Super Security in the City

Chapter 2019: Half awake

Not long after, Ya Zhenyuan shouted Luo Jun to come in again.

"Then water dragon fruit, how did you feed it to me?" Ya Zhenyuan glared at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "I chewed it up, and then I fed it to you bit by bit."

"You are shameless!" Ya Zhenyuan was furious just thinking of this.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Shameless? So, what you think of is I am shameless? I asked you, how do I feed you? You were dying?"

"You don't need you!" Ya Zhenyuan said, "I would rather die than meet you!"

Luo Jun remained silent.

After a while, he said: "In the desert, a beauty is worth less than an apple, you know?"

Ya Zhenyuan said, "Get out!"

She didn't want to hear Luo Jun say anything.

Luo Jun nodded, and then left the cave.

Ya Zhenyuan is a person who is indifferent like ice, yet his nature is like raging fire.

There was no sand in her eyes.

Time is like water, even in this hell, after a long time, these days will pass faster.

Luo Jun was always outside and didn't bother Ya Zhenyuan. This made Ya Zhenyuan feel a little surprised.

At the same time, the remaining two water dragon fruits were also eaten by Ya Zhenyuan.

One water dragon fruit lasts for five days.

Ten days later, the water dragon fruit was gone.

When Ya Zhenyuan was chewing the water dragon fruit, a thought flashed in her mind. "If it is for me to feed the things in my mouth to others at this time? Can I be willing?"

The answer is reluctant!

Ya Zhenyuan gradually understood what kind of sacrifice Luo Jun made when feeding her food.

Moreover, during these ten days, Luo Jun maintained a good gentleman demeanor.

However, in spite of this, that would not change the villainous things Luo Jun had done.

Ya Zhenyuan would not think about how excessive he was. People always do. He can see the evil of others, but doesn't reflect on his own evil.

Ya Zhenyuan has always been pampered, and spends most of his time alone. So seldom think about others.

Luo Jun also wanted to find more water dragon fruit, but he didn't find it.

Then he went into the cave by himself.

Ya Zhenyuan was in a state of half-dream and half-awake again, confused. Luo Jun fed her his blood again.

After that, Ya Zhenyuan regained some anger.

She sat up and looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun also looked at Ya Zhenyuan.

Masamoto said, "Will there be miracles?"

Luo Jun shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Ya Zhenyuan said: "You can leave here alone. Your survivability is better than me. Maybe you will encounter miracles."

Luo Jun said: "The vastness of this wasteland is beyond our imagination. After going out, the chance of encountering danger is even greater."

"But waiting is not a dead end?" Ya Zhenyuan said.

"I won't let you go, I will take you to save my wife and friends." Luo Jun said: "Unless I die."

"You are dying, still miss them so much?" Ya Zhenyuan said.

Luo Jun glanced at Ya Zhenyuan and said, "If they weren't there, I could be like you without bowing or kneeling. Do you believe it?"

Ya Zhenyuan shook his head and said, "I don't believe it, you don't know yourself too much. You are a person who refuses to admit defeat and will not give up until the end. You will not give up your own life so easily! You are not mine, mine dignity……"

When she said this, she said weakly and weakly: "I was crushed by you, I won't let you go!"

Later, she fell asleep again.

Luo Jun couldn't help but stay for a while.

Ya Zhenyuan fell asleep again, but this time, she slept very restlessly. In her sleep, she kept shouting that it was so hot, so hot.

It was an indescribable heat.

There was too much Luo Jun's blood flowing on Ya Zhenyuan, and Luo Jun's blood had just reached Yang, and Ya Zhenyuan could not bear it after taking too much. That's why she felt extremely hot.

Luo Jun looked at her pain but was helpless.

After a long while, Luo Jun stepped forward and grabbed Ya Zhenyuan. Ya Zhenyuan immediately hugged Luo Jun tightly and shouted: "Hot, so hot!"

Her hand fumbled around Luo Jun.

Luo Jun never wanted to make the second mistake. He patted Ya Zhenyuan's face and said, "Wake up, wake up!"

Luo Jun thought about meat repair, but he knew Ya Zhenyuan's temperament. So he didn't mention it. Besides, now that the mana is gone, it is estimated that it can't be repaired.

Ya Zhenyuan finally had a trace of thought, she raised her head to look at Luo Jun, and she quickly saw it clearly. When she realized that she was in Luo Jun's arms, she immediately jumped out of Luo Jun's arms like an electric shock.

"What are you doing?" Ya Zhenyuan looked at Luo Jun warily.

"What can I do?" Luo Jun sighed and said: "Don't think too much, what I really want to do to you, can you resist it?"

Ya Zhenyuan shook his head and said, "Don't come near me, you are dirty!"

Luo Jun said: "Okay!"

Ya Zhenyuan then lost his eyes again.

Luo Jun took a deep breath and walked towards Ya Zhenyuan.

"What are you doing?" Ya Zhenyuan was taken aback and immediately shouted.

Luo Jun said: "I suddenly don't want to wait for death here. You can't live in this situation. I will take you out of this cave and go out. It depends on our lives."

"I won't go!" Ya Zhenyuan said, "I am here, whether it is alive or dead, it is my life. I don't want to die with you!"

Luo Jun said: "I can't help but you!"

After he finished speaking, he directly hugged Ya Zhenyuan upright.

Beyond the wasteland, the north wind whistles, and darkness covers!

Going all the way, I don't know where it is.

The cold wind made Ya Zhenyuan sober a lot, she looked at Luo Jun. Luo Jun's face was dirty, but there was determination in his eyes. Such resolute eyes are like Bai Yulin who was single-heartedly seeking Taoism back then. No regrets though death!

Ya Zhenyuan felt sad in his heart.

The beloved in her mind is noble and handsome as a god. But in the end, he was tarnished by such a small crouch in front of him. This is the eternal pain in her heart, and also the shame she can never erase!

The cold wind is like a knife!

A long way ahead!

Luo Jun didn't go long before he encountered new troubles.

He was besieged by the ten demons Rakshasa, and Luo Jun quickly solved it. But shortly afterwards, a dense crowd of monsters surrounded Rakshasa.

That is the monster Raksha like a tide!

Luo Jun held Ya Zhenyuan and looked around at the demon Rakshasa.

At this moment, Luo Jun truly felt despair.

"Is it really, this moment is coming to an end? Is it really running out of luck?"

Chuang is definitely not going out.

"Monk Linghui, if you **** don't come out, I really want to explain." Luo Jun secretly said.

However, Monk Linghui never responded.

At the same time, Ya Zhenyuan said, "You leave me now. One person may be able to break out!"

Luo Jun glanced at Ya Zhenyuan in his arms, and then said: "Probably, I am the only stain in your life. But in fact, you are also the only stain in my life. Then leave the woman to escape, knowing that there is no possibility of saving you. , I can't do it. Sorry, I'm going to die with you."

Ya Zhenyuan snorted coldly.

Luo Jun said, "By the way, who is Big Brother Bai?"

Ya Zhenyuan's expression suddenly changed, and said, "Don't mention him, you are a bastard, what right do you have to mention him!"

Luo Jun gritted his teeth and said: "What I hate the most is the word "Bianzuo". What I hate most is being forced to kneel. What I feel most powerless is that you force me to beg you. You hate me for defiled you, you Do you know how much I hated you once, and I want to crush you, but for my wife and friends, I have to let you live?"

When talking about this, Luo Jun's body trembled slightly.

Ya Zhenyuan shook her body suddenly, and she was stunned. She seemed to understand something in her heart. She had never paid attention to Luo Jun's inner world. At this moment, her mood was extremely complicated. She looked up at Luo Jun, trying to say something, but after all, she didn't say anything.

At this time, the demons opened their sharp claws and slowly approached.

The death knell has sounded...

Everything can't be taken care of.

Ya Zhenyuan would never say sorry to Luo Jun, she was so arrogant, she always raised her head proudly and never bowed her head.

But at this moment, the demons suddenly separated.

Withdraw like a tide.

Both Luo Jun and Ya Zhenyuan were ready to slaughter their necks, but the changes at this time gave Luo Jun hope. He looked towards the passage, and saw a few boss-like demons walking over there.

There are a total of six chief demons.

They soon came to Luo Jun and Ya Zhenyuan.

Luo Jun's heart sank again.

It turns out that the bosses are here, this is not a turning point and good news.

But... Just when Luo Jun felt desperate, the demon headed by him suddenly knelt down at Luo Jun and shouted: "Master!"

Luo Jun and Ya Zhenyuan were stunned at the same time. Ya Zhenyuan looked at Luo Jun strangely, and Luo Jun also looked at the demon Raksha with a dazed expression.

The cultivation base of this demon Rakshasa is already the Ninth Heaven, an absolute master.

Luo Jun said inexplicably, "Master? What master?"

This demon Raksha was also taken aback, it has evolved to be able to speak. It said: "Master, the little monk is sinful. Thanks to you, Master, you can turn your head back!"

"What?" Luo Jun seemed to be electrocuted, and then he was ecstatic.

"Damn it!" This is the real willows and flowers!

Luo Jun finally understood what was going on.

After coming to **** before, Luo Jun tried to figure out many situations in hell. Later, he wanted to find the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and also to find a new exit. When Luo Jun was okay, he caught the powerful monster to expand. He himself didn't know how many demon Rakshas had been saved.

Moreover, he only saves the cultivation base.

Because the demons with low cultivation bases are very stupid.

The demon in front of him was transformed by Luo Jun.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Luo Jun pressed his ecstasy, nodded, and said: "Very good, good!"

The demon Raksha was kneeling respectfully. The other monsters Rakshasa also looked at each other.

Luo Jun said: "By the way, what is your name?"

The demon Rakshasa said: "The little monk is called Black!"

"Black?" Luo Jun said.

"The little monk is here!"

Luo Jun said, "Are you the king here?"

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