Super Security in the City

Chapter 1254: Dao brother

"No problem!" Luo Jun did not refuse. He said: "I will go to Yanjing the day after tomorrow. I will have time for two days after tomorrow."

"Go to Yanjing?" Tong Jiawen was startled slightly, and said, "Is there a mission in Yanjing?"

Luo Jun said: "That's right. But you don't have to worry about me, I can solve it."

Tong Jiawen couldn't help but smile, and said: "I have never seen someone as confident as you."

Luo Jun said: "As long as it is not arrogant."

Tong Jiawen said: "People who don't know you must think you are arrogant, but after getting acquainted with you, they realize that if you say you can do it, you will definitely be able to do it."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Thank you teacher for your compliment."

While talking, Luo Jun's steaks followed. So the two chatted while eating, and Luo Jun said: "Teacher Tong, has your father been in business, has you always been in contact with people on the road?"

Tong Jiawen said: "There is no deep relationship, but we have to do business every year. You also know that in our China, black and white, if you do not do well, it will be difficult to do business."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Small business has small gangsters, and big business has big gangsters to manage. It's not only in our country, it's all there. No matter black and white, it's a net. This net works well. If it’s done, it will come from all directions. If it is not used well, it will be very bad."

Tong Jiawen smiled and said: "You know a lot." She went on to say: "Sometimes I have some doubts about what a monster you are. How old are you? How did your parents give birth to you? ."

Luo Jun laughed. He went on to say: "By the way, this time your father invited someone on the road to talk about things. He must have paid a lot of money, right?"

Tong Jiawen sighed and said: "Who said no, this time I have given the Tao brother two million. After the matter is handled, two million will be paid."

Luo Jun said, "Brother Dao? Who is Brother Dao?"

Tong Jiawen said: "Brother Dao is a big brother on your side of Dongjiang. Of course, he is not the most powerful. The most powerful is Mr. Liu from the Blackwater Company. Mr. Liu is now working **** bleaching, so a lot of the next three I didn’t even bother to do anything indiscriminately. So there was this Dao brother’s day in his life."

Luo Jun said, "Oh, that's the case." He then said, "In normal times, you all respect Brother Dao, right?"

Tong Jiawen said: "The annual protection fee is 500,000 yuan."

Luo Jun said: "Then it's the same as when you have paid insurance. Now something has happened. When you need him, he has to collect money again. This is not justified."

Tong Jiawen said angrily: "Isn't it." She then said angrily: "But what else can be done, the tree falls and the hustle is scattered, the wall falls and everyone pushes. Dao brother this time has held my dad and can't turn over. If we don't help, we will be more troublesome."

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Don't be angry, too. So, I don't think Brother Dao is righteous in this matter, and you don't need to give him money."

Tong Jiawen was startled slightly, and then said, "That won't work either."

"What can't be done," Luo Jun said.

Tong Jiawen said: "Luo Jun, I know you are very capable. But Yan Wang said, the kid is difficult! Even if you beat him this time, he will get revenge in the future, it will be very troublesome."

"Don't worry, I'll deal with it. I promise you won't have trouble in the future." Luo Jun said with a smile.

"Really?" Tong Jiawen was a little doubtful.

Luo Jun said: "Help people to the end and send Buddha to the west. Since your family is in trouble, I will not give up halfway."

In the evening, Tong Jiawen told his father Tong Dawei that Luo Jun would negotiate with him tomorrow. Tong Dawei was a little surprised, and Tong Jiawen said, "Dad, do you know the Lei family in Jinan?"

Tong Dawei was startled slightly, and said: "The Lei family in Jinan is a real rich family, and it is different from the small gangsters in Dongjiang. Even the President Liu of the Heishui Company cannot compare with the Lei family in Jinan. After that, he changed the conversation and said, "What do you do with this suddenly?" Tong Jiawen smiled slightly and said, "Dad, there is something I haven't told you. During the summer vacation last year, I didn't talk to you. Have all the students traveled together? Luo Jun is among them."

"Oh?" Tong Dawei said.

Tong Jiawen said: "We were in Jinan that time and we were spotted by Lei Tianlin, the son of the Lei family. Later, Luo Jun beat Lei Tianlin severely, and took Lei Tianlin with us to see him. The old man of the Lei family. In front of the old man, Luo Jun defeated all the masters of the Lei family. Forcing the old man Lei to expel Lei Tianlin from the Lei family. You said that such Luo Jun would negotiate with us, What will be the effect?"

Tong Dawei couldn't help but let his eyes shine, and said, "Really?"

Tong Jiawen said, "Dad, am I still in the mood to joke with you at this moment?"

Tong Dawei said: "If this is the case, then it's really my Tong family!" He followed and complained: "You kid, there is such a great student, why didn't you tell me earlier."

Tong Jiawen said: "Hey, dad, how did I say it earlier. In terms of our previous troubles, I can't just ask him for 30 million. To be honest, I didn't expect him to spend 30 million. By the way, Dad, he also said that he is not in a hurry to ask for money. Let you just deal with your own affairs."

Tong Dawei couldn't help sighing, and said: "Thirty million yuan, even with interest, you can eat and drink spicy food. You are a student, really not an ordinary person. Afterwards, I have to thank him well.

The next morning, Tong Jiawen first drove to Luo Jun's door to pick up Luo Jun.

Luo Jun went downstairs on time, he was still wearing a casual shirt and jeans. The whole looks like a high school student in school!

After Luo Jun got into the car, Tong Jiawen said: "Will you wear this to negotiate with us?"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Does it have to wear a suit and sunglasses to have the momentum of negotiation?"

"That's not true!" Tong Jiawen smiled and said, "I just think you are so bookish."

Luo Jun said: "Maybe you won't think so later."

Tong Jiawen first led Luo Jun to the front of her villa.

Tong Dawei and his wife greeted them at the door. After Luo Jun got out of the car, Tong Dawei and his wife Zhao Ru greeted them.

"Little brother, welcome!" Tong Dawei was very excited, he still had a headache in addressing Luo Jun, and finally called out little brother.

Luo Jun didn't have the slightest arrogance. He tilted his body slightly, shook his hands with Tong Dawei, and said, "Uncle Tong, Auntie, you are too polite. Teacher Tong has helped me a lot, and I do things for my part."

Tong Dawei said: "It's an honor for Jiawen to have a student like you!"

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Tong Jiawen was a little dissatisfied.

Luo Jun laughed loudly.

Tong Dawei and Zhao Ru also feel funny.

After greeting each other for a while, Tong Dawei said: "Jiawen, you will bring your little brother into the house to have breakfast first. Your mother and I are here waiting for the brothers and them."

Tong Jiawen said, "Okay, Dad!"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "I'm not hungry yet. I also want to see and see this brother. I will wait with you, uncle."

Tong Dawei was startled slightly and said, "That's all right."

After a short wait, about ten clear black Mercedes Benz drove over.

This posture is still very adequate.

The leading black Mercedes stopped in front of the villa, and then the nine cars behind also stopped.

The driver in the first black Mercedes quickly got out of the car and opened the rear door. Then, a young man with a short head got out of the car. This young man wears a black Chinese tunic suit and looks to be in his thirties. He wore a valuable Longines watch on his hand, giving the whole person a more gloomy and sharp breath.

The look in the eyes of this kind of person makes people shudder at a glance.

Probably, this is the real Taoist figure. Unlike those street gangsters who have dragons, tigers and leopard tattoos on their bodies, a gold chain on their necks and so on.

Gentle, restrained.

This is Brother Dao!

Moreover, people on the road nowadays are more and more fond of wearing Chinese tunic suits, Tang suits and so on. It seems to be talking about traditional Chinese etiquette.

Brother Dao is on the road. And people like Mr. Liu are a group of Confucian merchants. Whoever wants to tell him that he is a black man, he turns his face immediately.

Then come to a higher level like the old man like Lei, let alone.

At this moment, in the black Mercedes-Benz, about thirty or forty people came down, all of them in black suits and sunglasses.

They stood neatly and uniformly, and at first glance they were well-trained.

Standing next to Brother Dao are the gold medalists Zhang Luo and Li Li, who have won the title of double safflower sticks. Zhang Luo is in his twenties, and his body is filled with a fierce aura. The cultivation base is at the peak of the dark energy!

As for Li Li, in his forties, he can be regarded as Brother Dao's agent and confidant. Li Li came up with many things and ideas, and Li Li was a bit soft and reticent.

Tong Dawei and Zhao Ru greeted him immediately. Tong Dawei was very polite to Brother Dao, except that he did not kneel down.

Brother Dao's face was faint, and he shook hands with Tong Dawei, neither salty nor pale, and then said: "I don't have much time, let's go."

"Yes, yes, Brother Dao!" Tong Dawei said quickly.

After that, Tong Dawei drove the lead. Luo Jun and Tong Jiawen are in the same car with Tong Dawei. Brother Dao followed behind.

Zhao Ru didn't go.

Originally, Tong Dawei did not agree with Tong Jiawen's going, but Tong Jiawen insisted on going because of Luo Jun. Tong Dawei had no choice but to agree.

The place of negotiation is on the river. Although there is no Yangtze River on the Dongjiang River, since it is called Dongjiang, there are still rivers there.

Above the river is a big ship of the other party, and negotiations will be held on that big ship.

The other party is the Mo family in the south of the Yangtze River. The Mo family is on the Yangtze River and has always been based on transportation. In the early years, Mohs controlled a route in the Yangtze River Basin, which was a big profit. But today is a flourishing age of civilization, and the Mo family has also receded a lot.

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