Super Security in the City

Chapter 1342: Sophistication

There are 30,000 disciples in Mingyue Palace, and there are 18 halls in the palace. The lord of each hall is the best in the world!

This time, the big hand of Mingyue Xianzun was a grand event in Mingyue Palace. At this moment, Mingyue Xianzun did not show up, and all the reception was done by the disciples.

Luo Jun entered the Mingyue Palace smoothly with Yan Yunyue and others.

Inside the Mingyue Palace, surrounded by mountains and forests, looking down from the air, the Eighteen Halls look like a star chessboard. Eighteen halls surround the majestic Mingyue Palace.

The one who received Yan Yunyue was Zuo Xiaoqing, the first apprentice of Bailiyue, the master of Minghui Hall. Zuo Xiaoqing looks in his twenties, and his cultivation is the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens. None of the people in the Mingyue Palace have made it to the top rankings. The overseas immortals do not show the mountains and the water, and do not participate in the right and wrong of China.

This Zuo Xiaoqing cultivated in this way, and his appearance was as easy as a human being. Wearing a white dress, spotless. When she received Yan Yunyue, she was neither humble nor humble, polite and courteous.

"There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!" Luo Jun couldn't help sighing after entering the Mingyue Palace.

After that, a crowd of people flew towards the Minghui Hall in the mist.

Minghui Hall is in the mountains and forests to the south, and the green forest surrounds the Minghui Hall in the middle. The Minghui Hall is beautifully built, and the ginkgo trees in front are as beautiful as a fairyland. In the Minghui Hall, there are more than 300 disciples' houses, and the Minghui Hall in the middle is like a Western palace.

As long as Luo Jun came to such a place, he couldn't help but feel the immortal style.

These styles are incomparable to the palace in the ordinary world.

After arriving at the Minghui Hall, Yan Yunyue took the big disciple Dangshui Liu to see the master of the Minghui Hall Bailiyue. The group of Luo Jun was arranged by Zuo Xiaoqing to check in the guest room.

Zuo Xiaoqing asked her staff to make arrangements, and she then left.

Luo Jun then rested in the room, which was spacious and clean. Sandalwood was lit in front of the windowsill, and the whole room felt very comfortable. Open the window and you can see the woods outside. Such an environment is difficult to experience in the modern society of the great world.

Luo Jun didn't think too much, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate.

There are still many imperfections in the formation in the Nether Nine Yin Tu. In addition, he will cast down the Spirit Gathering Pill and let the ghosts swallow it. Those blood gods and black gods swallowed more fiercely. Nether Spirit and Star Spirit also eat more.

After eating, the group of ghosts started praying and wishing to the golden light talisman of Da Pudu.

The golden talisman is getting bigger and bigger.

There are hundreds of thousands of ghosts praying every day, which is a great capital for Luo Jun.

After a while, female disciples from Minghui Temple brought some tea and food. The food here is very delicate, the peaches are big and round, and exude a fresh air. At first glance, it is a product of the fairy family, and the tea is cooked with morning dew and petals. Even ordinary people can become extraordinary after eating this kind of tea and things from the fairy family.

This shows that the difference between ordinary people and Xianjia is obvious. From the point of eating, it is doomed to have a huge gap between them.

Luo Jun also remembered what Cheng Jianhua had said a long time ago.

"The carnivores are brave and fierce, the grain eaters are wise and clever, and the breath eaters live long. The accomplishments of a species have a lot to do with what it eats."

When Luo Jun jumped out of the mundane circle, everything he encountered around him was very different.

In the great world, the **** pill is a **** that can not be met. But when he arrived in Tianzhou, his **** pill and heaven pill were already too many. This is because of changes in the circle!

In the Great Thousand World, a master of Taixu Eighth Heaven can almost walk sideways.

But after Taixu Eighth Heaven master arrived at Tianzhou, he was just a third-rate character.

This is like the wealth circle in the great world. When your salary is only two or three thousand, most of the people who surround you are also such working-class people.

When you make a million in a year, the circle around you will also change.

As you will see, it turns out that many people make millions or even ten million a year.

When you rise to billions, all you see are the richest people on the list.

The circle culture is the same. It is the same when used in this Tianzhou.

For example, people like the current **** emperor, they don't bother playing with people like Luo Jun. What they yearn for is the immortal world, what they see is the ancient holy emperor, and what they see are those masters with great supernatural powers.

The female disciple is quite handsome, but the cultivation base is too empty. With a low cultivation base, there is only this life for serving people.

Taixu Fourth Heaven is still very good in the Great Thousand World, but in Mingyue Palace, that status is really low.

Think about it, they have been taking pills since they were young, and they have received strict training, etc., but now they are too weak in the Fourth Heaven, and this progress is really slow.

Luo Jun smiled at the female disciple and said, "How do you call the little girl?"

The female disciple did not expect that Luo Jun would take the initiative to speak up, and she was a little flattered. She immediately said, "Back to senior, my name is Qiu Ling."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Miss Qiu Ling, thank you for sending me these things. When we first met, I hope you will accept it." He shot two Heavenly Pills and gave back a fairy sword by the way. The quality of this fairy sword is very good, it was obtained by Luo Jun from the treasure house of Yuhuamen.

Qiu Ling was slightly dazed, her eyes flashed ecstasy, took the gift, and said, "Thank you for the gift, senior."

Luo Jun smiled slightly.

Qiu Ling and his disciples are dedicated to serving guests, and as guests, generous people will give some gifts. This is a question of etiquette! But there are really not many people as generous as Luo Jun.

Disciples like Qiu Ling don't have many resources. And these two Heavenly Pills may be able to help her hit the realm. This is a great gift.

"Senior, if you have any needs, just tell me." Qiu Ling said afterwards.

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "Okay."

After that, Qiu Ling retreated.

Luo Jun has never been a stingy person, he knows the psychology of little people very well. Don't offend little people easily, because maybe they can stumble you before you know it. People walking in the arena is to make good friends. Because perhaps, the opportunity lies in these good destinies.

Luo Jun's practice was not peaceful, and after that, Yan Yunyue and her female disciple Ren Li came to visit.

Luo Jun stood up to greet him, and said, "Friend Yunyue."

Yan Yunyue smiled faintly.

Ren Li said, "I have met seniors."

Luo Jun also smiled faintly.

After the two parties took their seats, Yan Yunyue said, "Friend Qianshan, you are here to worship Mingyue Xianzun for birthday, probably for those two gifts, right?"

Luo Jun was startled slightly, but he didn't expect Yan Yunyue would ask this question so bluntly.

He didn't shy away, and said: "Yes."

Yan Yunyue said: "You have your own means, you have your own means. It's just that there are not a few people who covet these two treasures this time. Fellow Qianshan, it is not easy for you to win the first prize. ."

Luo Jun said: "I know this naturally. There are still things in this world that are stable. It's just a matter of doing everything and obeying the destiny."

Yan Yunyue smiled slightly, and said: "My generation of cultivating is always going against the sky. Without this determination to rush upwards, we can't reach this point."

Luo Jun said, "Daoist Yunyue, you suddenly came to talk to me about this, isn't it just curiosity?"

Yan Yunyue smiled faintly, and said: "Friend Qianshan Daoist is kind to my Tianshui Sect. Since you have something to ask, my Tianshui Sect shall do my best to help you."

Luo Jun was startled slightly, and he immediately understood what Yan Yunyue meant. Probably Yan Yunyue wanted to let the water flow to help him defeat some opponents.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Daoist Yunyue is polite. I always like to do things by my own ability. You can take it if you get it, and you can accept it if you don't get it." This is to refuse Yan Yunyue.

Yan Yunyue didn't mind, she smiled faintly, and then said: "Friend Qianshan, this is a little meaning, please accept it too." After she finished speaking, she put down a quiche on the table.

Subsequently, Yan Yunyue bid farewell to Ren Li.

Luo Jun no longer retains.

Regarding that Jie Sumi, he did not decline.

He thought, Yan Yunyue's move should not be too shabby.

After Yan Yunyue and Ren Li left, Luo Jun took the Ji Xumi given by Yan Yunyue in his hands. He inspected it, and immediately found that there were a hundred Heavenly Pills and a Leishui Sword inside.

The quality of Lishui Sword is also pretty good.

Although this gift is not bad, Luo Jun is still slightly disappointed. Think about it, the Tianshui school is a small school after all, and the heads are only in the middle of the tenth heaven. Its resources are not very abundant, and it is sincere to be able to produce these.

Thinking of this, Luo Jun also put these things into the Jiexu Mi with satisfaction.

Four more days soon passed. During these four days, Luo Jun lived very peacefully, and he also learned more about Mingyue Palace. Much of his knowledge was learned from Qiu Ling. She also knew that Mingyue Xianzun had gone out again, and it was said that he would not come back until the birthday banquet.

Luo Jun also knew that there were four great elders under Mingyue Xianzun, and they were all masters at the top. In Mingyue Palace, all are female disciples. Marriage is not forbidden in the school, but even after getting married, the man cannot enter the Mingyue Palace. Moreover, married female disciples will also be asked to leave the Mingyue Palace, only allowing them to return during the New Year's Day.

That night, the first disciple of Mingyue Xianzun Li Tianruo, that is, the lord of Litian Temple, invited all the distinguished guests.

Tomorrow is the birthday banquet of Mingyue Xianzun, and today is a small thank-you banquet.

Litian Temple is the head of the eighteen halls, and Li Tianruo is the master of the tenth heaven peak, and has always been in charge of Mingyue Palace instead of Mingyue Xianzun.

Li Tianruo's majesty is unimaginable.

Luo Jun was soaked in the mist of the moon, and he was also fortunate to come to this dinner.

The dinner was held in the Litian Temple. The golden light lingered in the main hall from the heavenly hall, surrounded by fresh air, gave a fairy family atmosphere.

When Luo Jun, Yan Yunyue and others arrived at the hall, there were already guests in the hall.

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