Super Security in the City

Chapter 1298: Theory of evolution

"The evolutionary system is humans and animals, and they will evolve themselves according to the external environment, so as to achieve the purpose of adapting to the environment. For example, our ancestors have evolved from apes. There are also studies that say that humans were originally a kind of ocean. Creatures, because in the earliest days, there were oceans everywhere between heaven and earth. Moreover, humans also have the habit of eating salt. Among them, the two most important words are evolution." Luo Jun excitedly said to Situ Linger.

At this time, even if his face is not there, his face is old. But Situ Linger couldn't see any decadence in him, she seemed to think that he was still so bright.

Situ Ling'er finally understood why she had always loved this man so deeply. Not because of his many protections and rescues, but because of his personality and charm.

During this period of time, Luo Jun has not given up on self-help. Through the knowledge he has gained in the past few years, he went to study the theory of evolution and relativity. In addition, with regard to quantum optics, quantum entanglement, five-dimensional space, etc., these are the topics of Luo Jun's research.

This time, he focused on the theory of evolution.

Luo Jun glanced at Situ Ling'er and said, "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

Situ Ling'er's face was full of sweat, she was indeed very hot. But at this time, she didn't care about the heat on her body, but was a little bit irritable, and said: "Please, I am not a scumbag when I read the book with you. Why don't I know about evolution?"

Luo Jun laughed.

He then said: "Uh, good Ling'er, you go and put on your clothes, then sit on the side, I will tell you well. I seem to have a way to save myself."

Situ Ling'er's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with expressive joy, she gave an obedient hum, immediately put on the skirt, and then moved out of the quilt.

In fact, she is shy by nature, and the reason for doing this is to tell Luo Jun that no matter what he becomes, she will not dislike him.

Luo Jun naturally understood what Situ Linger meant.

Afterwards, Luo Jun said: "Look, the theory of evolution has explained many species. The claws of the bird are used to catch branches, and the wings are used to fly. There are no extra organs all over the body. This It is a precise evolution. Our ancestors used to live in primitive times. Like monkeys, they need tails. But then, our tails gradually degenerate. Because we have stepped out of primitive times. When we put on clothes , The thick hair on the body also disappeared. This is what I want to say, there is an evolutionary spirit in our body."

Situ Ling'er nodded and said, "These are what the teacher said."

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "However, after studying the theory of evolution, Darwin was once confused by a problem for a long time."

Situ Linger said, "Oh, what's the problem?"

Luo Jun said: "I checked some materials in the library to find out. After Darwin studied the theory of evolution, he felt that all species can be explained by the theory of evolution. But he was stumped by the peacock and he didn't understand. What is the purpose of the peacock's tail."

Situ Linger stayed for a while, and then curiously said, "If you say so, it is true. Every organ of various animals has a function, but the peacock has such a beautiful and big tail. What is it for? use?"

Luo Jun said: "Later, Darwin explained that the male peacock's tail is used for courtship, it is used to please girls."

Situ Ling'er couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Really?"

Luo Jun said: "That's the only explanation. Maybe the peacock has a different brain circuit from other animals. After the male peacock evolved its tail, it then reproduced with the female peacock to produce a small peacock. So the female peacock in the small peacock is because Genetic relationships have also grown beautiful tails. However, from the beginning to the end, the best-looking tail is the male peacock."

Situ Linger said: "Well, what you said has some truth." She paused and said, "But what does that have to do with your treatment of your disease?"

Luo Jun said: "I have been demonstrating the theory of evolution, but it has not been effective. Just now I suddenly discovered that it can be effective."

"What effect?" Situ Linger said.

"Um..." Luo Jun was not good at explaining to Situ Linger. Because he originally thought that all his functions were lost, but he actually had a physiological reaction to Ling'er.

"Ling'er, I'm going to have a retreat these days. If the retreat is successful, I may heal, and even better than before." Luo Jun said, "You go back first."

Situ Linger said: "No, you retreat, I will guard you outside, and I will not go anywhere."

Luo Jun said: "You...then you have to explain to your mother, don't let her worry about you."

Situ Linger said: "That's OK."

Luo Jun said, "Okay, I'm going to do something else now." He then asked Situ Ling'er to take the phone.

Situ Linger immediately took the phone to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun called Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong over there answered the phone but was very nervous. Because she thought Luo Jun was coming to Xingshi to inquire.

Shen Mo Nong said: "If you want to scold, you can scold it. Anyway, you have done it."

Luo Jun was startled slightly, then he smiled and said: "I have such a lack of heart, you are also for my good. Uh, are you doing anything right now?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?" Shen Mo Nong asked.

Luo Jun said: "Can you contact my uncle? I haven't gotten through his phone the last few times."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Your uncle has been out of China for this period of time to catch the Insect Emperor. But there is a way to contact him."

Luo Jun said, "Okay, can you contact Master Wuwei?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "Then I can't get in touch, but your uncle can get in touch."

"Okay, tell my uncle, just don't care about the insect emperor. I can probably heal myself by myself." Luo Jun said.

"What?" Shen Mo Nong was immediately excited. "You said you can heal yourself?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, but I need the help of my uncle and Master Wuwei."

Shen Mo Nong said, "Okay, I will contact you immediately."

"Is there really a way to heal yourself?" Situ Ling'er was happy and a little confused.

She still felt a little unbelievable.

Luo Jun said: "Of course, don't worry, I am so easy to die. But this is also your inspiration for me."

Situ Ling'er was even more dazed, and said, "What inspiration did I give you?"

Luo Jun laughed, but said nothing.

Seeing that Luo Jun didn't say anything, Situ Linger stopped questioning. She was not a gossip. Anyway, as long as Luo Jun is fine.

Afterwards, Situ Linger went outside and called his mother Yang Jie.

The phone went through soon.

Yang Jie didn't speak first, there was silence.

Situ Linger didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long while, Situ Ling'er heard the phone and his mother sighed slightly. After that, her mother Yang Jie said, "Ling'er, don't worry about the others. Mom will take care of all the rest."

Tears could no longer be restrained and flowed from Situ Linger's eyes.

She thought that her mother would be angry and blamed.

But in the end, my mother took all the responsibilities.

Yang Jie said again: "I know that Luo Jun has been infected with Gu poison. During this period, my mother has been suffering a lot. I didn't even dare to inquire about him. Because I'm afraid he is gone." She took a deep breath. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "You can accompany him through the last part of the road. Just Ling'er, promise mom, don't embarrass yourself, okay?"

Situ Linger nodded his head and said, "Well, mom, don't worry, I will." She then said: "Mom, don't worry about me too much. Just now Luo Jun said that he has found a way to treat him. He has already called his uncle, and a master has come to protect him."

"Really?" Yang Jie couldn't help but be happy.

"Really!" Situ Linger said: "He doesn't seem to lie to me. He told me a lot about the theory of evolution, although I don't quite understand what his poison has to do with the theory of evolution. But he seems to be really good. Got the trick."

Yang Jie said: "The theory of evolution? The magical powers of martial arts practitioners are difficult for us ordinary people to understand. I hope he can really heal himself."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Jie breathed a sigh of relief. After that, she will ask Mr. Situ to come forward. Ouyang's family is not easy to talk, she feels that she can't handle it. At this time, only tougher.

Yang Jie has always disliked Ouyang, this is not because Ouyang has no legs.

Ouyang's legs are missing because of her daughter, she is not such a person without feelings.

Ouyang has always been polite, but Yang Jie discovered that Ouyang's psychology is very fragile and possessive. This is a very extreme, extreme person. When you love someone, you can die for your love. If you hate it, you can pick up a knife and stab him to death.

This personality has some distortions.

Now Yang Jie felt relieved instead.

In the bedroom, Luo Jun said to Situ Ling'er: "Ling'er, I know, you have always been weird before, why am I not with you, right?"

Situ Ling'er nodded and said, "Yes. You said that you are pursuing different things, but I always think this reason is unreliable. I sometimes wonder if you are terminally ill. It depends on your martial arts. Gao, I also know that this idea is too bloody."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said: "Reality is often more terrible than a story. Now that I keep it from you, it doesn't make much sense."

Situ Ling'er said, "What is it because of?"

Luo Jun said, "Do you remember the one before the entrance examination?"

"Huh?" Situ Linger was puzzled.

Luo Jun said: "I entered the classroom that day. When I first saw you, I was surprised and even shed tears."

Situ Linger suddenly remembered...

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