Super Security in the City

Chapter 1205: Half step

"No need!" Situ Ling'er simply rejected Luo Jun. Luo Jun was not surprised, this little Nizi, whether in that life or this life, was so indifferent and individual! The difference is that Ling'er in that life was even more indifferent and even became a pathological one. If it weren't for the marriage relationship between me and her, and so much experience, it would be difficult for me to enter her heart anyway.

But Luo Jun knew that Linger's heart was hot. Once she really walked into her heart, she would use her life to love someone.

And Ling'er in this life is not that extreme anymore.

Luo Jun thinks this is a good thing, and he also knows that if you want to influence Ling'er, you can't retreat from the difficulties, but want to stalk. He followed the pace of Situ Linger. Said: "The city has been in chaos lately. Many hooligans and students from other schools like to rob halfway. You are so beautiful, the monitor, and they like to attack. You usually go with your classmates. It’s okay. I made it so late today because of me. I have the responsibility and obligation to take you home."

Situ Ling'er ignored Luo Jun and left directly.

Luo Jun followed behind.

Situ Linger seemed to live very close to the school, and did not take a bus. On the streets, the street lights are bright, and occasionally vehicles pass by. Luo Jun followed Situ Ling'er, this little girl, even in school uniform, couldn't hide her beautiful face. It's definitely a proper school flower!

"Squad leader, isn't your hometown in Yanjing? Why did you come here to go to school?" Luo Jun asked suddenly.

Situ Linger stayed for a while, she looked at Luo Jun and said strangely: "How did you know?"

Luo Jun gave a haha ​​and said, "My teachers talked about you when they were chatting." I have to say that Luo Jun is really clever. Situ Ling'er suddenly realized, she said, but there was no more.

Luo Jun said, "Squad leader, can you talk about it?"

Situ Ling'er said simply, "I don't want to say."

Luo Jun said: "..."

Luo Jun was also somewhat helpless for Situ Linger's temperament. And he also knew that everything should not be rushed. The main reason for Luo Jun still wanted to get closer to Situ Ling'er and to learn more about Situ Ling'er.

He doesn't have to be like Situ Ling'er. In this life, he only wants Situ Ling'er to be happy. As long as she is happy, he will ask for nothing.

At this time, the two passed by a milk tea shop in a typhoon shelter. Luo Jun said: "Squad leader, wait for me."

After speaking, ran towards the milk tea shop. He bought two cups of bubble tea for a dollar, and then ran over again out of breath. Fortunately, Situ Linger gave Luo Jun a bit of face and left without turning around.

"Squad leader, I invite you to drink milk tea. Thank you for helping me with tuition." Luo Jun passed the milk tea. Situ Linger hesitated for a moment, but still accepted the milk tea.

"Luo Jun..." At this moment, Zhao Yingjun's scream suddenly came from over there. "Help me!" Luo Jun and Situ Ling'er were taken aback at the same time. They looked over and saw Zhao Yingjun under the street lamp on the side of the street, and a few students who were also third graders blocked Zhao Yingjun.

"Squad leader, you go back first, I'll take a look." Luo Jun ran over after speaking.

He and Zhao Yingjun have always been in a good relationship, and they are considered hard brothers. Even in that lifetime, Luo Jun would not have socializing with small people like Zhao Yingjun. But the memory of Zhao Yingjun in this life has not been erased.

Luo Jun hurried over and confronted the five students with Zhao Yingjun. At a glance, Luo Jun recognized the leading one, Zheng Haoran from Class 3. Zheng Haoran is still very famous in the second middle school, can be said to be the king of the second middle school. His uncle is the head of organization of the Education Bureau. Even if it is the principal, you must be careful to face Zheng Haoran.

Zheng Haoran is tall, and the four people around him are all his dog legs and students in Class 3.

Luo Jun couldn't help but hurt. He looked at Zheng Haoran and said, "Zheng Haoran, why did Zhao Yingjun offend you? Everyone is a classmate, so there is no need to do that."

"Where do you come from, Xiaobi lousy?" Wang Chun, the dog-legged man next to him, cursed: "Is there any place for you to talk about? Get out of the way quickly, or you'll even hit you later."

"I'm fucking!" Luo Jun cursed inwardly, his violent temper immediately came up. In that lifetime, he was shocked by the situation, how many black bosses had to shout when they saw him, and now he was scolded by a third-year student. With cold eyes, he looked at Wang Chun and said, "What are you, you dare to be cruel in front of me."

"Oh!" Wang Chun originally thought that Luo Jun was a very honest guy, because he had never heard of such a man in the second middle school! So at this time, Luo Jun's reaction angered Wang Chun.

Then, Wang Chun suddenly kicked Luo Jun's abdomen.

Luo Jun's actions and reactions were not a master of that life, but he still had at least some eyesight. So the moment Wang Chun moved his feet, he guessed what he was going to do. So Luo Jun immediately stretched out his hand, hugged Wang Chun's foot directly, and then lifted it upward. Wang Chun immediately fell to the ground on his back. Luo Jun did not attack, because if he continued to attack, the other guys would besiege him from behind.

Although Luo Jun has lost his ability, his experience is still there. He immediately withdrew, sneered, and said, "It's just a trash, I think it's so powerful."

Zhao Yingjun couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Luo Jun.

It was also at this time that Situ Ling'er came over. She looked cold and said to Zheng Haoran, "Zheng Haoran, what are you doing?"

When Zheng Haoran saw Situ Ling'er, his heart suddenly jumped. "Situ Ling'er, why are you here?"

Situ Linger ignored Zheng Haoran, but said to Luo Jun and Zhao Yingjun: "Let's go!"

"Don't leave!" Wang Chun got up and shouted sharply. Zheng Haoran also reacted and said, "Situ Ling'er, this is a matter between our men, don't worry about it, go home quickly."

Luo Jun immediately said: "Okay, Zheng Haoran, if you are a man, let's go heads-up. If you win me, Zhao Yingjun and I will take care of you. No complaint, if you lose, then you will be Don’t trouble Zhao Yingjun and me anymore, dare you?"

Zheng Haoran was very tall, half a head taller than Luo Jun. He is also a fierce figure, and he is really not afraid of an honest student like Luo Jun when he is singled out.

Furthermore, the young ones are brave and brave. In front of the buddies, in front of Situ Ling'er, Zheng Haoran didn't have the face to say that he didn't dare to come. "Yes!" Zheng Haoran said.

Luo Jun then stared at Zheng Haoran closely. In the fight against Wang Chun just now, he had already noticed that this body was too different from the body of that life. Eyesight and speed can't keep up with what I think.

It used to be the speed and power of Mercedes-Benz, now it's just... the power and speed of children's bicycles!

It's a silly dad!

Situ Linger couldn't say anything aside. But she didn't like Luo Jun's aggressive way of doing things.

With a hey, Zheng Haoran rammed Luo Jun like a tiger descending a mountain. For the current Luo Jun, this is really a bit oppressive.

At this moment, Luo Jun took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Then, the whole person's hair was immediately startled.

This is the first step of Neijiaquan!

Although Kung Fu was left behind here, he immediately found the feeling. The hair was startled, and the pores all over his body closed. Then, Luo Jun took a half step forward and collapsed his fists forward.

This was a gentle collapse, and it was the essence of the half-step collapse of Old Man Guo Yunshen.

At the beginning, Mr. Guo Yunshen was caught by the government. When he was in exile, he was caught by someone who killed him. His hands were handcuffed, so he made the famous half-step break.

Fist in half a step, hit invincible hands all over the world!

Luo Jun's martial arts attainments are already above Guo Yunshen. So this half-step collapse of the fist suddenly broke out.

With a bang, before everyone could see clearly, Zheng Haoran was beaten out and fell to the ground.

Zheng Haoran didn't understand what was going on at all, and felt a spiral of force hit him. It hurts, Zheng Haoran fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Let's go!" Luo Jun said immediately.

Zhao Yingjun and Situ Linger immediately followed Luo Jun's footsteps.

"Damn, Luo Jun, I didn't really see it before. You fight so hard! We didn't see what happened when you hit Zheng Haoran just now!" Zhao Yingjun walked as if he had discovered a new world. .

"Don't talk about me first, what's the matter with you, how did you offend Zheng Haoran and the others?" Luo Jun asked Zhao Yingjun.

Zhao Yingjun was a little embarrassed, and said after a long while: "It's all Yang Lili!"

"What's wrong with Yang Lili?" Luo Jun said, "Yang Lili is Yang Lili in Class 3, right?"

Luo Jun knows Yang Lili, this girl is a long-sleeved dance master, she is also good at studying, and she is not very beautiful, but she is quite impressive. Yang Lili is still very famous in the third grade.

Zhao Yingjun said: "Yang Lili, this woman is crazy, she said she was going to play friends with me. Then I knew it, and she didn't know Wang Chun. Yesterday Wang Chun saw me and Yang Lili go home together, so she was very upset. Today So I asked Zheng Haoran to trouble me."

Luo Jun couldn't help but laughed. I rely on, there are so many children in junior high school. These children are really precocious!

Situ Ling'er was not interested in these, her home soon arrived. It is a house in a new community, and houses here are quite expensive. Before Situ Linger entered the community, he said goodbye indifferently, and then entered the community.

Zhao Yingjun poked Luo Jun and said, "You don't want to chase our squad leader, do you?"

Luo Jun said: "Nothing."

"That's more difficult than chasing Song Lingshan. If you have this idea, I advise you to quickly dispel it." Zhao Yingjun persuaded Luo Jun in good faith.

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "If I tell you, in fact, I just want to protect her silently and watch her happiness. That's enough, do you believe it?"

"Oh my god!" Zhao Yingjun said immediately: "I fuck, you have all the goose bumps all over your body. Do you want to be so numb! Don't say I don't believe it, you tell that woman, no one will believe it. what!"

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