Ning remained silent, she didn't know what to say. From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that Situ Ling'er would be safe, but she hoped that Luo Jun would be safe. But at this time, she felt that no matter what she said, it was not appropriate. So, let's not talk about it. What he does, he supports him.

Luo Jun looked at Lan Ziyi and said, "Ling'er will really be in the Hall of Stars?"

Lan Ziyi said, "Since the star master has spoken, he won't tell lies."

Luo Jun took a deep breath and said to Fu Qingzhu: "Okay, I'll go back to the Hall of Stars with you."

Qiao Ning said immediately: "I will go with you."

Luo Jun looked at Qiao Ning, he shook his head, and said, "I will go alone. This is my business. Whether it is life or death, I should do it for Ling'er. I don't want to see you again. Go to risk."

Lan Ziyi sighed slightly and said, "Qiao Ning, you can stay here first. I'll accompany Luo Jun."

"You don't need it either." Luo Jun said.

Lan Ziyi smiled faintly and said, "You can't stop me what I'm going to do. I go, I have my own arrangements, don't worry, I won't make this kind of joke with my own life."

Luo Jun said: "The Hall of Stars is no better than other places. I know that you have a high level of cultivation, but you have done enough for me. I still have a third condition that I haven't put forward to you. Now I will tell you what I am The third condition is that you are not allowed to go to the Hall of Stars with me."

Lan Ziyi's face sank, but then she said to Fu Qingzhu: "We need to discuss."

Fu Qingzhu naturally nodded and said, "Yes!"

After that, Lan Ziyi and Luo Jun, Qiao Ning and Yalena entered the church.

Yalena naturally wouldn't say what to go to the Hall of Stars, this is not because she is not loyal. But she knew that she could not do without the Lost Continent.

Lan Ziyi said to Luo Jun: "You should see that even in the Hall of Stars, Fu Qingzhu also has the Tian Daxian and Li Lingting to help. Such a hard work to arrest you is probably not for your life. Let's go from here. Qingzhu’s treatment can also tell that the star master wants you to do things for him. As for why you choose you, it’s also because of your different luck. There are many things that ordinary people can’t do, but you can do it. And you Go ahead, if I help by your side, you will not be bullied. You are different from other destiny, not that you are the king of destiny, but that you have offended too many people in the Hall of Stars this time So, if I don’t go, even if the star master didn’t intend to kill you. Maybe someone else will kill you.

Qiao Ning said, "In this case, Ziyi, I will go together, it is more strength, isn't it?" She paused and said, "I have no other meaning, but I want to help Luo Jun get through. Difficulty ahead."

She was a little bit sad about this. She wanted to help Luo Jun, but she was afraid that Lan Ziyi would misunderstand that she wanted to grab Luo Jun with Linger.

Lan Ziyi smiled at Qiao Ning and said, "Qiao Ning, of course I know you have no other meaning. You are the king of silver sharks, how can you bother to make small moves. I believe Luo Jun understands this, but I still don’t. I suggest you go. Because I actually went to the Hall of Stars, I don’t know what will happen. It is full of unknowns. Luo Jun is valuable for use, so his safety is okay. And I have self-confidence. With respect to his ability, I can help him resist some small movements."

Luo Jun said: "I can handle the blue and purple clothes, you don't have to go. Don't forget, you promised my third condition."

Lan Ziyi said, "I just forgot and I didn't comply. What can you do?"

Luo Jun was stunned.

Lan Ziyi said: "You are the King of Destiny. It is true that you are too fate. But I will protect you through some difficulties. This is not necessarily an arrangement of heaven. If you just want to die, you will die if you hit your head with a knife. Following the wind, the gentleman acts by devotion. The gentleman should know how to avoid bad luck. It is a stupid to act aggressively and not use the help of others!"

Luo Jun was speechless again.

Lan Ziyi said: "It's not easy for you to walk now. Whether you rely on yourself or your friends for help, this is your network and ability."

Frogs and spiders have been good friends since childhood. Frogs jump and catch insects every day and are extremely flexible. This makes spiders envious, and after the frog is old, the spider still doesn't have to do anything, just wait for the bug in the web. The difference between a frog and a spider is that the frog only relies on itself, so when it gets old, it will end up miserably if it can't move. The reason why the spider can sit back and enjoy its success is because its experience is used to fabricate the web around it. What is the net around humans? It's a network! It only takes a few phone calls to have a personal connection, and you can get high returns with ease. And relying only on one's own strength is to work for people, and they are not good at building connections, so all they get is hard money.

Luo Jun finally agreed to go with Lan Ziyi.

Afterwards, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning spoke separately.

Qiao Ning's eyes were red, and she took out the War Slave, the Puppet Charm, the Daluo Immortal Vine and the Taigulong Stele, and the Ancient Thunder Talisman. "You bring these on your body for self-defense."

Luo Jun said: "I will accept the War Slave, Da Luo Immortal Vine and the Puppet Charm. But I can't ask for the Primordial Dragon Stele and the Ancient Thunder Charm. You also need a magic weapon for self-defense."

"I can look for it again, you are going to the Hall of Stars, it is dangerous..."

Luo Jun suddenly hugged Qiao Ning tightly in his arms. "Qiao Ning, thank you for always being by my side."

Qiao Ning was dumbfounded.

There were crystal tears in her eyes. This is because he has always understood her.

Just because of his thank you, Qiao Ning felt that everything was worth it.

"I hope that you and Ling'er can be well. If you can be well, I can never see you again for the rest of my life."

Luo Jun's body shook suddenly.

Because of Luo Jun's insistence, Qiao Ning still took back her ancient thunder amulet and the ancient dragon stele.

After that, Luo Jun said goodbye to Yalena.

This farewell is different from the last time. Yalena can only say: "Good luck!"

"Goodbye!" Luo Jun said.

After that, Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi stepped into the bronze fairy palace. Under the gaze of Qiao Ning and Yalena, the bronze fairy palace tore the door of the plane and shuttled out.

After Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi left, Qiao Ning stayed in Lost Continent for a while. After that, Qiao Ning, with the help of Yalena's Taiyu Scepter, left the lost continent and returned to the Great Thousand World smoothly.

That's right, it's the Great Thousand World. Because Qiao Ning and Luo Jun came from Daqian World.

Qiao Ning didn't want to return to Tianzhou anymore.

As for Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi, they stayed in the Bronze Immortal Palace for three days. After three days, finally reached Mars!

This is only reached after numerous wormhole crossings. Even with the highest human technology, it is impossible to reach Mars from the earth in three days.

The bronze fairy hall fell into the front garden of the Hall of Stars.

There are many stars in the sky above the garden, but if you look closely, these stars are not real stars in the sky, but a diffuse formation.

The illumination and day and night in the Hall of Stars have undergone changes in the formation and become the same as the earth. Therefore, the flowers and trees here can also grow densely.

Even the air you breathe is the same.

Fu Qingzhu collected the bronze fairy hall and entered the center of his eyebrows. Originally, Luo Jun thought that the bronze fairy hall was already a huge artifact. But the Bronze Immortal Palace was nothing compared with the Hall of Stars.

The Hall of Stars is just like the Forbidden City, passing through the garden, you will see the 3,000-square-meter martial arts field. There are countless architectural palaces around the martial arts field. Those palaces are lined with different levels.

Even the blue and purple clothes couldn't help but sigh for the star master's strength, and he can actually build such a large hall of stars on this Mars. This is absolutely the magic of creation.

Li Lingting took Xiao Ai back to rest, and they also had their own residence in this Hall of Stars.

And Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi followed Fu Qingzhu to Xingyidian to meet the star lord.

Passing through the palace hallway, the willows were brightly illuminated, and finally came to the core area of ​​the Hall of Stars, Star One Hall.

"Zhongxing Gongyue, this Star One Hall is the core of the formation." Luo Jun couldn't help saying.

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