Super Security in the City

Chapter 1243: Boxing

Elder Lei spoke loudly. After that, he said to Luo Jun: "I will take care of the Lei family's family affairs. But, anyway, Tianlin was still a descendant of my Lei family. As the saying goes, it depends on the owner. You don't give it to me. Lei’s face, today, you have to leave something, otherwise, I can’t let you go out of this gate."

Tong Jiawen's three daughters had thought that everything was over.

But he didn't expect that when Grandpa Lei suddenly changed his conversation, he was about to attack Luo Jun.

The three women suddenly turned pale, and their delicate bodies trembled slightly.

"Oh?" Luo Jun said lightly: "What does the old man want me to leave behind?"

"One finger!" said the old man Lei.

In fact, this is the generosity of Old Man Lei. A finger, this is the lightest punishment. In any case, the Lei family must have a saying when going out.

Even the third daughter of Tong Jiawen breathed a sigh of relief deep in her heart.

One finger... still bearable. Although it is still a bit cruel to Luo Jun!

Luo Jun stretched out his fingers, and his five fingers were as smart as butterflies wearing flowers.

"A finger, this request is not excessive at all!" Luo Jun smiled slightly.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, everyone thought Luo Jun had compromised.

This matter will finally be revealed.

But then, Luo Jun turned around and said: "But I'm sorry, I can't do it. The old man wants my finger, you can beat me. As long as you can beat me down, I will naturally let the old man handle it."

Afterwards, Luo Jun said: "Do you want to go together, or go one by one. Master arrange it, I will follow you as many times as you want!"

Luo Jun's tone can be said to be madly out of the sky.

But there is a kind of heroism in it.

Elder Lei and others did not expect that Luo Jun would make this choice.

"I'll learn the tricks of the little brother!" Zhong Tianzheng, the leader of the Eight Diamonds, stood up.

Zhong Tianzheng is in his forties and is at his peak. He can be said to be the chief guest of the Lei family, and has a high status in the Lei family. Zhong Tianzheng is also very upright, practicing Bajiquan, extremely brave and fierce.

"Yes!" Luo Jun said.

Soon, Luo Jun and Zhong Tianzheng opened up a posture.

Zhong Tianzheng clasped his fists and said: "He is the descendant of Zhongtian from Wujia Village in Xia Hebei, practicing Bajiquan, please advise!"

Luo Jun also clasped his fists and said: "In the next Luo Jun. But I practice very complicated. Since Master Zhong is practicing Bajiquan, then I will use Taijiquan and Master Zhong for a few tricks!"

"Okay, Master Chen, please!" Zhong Tianzheng said.

Wen has Tai Chi to secure the world, and Wu has eight poles to set the universe. Bajiquan, the name of Chinese boxing. Baji means to exert strength to reach far away in all directions. Its movements are simple and concise, violent and brittle, with vigorous movements. The term Baji in Bajiquan was originally a paleogeographical concept, which originated from Han Nanzi...Between the world of falling shape training, Baji in Kyushu. Baji is used in martial arts, and it takes the meaning of Baji far away.

Tong Jiawen's third daughter, Xin'er, mentioned her throat, although they had seen Luo Jun's power. But it can also be felt that Zhong Tianzheng is also Lianjiazi.

At this time, Luo Jun also clasped his fists and said: "Please!"

Zhong Tianzheng moved immediately as soon as the word please fell. Bajiquan, open and close, with fierce power. The ancient general, with an octopole gun in hand, is invincible!

Zhong Tianzheng's whole person's momentum has changed, and he is really like a general on horseback charging, killing and killing!

His left fist drilled out, like an angry dragon slamming Luo Jun's chest and abdomen. At the same time, the right elbow came over like a heavy shield.

Double attack, one shot, never tolerate!

The wind is blowing!

Zhong Tianzheng's Bajiquan was already indifferent, and his martial arts broke away from the original moves. But Jinli is the purest Baji Jin.

Luo Jun didn't blink his eyes. At that moment, he suddenly took a step back.

At the same time, his hands suddenly grabbed out, like a sealed seal!

Luo Jun's hands suddenly stuck to Zhong Tianzheng's fist.

Zhong Tian was taken aback, and his right elbow quickly covered it. Luo Jun took a step back, pulling Zhong Tianzheng along with him. At the same time, Luo Jun's right elbow was up a little bit, and Zhong Tianzheng's right elbow was in the middle. Suddenly, Zhong Tian was paralyzed in his right elbow.

A fierce light flashed in Zhong Tianzheng's eyes, he exerted force under his feet, his left fist violently exerted force, and his body was like a cannonball smashing into Luo Jun.

If Luo Jun's net is like a closed net, then Zhong Tianzheng will be the tiger in the net, and he will forcibly tear the net apart.

Luo Jun suddenly closed his chest and abdomen, and recovered all of his energy. His hands also wrapped around Zhong Tianzheng's arms like twists.

When he reached the extreme, he suddenly throbbed his chest and abdomen, bang!

A powerful spiral of vigor burst out.


Zhong Tianzheng only felt that this huge force was mellow and powerful, and instantly smashed the power of his fist away. Zhong Tianzheng couldn't hold back his footsteps, and stepped out three steps.

At this time, Zhong Tianzheng was shocked. "Master Chen, you have practiced Tai Chi to such a level at a young age. I am not your opponent. I admire it!"

Luo Jun clasped his fists and said: "It's easy to say!" He then said again: "Do you want to come together or come alone? I'll follow you all here."

Uncle Zhao stood up and said, "Master Chen, I'll learn your great tricks!"

He said and walked down.

"The next name is Zhao, Zhao Shiquan, who is practicing Xingyiquan, please advise!" Zhao Bo said with a fist.

Luo Jun said: "Xingyiquan is the essence of national martial arts, all-encompassing. Since Master Zhao wants to use Xingyiquan, well, I will also use Xingyiquan to match Master Zhao with a few tricks."

"You also use Xingyiquan?" Zhao Shiquan was slightly surprised.

Luo Jun said, "Is it necessary?"

Zhao Shiquan said: "There is nothing wrong with it, but Master Chen, you are good at Tai Chi, can you also Xingyiquan?"

Luo Jun said: "All kinds of boxing methods can be integrated. As long as it is a boxing method, I can."

At this time, Master Wuwei couldn't help but said: "Amitabha Buddha, goodness is good. Although boxing can combine all kinds of skills, how old are you, the little donor, how can you get to this point?"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "If I am bragging, I can know if I play."

Master Wuwei said: "Master Zhao Shiquan's Xingyiquan is famously fierce. His hands are stained with the blood of a lot of masters. Little donor, you must not take it lightly!"

Luo Jun said, "Thank you, Master, for your concern. The Chinese martial arts make an effort to kill people and see blood. Even if it is a matter of life and death, how dare I take it lightly."

Master Wuwei no longer said more, just said Nanwu Amitabha!

Zhao Shiquan clasped his fists and said, "Master Chen, please!" "Master Zhao, please!"

As soon as Luo Jun's words fell silent, Zhao Shiquan shot it.

Zhao Shiquan's neck stood up and his head raised! Spread both hands slightly, raise your right leg and cushion your right leg. The whole person seemed to fly up in the sky and swept over. At the moment when he pounced, his fists pecked into an olecranon, his arms were wrapped, and the spiral wind was blowing, rushing toward his face!

He looks like a huge eagle rushing to pounce frontally, with one hand eagle pecking at his throat, attracting and not sending, both defensively and waiting for opportunities. He pecked his hair with his other hand and plunged it straight into Luo Jun's right eye.

Xingyiquan has twelve shapes and an eagle shape.

The eagle also has a formula. If you do not leave the eagle handle, you must be an eagle when making progress!

Zhao Shiquan shook his whole body, his chest and lungs moved, exhaling and spouting sound, naturally forming the eagle's neck-and-howl.

He has also practiced the eagle-shaped boxing of Xingyiquan to the level of easy sounding.

The situation in the field was turbulent, Zhao Shiquan's cultivation was far above Zhong Tianzheng, and his shot was extraordinary.

All the onlookers looked intently, and Tong Jiawen's three daughters became worried again. Every time Luo Jun made a move, their hearts followed. But they also have a kind of worship from the heart.

Roar! Luo Jun stepped back, his body bowed forward, his back bulged, and he used his body to make a tiger roar. At the same time, he raised his arm, opened the mountain with a big axe, and flung it along the side line of his right eye, just slashing it on Zhao Shiquan's eagle-shaped fist mouth.

Tiger-shaped splits, and the roar vibrates.

When Luo Jun shot, he was also in the shape of a tiger in Xingyiquan. There are also songs in the shape of the tiger: the tiger is king in the deep mountain town. It feeds at night and hides during the day. A roar can make the flock of birds dumb, and the strongest attack.

Tiger shape versus eagle shape.

As soon as Luo Jun shot, it made people feel like a tiger appeared.

If you close your eyes, you will feel that this is a tiger and an eagle competing. Everyone was surprised to see that this young Luo Jun was not only superb with Taijiquan, but his Xingyiquan was not inferior to Zhao Shiquan!

Zhao Shiquan's moves are not too old, and he still has surplus energy. While Luo Jun's tiger palm slashes his fist, he turns the peck into a fist, and his five fingers suddenly clenched! The joints crackled.

With the explosive power of this five-finger pinching fist, Zhao Shiquan's fist instantly became as strong as steel. It collided fiercely with Luo Jun's chopping fist.

The muscles slapped, the joints snapped, and they became one piece.

Eagle pecking is just a false power, the real ultimate move is the five-finger squeeze, turning the pecking into a fist! Zhao Shiquan's boxing skills have reached the point of nuance.

After the two punched each other, Luo Jun's expression was calm, and he took three steps in a row, piercing his legs with force, sinking to the bottom, heavier step by step.

Zhao Shiquan moved his steps silently and opened his arms slightly. His body seemed to be sliding backward, like an eagle. He immediately retreated to the wall, and then stepped on one foot violently, with the help of this kick. His body jumped again.

After the two forced a punch, Luo Jun took advantage of the momentum to retreat, and each secretly recovered his fist and arm. Zhao Shiquan first kicked and pounced with an eagle.

Luo Jun's strength is stronger than Zhao Shiquan, but today, he will defeat Zhao Shiquan in a real way. His hands are indeed itchy.

Luo Jun suddenly changed his body shape, hiding his two arms around his waist, and then twisted his waist, bar! The arm was thrown out with the waist strength, wrapped inside, like two poisonous snakes in action suddenly jumped up, biting Zhao Shiquan's fist.

"Hidden in the Snake Hand Cave is hard to guard against immortals."

Both waists are like two holes, and Luo Jun is bending his arms in them, breaking out with waist strength, assisting with shaking his hands, the whole body is vigorous, vicious, fierce and fierce. This is the essence of snake play.

The snake moved out with a strong and crisp sound, and after the crisp sound, it was an obvious hiss! Hiss!

Luo Jun transformed into a snake shape in the shape of a tiger. The rapid change, the fierce attack, and the violent power made the masters present amazed.

Facing Luo Jun's transformation of a tiger into a snake, Zhao Shiquan's heart trembled, his fists naturally shook up and down, and the elbow joints of his arm made a sharp rubbing sound, like an eagle screaming quickly.

The shaking of the elbow joint caused the shaking of the fist and wrist. His fists were squeezed together, and he hit like a storm, like a woodpecker pecking at a tree.

Luo Jun's fist was like a snake head, shaking and biting, causing his body to sway, his footwork repeated and his waist twisted into countless circles.

The two of them pecked and bit their fists, and their bodies rolled and hit each other. In less than ten seconds, they had collided thirty-four times.

Then, the two figures suddenly separated.

Zhao Shiquan's hands were red, and he was shaking slightly...

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