Super Security in the City

Chapter 1690: Detour to Tianzhou

Monk Linghui continued: "Generally speaking, humans or other creatures cannot stay in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley. Because after a long time, it is not pure impurities, even memories, everything will be washed away. And poor The monk is a plant attribute, so he can stay for a long time. Like Miss Qiao before, you all stayed in the ring to save you from being harmed by the Qi of Chaos. Although the Qi of Chaos is infinitely useful, it also has its side effects."

He paused and continued: "As for Fellow Luo Jun said that he wants to find a body for the poor monk, the poor monk can indeed re-practice through this body. But the speed of cultivation will not be too fast, and the poor monk is now also I don’t want to live like that anymore. Just like what I’m doing now, be a sapling and plant seeds in the Profound Yellow God Valley to nourish the seeds, clear the heart, and look at the world situation indifferently. This is good!"

Finally, Monk Linghui said: "Amitabha!"

Luo Junduo glanced at Monk Linghui and said, "You used to have a lot of desires, but can you really do it now?"

Monk Linghui said: "One thought begins, thousands of waters and mountains. One thought disappears, and the vicissitudes of life. Many desires are within a single thought. The poor monk finally knows that even though the poor monk used to cross the world, he is still just a dust in front of the heaven. Those many desires are like shackles, causing the poor monks to be tortured day by day. Because you can't ask for it, and what you desperately ask for is something you will never get. This is torturing yourself."

"The glory of the past, Linghui, you really don't want to reappear?" Qiao Ning looked at Monk Linghui meaningfully and said.

Monk Linghui smiled faintly, and said: "The poor monk taught Luo Jundao friends to be unsurprising. It seems that Miss Qiao also suspects that the poor monk will be like Qin Keqing, superficially submissive, but in fact he has other ideas in her heart."

Qiao Ning's face turned red. What happened to Qin Keqing really gave her a hint of caution. She was afraid that the insect emperor Linghui had other purposes.

Luo Jun waved his hand and said, "I'm not worried about this matter. Don't think about it, Qiao Ning. I told Linghui earlier that he saved my life. If he wants anything, he can just say it. Yes. I also believe that when Linghui had achieved great skill before, he could be pulled down by the gods. Now he looks like this, can he still cause harm to the common people?"

Monk Linghui said: "Amitabha, a poor monk for many years, has never had a friend. This time he has come back from the dead, but he can get the friendship of Luo Jundao friends. This is more precious than everything before."

Luo Jun smiled faintly, and said, "Let's talk about something else, the elders say this, it's not easy to get rid of it."

Monk Linghui also smiled slightly and said: "The next thing, the poor monk can't worry about it. The poor monk still hides in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley, everything depends on the good luck of Luo Jun Daoyou and Miss Qiao." He said After it was over, he hid in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley. Luo Jun simply sent a copy of Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seeds, so that he could do some private affairs between lovers with Qiao Ning.

"This mission has been almost two months." Luo Jun and Qiao Ning lay on the sofa and began to chat.

Qiao Ning was wearing a purple dress, and she was lying on Luo Jun comfortably. "There are still ten months."

Luo Jun said: "I plan to find a way to return to Tianzhou first. There is too little trust here. It is better to focus on Tianzhou and other masters."

"To go back, we only have to find the teleportation formation outside the boundary." Qiao Ning said.

"That's right." Luo Jun said: "But although the outside world is chaotic, the teleportation formation still belongs to Liuyehui. There are not many people going to Tianzhou. Once we activate the teleportation formation, I'm afraid Yan Jiuniang and the others will come immediately. "

Qiao Ning said: "It's more likely that they would expect us to go out of bounds and stay there and wait for rabbits."

Luo Jun said: "This is very likely."

Qiao Ning said: "The teleportation array to Tianzhou should not be the only one of the Jokhang Dynasty and Liuyehui. We have now got rid of Bruner's tracking, and we can go to other dynasties."

Luo Jun's eyes lit up and said, "This is also not bad."

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "Look, my military division is still very useful by your side, right?"

Luo Jun laughed and said, "Of course." He then smiled again and said, "I have to thank you very much."

"How do you thank?" Qiao Ning asked with a smile.

Luo Jun said: "Accept each other with the body."

Qiao Ning blushed suddenly and said: "You rascal!" Luo Jun laughed, he fumbled into Qiao Ning's skirt, and then experienced the wonderful taste.

This is naturally another round of ups and downs, and it is beautiful.

It is also a catharsis of Luo Jun and Qiao Ning's internal pressure.

After the cloud closed in the rain, Luo Jun embraced Qiao Ning contentedly.

Qiao Ning also pestered Luo Jun like an octopus.

Luo Jun's hand rubbed her snow-white thigh. "Speaking of me as a rogue, do you like me as a rogue?" Luo Jun teased Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning gave Luo Jun a white look and said, "If you do this again, you won't be able to touch it next time."

Luo Jun laughed and said, "You won't, because you think more than me. Every time I see you, I still want to refuse and welcome, but then I take the initiative and want to ride on me."

Qiao Ning was immediately embarrassed, and said, "Luo Jun, you are going to die."

Luo Jun laughed, and he stopped molesting Qiao Ning now. He also knew that Qiao Ning had a thin skin after all.

"By the way, Qiao Ning, I still have one Zhou Guang Wan in my hand. Get up and I will give you Zhou Guang Wan. You can understand the rules carefully and see if you can comprehend anything?" Luo Jun said afterwards. .

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "Okay!"

She sat up, Luo Jun grabbed her skirt and underwear easily, and then said with a grin, "I will dress you up."

"Get out!" Qiao Ning kicked Luo Jun off the sofa.

Luo Jun rolled from the ground. He grabbed his clothes and said, "You girl, why did you put me to sleep and turned my face away from you."

When Qiao Ning heard the words, his chest was violently ups and downs, and Luo Jun almost died of anger.

The two are in trouble, but they still have to do business.

After Qiao Ning put on his clothes, he swallowed the Zhouguang pill. She realized it carefully.

Luo Jun was on the side to protect Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning stayed in retreat for a day and a night. After that, she smiled bitterly and said: "There is nothing to gain. The universe in Zhouguangwan is vast and there are many rules, but I haven't explored the mysteries and rules."

Luo Jun frowned slightly, and said, "Did you not incorporate this cosmic light into your Thunder Magic?"

"I have blended in, but I can't blend." Qiao Ning was a little embarrassed, and said: "Well, I admit, I am indeed a little stupid than you."

"Stupid girl!" Luo Jun smiled, and he said: "Haste is not enough, you can understand it slowly. Don't worry."

Qiao Ning nodded and said: "Yeah!"

Seven days later, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning left the ground. It was drilled directly from the ground to the outskirts. Then from the outskirts to the ground, such a roundabout, it can be regarded as extremely prudent insurance.

After reaching the ground, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning breathed in fresh air. Only then did I feel extremely enjoyable.

Although the two of them can breathe their own stored qi inside, the stored qi cannot compare to this kind of fresh air.

Then, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning instantly broke through the formation above the Jokhang Dynasty, and then moved away with lightning.

The moment they left, Yan Jiuniang and Qin Keqing knew that they had finally escaped.

But it was useless to know, because they could not trace Luo Jun and Qiao Ning. The world is vast, and if you lose your breath, and you have to find someone, it will be more difficult than climbing.

After that, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning flew to the Daxuan Dynasty to the south.

The management of the Daxuan Dynasty was not as strict as that of the Jokhang Dynasty. Luo Jun and Qiao Ning found the nobles in the palace, gave some magic weapons, and quickly changed to the teleportation formation qualification to go to Tianzhou.

Later, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning successfully returned to Tianzhou.

This matter is actually so simple to solve.

Before, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning didn't think about going to other dynasties. The main reason is that in other dynasties, there is no such close surveillance system as the Jokhang dynasty. So maybe he went to other dynasties and was chased by Bruner. That was a place where there was no burial.

The close surveillance of the Jokhang Dynasty was useless to Luo Jun and Qiao Ning, but it was possible to monitor Bruner's group. Therefore, invisibly, the Jokhang Dynasty could protect Luo Jun and Qiao Ning.

Right now, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning resolved the strange aura on their bodies. In this way, naturally you can go to other dynasties to find the teleportation array.

The moment they returned to Tianzhou, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning were relieved.

The only gain from this trip to the Central World was to know the conspiracy of the spirits. As for other benefits, there are absolutely no.

The teleportation location to Tianzhou this time was in a hidden green hill. This green hill belongs to the northeast region, this northeast region is full of dense forests, so it is not hidden. Luo Jun remembered the location and decided to use it later when needed.

But right now, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning went directly back to Dakang Imperial City.

Returning from the northeast green hills to the Dakang Imperial City was just a matter of moment.

The weather is fine, and the imperial city is still bustling.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning entered the imperial city, and went straight to the imperial palace to see Xuan Zhenghao.

Unfortunately, Xuan Zhenghao retreats again without seeing anyone.

This suddenly made Luo Jun feel a headache, this matter, I can't discuss with other people!

In Luo Jun's heart, although he felt that Xuan Zhenghao might not have the highest cultivation base. But Xuan Zhenghao is undoubtedly the smartest, he can bring Luo Jun a great sense of stability.

Luo Jun thought for a while and said to Qiao Ning: "You go back to Shaowei Mansion first, I'm going to Mingyue Palace. I'll talk to Mingyue Xianzun about this."

Qiao Ning said, "After you see the Immortal Venerable, come back to me immediately. You are not allowed to act alone."

"Of course!" Luo Jun said. He then smiled and said, "I can feel at ease with you by my side."

"It's almost the same!" Qiao Ning was overjoyed.

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