Super Security in the City

Chapter 2133: It's not too late

Iriss suddenly got up in the room, and Luo Jun sat cross-legged on the sofa in the living room. He didn't ask Arixue what he thought. But next, Ericsson went to take a bath.

Soon, there was a splash of water in the bathroom. The bathroom in the hotel is always full of hazy beauty, and there are some pattern gaps. If you look closely, you can see clearly inside. If it were Luo Jun back then, he must have been excited at this moment and couldn't help but want to take a look. But at this moment, his heart is still like water.

At this age, after experiencing so many things, it is impossible for Luo Jun to still be a master who can't walk when seeing beautiful women.

Luo Jun listened intently, his heart was like a mirror. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Ericsson to take a bath at this time, and he was still under the eyes of a strange man.

What can you do with a bath? Can communicate with people, the sound of water can cover up the sound.

Of course, it was impossible for Ericsson to talk, because she knew that the sound of water could not stop the sound from coming out. Because she was not facing ordinary people, but Luo Jun who was like a god.

However, Arixis can send silent messages out.

All this is Luo Jun's guess.

He is not good to intervene too much.

It just so happened that Luo Jun also had some things to explain, so when Iris took a bath, he also took out his mobile phone to communicate with China. His mobile phone has a card, everything is encrypted. In addition, any possible surveillance in the room was ruled out by him.

Spend the night smoothly!

It is August and September, and Los Angeles is already very hot. The morning sun was already very strong, and Luo Jun glanced at the bedroom. Ericsson slept in the bedroom, and Luo Jun stayed in the living room.

"Get up, come and buy breakfast with me!" Luo Jun's voice accurately passed to Ericsson's ears.

Ai Ruixuesi did not sleep in bed, and got up soon. She came out in the hotel pajamas, with fluffy blonde hair, looking charming, sexy, and glamorous, with a breathtaking beauty.

Moreover, there is also a fragrance delivered.

Luo Jun ignored it. Ericsson then went to the bathroom to change his clothes, and quickly washed it out. She doesn't wear makeup anymore, and there are no dead spots under her bare makeup.

After leaving the hotel, Luo Jun asked Ericsson about his daughter's hobbies and preferences. What do you like, what do you like to eat and so on!

"She likes to drink black coffee, which is very bitter. She drinks it every morning and evening. After drinking, she will be very excited and can't sleep for a long time." Ai Ruixuesi introduced to Luo Jun.

At this time, the two had already walked on the street.

The streets of Los Angeles in the morning are bustling with traffic and bustling.

Luo Jun frowned slightly and said, "This habit is not so good."

Ai Ruixuesi smiled bitterly and said, "I persuaded her, but she is very stubborn. No one can change what she wants to do."

She paused and continued: "Fortunately, she is a cultivator with a strong physical body. Insomnia and drinking coffee can't destroy her physique."

Luo Jun said, "What else?"

Ai Ruixuesi said: "She also likes to eat eggs, fried on one side, sprinkled with tomato sauce."

Luo Jun said, "Oh, we have a kitchen in our room, and we also have eggs. After I go back, I will fry her."

Iriss then talked about some Su Jianxue's favorites, such as ice cream, tender beef short ribs and so on. I like some Western-style meals.

Compared to Chinese food, Western-style meals are healthier. However, his daughter's life is completely Western, which Luo Jun doesn't like much. But for all this, we can't blame her daughter, then Luo Jun can only respect.

After that, Ericsson also said one thing. The only aspect of her self-reliant and arrogant daughter is that she still likes dolls very much.

Luo Jun listened to this.

Later, Luo Jun went to the supermarket to buy some things, and then ran to buy an oversized doll. After doing all this, Luo Jun went home contentedly.

And Aryxuesi also followed silently on the side, like a big sister following her brother out to shop. On the way back, Erixuesi couldn’t help but said, “Although I don’t know if your words are true or false, but even if it is true, your actions seem deliberate, are you too anxious? This will also make Xiaoxue I think you have a purpose. What do you think?"

After listening to Luo Jun, he was taken aback, and then said: "We have an old saying in China, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on, and the son wants to support but the relatives are not there. This is a great sadness, but I think it is even greater sadness. Yes, my father wants to be nurtured, but I don’t have this opportunity. Indeed, I was anxious. But, did you give me time? This time I go to the Amazon jungle, are you preparing me to come back alive? I think, no matter what girl she is now Whatever you think of me, but one day, she will see everything clearly and understand everything. At that time, in her memories, she will not be completely without the love and impression of her parents."

After listening to this, Erice went silent.

Some things, you watch from the sidelines, to see the clumsy performance of the person who did it. You are snickering in your heart, but in fact, you are cowardly. And the person who tries is the true brave.

When he returned to the hotel, Su Jianxue had already gotten up. She was sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, with her long hair and bare feet so casual, and her long white shirt, she looked so charming and charming.

Luo Jun and Ai Ruixuesi knocked on the door together, and Su Jianxue came to open the door.

When Luo Jun saw Su Jianxue's appearance, he still stayed for a while.

Every time he saw his daughter, Luo Jun would be in a daze every time. He always felt that the girl in front of him was his own daughter, which was full of magic and creative power. I feel that everything is just like a dream, as if all of this is unreal.

Su Jianxue didn't have any feelings, but every time she saw Luo Jun, she looked a little complicated.

This complexity is not surprising.

Anyone who has to face such a young father will feel that it is absurd to believe in such a thing.

But, the world is full of wonders!

After that, Luo Jun worked in the kitchen.

Su Jianxue sat with Erixuesi on the sofa, and Su Jianxue held the big baby doll in her hands.

Ai Ruixuesi chatted with Su Jianxue while writing on Su Jianxue's palm with his fingers. This way of communication. Even Da Luo Jinxian could not snoop.

Iriss said, "You won't be really moved, are you?"

Su Jianxue's mouth sneered. "How can I be moved by other people's stories? When did I become such a harmless little sheep in the heart of the senior sister?"

Ai Ruixuesi smiled slightly and said, "That's good!"

After eating breakfast, Luo Jun said to Su Jianxue: "We will leave tomorrow morning."

Su Jianxue nodded and said, "Okay!"

Luo Jun said, "In a moment, how about I take you to Disneyland?"

Su Jianxue was stunned when he heard the words, then smiled bitterly, and said: "I know what you mean, but the years that have passed can not be traced back. I used to yearn for it, but I am not longing for it now."

Luo Jun's mouth turned bitterly and said, "Yes, that's right!"

Su Jianxue then smiled and said, "However, Disney also has many adult couples who go to play. Isn't it inappropriate to play at my age?"

Luo Jun said: "Of course!"

Su Jianxue said: "Then let's go. But it's not you who help me realize my dream, but I make you perfect."

"Of course!" Luo Jun said.

Iriss naturally cannot object to it.

The group of three really went to Disneyland. Luo Jun was not afraid that Erixuesi would make a ghost here. When he went to play some projects with Su Jianxue, he inflicted true energy into Erixuesi's body. As long as Iriss dared to run, he could immediately detonate his anger and kill Iriss.

On this day, Luo Jun accompanied Su Jianxue to go shopping in Chinatown, to the shopping store, to the Sea Paradise, and so on.

For Luo Jun, this is a great joy.

Su Jianxue also had a good time.

Perhaps the only unhappy person is Arixis.

This day passed quickly.

The next morning, Luo Jun made breakfast early, and then invited Su Jianxue over to eat.

Ericsson also followed.

Breakfast preferences are all based on Su Jianxue's preferences.

After breakfast, the group set off.

The private jet was ready on the rooftop of a certain building, then sprinted and lifted off.

It is difficult for a helicopter to cross the strait.

Eight hours later, the plane arrived over the jungle where Iris had reached before.

Luo Jun and others have already put on the equipment, the clothes are waterproof but breathable new camouflage uniforms. The helmet is integrated with the camouflage uniform, which can help hold your breath. The oxygen inside can be recycled for three days and three nights.

These are relatively advanced equipment today. But Luo Jun got it effortlessly.

Moreover, Luo Jun also has an advanced quantum gun in his hands, which is aimed at tyrannical creatures. Once killed, the creature can be partially burned to ashes.

With such preparation, Luo Jun entered the jungle of Amazon.

A kilometer or so ahead is the Amazon River, the second longest river in the world. In this tropical jungle, bushes are thick, humid and hot.

There are many magical legends in the Amazon River, Amazon savages, monsters, water monsters, bloodworms, etc., emerge in endlessly.

After Luo Jun and others parachuted, the private jet stopped aside. This private jet also has propellers, which can be suspended in the air. If necessary, it can also be directly converted into a double-wing jet to fly...

Luo Jun and others have electronic waterproof watches in their hands. They only need to transmit signals and the plane can fly to rescue at any time.

The jungle is dense, and Erixis is carrying all the equipment alone. Luo Jun and Su Jianxue walked lightly, but fortunately, Ai Ruixue had a deep cultivation, and they would not feel tired even if they carried their equipment. But Su Jianxue was a little embarrassed. She wanted to share the burden with Ai Ruixuesi, but Luo Jun didn't allow it!

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