Super Security in the City

Chapter 1825: Natural enemy

Changsun and Mikaye obviously have reservations about Luo Jun. These days, no one is stupid than anyone else. Changsun and Mikaye are thinking about how to solve the problem peacefully, and then get the benefits of Monk Linghui. They also don't want to tear their skin, once they tear their skin, there will be various unknown dangers. In the future, if the laws of spiritual wisdom in their bodies cannot be cracked, they will be forever. Zhangsun and Mikaye didn't dare to take this risk.

Luo Jun also knew this in his heart, and he would not tell his grandson of his plan. It was like going to rescue Yu Zizhen, Luo Jun would not tell his grandson.

After the grandson reported some news, Luo Jun sent the grandson away.

After the grandson left, Luo Jun and Lan Tingyu talked about the situation. Luo Jun said: "After dawn, my **** puppet is over there. I will find a way to meet Luo Xue to make sure her safety."

Lan Tingyu nodded.

He didn't say much.

It dawned very quickly. In the elders' meeting in the Tianlong Temple, Luo Jun and Qin Keqing didn't rest much all night.

In the middle of the night, Qin Keqing received a message from her eight sister Yu Ziyu. She and Tang Wenqing have safely returned to the Jokhang Mansion of Jokhang Dynasty.

At this point, the mark was completely shattered, and no more messages could be provided. Because of the closed nature of the chalk world, it is already very difficult to convey such a moment. Qin Keqing also breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that Yu Ziyu and Tang Wenqing had returned to the Dazhao Mansion smoothly. Because she could finally live and die with Luo Jun here without regret.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, a human servant girl came and knocked on the door.

There are many human beings in the presbytery, men are used to do miscellaneous, and women are used to serve them. The elders also have to admit that humans are still very smart, easy to domesticate, and do beautiful things.

"Ms. Luo, Miss Qin!" The maidservant who came to serve was a character such as a female officer. She was very clever, and she whispered outside.

Luo Jun just pretended to be sleepy and said, "What are you doing?"

"The maidservant is here to serve you and the young lady to get up and wash." The female officer said.

Luo Jun said: "Oh, then you come in."

"Okay!" After that, the female officer came in with two maids. They had copper basins for washing and other things in their hands.

Luo Jun and Qin Keqing pretended to get up slowly.

After getting up, he opened the curtain of the bed, and Luo Jun could see the maid and the maid.

Well, besides the female servants, they are also pretty, and the servant girls are not pretty.

Luo Jun also understands how the spirits care about the beauty and ugliness of human beings. Perhaps the peerless beauty that Luo Jun thinks is extremely ugly in their eyes.

The female officer wore a special necklace around her neck, and the two maids were bent over to come in. When they arrived in front of Luo Jun and Qin Keqing, the three of them knelt down, not daring to lift their heads.

Luo Jun and Qin Keqing are extremely unaccustomed to being served in this way. Luo Jun retracted his feet and said hurriedly, "Get up!"

"Huh?" The female officer and the two maids immediately looked at Luo Jun in confusion. Obviously, he didn't quite understand what Luo Jun meant.

The female officer said with trepidation, "My son, is it our fault?"

Luo Jun stayed for a while, and he knew right away that these female officials and maids had been trained in this way since they were young. That kind of servility has penetrated into my bones, and I can't change it anymore.

He sighed.

Some things are difficult for him to change after all. It doesn't make much difference.

Luo Jun grabbed Qin Keqing's hand, and then let these maids serve.

After washing up, the female officer said: "Elder Leng Yun has set up a breakfast, please come over for dinner!"

Luo Jun said: "Okay, lead the way!"

The female officer nodded, then bowed her head to lead the way. The two maids did the same.

They didn't say extra words, nor dared to say it, but there was a shocking wave in their hearts. Because it was the first time they saw human beings who could not be treated as slaves, and they could be treated so politely by those masters.

They don't quite understand why this is, but they start to think about many things, and no longer take the suffering for granted.

Luo Jun looked at these three women. They were still very young, but their figures were already rickety, just like seventy old women.

At that moment, Luo Jun's heart was sour. He wanted to do something to save these poor fellows, but he found that he couldn't seem to do much.

The palace of the Presbyterian Church is magnificent and luxurious.

Along the way, there are amazing buildings everywhere, and they are lavish and spacious everywhere. The golden lion, the sculptured dinosaurs on the pillars are vivid, the blanket on the ground is thick and soft, and the paintings next to them are precious.

What five-star hotel is placed in front of such a building is like a clown.

Luo Jun and Qin Keqing finally came to the restaurant. The restaurant was like a golden hall in Vienna, with melodious music played by thirty human musicians.

The maids are neatly dressed, crawling to serve the deities and so on.

Elder Leng Yun and Elder Keir were all dressed up in front of the long golden silk blood sandalwood dining table.

Luo Jun and Qin Keqing brought in.

"Did you two sleep well yesterday?" Elder Leng Yun and Elder Keir got up, Elder Leng Yun smiled slightly and asked.

Luo Jun glanced at the many maids present, he smiled, and said: "I don't quite understand why you have to torture us humans like this. Do we humans have historical hatred with you?"

"Sit!" Elder Leng Yun motioned to Luo Jun and Qin Keqing to take their seats.

The dining table and chairs were much higher than human dining tables and chairs, and Luo Jun and Qin Keqing directly stepped on the empty space and sat on them.

"In fact, the two should also know in their hearts what the contradiction between Lingzun and human beings is." Elder Leng Yun smiled and said.

Luo Jun was indeed clear in his heart, because... the earth.

Lingzun used to be the master of the earth, but now human beings are the master of the earth. Therefore, Lingzun will be particularly troubled with humans. It's like, this was my home before, but after a disaster, I went out for shelter. Come back and see, good fellow, this one has changed a lot. It has become a home for other people, so the hostility of the spirits towards humans comes from here.

"This is not our fault." Luo Jun said: "After you leave, we are the laws naturally bred by heaven and earth."

Elder Leng Yun said: "Many things can't be right or wrong."

Luo Jun said, "Well, that's true."

Elder Keir was silent on the sidelines, and all this must be led by Elder Leng Yun.

The breakfast was very rich. Fortunately, Elder Leng Yun and Elder Keir took care of Luo Jun and Qin Keqing's emotions, and did not arrange for any human flesh to eat.

Colored glaze jade leaf plate, marigold shredded chicken, jelly fruit, and everything.

The color, fragrance, and taste make people move their index fingers. I think this kind of life is really the life of an emperor.

I have to say that these spirits will still enjoy life.

"Taste it, these nine clouds green silk bamboo, the taste is very good." Elder Leng Yun said.

Luo Jun nodded.

He also had good concentration, and he really took Qin Keqing to finish the breakfast in an orderly manner.

After breakfast, the maids came up to clean up. Elder Leng Yun and Elder Keir took Luo Jun and Qin Keqing to sit on the sofa.

After sitting down, some strange drinks and coffee came up, steaming hot. The smell is strange, and Luo Jun can't get used to it.

After that, Elder Leng Yun said slowly: "How about, how are the two of you thinking? I have two hands here, one is heaven-like enjoyment, and the emperor-like honor. The other is the endless cycle of hell. Two. They are all sensible, should you know how to choose?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "Since I have tried the taste of heaven, or I should go to taste the taste of hell. I am a low life and cannot enjoy this kind of comfort. Especially the enjoyment created by our human blood and tears. ."

Elder Lengyun and Elder Keir changed color slightly.

Elder Keir said: "Luo Jun, are you really going to be stubborn?"

Qin Keqing was immediately annoyed and said, "Didn't you already promised me last night that you want to cooperate? What are you doing?"

Luo Jun was a little irritable, and said, "I can't sorry my wife, and senior **** emperor!"

"Can't you think about it for me? I gave you my life, what else do you want?" Qin Keqing said unhappy. "In the future, you can take your wife over."

"Why do you take it over? Send it under the fence? Don't think they are still polite to us now. If they wait for the senior **** emperor to be killed by them, then they will be the uncles, and they won't bother to care about you and me." Luo Jun said.

"No, no..." Elder Leng Yun waved his hand and said, "Luo Jun, you are too pessimistic. You are an unusual person. As long as you are willing to cooperate, we will always treat you preferentially. You have used your means to show us Your abilities."

Luo Jun said, "Really? I only know this moment and that moment. But, aren't you afraid that I am a scheming person, and what scheming to use to harm you?"

Elder Leng Yun and Elder Keir immediately laughed together.

Afterwards, Elder Leng Yun said: "It's all about this time, this step of the field, if we can be calculated by you, then it is better to find a piece of tofu and hit to death."

Luo Jun sighed, and said, "The tiger falls to Pingyang!"

Qin Keqing immediately said to Elder Leng Yun and Elder Keir: "I can assure the two that he will be fine. He knows the severity, and I also know my position in his mind."

"Is that so, Luo Jun?" Elder Leng Yun looked at Luo Jun earnestly.

Luo Jun said: "Okay, it's this time, I am not hypocritical. I have two conditions. I can only do it if you promise me."

"Okay, say it!" Elder Leng Yun was very refreshing.

Luo Jun said: "First, I'm going to see Luo Xue."

"Yes!" Elder Leng Yun said plainly.

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