Super Security in the City

Chapter 1294: Track

"No wonder..." Chen Tianya remembered something, and said: "The day before your high school entrance examination, I remember that your eyes were full of hatred when you saw me. That's why!"

Luo Jun said: "Sometimes, I find it very painful that I don't know what I did wrong. I came into this world without a choice. However, I did not enjoy the love of my parents for a day." He paused and said, "A lot of times, I'm thinking, maybe I came here and seeing my dad and mom is a gift from God to me."

Chen Tianya patted Luo Jun on the shoulder and said, "My child, I have suffered you."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "When I don't know, I don't feel bitter. After I know it, I will find a way to make up for this pain."

Chen Tianya said, "Will you still hate him so much after you return to your world?"

This him naturally refers to the Devil Emperor.

Luo Jun said: "It's not about hate, but I am a son of man. My mother gave birth to me. I always have to do something for her. Even if she will never know. As long as the Devil Emperor is willing to come to my mother's grave and kowtow If I admit my mistake, I will naturally not embarrass him again." He then gave a wry smile and said: "But it's probably also difficult. The Devil Emperor's disposition is extremely arrogant. It is harder to ask him to bow his head than to kill him. What's more, this time It is for him to bow his head to his rebellious son."

Chen Tianya remained silent.

Luo Jun was talking to them almost in turn during this day. After that, he went to see his mother Lin Qian in the bedroom.

Lin Qian also heard Chen Tianya talk about Luo Jun's life experience. She was not an unreasonable person, and she felt that this child was her own son.

"The biggest regret in my life was that I never met you. Now, I can make up for the biggest regret in my heart." Luo Jun knelt in front of Lin Qian and said.

Lin Qian hugged Luo Jun and cried bitterly.

Luo Jun was like a lonely fighter. When the truth came to light, although he was surrounded by relatives, everyone felt strange to each other.

After that, Luo Jun also chatted with Chen Miaojia and Xu Tong. Also chatted with Xu Qing.

In the evening, Yang Jie came to see Luo Jun.

It's in the roof sun room of the villa.

After the two sat down, the servant brought up iced juice.

"Ling'er is already awake." Yang Jie said, "She is fine now."

Luo Jun's eyelids moved, and then he said, "That's good."

Yang Jie said: "She was the first to ask you, she was worried that you would be surrounded that day, afraid of you..."

Luo Jun said: "Don't tell her, I saved her. You should also understand her. If she knows this, she will only suffer more in the future."

A look of pain flashed in Yang Jie's eyes, and said, "But it's too unfair to you."

Luo Jun said: "There is no unfairness. I should be responsible for the disasters I caused."

Yang Jie suddenly said excitedly: "You saved the entire world by stopping the Insect Emperor. Then who should be responsible for you?"

Luo Jun stayed for a while, then he smiled faintly and said: "I am not that great, it's just that I have my mission."

Yang Jie said, "Then..." She stopped talking, and then said, "How is your body?"

Luo Jun said: "I'm okay, don't worry, auntie. I don't die that easily."

Yang Jie said, "Mr. Jin must still be able to cure you." She refused to give up.

Luo Jun said: "It should be."

Yang Jie also knew that the hope was not great. After a moment of silence, she said, "If Ling'er wants to see you, how can I tell her?"

Luo Jun said: "It's very simple, just say that I have dropped out of school and traveled all over the world."

Yang Jie was silent again. After a long while, she said: "Luo Jun, do you know? This is not just about Ling'er and you. It's also about me and your Uncle Situ. We can't do it so comfortably. Once I think you will be in some place In the corner, you are better off to die, and all this is because of my daughter, I will feel that I am an extremely despicable person."

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "Everyone has everyone's choice, and of course I am responsible for my own choice. Moreover, time is a good medicine for wounds."

Yang Jie didn't say anything in the end, so she left. What else can she say.

Luo Jun's last conversation was with Chen Ling.

"You want to go? Where are you going?" Chen Ling was shocked when he heard the news that Luo Jun said he was leaving.

Luo Jun said: "The world is so big, the whole world is home." He then said with a bitter smile: "Uncle, I am used to being proud. I can't bear this kind of look if I suddenly become pitiful to everyone. Maybe outside. , I can still meet my own chance."

Chen Ling said: "No!" He flatly refused Luo Jun's request.

"Xiao Yang, I know your character. But have you ever thought about it, the Insect Emperor is still alive, and he has always wanted to kill you. You are like this, if you encounter the Insect Emperor, there is still the ability to protect yourself?" Chen Ling said.

Luo Jun was slightly startled, and he also remembered this.

Maybe the insect emperor guessed that he would save Ling'er. This silk thread Gu was originally prepared for himself.

If he left, wouldn't he be caught in the trap of the insect king?

Luo Jun did not speak, and Chen Ling immediately said: "You like quietness, yes. I will arrange you to live in the fourth district. You will live there, and I will not talk to anyone. You are recovering from the illness there. In a period of time, I will look for the emperor to treat you as soon as possible."

Luo Jun thought for a moment, and finally agreed.

So just like that, Luo Jun secretly lived in the fourth district.

Chen Ling declared that Luo Jun had already left.

In the fourth district, only Shen Mo Nong can accompany Luo Jun.

In the morning of the next day, Shen Mo Nong brought a good breakfast to see Luo Jun.

The sun was shining brightly. When Shen Mo Nong came in, he saw Luo Jun looking at the cat and mouse in the living room.

"Find out why you are so childish all of a sudden?" Shen Mo Nong said with a slight smile.

Luo Jun smiled and said: "You don't need to use your head, it's fun. If you let me watch other TVs, it's easy for me to think about logic."

Shen Mo Nong put down his breakfast, which contained Xiao Long Bao, chicken noodles, and soy milk.

"Why are you here?" Luo Jun asked Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong already knew everything about Luo Jun. This secret is no longer a secret, so Shen Mo Nong and the others, as the National Security Bureau, naturally have the right to know.

Shen Mo Nong also knew that Luo Jun was poisoned with Gu in order to save Situ Ling'er, and his life was on the horizon.

She also knew that Luo Jun didn't like the strange look of others. So she will not mention these things easily when she comes. Shen Mo Nong's heart is more melancholy. For a person like Luo Jun, if he doesn't talk about his light likes, he shouldn't have such an ending based on his noble personality.

This is Shen Mo Nong's regret and melancholy towards a young talent.

On the surface, Shen Mo Nong didn't change his face, only smiled faintly, and said, "I heard your uncle said that you are here, so come and see you. We are also friends anyway, aren't we?"

Luo Jun said, "That's right."

"Eat. It's still hot." Shen Mo Nong said.

Luo Jun nodded, and asked, "Have you eaten?"

Shen Mo Nong said, "I have eaten it."

While Luo Jun was having breakfast, Shen Mo Nong suddenly said: "I heard your uncle talked about parallel worlds, then in your world, is there me too?"

Luo Jun looked up at Shen Mo Nong and said, "Of course. The so-called parallel world is more like the difference between yesterday and today. The people of yesterday did not walk into today, but walked into another point in time. So just There are two worlds."

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but became interested, and said, "Then what kind of person am I in the world you fight?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Do you really want to know?"

Shen Mo Nong said, "Of course."

Luo Jun said: "Sometimes, we always feel that meeting is a kind of fate, but in fact, meeting and not meeting are a kind of inevitable. In that life, we were good friends. You helped me a lot before, and then I It has helped you a lot. You are already the head of the Sixth Department of National Security. Your cultivation base can already surpass the mana."

Shen Monong murmured: "Mana? Mana is boundless. Interesting, this is very interesting."

Luo Jun said: "If there is something interesting, there will be times of distress."

Shen Mo Nong said: "What trouble?"

Luo Jun said: "Our mana comes from the mental power of the brain. The stronger the mental power, the stronger the mana. Then the mana induces external magnetic fields and molecules. One carelessness may cause calamity. Let the power of the magnetic field and mana produce Explosion, there is no place to be buried. Mana is also a process of playing with fire. If you use it well, the power is boundless. If you don't use it well, you will die miserably. The higher the mana, the greater the risk. Great, there are tribulations from heaven, earth, demons, and infinite tribulations."

"It sounds like some fairy-xia novels," Shen Mo Nong said.

Luo Jun said: "I don't understand fairy tale novels, but these magnetic fields and mana are two kinds of gunpowder colliding. In the outer sky, there is a gunpowder barrel. Inside the brain, it is also something that detonates the gunpowder. If it is not dangerous, so what? may."

Shen Mo Nong said: "You have such a metaphor, I understand a little bit. It seems that there is no good thing to have mana."

Luo Jun said, "That's not it."

Shen Mo Nong said, "That's right, there is another question. Is the relationship between husband and wife in that life and the relationship between husband and wife in this life the same?"

Luo Jun couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Are you trying to ask about your marriage?"

Shen Mo Nong blushed, and said, "It's just curiosity to go to you."

Luo Jun said: "In fact, that is not a constant level. In my world, the intervention of mana has changed many people and their destiny. So the trajectory here is sometimes due to the intervention of some external forces, or Because someone died over there, it ended up being different from the results here."

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