Super Security in the City

Chapter 1965: Get ridiculous

Dorrance said: "Afterwards, I didn't expect that drunkard would really find a helper. A group of punks came, and I still didn't look at it. But there was a master among them. The master was a silver-haired young man with deep cultivation. Unpredictable. Neither I nor Wall Rhein figured out what was going on, so they were subdued by the silver-haired young man. Later, the group of gangsters beat and kicked us both. That is what you see, we It looks like this now!"

Wall Rhein added: "Yes!"

Luo Jun's expression suddenly became serious.

This doesn't require intuition anymore, he thinks there is absolutely a problem with it. A master appeared in a group of punks, who actually beat Dorrance to Wall Rhein. Dorrance and Wall Rhein have long been standing on the pinnacle of human flesh. Although they don't know mana, their power can kill the masters of the gods.

It would be impossible to defeat them if it weren't for a master of the Seventh Layer of the Longevity Realm.

There is a lot of article here!

But Luo Jun was not afraid, he said: "Since this is the case, let's go, I will find this place for you."

Dorrens immediately said solemnly: "Luo Jun, the reason why I called you was that it was unusual. Secondly, it is indeed a bit shameless. I don't want others to know, but I hope you don't be careless."

Luo Jun said: "Maybe, it was for me. I was in Yanjing city, and it was very inconvenient for some big guys who wanted to attack me."

Dorrance, Wall Rhein, and Bai Xue were all taken aback.

Wall Rhein said: "Your Majesty, don't take risks!"

Luo Jun waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let's go and see first. Can't beat it, it's not too late to run!"

Wall Rhein, Dorrance and others are a little worried. Luo Jun was also curious to the extreme in his heart. It was not that he was not cautious, but that he had already reached this level of cultivation. If he still flinches, it is not his personality.

Afterwards, Shirayuki drove. They went out as a group.

Yoona never came out.

While in the car, Dorrance suddenly came and said, "Yoona is pregnant."

Luo Jun was taken aback, and then said sincerely: "Congratulations!"

Dorrance smiled. He is a romantic and gentle person, very tolerant and understanding towards Yoona. Nor will he be grudged against Luo Jun because of Luo Jun and Yoona's previous affairs.

In Dorrance, there is a kind of British aristocratic gentleman temperament.

Baixue drove all the way, and when she was halfway through, she suddenly said: "Dorrence, Wall Rhein, if you two have put your majesty in danger, I can't spare you."

Dorrance and Wall Rhein have considerable respect for Bai Xue, but also a little scared. Hearing that they both laughed bitterly.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Bai Xue, don't say that. If I am really in danger, then this will prove to be directed at me. Even if I am not here this time, they will have to think of another way. Deal with me. These people are lurking in the dark. I have too many enemies. I really don't know who is going to deal with me this time."

Shirayuki went silent.

Dorrance said: "Luo Jun, are you really sure?"

Luo Jun said: "Don't worry, can't you leave if you can't beat it?" Seeing Luo Jun's expression relaxed, Dorrance was a little relieved.

The night is deep, but Bor State is a tourist city. Although it is late, many shops are still open. The street lights are bright and the stars are shining.

This is sleepless night in Bor region!

The hotel where the accident occurred was called the Victoria Sunshine Hotel, which is a five-star hotel in Honshu.

"I said you two, is it a bit boring to go to a hotel like this to have a drink?" When the car stopped before and after the Victoria Sunshine Hotel, Luo Jun took a look after getting off the car, and said to Dorrance and Wall Rhein .

In Luo Jun’s cognition, brothers come out to drink, shouldn’t they find a delicious little place, shirtless, and drinking cold beer?

Dorrance and Wall Rhein were taken aback. Dorrance said: "The environment here is very good!"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Oh..."

He just remembered that the education that Dorrance and Wall Rhein received from childhood was different from his own. He is a rash, these two are nobles! Asking the two nobles to run to the roadside stall for a cold beer, it seemed a bit outrageous.

Afterwards, Luo Jun began to shoot with spirit.

He got a clear picture of the whole hotel situation in an instant...

Well, in some rooms of this big hotel, there are many improper transactions. It is very sweet, of course, there are also couples and lovers, but it is estimated that there are also cheating.

This is not something Luo Jun wants to care about. He also scanned the situation on the roof of the hotel. There is something similar to a black vortex on the roof, and Luo Jun's spirit is also impenetrable.

"Sure enough, there is an article, this is to lead me up!" Luo Jun secretly said.

But at this moment, Luo Jun thought.

He sensed something happening inside Dekcon Castle. Someone is going to catch Yoona...

"The other party knows me very well. This time I made a move with preparation!" Luo Jun didn't think much, grabbing in the void. They caught Yoona in the air!

Yoona was preparing to undress in the room. Suddenly, a big handprint broke through the air and caught her. Yoona couldn't help losing her face in shock and screamed.

After seeing Yoona clearly, Dorrance quickly went up and hugged Yoona, comforting her quietly.

"Yona, don't be afraid, it's us!" Dorrance said with relief. Yun'er was in shock, and after seeing Dorrance clearly, Luo Jun calmed down.

Bai Xue and others are familiar with Luo Jun's magical powers. Wall Rhein couldn't help saying: "Now it seems that your majesty, your supernatural powers may be comparable to your ancestors.

Luo Jun ignored Wall Rheinland.

"What's the situation?" Bai Xue asked Luo Jun immediately after she recovered.

Luo Jun said, "Sure enough, it was aimed at me. Just now I noticed that someone wanted to catch Yooner. So I brought Yooner over. Now, you are in my Jisumi, and I have to deal with things." With a big wave of his hand, he caught all four of them in Jie Sumi.

After that, Luo Jun's figure flashed, and he shuttled directly to the rooftop of the Victoria Sunshine Hotel. The Victoria Sunshine Hotel has thirty-nine floors.

From the rooftop, you can see the beautiful night view of Bor State, which is a scene of shining stars.

At this time, there was a dark gate on the rooftop.

This gate is very strange.

Luo Jun appeared in front of the gate.

He touched his nose and couldn't help being amused, and said, "Do you think that Lao Tzu is a curious baby who will take the initiative to walk into your broken door and enter your ambush?"

"Haha..." Loud laughter soon came from the dark gate.

Then two people walked out from inside.

The person who came was a young man with silver hair and an old man in a red robe!

The old man in the red robe is just a deputy instructor of Yuqing World.

In Yuqingmen, the master of the Heavenly Universe Realm will be listed as the deputy head teacher. There are currently eight deputy head teachers in Yuqing World. At a certain time, the Supreme Master of the Master will abdicate and become the Supreme Supreme. The strongest deputy head teacher will become the new head teacher supreme.

This deputy head teacher is the initial cultivation base of the Heavenly Universe Realm, and he is called Gongyang Ling!

And the silver-haired youth is also a leader in Yuqingmen, called Cao Zijun! Cao Zijun is the mid-stage cultivation of Dongxian.

Cao Zijun is also an outstanding one among the younger generation in Yuqingmen. This time, Yuqing Sect sent Gongyangling and Cao Zijun, which also attached great importance to Luo Jun.

Cao Zijun is extremely evil, this person is extremely arrogant, it can be said that he is proud of talent.

It was Cao Zijun who made the laugh just now. Cao Zijun glanced at Luo Jun, then sneered and said: "Just now this son was going to catch Yuner. Did you take Yuner away in advance?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes!" He raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "You are not timid, dare to attack my friend."

Cao Zijun laughed, and then said: "You are only an early stage of the cave immortal, you have just entered the cave immortal not long ago. You dare to be rampant in front of this young man. Seeing you are young, you have this level of cultivation. I am willing to give you a face, look now Come on, you don't cherish the importance that this young man places on you!"

"I'm fucking!" Luo Jun said more directly: "You count as a bird's feather thing, I think you are more than two hundred years old. I am only thirty years old in the early stage of Dongxian, if I am more than two hundred When I was as bad as you, I will find a piece of tofu and hit it to death!"

Upon hearing this, Cao Zijun suddenly had the urge to vomit blood. He is usually crazy enough, how can this kid seem to be more **** crazy!

As for the Gongyang Mausoleum next to him, this old face suddenly turned red.

He felt that his self-esteem had been severely hit, and he barely reached the heavenly realm until he was two thousand years old. Is this dialogue between the two boys trying to **** off his old man?

Are you bullying people like this?

Gongyangling took a deep breath and said, "Zijun, we are here to invite Lord Luo to be our guest. You must not make trouble!"

Gongyangling is still very polite to Cao Zijun, because he knows the future of this rising star is limitless. He didn't want to offend too much, which is why Cao Zijun dared to be so rampant in front of Gongyangling.

But at this time, Cao Zijun still wanted to give Gongyangling some face, and he immediately retreated behind Gongyangling.

Gongyangling gave a fist to Luo Jun and said, "Master Luo, we came here without any malice. We just want to invite you to our house as a guest. Please!"

When he finished speaking, he pointed to the black door.

"Don't go!" Luo Jun simply refused.

"I'm afraid I can't help you!" Cao Zijun's expression is grim.

"Shut up, you silly bird!" Luo Jun directly choked on Cao Zijun.

"Your mother is going to die!" Cao Zijun has been in the world, so he is familiar with the sayings here. He was completely offended by Luo Jun.

Luo Jun said, "I'm looking for death? Okay, as long as you, a silly bird, can take me three punches, I will follow you immediately."

"Okay!" Cao Zijun said immediately: "If you can receive Lao Tzu's three punches, Lao Tzu will immediately turn around and leave!"

The two men were at a loss for words, and they just did it...

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