Super Security in the City

Chapter 1636: Cut off the dust

Song Ning eagerly wanted to go back, and wanted to see the eldest sister and the fourth sister. That is her forever warm embrace.

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take you back."

In the next instant, Song Ning appeared in front of Song Tianjiao and Song Shuangxue.

Song Ning's eyes were red.

"Eldest Sister, Fourth Sister!" She was mournful.

Song Tianjiao and Song Shuangxue immediately stepped forward, hugged her into their arms, and comforted her.

Luo Jun left a ring and put it on the table. After that, he said, "Ning'er, it's not all responsibility. I also have your place in my heart, but I understand better that your waiting like this is not worth it. .I wish you happiness!"

Afterwards, he turned and left Song Emperor City.

Luo Jun felt that he was a little worried about the fact that he and Song Ning had a marriage. I don't know if it will affect her future marriage. After all, the concept of the shadow world belongs to the feudal era.

Luo Jun changed his mind to think about it, although the concept of the shadow world is outdated, Song Ning's status is honorable, so there should be no problem in thinking about it.

As for Ding Han, Ding Han lives in the big world and already has children. With her status and beauty, she has no worries about finding a good husband.

"I just hope, Ning'er, you can quickly get out of my shadow. I'm sorry, you passed through your life, but I can't accompany you to the beginning and end!" Luo Jun secretly said in his heart.

Song Ning's grief cannot be relieved in one or two days. But now she finally won't be as reckless and fierce as she was back then.

The scouring of time always makes people mature.

Song Tianjiao and Song Shuangxue took good care of Song Ning. One year later, Song Ning gradually came out of that emotional injury, and gradually understood Luo Jun's considerations. She understood that it was indeed out of kindness.

There are many magic weapons and elixirs in the ring Sumi left by Luo Jun. This is extremely precious to Song Tianjiao and Song Shuangxue. Among them was Song Ning's bodyguard.

At this point, the bond between Luo Jun and Song Ning was cut off, and that was all.

Then Song Ning also has a good sister, Nishang. Nishang and Tang Ling walked together, and Nishang was waiting.

She can wait because she is different from Song Ning. In Tang Ling's heart, only neon clothes were in love. So the waiting of neon clothes is worth it. There is a difference between Luo Jun and Song Ning. Luo Jun’s responsibility to Song Ning is greater than love, and Qiao Ning and Ling'er are more in his heart. Therefore, her waiting is not worth it.

Then, let each other go.

After Luo Jun left Song Ning, he went to the Undead.

Among the undead are his old friend Ye Ming, senior sister Lin Bing, and great heavenly teacher Lin Haoxuan.

Senior sister's cultivation base is the peak of the sixth heaven, Ye Ming is the peak of the seventh heaven, and Lin Haoxuan is the peak of the eighth heaven.

These three people have not made much progress. After all, it is difficult and difficult, always stuck at home, no matter how difficult it is. Luo Jun was a little dangerous outside, but his cultivation base progressed, it was indeed rapid.

Danger and opportunity are always equal.

Luo Jun immediately used Ningxue Dan to help these three break through.

These three people are already deep enough, and the difference is the pill. Luo Jun couldn't help but sigh, the blue and purple clothes were also super masters before! Why doesn't there seem to be too many pills in hand!

He didn't know that Lan Ziyi didn't have no medicine, but she had to take more. Moreover, she was reincarnated for more than 20 years, and a lot of her savings were consumed. Moreover, she still has a lot of savings, and magic weapons emerge in endlessly.

But when she promoted Lin Bing, she had to make progress gradually.

Now, Luo Jun also sees that these three people have enough savings to improve together.

The first breakthrough was Lin Haoxuan, he needed more pills. And Luo Jun has a lot of pills, and directly helped him break through the barriers of Jiuzhongtian.

For years of barriers, once he broke through, Lin Haoxuan tears in his eyes.

And Lin Bing soon reached the seventh heaven, and Ye Ming also reached the eighth heaven.

Luo Jun also left a lot of pills and magical artifacts to them. After that, they were invited to the wedding.

Lin Bing and the others were familiar with Luo Jun, and couldn't help asking what the wedding was all about. Luo Jun also explained it.

After that, Lin Bing expressed her understanding, and she let Ye Ming stay in the undead. She went to the wedding with Lin Haoxuan.

Luo Jun left a spiritual mark on Lin Haoxuan and agreed to meet on time.

Luo Jun stayed with the Undead for about a day, and then returned to Yanjing.

The concerns of the world are these people. As for God's Domain, Master Tiandu is no longer there, and Brahma Wuyu was killed by himself. Luo Ning had already left there, so in that place, he had nothing to worry about. However, there was a little sister Leng Yuqing who was very good to Luo Jun.

But Luo Jun knew that Leng Yuqing had always liked traveling, and now that God Realm no longer controls her, her life is full of joy.

Luo Jun thought for a while, then decided to let Shen Mo Nong set out to find someone to look for Leng Yuqing. Give her some money and medicine. It's not that Leng Yuqing lacks these things, it's just that she has become so prosperous and wants to show something.

Luo Jun returned to Yanjing and met Shen Mo Nong directly.

It's inside the house in Manchester City.

"Back?" Shen Mo Nong was very happy to see Luo Jun.

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to be a bride soon, how do you feel?"

Shen Mo Nong was taken aback, and then said, "This feeling is really hard to describe."

While Luo Jun spoke, Xiao Nianci, the son in Shen Mo Nong's arms, looked at Luo Jun with a probe.

Dare to see you for a few days, and some do not know Luo Jun. But after all, there was some blood kinship, and soon Xiao Nianci stretched out his hand for Luo Jun to hug. Luo Jun smiled and hugged Xiao Nianci. While teasing Xiao Nianci, he said, "Right, I have something to tell you."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Well, what's the matter?"

Luo Jun said, "Ding Han, Song Ning will not come to the wedding."

Shen Mo Nong's face suddenly became a little weird, and said, "They don't want to come?"

Luo Jun said: "I broke up with them.

"Just because they don't want to come?" Shen Mo Nong's expression became even more weird.

Luo Jun couldn't help but said, "Where did you think of going, that's not the case. Ding Han, I didn't see her, but it seemed that she was tired of waiting like this, so her mother saw me, and I agreed. From now on, I will stop here with Ding Han. This relationship is cut off." He paused, and then said: "Also, you go and help me cut the ghost theme bar shares I hold. , All to Ding Han."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Good!"

Luo Jun said again: "As for Song Ning, I also think very well. I am more responsible for her. Because of such a responsibility, she waits endlessly, but in the end, she can't reap a true love. This It's too cruel, so my long-term pain is better than short-term pain, and I broke it. This bond of dust is cut off!

"Cut off the dust?" Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but smile, and said: "It's really not procrastinating at all. Luo Jun, you are really more and more like a cultivator. Everything, such as emotions, love, can be like Just cut it off as an object. Emotions are no longer pure emotions!"

"Not so!" Luo Jun said: "The emotions that can be cut off are because they are not deep enough. I am constantly feeling for my son, for Ling'er, and for Qiao Ning."

"But for mine, you can cut it off." Shen Mo Nong said with a deep face.

Luo Jun was taken aback, he knew that his words had hurt Shen Mo Nong.

He is not a person who is incomprehensible, nor is he someone who does not know how to please girls. He used to be a master at picking up girls with a very high emotional intelligence. But now that he is disdainful and unwilling to lie. If it is not a matter of life and death, disdain to lie.

"We have a son, and the relationship between each other is absolutely constant." Luo Jun said.

"Don't have this son?" Shen Mo Nong said.

Luo Jun said: "For now, if I didn't have this son, I would indeed choose to cut off this fate." He didn't hesitate at all, and said bluntly.

Shen Mo Nong remained silent.

Luo Jun said, "I'm sorry."

"There is nothing I'm sorry, you are just telling the truth." Shen Mo Nong smiled and said: "Don't worry, I am also a cultivator, not that fragile and can't think of it."

Luo Jun said: "That's good!"

Shen Mo Nong thought for a while, and she said, "Ling'er and Qiao Ning, why are they lingering in your heart?"

Luo Jun said: "Ling'er once dedicated her brain core to me for me. Qiao Ning did not care about life and death several times, and I experienced too many things with them. Not because they gave too much to me. , But we have experienced too much. I don’t want you to risk your life to give to me. Your greatest dedication to me is to give birth to this son. Therefore, our dust will always be cut off. This There are causes and effects."

"I understand, Luo Jun!" Shen Mo Nong said, "Thank you for being willing to tell me all of this."

Luo Jun said, "You don't blame me."

Shen Mo Nong said: "In your current state, I will be very relieved. You are unavoidable, outspoken, open in your heart, and open in your thoughts. This will make your cultivation more vigorous and diligent, and even embark on a higher path. "

Luo Jun said: "I do feel that my condition is better than ever before."

"By the way, the wedding is only two days old, and you don't seem to have prepared anything yet? Are you planning to hold the wedding there? My grandfather is all concerned about this question, and I don't know how to answer." Shen Mo Nong said.

Luo Jun said: "Don't worry, I've been busy with this matter these days. Let them gather at Grandpa's house the next morning, and then I will take them to the wedding scene."

Shen Monong couldn't help but curious, and said, "What are you going to do with this wedding? At that hotel? Are you going to Dubai? Or Bali?"

She thought a lot, and checked it silently, but she didn't have a clue at all.

Luo Jun couldn't help but laughed and said, "Dubai, Bali? Is this your imagination?"

"Um..." Shen Mo Nong said, "Where would it be?"

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