Super Security in the City

Chapter 1274: Zhongzhou

The Situ family's affairs can be solved in this way. But what is strange is that the sect of Daiqisi's group has not been found out. Situ Yan did not continue to question, but Luo Jun couldn't let it go.

Luo Jun knew very well that if Daiqisi's group was related to the Chonghuang. Then his identity is likely to be exposed. Daiqisi and the others followed Linger's line to check themselves, and they could find out many things. If it was before, they checked along the line of Uncle Chen Ling. In that line, they have been stripped out, so it is difficult for them to find out.

Luo Jun must go to see his uncle. He let Situ Ling'er and Song Lingshan stay with the old man a little longer. He has to meet his uncle first.

Situ Ling'er and Song Lingshan were not in a hurry to return to school, so they stayed in the house first. Situ Xinyi and Yang Jie also accompanied Situ Yan. This is Situ Yan's rare family moment.

That night, Luo Jun and Chen Ling met in secret.

Together with Shen Mo Nong and Shen Jinglue.

Inside a secret riot car, Luo Jun shouted: "Hello Uncle Shen, Uncle."

Shen Jing nodded slightly, he was very friendly to Luo Jun. Shen Mo Nong was very happy to see Luo Jun.

Think about it, everyone hasn't seen each other for almost three years.

In the past three years, Luo Jun has grown a bit longer. He is also nineteen years old.

Shen Mo Nong is more mature and moving.

"In the past few years, we didn't have a clue when we checked the insect emperor." Chen Ling said: "It seems that the insect emperor is indeed hiding, and what big plans are in the making."

Shen Jinglue said: "Xiao Yang is in a hurry to meet this time, should he have discovered something?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "There is something weird. So I hope that Uncle and Uncle Shen can follow the line I found to check."

Chen Ling and others immediately said solemnly, "Tell me."

Luo Jun then told all the things that happened in Situ's house. This incident immediately attracted the attention of Chen Ling and others, and Chen Ling and Shen Jinglue decided to focus on investigating people like Daiqisi.

However, the clues provided by Luo Jun are limited, and Daiqisi and others may not be real names, so it is difficult to find out.

Luo Jun stayed in Yanjing for another two days, cooperating with some surveillance cameras to find Dai Qisi and others.

The strange thing is that Daiqisi and others have never appeared in any surveillance cameras. Moreover, on some necessary road sections, those cameras have been damaged.

These people obviously came prepared.

On the entry and exit, Daiqisi and others were not found.

This clue is almost broken here.

"These many masters have appeared for no reason, or are they coming to the Situ family?" Chen Ling was lost in thought.

Afterwards, Chen Ling met with Lin Zhantian, Lin Liqun, and Situ Yan.

Military **** Chen Ling made an appointment, even if it was Situ Yan, and Lin Zhantian and others, they were afraid to give up face.

Luo Jun went back to school with Situ Ling'er and the others.

Luo Jun also asked his uncle for one thing, and that was to take his parents to Yanjing for protection.

With recent changes, Luo Jun does not want any accidents to happen.

Chen Ling did.

As for Chen Ling's appointment, there hasn't been any substantial development, and this matter is a bit unable to continue.

Chen Tianya's parents went to Chen Ling's house. Such a life made Chen Tianya and Lin Qian very uncomfortable, but Chen Ling told Chen Tianya and Lin Qian with a serious understanding that if they did not cooperate, it would eventually lead to an accident, which would seriously affect Luo Jun.

When Chen Ling said this, he scared Chen Tianya and Lin Qian.

The two were also very worried about Luo Jun. Chen Ling said, "Don't worry about Luo Jun's safety, he is very safe."

Now that Chen Ling said so, Chen Tianya and Lin Qian were relieved.

For Chen Ling, they absolutely trust.

Life at Nanda is peaceful and peaceful, and it is full of cleanliness and simplicity. Not as complicated and intrigue as the outside world, too much sadness is the happiness of youth. Without such sorrow, life is incomplete.

Luo Jun has no such sadness, because his youth has already passed.

It is impossible for him to be sad for some little love. For him, to experience college life and to protect Linger by the way, this is the meaning of his stay at Nantah. As for the insect emperor, he was not very worried, after all, there were still more than eight years left.

If the worm emperor is easy to deal with, it will not be called worm emperor.

After returning, Luo Jun did not continue to meet with Situ Linger and Song Lingshan. His daily life is four o'clock on the line, classroom, bedroom, cafeteria, library.

Luo Jun gradually understood the meaning of his rebirth, not just to catch the Insect Emperor, nor to protect Linger. There is another important meaning, and that is to supplement knowledge.

All laws are unified, even in words, the true meaning of Tao can be found in literature.

The ancient spells are the keys to heaven and earth, which can unlock many magical things.

Many things in the human world, magnetic fields, molecules, quantum entanglement, etc., are inseparably related to mana.

Luo Jun also deliberately experienced the magnetic field and molecules of this world. He found that the magnetic field molecules here are incomplete, because of a big rule. This kind of rule is not formed by mana, but based on the great rules of heaven!

Small rules can be made with force, but no one can change big rules, big rules of heaven.

Just like some animals are rats, some animals are pigs, and some are born as human beings. This is a rule of performing their duties, which can be accomplished by illegal force. No matter how powerful a spell is, it cannot transform a rat into an adult.

Only by understanding the big rules, small rules, the difference between the rules of heaven and the rules of mana, can you better understand yourself.

Although Luo Jun is also considered a knowledgeable master, he did not study systematically before. I also failed to understand things like pi, arithmetic, geometry, Newton's laws, etc.

But now, he has the opportunity to make up for these things.

This will help Luo Jun understand the relationship between the universe and the various planets and magnetic field molecules more clearly.

See 100 from 1, 1 is the origin of all beings.

Without 1 there will be no changes in the latter.

Soon, the New Year's Day is coming.

On the eve of New Year's Day, Situ Linger called Luo Jun.

"My parents want to invite you to have dinner at home tomorrow." Situ Linger was cold on the phone, just like when Luo Jun first met Situ Linger.

This made Luo Jun a little uncomfortable, he was not used to Ling'er treating him like this. But he has nothing to fault, all this is his own choice.

"Okay." Luo Jun would never learn to reject Situ Ling'er, and he agreed.

On New Year's Day, it started to snow in Shanghai.

Yang Jie drove to the school to pick up Luo Jun. What Luo Jun did not expect was that Yang Jie also invited Song Lingshan.

Song Lingshan is wearing a white down jacket, she is still delicate and beautiful.

After getting in the car, Yang Jie drove.

Situ Ling'er had already gone home yesterday.

In the car, Song Lingshan was sitting in the co-pilot. She was a very well-behaved girl. She chatted with Yang Jie happily all the way.

Luo Jun waited silently behind him without interrupting. Yang Jie was afraid that Luo Jun would be left out, so she would find some topics to talk to Luo Jun. Luo Jun will also reply politely.

Yang Jie's house is a duplex building, which is well decorated.

After arriving home, Luo Jun and Song Lingshan changed slippers. Situ Ling'er and Situ Xinyi are cooking in the kitchen, Situ Xinyi personally cooks, Ling'er lays hands on the side.

Song Lingshan immediately rushed to the kitchen to join Ling'er.

Luo Jun sat in the living room bored and watched TV. He seemed very quiet and didn't have much to say. Yang Jie accompanied Luo Jun on the sidelines.

"Eat an apple." Yang Jie peeled an apple personally and handed it to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun took it and said, "Thank you, Auntie." He then looked for a topic and said, "Isn't there a servant for such a big house?"

Yang Jie said, "Just ask for a part-time job. It's always unaccustomed to put a stranger in my own home."

Luo Jun said, "It makes sense."

Afterwards, Luo Jun and Yang Jie chatted both.

After a while, the food will be ready. Yang Jie took out a bottle of red wine, which had been opened in advance and was awake. This is a bottle of mid-range red wine from Burton Winery. It costs four thousand yuan.

The dishes are very rich.

A dazzling array. Song Lingshan said, "I didn't expect Uncle Situ's craftsmanship to be so good. Today we can all have a good taste." She did not forget to say afterwards, "Luo Jun, don't you think?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Of course it is."

Situ Xinyi also smiled. He raised his glass and said, "I am very happy to invite Xiao Yang and Ling Shan to be guests at home today. Uncle respects you."

Luo Jun, Song Lingshan, and Situ Ling'er, Yang Jie also toasted.

This is a very happy lunch. After eating, Situ Xinyi also left Song Lingshan and Luo Jun to play here, anyway, there are enough rooms here.

Luo Jun said he would leave.

Situ Xinyi stayed a few times, but Luo Jun insisted, and in the end he only said, "Okay!"

In this era, he is not so sensitive to drink driving.

After dinner, Situ Xinyi drove Luo Jun back to school. Luo Jun couldn't shirk, so he didn't shirk anymore.

Surprisingly, Situ Linger also said that he would go with him.

This made Yang Jie and Song Lingshan stay for a while.

Situ Xinyi didn't think much, and said, "Alright, Linger, you happen to be your father's company."

Luo Junduo glanced at Situ Linger, he didn't say anything.

It was 7 o'clock in the evening, and there was heavy snow outside. Even in the bustling Shanghai, there were not many people and cars on the streets at this time.

The vehicle is moving very slowly.

Situ Linger was sitting in the co-pilot, but she didn't say a word.

The car seemed very quiet, but Situ Xinyi felt that something was wrong, so he had nothing to say, and then he saw that Luo Jun was not interested, so he stopped talking.

The outside is covered with snow.

Luo Jun looked out the window, his heart was actually not at peace...

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