Super Security in the City

Chapter 1611: Ma'am

Su Yanran stayed for dinner. At the same time, after Luo Jun had eaten dinner, while chatting in the hall, he could not help but said: "In the past two years, your cultivation level seems to have not improved?"

Su Yanran couldn't help feeling depressed, even Qiao Ning couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Su Yanran said: "Do you think we are all perverts like you? You don't know that cultivation has reached our level. Every time you want to move forward, it will take decades, or even hundreds of years, even many people die of old age. Is it difficult to make progress?"

Luo Jun said: "That's because there is not a large supply of pills."

Su Yanran said, "Who can supply so many pills? I have always relied on the **** pills you gave me, and by the way, there are some ordinary heaven pills and so on to practice skills. The progress is too slow."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Su Yanran, I don’t want to talk about the past. But since we met once, we still have to give you some benefits. Come on, give me your ring and I will give you Something good."

"Oh, what good thing?" Su Yanran suddenly became interested.

She immediately gave Jie Xumi to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun quickly carried out 10,000 Pure Yang Pills, and then put them directly into Su Yanran's Ring Xumi.

Su Yanran took Jie Xumi, then sensed, and immediately sensed the massive pill inside. She couldn't help being stunned, her red lips puffed into shape.

She quickly took out a pure Yang Pill and sensed its quality.

"It's a superb Pure Yang Pill. Although it is not a spiritual pill, it is a good product for the cultivator. This pure Yang Pill is a condensed product of the vitality of the immortal world, a good thing, an absolutely good thing!" Su Yanran couldn't help but blush. Yes, she was extremely excited.

"My God, Luo Jun, you are are so kind to me. You have given me so many pills. With these pills, I am just around the corner to reach the tenth heaven. Ah..." Su Yanran became so excited that she spoke incoherently, and she continued: "Luo Jun, or else, I will be your concubine. As long as you supply me with enough pills in the future, I can be your concubine."

Su Yanran was originally an arrogant woman, but at this time she also surrendered to the pill.

Luo Jun couldn't help but laughed, he said: "No, these pills are enough for you. Let's be friends."

Su Yanran was startled when she heard the words, and then she laughed and said, "Aren't you afraid of Miss Joe being angry? We monks are all free and easy tempered. You have such magical powers. It doesn't matter if you have more women. Silver Shark King, you are not Isn't it so stingy?"

Qiao Ning smiled slightly, neither humble nor overbearing. She said: "You're right, the monk begs for freedom and understanding. As long as Luo Jun is willing, I will definitely not be jealous and refuse you. Let's see what Luo Jun means."

She is sincere.

As long as Luo Jun likes it, it doesn't matter if Su Yanran is a concubine.

Su Yanran looked at Luo Jun again with a smile, and said, "How about? I'll be your concubine, is this not wronging you?"

Luo Jun waved his hand and said, "I won't be wronged, but I think we'd better be friends."

"Well then!" Su Yanran was free and easy, saying: "Since you refuse, then forget it."

Luo Jun said: "Good to say!"

Su Yanran said again: "You are so generous, I can't help but reciprocate. Come on, what do you want me to know?"

Luo Jun said: "Tianchi Pavilion's intelligence is all about business. It's not good if you leak it at will."

Su Yanran said: "I have certain authority, just ask."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, then I will be disrespectful. I want to ask you, what is the situation on the continent today?"

"The situation?" Su Yanran said: "Before it was a three-legged powerhouse, now it is the four powers striving for hegemony. These four powers are not unfamiliar to you. Emperor Dakang and our Tianchi Pavilion have cooperated and are now above the Protoss. The Protoss has always been Dormant, without any movement. The same goes for Yun Tianzong and Yuhuamen. Just like the killing robbery no longer exists, the Tianzhou now is incredibly calm."

"The killing and robbery has not passed, it can even be said that it has not officially started. I don't know what kind of storms will be set off behind this calm." Luo Jun said in a deep voice.

Su Yanran said: "Well, Tianchi Pavilion can't predict it. So let's go with the flow. Anyway, if we want to worry, we can't worry about it."

"Where is the emperor?" Luo Jun said: "How far is the emperor's cultivation level now?"

Su Yanran said: "The emperor's cultivation base is progressing extremely fast. He has the help of our Tianchi Pavilion. Moreover, the Great Emperor Changsheng has helped him in his cultivation. In addition, he is a peerless genius and has infinite medicine. Now he His strength is unfathomable. Anyway, our Tianchi Pavilion can't find it out. The Changsheng Great Emperor will not disclose these things to us. Moreover, based on the cooperative relationship, we don't have much surveillance on the emperor now."

"Oh!" Luo Jun nodded.

Su Yanran said: "But one thing is certain, his cultivation is still above you."

Luo Jun said: "That's natural."

He paused and said, "I want to do business with you."

"Oh, business?" Su Yanran suddenly became interested and said: "Tianchi Pavilion opens the door to do business. As long as you have enough money, you can cooperate with us. Especially you, there are still so many elixirs now, then It's easier to talk about."

Luo Jun smiled slightly.

Su Yanran said, "Let's talk about it, what business do you want to do?"

Luo Jun said: "I have a friend with a very high cultivation level and reached the middle stage of the cave fairyland."

"Middle of the Cave Fairyland?" Su Yanran was shocked, and said, "Aren't you kidding me. That realm is the realm in the legend."

"Obviously, I am not in the mood to make this joke." Luo Jun said.

"Okay!" Su Yanran also knew Luo Jun's character, and immediately said, "What do you want us to do?"

"My friend, in a fight with the Heavenly Monarch of the Immortal Realm, was caught in the Great Reincarnation Technique, and now he has fallen into endless sleep and reincarnation. I want to know, is there any way for you Tianchi Pavilion to rescue him? And, I have the flame **** pill to deal with the Great Reincarnation Book. If you can get rid of the Great Reincarnation Technique and the medicine of her, it's easy to discuss."

"Xianjie Tianjun?" Su Yanran was shocked and incredulous.

"The heavenly monarch of the fairy world is a legend in the legend, it is said that it has the power to destroy the stars. Even in the fairy world, it is also a leader of the hero. The master of the cave fairyland, I am afraid that in front of the heavenly monarch, it is not enough to see." Su Yan Ran said.

"Su Yanran, you even know this. Your knowledge is really extraordinary!" Luo Jun said.

Su Yanran said: "I have been in charge of the Tianchi Pavilion in the Imperial City for some time, and I have learned a lot about things in the fairy world from the Library Pavilion in Tianchi Pavilion."

Luo Jun said, "So, can you let your Emperor Changsheng take action to rescue my friend."

Su Yanran said: "This..."

She pondered for a moment, and said: "This matter is too big for me to be the master. The Emperor Changsheng has never communicated with us, so I don't know whether he will do anything."

Afterwards, Su Yanran said again: "Well, let me go back and discuss it. If feasible, I will contact you again."

Luo Jun said: "It's so good!"

After that, Su Yanran left.

Qiao Ning knew about the sleep of blue and purple clothes. Therefore, she also understands Luo Jun's mood.

The reason why Luo Jun mentions this is because he has this idea in his mind. He didn't have much hope, but there was always a glimmer of hope.

"Where is Batu?" Luo Jun suddenly thought of Batu and asked Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning said: "Batu has been following me in cultivation, but it is forbidden to fly in the imperial city, and sometimes it feels aggrieved. I returned to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda a few days ago."

"The Big Wild Goose Pagoda?" Luo Jun looked far away.

He thought of Crane King Xiao Yu who was killed by Hua Tianying, and he thought of the Patriarch Kongtong and Mo Qingyu Zhao Boquan in Yuntian Sect. They were on the Tiangu Peak of Lingyun Peak, and they forced Batu's mother Xiaoling to death. Those thieves bullied themselves for being weak at the time, just like that, framed and persecuted, and they could do nothing but anger.

"Very well, these accounts should also be calculated." Luo Jun said secretly.

He then asked Qiao Ning: "How is Batu's practice?"

Qiao Ning said: "Now it is the cultivation base of the Seventh Heaven of Taixu, and it can swing for thousands of miles while spreading its wings. After all, the sacred beast is not a human, and the speed of cultivation is still slower than that of a human. I have given it many pills. "

Luo Jun said: "I understand."

"What's wrong? Suddenly I really want to feel very sad." Qiao Ning couldn't help asking when seeing Luo Jun's expression faint.

Luo Jun said: "I seem to have one more thing to do."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Qiao Ning said.

Luo Jun said: "The reason I came to Tianzhou was because of Yun Tianzong. After Yun Tianzong took the three of our brothers back, but... I told you about Batu. But I didn't elaborate on that day. Things on Tiangu Peak. They said in front of me that Batu’s mother, Xiaoling, was stolen from the beast realm. Finally, in front of me, Xiaoling was killed. I was forced to flee. Come out. Crane King Xiao Yu also died in Hua Tianying's hands because of this."

"It turns out that there is such a thing." Qiao Ning couldn't help but sneered. Then she sneered and said: "The people of the Yuntian Sect are really short-sighted. In order to be petty, they actually forced you to the opposite side."

Luo Jun said, "I have to go to Yuntianzong. It's just..."

Qiao Ning said: "It's just that although your cultivation base has increased greatly now, it is not enough to fight the entire Yuntianzong. Right? What do you want to do?"

Qiao Ning knew Luo Jun very well, so when Luo Jun spoke, she knew Luo Jun's thoughts.

Luo Jun said: "Yes, this is indeed something I need to consider."

Qiao Ning said: "It's not difficult to make things clear that day. It's just that for Yun Tianzong, you are always an outsider."

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