Super Security in the City

Chapter 1526: Spirituality

Luo Jun knew in his heart that Emperor Canglin didn't dare to probe him with the power of the world. Because Emperor Canglin thought he was the ancestor god, the ancestor **** had a better understanding of the power of the world. Once Emperor Canglin used the power of the world, he decided that he could not hide from the ancestor god.

If Emperor Canglin really used the power of the world to investigate Luo Jun at this time, it would show that this product was really ill-intentioned. Want to deal with the ancestor god.

So at this time, Emperor Canglin was determined not to make a random move before he was uncertain.

"I can't delay too long, Canglin is a human spirit." Luo Jun secretly said: "You must save yourself as soon as possible. Once Canglin finds out something is wrong, I will be a dead end. What should I do? What should I do?"

"Huh? Yes." Luo Jun suddenly thought of something.

"My situation at the moment is almost the same as when Mingyue Xianzun was hurting the mind. I couldn't use mana, cells were damaged, and my operation was exhausted. But Lan Ziyi said at the time that both yin and yang can be cured. But at that time, I and the immortal There is too much difference in respect of mana, and the hearts of each other cannot be merged, so this is not mentioned. But at the moment, although Bai Suzhen has no physical body, she is an excellent thing of pure yin, which happens to be a fusion of yin and yang."

"These high-level cultivations are spiritual cultivation, and there is no need for low-level flesh cultivation. As for whether Bai Suzhen has a physical body, it does not matter at all. But there are also problems. Spiritual cultivation requires both spiritual communication and mutual trust. I and this Bai Suzhen In the meantime, it is really difficult to do this. But this is the only chance, I must give it a try."

So soon, Luo Jun secretly communicated with Suzhen in black in Jie Xumi Li through his mind.

"Bai Suzhen?"

Luo Jun shouted three times in a row before Bai Suzhen responded.

Still cold. "What are you doing?"

Luo Jun said: "I know there is a way to treat my injury. But I need your help. Right now, it is definitely not a place to stay for long."

Although Suzhen in black was cold, but after hearing Luo Jun's words, she did not turn anyone away. She said: "How can I help?"

Luo Jun said: "I have a double repair technique."

"You..." Suzhen in black suddenly became angry.

"Don't get angry first." Luo Jun also blushed a little, although his heart was upright. But when the word "double repair" is said, it is inevitable that it makes people want to be crooked.

"The double cultivation I'm talking about is spiritual cultivation. You don't have a physical body, can I have any other thoughts about you?" Luo Jun said.

Black Suzhen said: "Spiritual cultivation?"

Luo Jun said: "In my practice, spiritual practice emphasizes the fusion of yin and yang. As the saying goes, yin and yang nurture all things. This is the most magical power. All creatures and creatures are born by the yin and yang, and then give birth. You and I naturally do not I need to have children, but the fusion of each other's power can also produce magical power. This power can heal my injuries."

Black Suzhen said: "Okay, I promise you. How to practice spiritually?"

Luo Jun said: "You don't have to agree too quickly, because spiritual cultivation is very particular. Both sides must be fused and have affection. And they must also trust each other absolutely."

Black Suzhen had a headache and said, "Trust I can give it to you, but if you want affection, how can I give it? I don't like it in my heart and pretend to like it. Who is that to deceive?"

Luo Jun said: "So I also know that this is difficult. But it is the only way I can think of at the moment."

Hei Suzhen said: "I, although my mouth is a bit awkward. But one is one and two is two. I can get to this point today. I can be more patient with you. If you want me to repay, you can also give you my life. . But what I can’t do is helpless.”

Luo Jun couldn't help but smiled and said, "Why did you change your attitude so much? Would you be moved by me too?"

Hei Suzhen said: "I have never changed, but I'm just talking about reasoning."

Luo Jun didn’t worry about this matter either. He took a deep breath and said, “I think clearly, the chance of success is estimated to be less than 10% for you and me for spiritual practice. Most of them are going to die. But if I don’t. Doing, staying here is one hundred percent death. It’s just... I’m doing this, it’s too cruel for you. I don’t know what consequences this will have on you. Maybe, your so many days of hard work will eventually ruin At once."

Hei Suzhen said: "You don't care about me, you teach me what to do."

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "I have no intention of threatening Ensor to repay. In fact, I don't think you owe me anything. Because I save you, it's not your will. I have my selfishness."

Hei Suzhen said, "You always think too much about what to do with so many things. But I never thought about what you said, what kind of gratitude or not, there is nothing to say."

Luo Jun said: "No, there are some things, we still have to make it clear."

Black Suzhen said, "What else do you want to say? Why are there so many things?"

Luo Jun said: "Until now, I really understand you. But I dare not say that I understand all of them. I apologize to you for what I said before."

Black Suzhen said, "Can we start?"

Luo Jun said: "Don't worry, let's cultivate more feelings. Perhaps, our chances of success will be higher."

"Emotions?" Suzhen in black was taken aback, she said: "I don't have such a thing."

"It's creatures, and they all have feelings." Luo Jun said. "Emotion is not necessarily love. Don't you have more affection and care for your master?"

Black Suzhen went silent.

After a long time, she said: "My master is kind to me, and I remember her kindness. However, if you want to talk about family affection and concern, it seems that there is nothing."

She then smiled slyly and said: "Did you forget that I am a snake, a snake spirit. A snake is a cold-blooded animal."

"Since you are cold-blooded, why do you have to remember your favor?" Luo Jun said.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Cold blood returns to cold blood. It is necessary to distinguish between right and wrong. What I hate is that Queen Mother Xi is right from wrong, she is righteous and tall. In fact, she and us are both of fairy origin. What a name she has I think we are a low-level species? I just want to tell her that she is not a high-level thing."

She paused, and then said: "There is also the Guanyin of the South China Sea. In my eyes, there is no distinction between right and wrong. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she believed that I was wrong, and she could not help but suppress me with great magic power. I have been shut down for two hundred years. She uses her **** Dharma to wash my soul every day. But my heart is pure and not bad at all. She wants me to admit that I am wrong, but in my eyes, she is the big one. Wrong. I can die, I can die, but I will never give in."

Luo Jun was shocked.

He said: "You are a warrior. Few people, like you, can save life and death, but they are never willing to bow their heads for things they don't agree with. Even I can't do it. Many things are for survival. , I finally chose to compromise. However, this is your principle. Because in your eyes, that is more important than life. In my eyes, as long as it is not too much, life is the most important thing . Because once a person dies, everything he insists on will have no meaning. It’s just that, for me, the meaning is zero."

Hei Suzhen said: "So, I never think you are wrong. But don't you think how cold-blooded and incomprehensible I am. Of course, how do you think this is nothing to me."

Luo Jun then said: "Then you, have you ever loved someone?"

"No." Suzhen Black said: "The universe, the people I see are mediocre."

Luo Jun couldn't help but smile.

"Including you!" said Suzhen in black.

Luo Jun said: "Compared with you, many people are mediocre. I am no exception."

Suzhen Black said, "However, you also have advantages that ordinary people don't have."

Luo Jun couldn't help but smiled and said: "Oh, I am really flattered to hear my strengths from your mouth. Tell me, what are my strengths?"

"Kindness." Suzhen Hei said: "I have seen a lot of people, mostly selfish. But you are indeed the kindest person I have ever met. That's why I am willing to talk so much with you here. ."

"Kindness?" Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "I always thought I was a cruel person."

Hei Suzhen said: "Kindness is not weak, you are a kind and upright person. In addition, you are still brave. This is your strength, of course, you also have many shortcomings. However, you don't need to mention it."

Luo Jun said, "What are my shortcomings?" He felt that besides being lecherous, he should be fine. But now, it's not as uncontrollable as before.

Probably the real person has matured.

Hei Suzhen said: "Your shortcomings, such as mother-in-law. For example, long-winded. For example, stupid!"

Luo Jun said in his heart: "My day!"

"Bai Suzhen, do you have no feelings for your sister?" Luo Jun asked what he thought of.

Hei Suzhen said, "To her? No feelings. I don't hate it, I don't like it."

Luo Jun said: "I think your character is flawed."

"Character defect?" Hei Suzhen said, "This statement is very new."

Luo Jun said, "Why don't I tell you some of my stories?"

This is not Luo Jun or a talkative person who loves to talk about it. Because Suzhen Hei is cold by nature, such a spiritual cultivation, it is estimated that there is a high chance of becoming confused. Therefore, Luo Jun must develop more relationships with her.

Moreover, Luo Jun also knew that Suzhen Black was also making changes and efforts. Otherwise, based on her character, there would be so much nonsense with Luo Jun and Luo Li! I ignored Luo Jun a long time ago.

Although Suzhen Hei is indifferent and cold-blooded, she is... a person who speaks right and wrong and makes sense.

Suzhen in black stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, you speak, I will listen."

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