Super Security in the City

Chapter 1652: Luo Tianming

Luo Tianqing hated him and said, "What do you want?"

"What do you want? I want you to be my slave in the future." Luo Jun was too lazy to talk nonsense afterwards, and directly sacrificed the golden light talisman to force Luo Tianqing.

Luo Tianqing immediately struggled fiercely, but Luo Jun now has a deep cultivation base and how strong his wish is. It was in Luo Tianqing's resistance that Luo Jun still forcibly reduced Luo Tianqing.

After a long time, Luo Tianqing's mind was purified by golden light. This unruly fellow was extremely obedient at this time, stood up, folded his palms together, and said, "Thank you, fellow daoists, for saving you. The poor monks used to be domineering and arrogant, and there are countless sins. Now that fellow daoists purify their souls, they feel that they are from the sea of ​​suffering. Freedom. The poor monk is willing to spend his whole life serving fellow daoists in order to wash away the sins of the poor monk."

Luo Jun glanced at Luo Tianqing, but there was not much joy in his heart, but thoughtful.

"My Buddha is compassionate, is it really compassionate? This equalization makes people lose oneself, is it true relief?"

Luo Jun once again experienced the overbearing and terrifying aspect of Da Lei Yin Purdue Method.

Afterwards, Luo Jun collected the Soul Ocean and brought Luo Tianqing and Qiao Ning out of the Dark Mandala.

As for He Hongguang, Luo Jun put him in Jiexu Mili for meditation, and would not call him out when nothing happened. This He Hongguang and Luo Tianqing also have a magical effect, that is, to a large extent, they can provide Luo Jun with aspiration. Because they believe in Luo Jun incomparably.

In this way, Luo Jun's golden talisman was transformed, and it would be more effective.

Luo Tianqing was honest and docile in front of Luo Jun and Qiao Ning.

Luo Jun first said: "How long can you come out, and if we arrest you like this, will it attract the attention of the senior protoss?"

Luo Tianqing said: "In response to the Taoist friend, the poor monk can enter and leave the holy city at will. No matter how long he goes back, he will not be suspected. The poor monk's eldest brother now supervises the temple. As long as the poor monk does not cause trouble, he is very tolerant to the poor monk. It's just that although the holy city has not been shrouded by the gods' great mana, nothing that happens in the holy city can't escape the surveillance of the holy thing sky glasses. I am afraid that the battle between the poor monk and the daoist has attracted the attention of my elder brother. Maybe this time, Big Brother has already started looking for me."

Luo Jun couldn't help frowning and said, "Speaking of which, if you go back now, you will be suspected by your elder brother?"

Luo Tianqing said: "The eldest brother is suspicious by nature, so if the poor monk goes back here, he will definitely have some doubts. However, the poor monk has a way to let the elder brother dispel his doubts."

"What way?" Luo Jun asked.

Luo Tianqing said: "The poor monk has another escape puppet. As long as there is a chance, the escape puppet can be replaced by the poor monk, and the poor monk will escape from the formation in the puppet. If the poor monk crushes the escape puppet, take it with you. The puppet fragments, elder brother will definitely believe it."

Luo Jun was originally interested in this fleeing puppet and wanted to take it for himself. But when Luo Tianqing said this, he dispelled this idea.

Luo Jun thought for a while, and then said, "Do you know this treasure of the Heaven-killing Mace?"

Luo Tianqing was stunned, and then said: "The Heavenly Killing Mace was once the magic weapon of a palace envoy in the Hall of Stars, but the Heavenly Killing Mace was killed by the Great Emperor Shura. After that, the Heavenly Killing Mace stayed with the Emperor Shura. Hands."

"What?" Luo Jun was taken aback. Qiao Ning was also pale.

Because if the Heaven-killing Mace is in the hands of Emperor Shura, it would be much more difficult for Luo Jun to get the Heaven-killing Mace. However, Luo Jun immediately wanted to open up. With the relationship of his elder brother Lin Feng, he would not embarrass himself too much if he wanted to come to the Shura Emperor. In this way, it should be much easier and smoother.

"In this way, when you go back and send a message to Emperor Shura, you say that Luo Jun is looking forward to seeing his old man." Luo Jun said: "I will give you some more medicines, and you will give it to Emperor Shura as a meeting gift."

Luo Tianqing said: "Friend Taoist, Emperor Shura has left the Protoss most half a year ago."

"What are you kidding?" Luo Jun's expression was strange, and he said: "I sensed that the killer is in the Protoss. You said that Emperor Shura has left. Are you lying to me?"

Luo Tianqing said: "Poor monks dare not, you don’t know about fellow Taoists. The Great Shura left the Protoss with Cheng Jianhua more than half a year ago. He said he was going to practice on a mysterious planet, and it is said that there are others who went with him. The Chinese emperor, and the **** emperor. And when Shura the Great was leaving, he gave the killing mace to my third brother Luo Tianming."

"That guy who is a little crazy?" Luo Jun was startled slightly.

Luo Tianqing said: "Do you know my third brother?"

Luo Jun said: "I have seen it." He has a headache, and Luo Tianming has indeed seen it. He is a very crazy guy, born with supernatural power, a bit like Li Yuanba. Very difficult to deal with.

"Why did Emperor Shura give your third brother the killer for no reason?" Luo Jun asked Luo Tianqing.

Luo Tianqing said: "My third brother once tried his hand with Shura the Great, and then was defeated by the Shura the Great. After that, my third brother admired the Shura the Great, and once he was very happy, he directly sent that killer mace. Give it to the third brother."

Qiao Ning couldn't help but smile, and said, "Luo Jun, you should be thankful."

Luo Jun said: "Huh?"

Qiao Ning said: "If the Emperor Shura takes away the killing mace, where can we find it!"

Luo Jun was taken aback, then laughed, and said, "Yes, it seems that I should really thank Luo Tianming." He paused, and said, "Senior Ling, Senior God Emperor, and Emperor Shura leave together. , I don’t know what they are planning again."

Qiao Ning said: "They understand this change in the way of heaven better than us, so they can always get one step faster and reach a height that we can't imagine." After she said this, she said: "But all this has nothing to do with us right now. , We still think about how to get the killer."

Luo Jun said sternly: "Yes!"

He looked at Luo Tianqing and said, "Luo Tianqing, I ask you, is there any way you can get a killer from your third brother?"

Luo Tianqing felt embarrassed, and said: "In response to the Taoist friend, the poor monk's third brother has a grumpy temper and a strange temperament. That killer mace is his favorite, and the poor monk can't get it away from him. "

Qiao Ning heard the words and said, "Then just grab it. Luo Tianqing, you find a way to get your third brother out of the temple, and then we start to **** away the killer mace in his hand."

Luo Tianqing said: "Okay, the poor monk must do it according to your plan."

Luo Jun said: "But you can rest assured, I will try my best to save your third brother's life."

Luo Tianqing said: "If the third brother is obsessed and refuses to convert to you, it will not be a pity to die."

Luo Jun was startled.

He didn't expect Luo Tianqing to say that. He was taking care of Luo Tianqing's feelings, so he said that he would leave Luo Tianming for his life. Unexpectedly, Luo Tianqing was worse than himself.

At this time, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning couldn't help feeling a chill in their backs.

It was not because of Luo Tianqing's cruelty that made Luo Jun's back chill, but because of the great Leiyin Purdue method.

This practice is really crazy, even annihilating humanity!

Since ancient times, religious believers have done crazy things, countless. And this Great Leiyin Purdue Method is similar to those crazy believers.

Luo Jun sighed and decided to use Da Lei Yin Purdue less frequently. This practice seems to be the most sacred method of Buddhism, but in fact it is cruel to the extreme. The real thing is to let the believers destroy the relationship between people and the laws of nature, only the word faith is in their hearts.

After that, Luo Jun finalized the details with Qiao Ning and Luo Tianqing. After that, Luo Jun first returned the Tiandao pen to Luo Tianqing, and then released Luo Tianqing back to the holy city.

Luo Tianqing turned around, and Luo Jun and Qiao Ning walked towards the agreed place.

The agreed place is the Kurgan Desert Basin three thousand miles away from the holy city. The basin was originally a lake, but then dried up and formed a natural basin.

This place is often where the people of the Protoss fight privately. Luo Tianqing chose this place because he wanted to inspire Luo Tianming to come out to a duel. Because Luo Tianming is a naturally aggressive character.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning quickly flew to the Kurgan Desert.

The scorching sun is like fire, and there is endless yellow sand on the Kurgan Desert. Drought, scorching heat, no grass growing, and many factors make up the word despair, which floods this desert.

Luo Jun fired at the Kurgan Desert with his mind, his mind covered thousands of miles, and he immediately found the natural basin.

There are many basins in the Kurgan Desert, but the basin at the agreed point is the widest, and it is filled with a breath of blood and fire. So this is unique and it is not easy to find the wrong one.

The people of the Protoss called this basin Tianputai.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning hid near Tianputai. Although this desert is ruthless, it shows the majesty of nature. However, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning hid inside Jie Xumi, enjoying the comfortable life of a big villa.

In Jie Xumi's villa, Qiao Ning personally cooks Luo Jun's lunch.

While eating lunch, Qiao Ning couldn't help being a little worried, and said, "Do you think Luo Tianqing can make it?"

Luo Jun said: "I don't know, if it can't be done, then think of another way."

Qiao Ning said: "It can only be so."

He Hongguang was thrown into the dark mandala by Luo Jun and prayed. After being saved, he will be devoted to the Buddha, but he will not complain or feel boring.

It's like a real refuge, since then, there is no desire and hope, and a pure heart and few desires.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning waited around the Tianputai for a day or so. In the afternoon of the next day, the scorching sun made the entire Tianputai like a huge steamer, which could melt everything into one furnace.

It was also at this time that there was a sudden fluctuation in the distance. It is mana fluctuation!

Luo Jun was intrigued and immediately knew that someone was coming.

"It's Luo Tianqing here." Luo Jun was overjoyed.

Later, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning came out of Jie Xumi. Luo Jun also loaded the huge ring Sumi into the dark mandala.

At the same time, Luo Jun saw two figures flickering in the sky.

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