Super Security in the City

Chapter 1936: Preaching

Luo Jun's words don't have the slightest affection to stay.

This was the first to attack Dao Zun, and Luo Jun wanted to suppress it with a thunderous attitude.

Rushing to Dao Zun originally just wanted to test Luo Jun's Jin Liang, he naturally saw that something was wrong with the sky. But right now, rushing to the Dao Venerable already knew that this new lord was even more powerful and harsh than the towering.

He rushed to Dao Zun and sighed slightly, then knelt down and knocked his head at Luo Jun three times.

As for the two apprentices who rushed to Dao Zun, they also knelt down.

At this moment, no one in the audience dared to look up at Luo Jun. Luo Jun glanced at the past, and he suddenly felt a sense of domination.

If Luo Jun had not experienced three thousand worlds, he had seen many masters. He will definitely be lost at this moment, thinking that this world is nothing but that. But since he has experienced those three thousand worlds, he won't be lost by the vanity in front of him. Not to be immersed in this small well.

"Flat!" Luo Jun said lightly.

So everyone got up.

Next, many immortals gave gifts. To them, the piles of congratulatory gifts are all precious things. But Luo Jun hasn't paid much attention yet.

Luo Jun has no feelings for the Crimson Blue World, and he does not give large amounts of magical objects or pills here. Although he is generous, he is not stupid and generous.

The Northern Sect will also arrange to return the gift, but the towering Lord is responsible for it.

Luo Jun wanted to end this meeting simply, but he didn't expect that Emperor Yuan would talk to Luo Jun afterwards. Luo Jun is naturally not easy to turn his face and deny people. After he met the Emperor Yuan, the towering lord came to Luo Jun again and said: "All the immortals are here. According to tradition, I am afraid that the lord will arrange a sermon tomorrow morning so that all the immortals will listen to you. Wonderful sound."

When Luo Jun heard this, his head grew louder and said: "The sermon? I think you should speak for me. You have been speaking for so many years."

The towering lord said: "If it is normal, I can naturally speak for you. But this time, if you rush to the Taoist priest, there are many immortals. You can speak, and you can represent our etiquette and respect."

"I never said it!" Luo Jun said.

The towering lord said: "This..."

Luo Jun said: "Then tell me, what do you usually say?"

"Speak fortune, compassion, virtue and so on!" said the towering lord.

Luo Jun said, "Do you like to listen?"

The towering lord said: "It seems like I like listening." Luo Jun couldn't help but laughed and scolded: "I love to listen to a fart, everyone is embarrassed to show it. You talk about Fuze, compassion, and virtue. That's right. But you The people facing this group care about Taoism and are all cultivating Taoism. Everyone has their own minds. Listening to you will only think that you are fake. No wonder the wind chimes say that you are fake and righteous. You say these are high-sounding. But those My disciples are selfish. In fact, how many people can do the compassion, virtue, and blessing you talk about? Can you do it yourself?"

The towering lord said: "But this is the purpose of the northern religion."

"It's nothing more than you lie to the world, don't you even have to lie to yourself?" Luo Jun said: "I understand, it's up to you. Anything, you still need a fig leaf. Just like people wear clothes, put clothes on. Stripped, always so ugly."

He paused and said, "But if you want me to preach, I won't talk about what you said!"

The towering lord said: "The lord, you can do whatever you want."

Luo Jun nodded.

Although he is not used to preaching, he will not be stage fright when the truth comes.

Luo Jun initially felt that the towering lord's purpose was hypocritical, but then he understood.

The Northern Church has established a sect, and they also have their own corporate culture. No corporate culture can be on the dark side.

As for the later changes, it is also due to human nature.

When the sect was founded, like-minded people came together. Can't you say that everyone is like-minded to burn, kill, and looting?

Therefore, the doctrine and purpose of the Northern Church are compassion, virtue, and blessing.

We can't understand many things. But after we really put us in that position, we will find that we are worse than what others did.

Luo Jun remembered that he once knew someone who was an employee of the company. At that time, the dear fellow would often curse the boss's black heart in all kinds of ways, and curse the crows in the world for being too dark. He also said that if one day he became the boss, he would never be so.

But later, he really became the boss. His statement changed. He said that he finally understood the difficulty of the previous boss. Then, he was even more black-hearted than the previous boss.

Profitable bosses of large companies are easy to be generous and tolerant. Because he wants face. Because after he paid, he also has enough income. But the little boss is different, he doesn't have much of his own, and if he gives one, he will feel like grabbing a piece of meat from his bowl. Therefore, as long as he can keep his job, he will be as black-hearted as possible.

And the wind chime got into the tip of the horns, she would not think about those deep-seated problems. This is the height at which everyone stands. Of course, it can also be said that Luo Jun has become secular. The wind chimes are not willing to compromise to that reality.

The preaching meeting was grandly held the next morning.

The northern hall was full of people inside and out. It was a peerless event.

Many northern creatures ran over, wanting to listen to the wonderful voice of Lord Kalan outside.

The wind chimes were also released by Luo Jun, and Luo Jun asked Chen Yihan to take care of the wind chimes, so that the wind chimes would not make trouble.

Chen Yihan patted his chest to assure Luo Jun.

The weather today is very good, with thin morning light shining on the snowy field.

But today is also very quiet.

When Luo Jun sat down on the throne, the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami sounded outside the hall.

"See Lord, Lord, bless the common people, live with the sky!"

Luo Jun shouted flat, and then began to preach.

"There is a rumor in ancient times. At the beginning of the world, it was a chaos!" Luo Jun began to talk freely. He is not stage fright at all.

Chen Yihan sat with Feng Chime, Feng Chime dismissed it, and said, "Being decent!"

Chen Yihan glanced at the wind chime and said, "You are number one in this world. There are no people you are used to seeing, right?"

Feng Chime was slightly startled, she saw Chen Yihan so severe for the first time.

At the moment, the wind chimes dare not say anything.

Chen Yihan went to watch his eldest brother's speech intently.

Luo Jun continued: "We don’t know what the world was like at the beginning of the world. The deity thinks that it’s difficult for people here to figure out. Just like death. No one can clearly say what death is. Because, really People who are dead cannot come to speak. At the beginning of all Daoists and disciples, the deity hopes that all Daoists and disciples can figure out where you came from. What do you want? You and this world The mysterious connection between you and the dust on the ground. To cultivate the mind first, cultivate the mind, and ask the mind first."

Throughout the sermon, Luo Jun has been telling the connection between man and the universe. He knows a lot and speaks easily. This made all the immortal houses and all the disciples feel refreshed.

Luo Jun also asked some immortals and disciples to ask questions, and he was happy to answer them.

This time the preaching meeting was a special one. But the atmosphere is also exceptionally good. Someone asked Luo Jun. "Dare to ask the Lord, we need a pure state of mind to connect with the spiritual material. The seven emotions and six desires are poison for the intestines, do we want to abandon the seven emotions and six desires?"

Luo Jun said: "The reason why people are humans is because they have seven emotions and six desires. When you have no seven emotions and six desires, no matter how great you cultivate, you will not be happy. Then, what do you do with the Tao? What do you have with trees? Different?"

"Thanks to the Lord for your guidance, the younger generation understands!" The immortal family suddenly realized, and immediately bowed deeply and sat down.

"Dare to ask the Lord..." At this time, Feng Chime stood up. Chen Yihan was thinking about other issues and didn't pay attention for a while. When he saw the wind chimes getting up, his face suddenly turned green. But under the eyes of everyone, Chen Yihan couldn't pull the wind chime and sit down.

Luo Jun had a headache when he saw the wind chimes.

Feng Chime said: "I am waiting to be born, why should some people stand high and be worshipped? But some people want to be trampled on in the dust?"

Luo Jun said: "It's very simple, because the formation of a world requires flowers, grass, trees, wood, and different things to build. If the world is all flowers, then this world is not a complete world."

Wind chimes froze.

Luo Jun immediately said: "Next..."

Chen Yihan couldn't help but admire what the eldest brother said. At the same time, he immediately pulled the wind chime down and said viciously: "You can be honest."

Feng Chime was chewing Luo Jun's words.

Someone asked: "If you dare to ask the Lord, even if you don't abandon the seven emotions and six desires, but the love in the world is quite bitter. Should I stay away from it?"

Luo Jun said: "Love is quite bitter? Where did you get the conclusion?"

The man stayed for a while, and then said: "The younger generation heard what someone said."

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "If you don’t experience fame, wealth and love, you don’t know the joys and sorrows. If you don’t know the joys and sorrows, don’t jump to conclusions. If you want to forget fame and fortune, you must first experience love and fame and fortune. Otherwise, It is feared in the heart and dare not touch it. Just like a layman in the world, if he is penniless and poor throughout his life, he says that he is not interested in wealth. That is just a joke!"

"Junior understands, thank you Lord for your confusion!"

Someone asked: "Dare to ask the Lord, what is Tao?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "The sergeant hears the Tao, and learns it diligently. The sergeant hears the Tao, if it survives. The corporal hears the Tao, laughs, and not laughs is not enough!"

The audience was silent. After a long while, someone reacted and cheered loudly: "Okay!"

As a result, the audience began to cheer wildly.

This is a sermon meeting recorded in history. The content of his sermons was introduced into the world by immortals and disciples. Later, some eminent monks compiled the Kalan Taoist Sutra and spread it widely.

After a month, people in the world began to talk about that wonderful sermon on Daxue Mountain.

The ordinary people yearn for those immortals...

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