Super Security in the City

Chapter 1460: Green Elder

Between the thunderbolt, the sword light smashed the ancestor of the Heavenly Pharaoh.

The ancestor of Heaven Pharaoh was instantly strangled by Jianguang's infinite murderous aura and infinite law. His body and soul were directly strangled and shattered, and the entire body was turned into ashes.

I can't die anymore.

When the ancestor Tianfa died, the formation he had laid disappeared. A hole also appeared, Luo Jun did not say a word, the big move technique was used.

With a squeak, Luo Jun instantly moved thousands of miles away, several gallops, already in the desert beyond the Great Wall.

The ancestors of Tianyi and Tianyuan were shocked.

"Tianfa..." Ancestor Tianyi screamed, and at the same time an inexplicable chill was born from deep in his heart.

The ancestor of Tianyuan also stood there for a long time, unable to say a word.

The main altar of Taoism is on Dongcang Mountain. Dongcang Mountain is more than a thousand miles away from Lin'an. Now in the middle of the court, Zhu Xi and his party represent Taoism. Taoism supports Zhu Xi behind his back.

And behind the other party of Han Tong, Qingcheng Palace was supporting him. The two sides are fighting over and over.

Among the mountains of East Cangshan, there is verdant greenness.

In the mountains, there are a total of 30 Taoist houses. These houses form a circle. The formations are continuous and it is difficult for outsiders to see the truth.

In the middle mansion, the ancestors of Tianyuan and Tianyi joined with Mr. Ming Dao and Mr. Yichuan. This is in a secret room, here it is said that the Fa does not spread to Liu Er.

"This is the purple gold bowl!" The ancestor Tianyuan took out the purple gold bowl.

Mr. Ming Dao and Mr. Yi Chuan met with Zijin Bowl and couldn't help being overjoyed.

Mr. Ming Dao then said: "Master, that little evil animal must have been killed by you, right?"

Mr. Yichuan said strangely: "Why haven't you seen Master Tianma?"

The ancestor Tianyi tapped the coffee table, his eyes were blood red, and he said, "Your Heavenly Master, has been killed by that little evil animal."

"What?" Mr. Ming Dao and Mr. Yichuan couldn't help but pale in shock.

"How is this possible?" Mr. Yichuan said: "This time, the three masters shot together, and in the world, who else can get a bargain from the three masters. How could the Heavenly Master be..."

"Not only was Tianfa killed, but the little evil animal escaped unscathed." Tianyuan Old Ancestor's face was pale and his voice was trembling.

"This..." Mr. Ming Dao and Mr. Yi Chuan couldn't say a word. At the same time, Mr. Mingdao couldn't help but secretly startled and rejoiced. He was thinking, this time he could actually save his life, this is really a great luck!

"Fortunately, the Zijin Bowl finally got it. This time, the people of Qingcheng Palace will not have a good life." Tianyi Patriarch said.

"But that little wicked animal has to be guarded," said the ancestor Tianyuan.

The ancestor Tianyi was startled slightly, and then he said: "Big brother, you are right, the sword light of that little naughty animal is extremely strange. At that time, I saw it clearly, Jian Guang slashed over. It was smashed at once. And his Tiangang Qi was also all crushed. The third child's body is already extremely powerful, but under a sword, it turned into ashes. It's terrifying."

Mr. Ming Dao said: "The disciple Shicai also fought against the evil animal. Although his skill is high, his skills are also very powerful. But the disciples can cope with it easily, and the reason why he was defeated and fled in the end was also because of his sword light. That sword light was too powerful. If the disciple hadn't escaped into the Shanhe Sheji fan, the spirit mountain **** would have resisted it. I am afraid that the disciple was also dealt with badly."

"Where did this weird animal come from?" Mr. Yichuan was annoyed.

The ancestor of Tianyuan said: "This wicked animal is not a fairy, and the purple golden bowl will not work for him. If this wicked animal is not removed for a day, my heart will always be uneasy, I am afraid that something will happen."

The ancestor Tianyi said: "Although the sword light is unmatched, I guess it should cost some money."

The ancestor Tianyuan said: "You must find a way to withstand the sword light, and the speed of this evil animal's escape is too fast. In an instant, there is no trace. We need to consider long-term."

The ancestor Tianyi said: "Big Brother said so."

Luo Jun stayed in the desert until dawn.

Many things still have to be done during the day.

He thought about it all night and felt that the purple golden bowl was lost in his hand. Moreover, it was lost in the hands of Mr. Ming Dao's group. This responsibility cannot be avoided.

Mr. Mingdao’s Taoist teachings demanded the Zijin bowl to deal with Qingcheng Palace. Originally, this purple golden bowl was still hidden, but now it was dug out by myself and fell into the hands of Taoism. This is tantamount to harming Qingcheng Palace!

Luo Jun decided to go to Qingcheng Palace. Anyway, he was not afraid of the purple golden bowl, and if necessary, he had to help Qingcheng Palace destroy the purple golden bowl.

However, Luo Jun also thought of one thing.

That is, he went to Qingcheng Palace like this, and said that he would help Qingcheng Palace. This makes the people of Qingcheng Palace feel weird, and it is inevitable that they will be suspicious.

"Even if I am suspicious, I have to do something to come out. I always see people's hearts over time!" Luo Jun shook his body and immediately launched a large movement technique and headed to Qingcheng Mountain.

Not long after, Luo Jun came to the beautiful Qingcheng Mountain in the morning sun.

It is not so easy to find Qingcheng Palace in Qingcheng Mountain. Ordinary people will not be able to find Qingcheng Palace in their entire life. However, Luo Jun's cultivation level was extremely high, and his spiritual consciousness shot Qingcheng Mountain, and soon discovered an enchantment below. In the enchantment, the formation fluctuates.

Luo Jun immediately escaped from the lower realm.

At that barrier change, Luo Jun waved his sleeve and entered the barrier. Within the enchantment, there is a large formation guarding, and in front of the green mountains is a white magnificent palace.

The palace is full of luxury and magnificence.

The area is extremely wide.

In front is a square, surrounded by gardens. It's like a forest park!

Luo Jun took a closer look and found that the palace was on a high mountain. After thousands of meters, the next step is a cliff of ten thousand meters wide. This place is extremely steep and it is very close to the clouds in the sky. Moreover, the air is very thin.

The palace gate stands tall, isolating everything from the outside.

Just outside the palace gate, Luo Jun shouted: "At the Lower Jinshan Temple, Luo Jun, if you have important matters, please see the palace owner."

He also took great pains to say that he came from the future. It's not good to just make up a place name to deceive, so I thought about coming out of Jinshan Temple. Always have some connection with Jinshan Temple.

Luo Jun drank three times in a row, and his voice echoed over the entire Qingcheng Palace. This voice naturally alarmed the masters inside Qingcheng Palace.

After a while, the sound of footsteps came from the Qingcheng Palace.

Then, the gate of Qingcheng Palace opened.

Two women in Tsing Yi came out.

If it were one, Luo Jun almost thought it was Xiaoqing. But when the two came out at once, Luo Jun was a little silly and confused. The two women in Tsing Yi did not look like they were in their twenty-eight years, but the age of these fairies is absolutely invisible. However, these two women are very beautiful.

The two women looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun immediately held his fists politely and said, "Luo Jun at the Lower Jinshan Temple."

"Jinshan Temple?" One of the women couldn't help but suspiciously said, "Aren't all the monks in the Jinshan Temple? Besides, a small Jinshan Temple, can there be a master like your Excellency?"

Luo Jun said: "The reason can be explained clearly in the next. However, when I came today, there is indeed something important to see the palace lord. There is absolutely no malice in the next. I also ask the two girls to inform the palace lord."

"My palace lord is not in the palace." The girl said coldly.

Another girl said: "If you have anything, you can tell us the same."

Luo Jun couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "This is a big deal, and the two girls really can't do this master. What I said is about the life and death of Qingcheng Palace. Please also tell the two girls quickly to pass the palace. The person in charge."

"Alarming!" The girl sneered.

"Zijin Bo knows? The Zijin Bo has fallen into the hands of Taoism." Luo Jun was helpless, this Hades was easy to find, and the little devil was difficult to deal with. In desperation, he simply said it.

"What purple golden bowl?" The two girls looked at each other.

"I just said it, it's useless to tell you. The purple golden bowl is something that specializes in restraining fairies. For these years, Taoist teachings have been trying to find this thing to deal with Qingcheng Palace. Now, the purple golden bowl has been acquired by them. "Luo Jun said.

The two girls were dubious.

"What you said is true?" said the **** the left.

Luo Jun said, "I'm okay to eat too much, come to Qingcheng Palace to cheat?"

The girl said: "Well, wait a minute, I'll report to Elder Qing."

After the girl finished speaking, she left in a hurry. The **** the right looked at each other with Luo Jun.

Luo Jun ignored her.

The girl suddenly said: "Your name is Luo Jun, right?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Yeah!"

The girl said: "My name is Xiaoshan."

Luo Jun said out of courtesy, "Little Shan girl, hello."

Xiaoshan said, "Is it true what you said?"

Luo Jun said: "Of course it is true."

"How did you know?" Xiaoshan continued to ask. Luo Jun stayed for a while, and then he said: "When I meet Elder Qing, I will tell her clearly. This matter has a lot to do with me. I came here to help Qingcheng Palace."

"Why do you want to help us?" Xiaoshan said: "Human monks have always regarded our Qingcheng Palace as an evil devil."

Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "I might be special then."

Xiaoshan chuckled and said, "You are so funny."

Luo Jun laughed.

Before long, the girl in Tsing Yi came back and said solemnly: "Master Luo Jun, please come with me. Elder Qing wants to see you!"

Luo Jun knew that the other party finally attracted attention.

Later, Luo Jun followed the Qingyi girl and Xiaoshan into the palace.

Through the square, the garden, and then came to a rockery area. There is a house behind the rockery. The house is quaint.

"Elder Qing and the others are inside, please come in, please!" said the girl in Qingyi.

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, he calmly came to the door and pushed in.

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