Super Security in the City

Chapter 1280: Mystery strikes

But unsurprisingly, Situ Ling'er did not touch the phone.

The mobile phones of Ou Yang and Song Lingshan were also seized. Surprisingly, the three were not **** by Wuhuada.

They got up and shuttled around. Soon, they discovered that the warehouse was made of iron with only one gate, and now the gate was closed.

The three of Ouyang looked around for a way out, but they knew in a moment that there was no way out.

This is an unknown fear.

I don't know how dangerous and cruel awaits them in the dark.

Especially Situ Linger and Song Lingshan are still such beautiful girls.

"Why arrest us? Kidnapped? But we haven't revealed wealth or anything? How could we be targeted for no reason?" Ouyang was puzzled.

Situ Ling'er didn't know why.

Not to mention Song Lingshan.

But immediately, Ouyang took Situ Ling'er's hand and comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you. No one wants to hurt you unless I die."

Situ Linger's eyes were red, and she nodded heavily.

Ouyang has always said so, and has always done so. This is what moved Situ Linger the most.

Song Lingshan didn't have the time to appreciate the sincere feelings between Situ Linger and Ou Yang, and she couldn't help but say something. "It would be great if Luo Jun was here."

Situ Linger was slightly startled.

To her, the two words Luo Jun are like words with a spell. Every time she heard these two words, she couldn't afford the ripples in her heart.

Fortunately, the warehouse was very dark, so Ouyang couldn't see Situ Linger's expression.

At this moment, the warehouse door was opened.

The bright moonlight followed in.

Two big men like iron towers walked in, and two well-dressed young men stood at the door. Their faces were indifferent, as if they were the commanders of the incident.

The young man on the left is called Yang Hong, and the one on the right is called Yang Fei.

Yang Hong frowned slightly and said, "The private jet over there has been arranged. We only have half an hour. There can be no delay in the middle line. Move quickly!"

"Yes, sir!" The two big men respectfully.

Later, they will come to arrest Song Lingshan, Situ Linger and others.

These people’s conversations make people shudder. Why arrange private jets? Isn't it kidnapping?

This posture is not like kidnapping at all!

An unspeakable fear rose in the hearts of the three.

Even though Ouyang was scared, he still maintained his dignity as a man. He stopped in front of Situ Linger and Song Lingshan, and then sternly said to the two big men: "Don't come here, who are you guys and what do you want to do? If you want money, we can discuss."

"Mentally retarded!" The big man on the left dismissed it.

Ouyang's face flushed immediately.

Just when the two big guys were about to do it, another woman got off the car outside. This woman walks enchantingly, and as soon as she comes in, she brings a gust of fragrance.

The woman was Daiqisi who worked with Luo Jun that day. After Dai Qisi came in, she immediately grabbed Situ Ling'er, and then pinched Situ Ling'er's white neck with her hand.

"Let go of her!" Ouyang was furious and immediately rushed to Dai Qisi.

The two big men immediately caught Ou Yang, and then slapped them in the face.

Ouyang was slapped, and Venus danced wildly in front of him. It took a long while to come back.

Yang Hong and Yang Fei also came in. "Sister, what's the matter?" Yang Hong asked strangely.

"Humph!" Dai Qisi snorted coldly, and said, "I don't know what's going on. We act so secretly, but the kid knows about it. That kid came so fast, it seems that there is something weird about Situ Linger. Contact."

Yang Fei's expression changed, and he said, "Sister, you mean Luo Jun?"

"Yes!" Daiqisi said.

Yang Hong and Yang Fei's expressions suddenly changed, as if they were facing a major enemy.

What happened half a year ago was definitely a huge blow to Daiqisi's group. They have been dormant for a long time, and premeditated shots. In the end, it was destroyed by a young man.

So the boy has spread among them.

It has been spread so much.

Seeing that the two of them looked like this, Dai Qisi couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said, "What is it? We have been studying for half a year, what else is there to be afraid of."

Ou Yang was dumbfounded. Facing such a situation, he was a little hard to understand. But he knew the crux of the problem, and that was that the matter was related to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun is also a shadow in his heart.

Song Lingshan was looking forward to it, because she knew that Luo Jun had come.

Luo Jun arrived very quickly, wearing a thin black coat, just appeared at the door.

The moonlight shone on Luo Jun's body, like a silver ash.

Luo Jun's face was still so cold and indifferent, as if the sky would fall down without being disturbed.

When Situ Ling'er saw Luo Jun, her heart trembled. She knew that he had been silently protecting himself.

It is false to say that I am not moved in my heart. But besides being moved, she still hates.

He broke into her heart unscrupulously, but never gave a reason for rejection.

"Little brother!" When Daiqisi saw Luo Jun, she immediately smiled, and she said: "We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Luo Jun!" Song Lingshan cheered. She wanted to run towards Luo Jun, but Yang Hong immediately detained Song Lingshan.

Luo Jun glanced at Daiqisi indifferently, and then said, "Now let go, and then leave. Otherwise, you will all die here today."

His words were icy and cold, making Daiqisi and others feel stunned.

Daiqisi patted her chest and said, "Oh, I'm so scared." After she finished speaking, her face became cold. "I just won't let go, come, come and kill me! If you don't kill me today, you are a son of a bitch."

A hint of coldness flashed in Luo Jun's eyes. "you wanna die!"

An infinite coercion radiated from Luo Jun, and Yang Hong, Yang Fei and the two big Hans suddenly turned pale.

Daiqisi was not afraid at all, and said, "Come on, come and kill me, chopsticks!"

Luo Jun took a deep breath, and he also knew that today this matter is definitely hard to get right. Dai Qisi's cultivation base is very high, and it takes a lot of hands and feet to kill her herself. But it was too difficult to rescue Ling'er unscathed in her hands.

"What do you want?" Luo Jun said.

Daiqisi smiled again and said, "Why, don't you play with your prestige?"

Luo Jun was silent.

Daiqisi said: "I haven't thought about what I want now. But I think you are very upset. Come on, give me three heads. Otherwise, I will make a cut in the face of this little beauty."

Luo Jun still did not speak.

Daiqisi said: "I don't have much patience, I count 1 to 3. 1, 2..."

Luo Jun didn't move, his expression was eternal and calm.

But at this time, Ouyang was panicked.

"No, no!" Ou Yang said: "You have to kowtow, if he doesn't kowtow, I will kowtow for him." After he finished speaking, he knelt down and banged his head three times.

His forehead was dripping with blood!

"Ouyang!" Situ Linger burst into tears suddenly.

How can you not be moved?

At this time, she seemed to understand something. Ouyang's love has no burdens and no reservations.

"Haha..." Daiqisi laughed, and then she said: "Luo Jun, Luo Jun, you still don't love this little girl enough! Otherwise, why would you not knock your head? This little brother is more sincere than you. He is true love! Or let me see you go. If you don't love her, why bother with her life and death?"

Luo Jun certainly didn't care about Situ Linger, but he couldn't kowtow.

Once he kowtows, he is weak, and will let Daiqisi know how heavy the bargaining chip is in her hand. After Daiqisi realizes that Situ Ling'er is so important, she will act more unscrupulously.

This is Luo Jun's consideration.

His pattern is not comparable to that of Ouyang. He is not the kind of male protagonist in film and television dramas. When the villain threatens the male protagonist with the heroine, the male protagonist does not have the bottom line to obey, is abused, and finally embraces the beauty. .

"What you said actually makes some sense." Luo Jun suddenly smiled, and then he said: "But I am more worried about your situation. You ran away last time. This time, I don't know if you can run away. Yes, this little girl is beautiful. The temperament is also good, I like it. But it's just like it, don't you think that this little girl can make me yield to you and be at your mercy. Am I too naive, or are you too naive?"

Luo Jun went on to say: "Daiqisi, I know you have your own theory. You took it half a year, and you must have done research on me. You know that I still care about this little girl, so you think you are confident. But your brain is not so good? Let alone this little girl, even if you take my parents to me? I have cultivated to this level, and I still have this courage and determination. If you want to kill, you kill it. Now. If you want to torture and humiliate, you can torture and humiliate. But Daiqisi, you believe me, I will repay you a hundred times. This is Huaxia, my friends are not too many, but with the military **** Chen Ling , And they still have some friendship with Master Wuwei. If you really want to get to this point, I can assure you that no matter how big the power behind you is, no matter where you hide or the ends of the world, I will definitely find you."

"Killing is just an inferior way. I have many ways to torture people." Luo Jun said: "One of the most interesting ways, I think I can tell you about it, and I don't know if you are interested. Listen. Of course, if you are anxious to kill, you do it first. I'll wait."

"And you..." Before Dai Qisi could speak, Luo Jun said to Yang Hong, Yang Fei and the two big guys: "You kind of people, I am not very interested in torturing. If people here today If something happens, I will only kill you. However, maybe you are very powerful, and you may be able to escape. This is all possible."

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