Super Security in the City

Chapter 1261: Proof of martial arts

Luo Jun said: "Even if the expert is respected, you, Master Wuwei, Mr. Chen Ling and Mr. Shen, you will always be the seniors in the hearts of juniors."

He always maintained a humble posture. No matter how high Luo Jun's cultivation base is, he doesn't think that he can be compared to these big guys. Because their cultivation base is built on the good foundation they laid. Especially the leader of the dull sky, in that lifetime, without the pioneering behavior of the leader of the dun sky, the martial arts behind it could not be so developed.

After all, Luo Jun was still covered by the light of the leader of the duntian, but the leader of the duntian didn't know it.

Chen Ling heard the words, his eyes flashed with approval. Not to mention the genius of this nephew, it is rare that he became famous when he was young and kept this humility, which is very good, very good.

Master Wuwei nodded secretly.

Leader Dutian said: "After eating breakfast, let's confirm the martial arts."

Luo Jun nodded and said, "The juniors listen to you."

After that, the leader of Dutian stopped to say more.

Silence was also a disciple of Master Wuwei, but Silence had rebelled against the master's sect many years ago and worshipped the leader of the duntian again.

This meeting, Master Silence Ran and Wuwei did not cause too many ripples. Both sides see these grievances very lightly!

In that lifetime, Master Wuwei pushed the silence down to the Ten Thousand Ghost Caves, causing Silent Hatred. The reason why Master Wuwei wanted to get rid of silence is because silence in that lifetime was a demon star and would bring harm to the world. Master Wuwei saw this point before he had to make a move. In this life, both Silent's life style and Chen Ling's life style have been changed, so there is no hatred between Master Wuwei and Shen Moran.

In that lifetime, it was Silent and personally killed Master Wuwei.

In this life, Silence did not have a reason to kill Master Wuwei. Moreover, Master Wuwei later became proficient in style of play in this lifetime and achieved supreme cultivation. This is the difference between the two lives.

At this time, Master Wuwei suddenly said: "Chen Ling."

"Master!" Chen Ling replied respectfully.

Master Wuwei said: "Now the Zerg power has been almost wiped out, right?"

Chen Ling said: "From the information we have, it is indeed almost removed. Only the insect emperor has never appeared."

Master Wuwei said: "The Insect Sovereign is the source of manufacturing and all disasters. If he does not get rid of it for a day, none of you can take it lightly."

Chen Ling said, "Master, don't worry, this disciple will never despise this."

Master Wuwei said: "Think carefully for the teacher. Now, although we have captured a lot of Zerg, none of them can know the origin and whereabouts of the Zerg King. You have been looking for it, but there is no clue. This will Could it be that your search fell into a misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" Chen Ling was slightly surprised.

Luo Jun suddenly got frightened. He said: "Isn’t the insect emperor has not become a person, but has always been in the form of a bug. So we can’t find him anyway. Maybe, he is just a bug, maybe It's in our house. Maybe he went to the annihilation war yesterday, but we didn't find this bug."

Chen Ling, the leader of Duntian, Silence Ran and others all changed color when they heard this.

Master Wuwei said: "There can be no insect emperor in this room. Poor monks have been paying attention to the conditions in this room."

Seeing that Master Wuwei said so, everyone was slightly relieved.

Chen Ling said: "Master and Lin Yang's guess is not unreasonable, but if it is true, it would be really difficult to find this bug in the vast crowd."

Master Wuwei said: "You can only see tricks. In the past year, the Zerg has been hit hard. Maybe this time the annihilation war may be arranged by the Zerg King. He may want to paralyze us and relax us. He’s vigilant. Maybe he thinks that these people have been targeted by us, so he simply casts them as abandoned sons."

Chen Ling said: "Master's words are very reasonable! This battle will not be over as long as the insect emperor does not die."

Regarding the tracing of the insect emperor, Chen Ling's side and the intelligence of alliances with other countries will not stop. After the conspiracy of the insect emperor was revealed a year ago, all countries were lingering fears.

These things, no matter how you discuss them, there will be no big results. After eating breakfast, Chen Ling left in no hurry. He also wanted to see how far Luo Jun had grown.

Master Wuwei is also very interested in martial arts. Moreover, Master Wuwei didn't know that Lin Yang was the Luo Jun he had seen before. He sighed to Chen Ling in private, and said, "Now I am really a hero! The little nephew of your family that I saw last year is already a dragon and a phoenix. This Lin Yang is even more incredible!"

Chen Ling and Master Wuwei said something about Luo Jun, but he did not say that Luo Jun came from another world. Luo Jun buried this secret deeply in his heart. He didn't explain it to Master Wuwei, but he believed that the wisdom of Master Wuwei could be more or less guessed.

Chen Ling and Chief Duntian also talked about the rules of this world, and he also didn't talk about Luo Jun, just let Chief Duntian understand some secrets. This is also the reason why the leader of Duntian is willing to help Chen Ling.

As for Luo Jun is here to perform the task to kill the Insect Emperor, this is the top secret! Currently only Chen Ling and Luo Jun know.

The insect emperor was aware of it, but did not know the specific situation.

The living room is quite spacious.

Leader Duntian said: "Silently, come and Lin Xiaoer to confirm martial arts."

Nodded silently.

The silence at this moment was completely black. His face is beautiful and his face is cold. There is an ancient well in his eyes, which does not wave for a thousand years. Nothing seems to arouse his desires!

This is a state of selflessness!

People must first establish themselves before they can reach no-self.

"Everyone is a good friend. In order to avoid hurting peace, let's make some small rules." Chen Ling suddenly said.

Everyone looked at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling smiled and said, "I have a deck of playing cards in my hand. I threw it up to the sky, and then whoever grabs the king first will win, how about?"

Nodded silently and said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun naturally had no opinion.

In fact, this scene is very common in movies. But in reality, this kind of tit-for-tat is naturally very different from the expression in the movie.

Luo Jun and Shen Moran stood opposite each other.

Chen Ling suddenly threw the playing cards into the sky, his strength was continuous and deep, and a deck of playing cards immediately spread out like a goddess.

However, Luo Jun and Shen Silan did not take a look at the poker card.

Both of them are super masters, and if you focus on the playing cards at this time, it is simply looking for death.

Silence suddenly opened his mouth, and he let out a breath.

Then, a square flying in front of him shot towards Luo Jun's door like an arrow from the string. Luo Jun also exhaled and said!

Suddenly, the poker card shot in front of him, was immediately blocked, and then floated down.

"Hidden in the snake hand hole, the gods and ghosts are hard to prevent!" Silent then shot, he shot suddenly, the fist drilled like a python.


The scene in front of Luo Jun seemed to have changed, a giant python flew into the sky, happy with clouds and rain!

The playing cards are like meteors in the sky, but they are all shaken by the air currents carried by the pythons.

In a blink of an eye, the python opened its blood basin and swallowed Luo Jun's head. Luo Jun's eyes suddenly widened, and he used Yunlong's claw probing skills.

So in the clouds, a dragon opened its claws and grabbed it towards the head of the python!

Fighting between the two is no longer as simple as magic tricks, but like a nine-day immortal, walking through clouds and raining, turning hands with magical powers.


Fist claws collided, and it splits with one touch.

Luo Jun and Shen Moran didn't care about the playing cards at all. Their perception was that they would fight back the opponents before grabbing them. Otherwise, any unauthorized actions are seeking death.

Luo Jun also had no possibility of keeping his hands. Facing a master like Silence, if he did not go all out, he would definitely be a dead end.

It was also at this time that Luo Jun and Shen Moran simultaneously grabbed one step further. Luo Jun's half-step collapsed fist suddenly burst into the silent abdomen. Silently, the body was hit, a palm pressed down, and then the body shook, it was a move to stop and beat.

Luo Jun turned faster, cleverly avoiding the silent movement.

The moves of the two changed extremely quickly, and they were all natural, without any intentional traces.

As soon as Luo Jun just avoided the move and beat, then he turned his backhand to beat!

Silently, the waist and abdomen slammed, and the elbow hammer hit!

The two went head-to-head again, and each stepped back.

But this is not the end, Luo Jun stepped out again and stepped straight on the center line.

"Heart Claw!" Luo Jun grabbed it with one claw. Silence then pointed out.

Luo Jun turned his claws into small flames, and the fireworks that burned instantly could destroy the silent finger sword. Silence, hands out together, like a sealed seal!

Luo Jun's backhand display was also closed. The two of them worked with their hands, and no one actually sealed anyone. After a while, Luo Jun and Silence retreated at the same time.

The king fell to the ground, and no one caught the king.

"Senior, I have accepted." Luo Jun said with a fist.

Silently nodded faintly, and said, "You are very good."

It doesn't make sense for the two to fight anymore, because it's impossible to tell the victory or defeat with such a trick. Unless it's life and death, otherwise, the two people can't tell the outcome.

But it is impossible for the two to fight life and death for no reason.

Next, the leader of Duntian had no interest in continuing to prove martial arts with Luo Jun. Because each other's details are roughly understood.

Several people on this scene are already the best in the world. If it were not for life and death, it would be difficult to tell the winner. But people like them cannot easily come to life and death.

After that, everyone left. The leader and Silence returned to Los Angeles. Master Wuwei left Yanjing and continued to travel around the world.

Luo Jun also didn't go to talk with Chen Ling more. Although the two had a lot to say, they were afraid that they would show any clues, so they stopped talking.

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