Super Security in the City

Chapter 1375: The **** of love

At this moment, a strong and handsome young man wearing golden armor and blond hair walked in.

The blond youth's eyes are like bright stars. Wherever he goes, it seems to bring hope and brilliance to people.

"Queen of Heaven!" The blond youth stood in the middle of the hall, holding his chest with one hand, and shouting with a slight bow.

Hera's beautiful eyes flowed, she looked at the blond young man and said: "Apollo, you suddenly came to the mountain. Is there anything wrong?"

This young man is exactly Apollo, the **** of light. Apollo looked around and said strangely: "The Queen, I want to see God the Father."

Hera said: "God Father went out, I don’t know where he went. You know the nature of your Father God, he likes to turn into a mortal, have a good relationship with those mortals, and then give birth to some half-human and half-god My child. The solemn and sacred blood of our Olympus was destroyed in this way by your father."

Apollo couldn't help frowning. Of course, he knew that God the Father was indeed as Hera said, and he also hated God the Father and those human women who gave birth to some half-human and half-god brothers. "The Queen, when I came this time, I wanted to find the Father God for important matters."

Hera said: "If you have anything, you can tell me first. If I see your Father God, I will tell him. Apollo, don't you believe me?"

Apollo said: "I naturally believe in the Queen, but the matter is urgent. Because I was observing the astrological luck recently and discovered that the gods of the East are going to break into our West. Their plan seems to be aimed at the Father God. "

"The gods of the East?" Hera said, "The system of the East is huge and chaotic, unlike our unity. What powerful gods can there be on their side?"

Apollo said: "The mother of the earth, Gaia, has told us that we must never mess with the East. Therefore, we must not take it lightly for the Gods of the East."

Hera said: "What you said makes sense, but now, I really don't know where your Father God is going. He won't tell me where he is going. So this matter also requires you to bother. "

Apollo frowned, and then said: "If this is the case, then I will leave." After he said a little bow, he turned and left.

Apollo seemed a little rude, but Hera was helpless. Although she is a lofty queen, Apollo is also a powerful existence. He is the **** of light, and there is a temple of light behind him, and there are countless strong men under his command. Even Zeus, the **** king, couldn't slap Apollo at will.

After Apollo left, Hera fell into deep thought.

"Apollo is not only the **** of light, his prediction is also extremely accurate. Since he said that there will be a **** from the east, this is probably not wrong." Hera couldn't help but complain. Because this god-king Zeus has indeed been at ease for too long, the more ridiculous it has passed. I don't know how many species Zeus left in the world. On this sacred mountain, how many women have something to do with him. However, he seems to never get tired of playing with women.

Hera didn't know where to find Zeus.

But at this moment, layers of strange halos suddenly appeared around her.

Then, the king Zeus appeared. The god-king Zeus wore a purple robe and a golden crown on his head. He looks like a madman with a full-faced beard. Zeus grabbed Hera's soft waist and sniffed her white neck. "Hera, I just heard you talking about me. Did you miss me?"

Hera pushed Zeus away and said coldly: "Do you still know to come back?"

Zeus laughed and said, "Hera, I went to the mortal world this time and chose a gift specially for you. How beautiful do you think this crystal dress is?"

With a big wave of his hand, a long skirt full of crystals appeared in the air. This skirt is gorgeous and exquisite to the extreme.

Hera couldn't help but stun, and then there was light in her beautiful eyes.

"It's beautiful!" Hera couldn't help saying.

Zeus said, "Do you like it?"

Hera was about to nod, but she soon recovered her indifference and said, "Don't think so, I will forgive you."

Zeus said: "Okay, Hera, come here, you can change it quickly. This must be very beautiful. I searched for this dress for a long time. Finally I found it. I think that in this world, only you are wearing this dress. In order to show the beauty of this skirt. Only this skirt can set off your beauty perfectly."

Hera was still moved after all.

She turned, and then, the crystal dress was on her.

"How is it?" Hera turned around in front of Zeus, and then asked.

"It's so beautiful, Hera, I'm completely fascinated by you." Zeus praised without hesitation. Then, he stepped forward to hug Hera and gave her a strong kiss.

Hera was immediately lost in the kiss of Zeus. Zeus suddenly waved his hand and immediately opened a golden gate. He took Hera across the golden door and then into the bedroom.

Zeus pushed Hera onto the bed.

So all Hera's complaints, and all her dissatisfaction, melted into the strong gentleness of Zeus.

The wave was strong, but it faded quickly.

Hera curled up in Zeus's arms softly, and she felt very satisfied.

After a long while, Hera said, "By the way, Apollo came to you just now."

Zeus was startled slightly and said, "Oh, what did he do with me?"

Hera said, "Apollo said that there are gods from the East who want to come to our West. They seem to be trying to do something with you."

"Attempts to me?" Zeus smiled coldly and said: "I am the king of the gods. They dare to try to me. Are they impatient to live?"

Hera said: "But you still have to be careful. Since the other party dared to come, and even dared to make plans for you, it must have some ability."

Zeus nodded and said, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

The blue and purple clothes and a group of people tore through the space and successfully reached the Western King Realm.

They landed smoothly in a prosperous city. However, in order to cover people's eyes and ears, they were chosen in a small forest.

The weather is very sunny.

Lan Ziyi felt that the time point here is the same as the time point of Daqian World. In other words, this world is real.

When the time point is distorted, it means that this world is nothing but a memory storage point of heaven. It's like people watching TV and recording it on video tape.

But at this time, although the time here is the same as the Great Thousand World. But the buildings here are still full of ancient Greek style.

Various buildings are mostly piled up with stones.

Most of the people at the market wear topless, with the style of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.

"God doesn't fade away, and civilization doesn't progress." Qin Lin couldn't help saying.

Lan Ziyi said: "This is man-made. The gods of Olympus restricted the progress of human science and technology. They made their experiments unsuccessful, so civilization stayed in place."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "I feel that in this Western King Realm, the area is vast, no less than Tianzhou! How did they do it?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Moving Olympus and the Greek city directly, and opening up space for humans to reproduce. It is not impossible to develop and grow again in such a long time. This is the king of the West. The world is completely isolated from the East. In this way, the absolute authority of the gods can be maintained. Probably they foresee the future integration of the East and the West. If they want to rule for a long time, they can only do so. convenient."

"This is not to allow mortals to open up their minds! The so-called gods are nothing more than selfish ghosts." Qin Lin said.

"God is also human, and everyone is selfish." Mingyue Xianzun raised his eyebrows and said.

Xiaolong said: "Why don't we go to Olympus directly and capture Zeus. Then save my father!"

It is straightforward.

Lan Ziyi rolled his eyes and said, "Xiaolong, you are not good at it, but the cowhide is very big! The gods of Olympus brought the city over, and they created space for themselves, which is equivalent to the creation of the world. Ordinary existence. Just the few of us, would you dare to say that you want to kill Olympus?"

Xiaolong was speechless.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "It's impossible to be hard, it seems that you have to outwit."

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva remained silent on one side. Lan Ziyi asked the Ksitigarbha King and said, "Master, is there any good way?"

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: "Amitabha, the poor monks come, everything is up to you."

Lan Ziyi knew that Ksitigarbha will answer this.

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk feels that we have to find a place to settle down first, find out everything clearly, and measure our strength before we take action."

Lan Ziyi said: "Alright." She paused and said, "I don't know what the currency is here. I have prepared some gold, which should be universal. Let's go!"

Afterwards, the group of people left the grove.

"Our appearance seems to be a strange costume compared to the people here." Mingyue Xianzun said: "It seems that we have to change our costumes first."

Lin Feng said: "Why is it so troublesome, I have Jie Sumi here, everyone will live in Jie Sumi first. There are too many people, a little sassy."

Lan Ziyi said: "You don't need to stop the beard. I have a magic weapon called Duobao Jin Pagoda. There are many rooms in it. You can live in it first. I will go and get your clothes and everything done. Wait. After staying in the store, we will discuss it slowly."

Lan Ziyi's proposal was approved by everyone. So the blue and purple clothes used the multi-treasure gold pagoda to pack everyone in. Later, Lan Ziyi went to the nearby chamber of commerce to change the currency here.

The common currencies here are gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins.

Later, Lan Ziyi went to buy a lot of clothes. The languages ​​here are Greek and English. Fortunately, Lanziyi's English is also very good, so there is not much difficulty in communicating.

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