Super Security in the City

Chapter 1834: Tiandu

There was no way for Mikaye to rescue Luo Xue, the prison elder had made up his mind, and Mikaye could not change it.

Mikaye finally said that he would go to Tiandu to see if he could work with the Spirit King to rescue Luo Xue.

Afterwards, Mikaye left.

After Mikaye left, Luo Jun asked Monk Linghui, "Can't we really tell the secret of the law of Mikaye?" Monk Linghui said affirmatively: "No, once told, he has the initiative. He will save When we go to Luoxue to study, we will also be arrested. At that time, the poor monk will not be able to frighten him."

"Why are you so sure?" Luo Jun puzzled.

Monk Linghui sighed slightly, and said, "Friend Luo Jun, you are concerned and confused. In fact, you can see through this. Although the poor monk has missed your humanity. However, the humanity in Mikaye’s bones is the poor monk. You can't read it wrong."

Luo Jun sighed.

Lan Tingyu never spoke, and Qin Keqing paced back and forth, but couldn't think of a good way to come.

This night, the group had a very torment.

The next morning, Luo Jun's eyes suddenly lit up. He jumped up from the sofa and said, "Yes!"

Everyone looked at him immediately. Even Lan Tingyu's eyes showed excitement.

He really didn't think of a way, but he also had the belief in his heart that he must save Luo Xue.

Luo Jun said: "We go to the capital and arrest the dignitaries in the capital. Or the spirit king who cares about is arrested, forcing the spirit king to cooperate with Mikaye. As long as they cooperate, the prison can't do whatever it wants. "

"Encircle Wei and save Zhao, a good strategy!" Monk Linghui admired.

Lan Tingyu and Qin Keqing also think that Luo Jun is indeed a good strategy.

At the moment, I won't say much. Luo Jun and others escaped into the soul spar. Lan Tingyu is not allowed to show up, because when Lan Tingyu shows up, it means that there is a problem with the Fa Society. According to the truth, Lan Tingyu should still be in the hands of the Fa Academy.

Tiandu is a more prosperous and expansive metropolis than Beijing.

In the morning light, Luo Jun and others reached the sky above the capital.

The blue sky and white clouds, the bright morning sun shines.

Above the sky, the skyscrapers are magnificent and majestic, which is the embodiment of the art of the spiritual masters.

Light cars in the sky, vehicles on the ground, and overpasses appear everywhere. Everything is so orderly.

And in the center of this day capital, that represented the magnificent and magnificent Grand Palace where the Spirit King lived.

The Grand Palace is also a centralized power center, covering an area of ​​3 million square meters.

It seemed to be a palace beyond a glance. All government departments are also within the palace.

Luo Jun was not familiar with Tiandu, he let Lan Tingyu and Qin Keqing stay in the soul spar. The soul spar was put into his brain by Luo Jun. The soul spar and Luo Jun's brain are completely integrated.

Luo Jun displayed the invisibility technique of the Heavenly Dao Pen, and he just fell into the bustling city center of Tiandu.

After that, Luo Jun galloped towards the big palace.

The Grand Palace was so conspicuous that Luo Jun didn't need to inquire about any news, he knew that everything should start from the Grand Palace.

Luo Jun quickly came to the main entrance of the Grand Palace.

The gate of the Grand Palace is called Zhengtianmen. The pure gold color of the Zhengtianmen is tall and majestic and noble.

Royal nobility!

Luo Jun is waiting patiently outside, and he will also watch the breath. Whether the spirits who came out had real power or had nothing to do with it, he could also tell.

Luo Jun also felt that the Grand Palace was surrounded by the magic circle, just like the Heavenly Dragon Palace. When these big sects were first established, the first thing they had to do was to establish a magic circle. This is equivalent to a country’s air defense force.

The existence of the circle can resist the encroachment of the enemy.

Moreover, trespassing by outsiders can also be found immediately.

Even if Luo Jun had the invisibility technique, he did not dare to easily step into the gate of the Grand Palace.

Luo Jun also knew that his own stealth technique was not invincible. There have been corresponding countermeasures to crack the chalk world. But this cracking method cannot be promoted vigorously. So as long as he doesn't enter the core zone, Luo Jun knows he is relatively safe.

Luo Jun waited for about three hours, and within three hours, more than thirty spirits came in and out of the palace. Finally, Luo Jun fixed his gaze on an old Lingzun. The old Lingzun's cultivation is very high, it is the cultivation of the tenth heaven peak. The clothes on his body are very noble, and there is a kind of majesty in it.

Luo Jun didn't want to catch some spirits with low cultivation base, because the cultivation base was too low, I was afraid that he could not reach the core of the spirit king. Then, Luo Jun may only obtain some outdated information.

After the old Lingzun came out, he got in a very good luxury car. Then, the luxury car was driven away by the chauffeur.

Luo Jun immediately followed, he is unparalleled, and naturally will not be lost. Luo Jun decided to put the target on this old spirit statue. He has always been bold and reckless, whoever wants to do it.

Old Lingzun was used to living a life of ease, and probably never dreamed that someone would follow him.

Luo Jun followed for a long time, and finally saw Lao Lingzun's car stop in front of a luxurious villa. Subsequently, the old Lingzun got off the car. At the door, human servants knelt to greet. The old Lingzun walked towards the house, and the servants came up to serve. This group of spirits raised human servants, and each of them lived a life of enjoyment like an emperor.

Then, the luxury car was also driven into the garage by the driver.

Luo Jun also didn't use Divine Mind to shoot, because Old Lingzun is a master, once Divine Mind shoots, he will be aware of it. This luxurious villa is in the manor, and there are other villas in the manor. It seems that this is a good family.

Luo Jun quietly followed into the old Lingzun's house. He saw his grandson and his wife in the villa. These Luo Jun ignored them, he learned from the conversations of these spirits that this old spirit was called Smith.

Smith seems to be a relatively pure-hearted person, his grandson is still very young, playing with his wife. Smith played with his little grandson for a while, then went upstairs to the bedroom.

As soon as Smith entered the bedroom, Luo Jun quickly shot.

"What..." Before Smith could speak, Luo Jun's soul ocean has enveloped the entire bedroom. It is tantamount to blocking all his contact with the outside world.

At the same time, Luo Jun, Lan Tingyu, and Qin Keqing surrounded him.

"Who...what are you?" Smith couldn't help being pale when he saw these three great human masters.

Luo Jun said coldly: "Don't try to resist, otherwise you and your family will all die miserably. Now, kneel down!"

Smith couldn't help being furious. He wanted to attack, but he felt the cultivation base and killing intent of these three people. After all, he still didn't have the courage to resist, and finally knelt down.

Luo Jun immediately sacrificed a golden talisman!

Da Lei Yin Golden Light Purdue Method!

The golden light shrouded Smith, and Smith wanted to resist, but after all, he couldn't compete with the golden talisman. There was sweat on Smith's forehead, and he breathed a sigh of relief when the golden light shone through his body. It's as if I finally got through some difficult things, it's all easy.

Smith stood up, folded his palms to Luo Jun, and said: "Amitabha, thank you for your enlightenment, so that the little monk will be able to get lost when you get lost. From then on, the little monk should serve the Taoist friends to cleanse the sins of the past. !"

Lan Tingyu looked at him dumbfounded, and muttered, "Damn!"

Qin Keqing was already quite familiar.

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Very well, Smith." He then said, "I need your help now."

Smith said: "You can just give orders, as long as the little monk can do it, you will never refuse." Luo Jun said: "Don't show any flaws, let people find that you have converted to me."

Smith said, "Okay!"

Luo Jun took the soul ocean and turned the soul ocean into a soul spar. He, Lan Tingyu and Qin Keqing all hid in the soul spar.

Then Smith put the soul spar into his ear. Luo Jun exchanged ideas with Smith.

"Smith, I have a big thing to do now. On the side of the Heavenly Dragon Palace, my friend Luo Xue is about to be beheaded by the Presbyterian Church. Have you heard of this?"

Smith also replied with his mind. He said: "The little monk has indeed heard of this."

Luo Jun said: "President Mikaya of the Fa Academy is on my side, but even a Spiritual Venerable Mikaye can't stop the elders. So I want Spirit King Dilu and Mikaya to cooperate and stand together. Come out against the Presbyterian Church. The key question now is that Diru, the Spirit King, will not listen to me. Tell me, what should I do to get the Spirit King to submit and cooperate with Mikaye?"

Smith pondered. He said: "In the Great Palace, many things are not the sole responsibility of the Spirit King. There are also cabinets, outer cabinets, senators, etc. However, if the Spirit King wants to go its own way, the cabinet, the outer cabinet , The Senate Association should and will not necessarily fight against the Spirit King."

He paused, and said: "Ling Wang has a concubine who is extremely fond of him. If you control this concubine, you can definitely make Ling Wang submit."

"What a joke." Monk Linghui did not enter the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds. He said to Luo Jun after hearing about it: "This idiot is just talking about it. How can the existence of the Spirit King come for a concubine? Not everyone. Like you, fellow Taoist, you take women so seriously. This bargaining chip is definitely not good!"

Luo Jun also knew that what Monk Linghui said was reasonable, so he said to Smith: "This is not good, a concubine, you will find it if you die. Lingwang probably won't blink his eyes, so think about it."

Smith said: "Yes!" He thought hard.

After a long while, Smith's eyes lit up and said, "The little monk remembered that a year later, the election of the spirit king. The spirit king needs the support of the president of the Senate Council, Bi Xiu. Otherwise, the spirit king might be Dake, the son of the Spirit King, inherited. Dake’s cultivation base and the Spirit King are in the same position, and there are many spiritual supporters in the political arena. He is the strongest and most powerful contender for the position of the Spirit King!"

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