Super Security in the City

Chapter 1984: Hell is like a sea

Remember for a second,

Luo Jun fell down sharply, but he quickly drove his mana to freeze his body.

At this moment, Luo Jun directly settled in the void. He looked around, the blue sky and white clouds were endless. On the grassland, the green grass is refreshing. There are cows and sheep in the distance.

Luo Jun swiftly fired his mind in all directions and quickly determined the location here. This is the northern prairie of Yuqing World. The plants here are extremely fat!

There are more than a dozen nomads on the grassland, each in a system, and each has its own king.

Luo Jun did not stay in the prairie for a long time, and went straight to the largest country in the world in Yuqing, the country of Yan!

Yan Capital of Yan State!

Luo Jun knew that Yan State was also shooting in the prairie with mind and mind, obtaining information from the brains of nomads. The language here is compatible with the Chinese language, so Luo Jun doesn't have to learn the language again.

Yan country is the largest country among many countries in the Yuqing world, and hundreds of countries come to congratulate. Moreover, Yan Guo also highly believes in the **** of Yuqing. Yuqing Gate also helped Yan State consolidate the world, and Yan State was a loyal lackey of Yuqing Gate.

Every year, Yan Guo sends a group of outstanding children to Yuqingmen to learn the Immortal Fa. Excellent people will stay in Yuqingmen, and those who are less will learn some skills and return to serve their country. After Luo Jun arrived at the border of Yan State, he fired again with his mind, and he obtained more information. He disguised himself with a polymer mask, and then decided to go to Yandu, the capital of the country.

His luck was very good. Three days later, Yan Guo sent a group of children to Yuqingmen to learn Immortal Fa. Luo Jun blended in and broke into Yuqingmen. Then come and check everything!

Luo Jun restrained his mana, as long as he did not deliberately reveal it. The average master cannot find out his details. Unless it is a master of the Celestial Universe Realm, and with full attention to the investigation, Luo Jun can be found out.

But Luo Jun expected that these disciples would certainly not be taken seriously at first. They all practiced with some shallow disciples. Instead, Luo Jun himself controls a martial art. The world sent a few apprentices over, and he wouldn't take a closer look. Only when these children show their talents, the people below will report, and he will check one or two. In other words, as long as Luo Jun does not show off his talent, there will be no risk of being discovered.

Luo Jun was determined. If he wants to save people, he must proceed step by step and hold his mind.

When he was in the chalk world, he held seven inches of the chalk world, so he succeeded with small gains. This time, he still has to take the same approach.

After Luo Jun arrived at Yandu, he began to search again. But this time, he was more careful.

There are no decent masters in Yandu. The decent masters all stayed in Yuqingmen.

Luo Jun quickly found the seeded players who were going to Yuqingmen.

Then, Luo Jun directly converted the person in charge, then grabbed a seeded player, and then converted it. After that, get all its information. In short, just one day later, Luo Jun became a young master of the Lu family of Yan Guo, called Lu Feng.

Luo Jun learned everything about Lu Feng, and then followed the seeded players on the road.

Most of those seeded players did not know each other. There are too many children in the big family, and they come from all over the world, so it is normal not to know each other.

The person in charge is called Yang Huaqing. Yang Huaqing led everyone to the teleportation formation in Yandu. After a period of brilliance, everyone went under the snow-capped mountains of Yuqingmen. Looking around from below the snow-capped mountains, there is a vast expanse of snow white.

The palace is as magnificent and magnificent as it is in Yunding.

There are a total of twenty seeded players in this batch, including three women. One of the women is particularly outstanding, called Li Meimei. Of course, this excellence is just for comparison. In Luo Jun's eyes, Li Meimei is just the pinnacle of God Transformation Realm!

In the Yuqing world where mana is not prevalent, this cultivation level is indeed a myth.

Li Meimei is very arrogant, she looks good and doesn't talk to anyone.

Luo Jun is here to do important things, and of course he won't go to the trouble. Of course, even if it wasn't for things, with Luo Jun's current character, he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke peach blossoms.

For women, Luo Jun is now avoiding it!

In the blink of an eye, Luo Jun came to Yuqingmen for half a month.

In the past half month, Luo Jun and the newcomers were arranged to live together. It's in a room similar to a dormitory.

Every day, three teachers will give lectures to Luo Jun, and provide medicinal pills and diet to keep fit. The three teachers were slightly more advanced disciples in Yuqingmen. But the cultivation base is only around Taixu Eighth Heaven.

But even so, the three teachers are already gods in the eyes of these novices.

Luo Jun, on the other hand, behaved mediocrely.

When he arrived at the Yuqing Gate, Luo Jun became cautious. He successively quietly transformed several disciples, all of whom were senior disciples of the Xuxian level. Then use these disciples to inquire about the news.

Therefore, Luo Jun received a lot of information in half a month. Including him, he also knew that the senior officials of Yuqingmen were always looking for himself.

Yuqingmen arrested Qiao Ning and Xianzun, in order to negotiate terms with Luo Jun. But what caused them a headache recently was that they found out that after Luo Jun arrived at the Dakang Imperial City in Tianzhou, there was no information.

At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao also set up a stamp message on Luo Jun. This is to interfere with other masters using the calculation technique to calculate Luo Jun.

Therefore, there is no clue about Yuqingmen.

The seniors are depressed, manic, but helpless.

However, Luo Jun never received the key message. He didn't know where Qiao Ning and Xianzun were being held.

Luo Jun knew in his heart that no matter where they were held, it was impossible to save them with his own ability. The only way is to grab something particularly important at Yuqingmen, and use it as a threat.

Luo Jun can only save ordinary imaginary masters, once he reaches the peak of imaginary fairy, Luo Jun can't save himself.

And this kind of master is really ordinary in Yuqing Sect, and can't touch the core things.

Therefore, Luo Jun must have the next step.

Luo Jun learned that there was a saint in Yuqingmen named Nalan Yunxue. It was Nalan Yunxue who came back with Xiang Yang. In other words, the source of everything is from Nalan Yunxue.

And Nalan Yunxue's master was a mysterious existence in the Supreme Supreme Tower, and he had quite a status.

Nalan Yunxue can know many secrets. The saint is a special existence in Yuqing Sect. If the cultivation base reaches a certain level, then it is very likely that she will become the head teacher.

Luo Jun also knew one thing, and that was that Nalan Yunxue was about to go to the underground magic cave to strangle the demons. Because of its absolute secrecy and closedness, Yuqing World has produced many demons in the ground.

This is somewhat similar to the Western kingdom.

There are a total of eighteen layers underground, and the demons in these eighteen layers of **** are more powerful than each.

It is also a good place for the disciples of Yuqing Sect to test their skills.

However, ordinary disciples can only reach the tenth floor at most. The monsters below the tenth floor are the real threat, and high-level disciples inside the door are required to clean them up.

Xuxian disciples swept the 11th to 15th floors.

The sixteenth to eighteenth floors belonged to a mainstay like Nalan Yunxue to clean up.

And tomorrow, Nalan Yunxue will take a few disciples from the imaginary and cave fairyland to the fifteenth floor of **** to sweep away demons!

Luo Jun's goal is Nalan Yunxue.

He decided to follow to the ground. He wanted to catch Nalan Yunxue without knowing it. Then he learned more secrets from Nalan Yunxue, and then tried to rescue Qiao Ning and Xianzun.

What made Luo Jun a little relieved was that Qiao Ning and Xianzun were safe for the time being.

Yuqingmen would not move Qiao Ning and Xianzun until he caught him.

Yang Huaqing, who was in charge of Luo Jun and his group, had already left, and Luo Jun asked the teacher who was in charge of their daily life for leave. Luo Jun said that he felt that something was going to happen at home recently and wanted to go back to see it.

Yuqing Gate is too far away from the world, so Luo Jun can't tell other lies. I haven't received letters so quickly!

The life teacher naturally refused to allow Luo Jun to stop thinking. Luo Jun insisted on going back, and the life teacher couldn't help being furious and resolutely refused to approve. Yan said: "If you want to ruin your future, you can leave!"

Luo Jun naturally doesn't care about the **** future here, but if he really leaves like this, he won't even have the future. It was inevitable that people would be suspicious, so he simply let the high-level Xuxian disciple who was saved by him come to come and talk quietly. After that, Luo Jun got the false note and left Yuqingmen.

Yuqingmen arranged for the doorman to send Luo Jun directly back to Yandu. Luo Jun didn't care about this distance, he turned around and quietly returned to the vicinity of Yuqing Gate. He and the Xuxian disciple inside and outside, after knowing that the five Nalan Yunxue and his party had entered the ground. He also sneaked into the ground.

After a kilometer underground, there will be space for strange rules.

After the first level of kilometer distance, is the first level of monster world.

Luo Jun cracked the rules and made breakthroughs.

Nalan Yunxue and the others also forcibly entered the world of demons by means of magic power. After all, the demons under the ground didn't regard them as good friends, and left a passage for them.

Luo Jun directly followed to the fifteen layers of **** underground.

After that, Luo Jun stopped.

It was not the first time that Luo Jun came to this world of **** monsters.

At this time, Luo Jun was in a dark wilderness. Everywhere is desolate, without the slightest light. Moreover, there is an endless haze in the air. Looking up at the sky, hundreds of meters in the sky, the fog is extremely dense.

These mists, the so-called Yin Qi, are important nutrients for the demons.

Luo Jun's Spiritual Mind shot a little, and he felt the countless demons hidden around him. These monsters are weird and huge. And they all have spiritual wisdom and mana.

Layers of hell, the monsters of the first **** are just infinite power. The further down here, the more powerful the demon.

(End of this chapter)

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