Super Security in the City

Chapter 2222: Southern Xinjiang

TVXQ said: "This brother is called Luo Jun and is my friend."

"Can you trust it?" the old man asked lightly.

He never got up.

Eastern God said: "You can definitely trust it!"

Luo Jun couldn't help but smile, Dongfangshen, who is always too full to talk! What if I am a spy?

The old man opened his eyes, he sat up, and looked at TVXQ.

"Come, sit down!" the old man said.

The old man is exactly the pasqueflower that Oriental God is looking for.

Luo Jun and Dongfang Shen came to the pasque-weng, and then sat on the ground.

The palace is very warm, in sharp contrast with the cold outside.

The eyes of the pasqueflower were muddy and looked utterly shining. But Luo Jun knew that this pasqueflower was also an extremely powerful guy, and his cultivation base was unfathomable.

The masters he meets now are always moving upwards. This is also where his cultivation level has reached this level, so the people he makes friends with have also improved their ranks. If he were still a rookie, it would definitely be impossible to know Mo Xiang-forget in Yuan Ti, let alone become friends with Eastern God.

This is a wonderful causal relationship.

The Pasque Weng was able to defeat the invading souls of the Purple Star Clan, and to be able to live peacefully under the pursuit of the Purple House, he must have his own means.

At this time, the Pasque Weng was also looking at Luo Jun.

He was also surprised.

"This little brother, at a young age, can't think that his cultivation has been so good. Even I can't see the little brother clearly." The wind-headed man praised Luo Jun.

Luo Jun clasped his fists and said, "Senior praised."

The white-headed man smiled and said: "This is not an award, but to tell the truth." He went on to say: "I know Dongfang, if you have nothing to do, you won't come to me. Let's talk, what's the matter?"

Dongfang Shen hadn't spoken yet, Luo Jun first said: "Senior, has something unusual happened around me recently?"

The white-headed man was slightly startled, then his expression changed, and he said, "Why, do you have a spy over there?"

Dongfang Shen quickly said, "No, senior, we are just being careful."

The pasqueflower breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good."

Luo Jun didn't speak aside, no one knew what he was thinking about.

Dongfang Shen said with a stern face: "Senior, there is a big event that is going to happen in the Purple Mansion right now. We are here because..."

His brief future intention was clear.

After hearing the words, the white-headed Weng was also discolored. He said: "I have heard that the dream family has been looking for the universe spirit, but they really found it. This universe spirit has the wonderful effect of fusing all matter. If they get it. The cosmic primordial spirit has completely changed the genes of the Purple Star tribe. When they merge with human beings, they will be 100% successful. Moreover, they will also greatly increase their cultivation base."

Dongfang Shen couldn't help being astonished. He said, "So you know all this?"

The pulsatilla said: "I always thought this was hearsay. I'm sure if you say this!"

TVXQ looked at Luo Jun, but Luo Jun didn't speak.

Dongfang Shen believed in Luo Jun's words even more deeply. He said: "So Senior, we must now rescue the little girl Mo Yu who is carrying the universe soul. This is a very important thing."

"It depends on you? How could this be possible!" The white-headed man sighed and said, "Meng Qingchen, who can be her opponent?"

TVXQ said: "Always try hard."

The pulsatilla said: "Okay, I understand what you mean. I will try my best to change your breath and appearance."

When he said this, he sighed, and said: "If the human race should be destroyed, it is also a fate. I have tried my best. Please also the spirit of the ancestors in the sky, don't blame it!"

Dongfang Shen couldn't help but feel sad.

The current situation of Human Race is really too difficult.

The pulsatilla then took some of his hair, and boiled it with potion. After that, he condensed these potions into two pills, and distributed them to Luo Jun and Dongfang Shen.

"It's still the same." said the pasque.

Dongfang Shen nodded and swallowed the pills in his hands into his abdomen.

Luo Jun hesitated.

The white-headed man looked at Luo Jun and said lightly: "Couldn't the little brother believe me?"

Dongfang Shen also said: "Brother Luo Jun, the power of this pill belongs to the original power. It is easy to get rid of it. Don't worry about taking it!"

Luo Jun couldn't say much, nodded and swallowed.

So soon, the pill began to melt in Luo Jun's body.

This is a warm current and a source of strength. Luo Jun forced these forces into his brain.

Soon after, Luo Jun and Dongfang Shen both grew purple hair, and even their eyes turned azure blue. The appearance of the two of them has also changed slightly, and they are not at all like them.

Luo Jun felt the wonder of this power, as long as the power is not driven away, it will always be like this. But wanting to restore the original appearance is also very simple, just force this force out.

"Senior, we are going to say goodbye." Dongfang Shen then said to the pasqueflower.

The eyes of the pasque-headed man were complicated, and he said: "This way, life and death are very dangerous, so be careful."

Luo Jun suddenly said to the side: "Senior won't go with us?"

After being silent for a while, the pulsatilla said with excitement, "I am old and afraid of death."

Dongfang Shen said: "Senior has done too much for us, thank you senior! Brother Luo Jun, let's go!"

He pulled Luo Jun directly, and then quickly left the palace where the pasqueflower was.

In the next second, Luo Jun and Dongfang Shen had already arrived above Xuefeng.

"Brother Luo Jun, you shouldn't talk to Senior like that. Senior sacrificed a lot for our human race and paid more." Dongfang Shen said: "I hear you in the line, you always have doubts about Senior, right?"

Luo Jun smiled faintly and said: "I do have doubts, but whether my doubts are unnecessary, we will soon be able to reveal the answer."

"Oh, how to reveal the answer?" TVXQ was surprised.

Luo Jun said: "It's very simple, as long as we leave the scope of the southern Xinjiang mainland, if we come to kill us with the people of the Purple Mansion. Then there is a problem, if no one comes to kill us, then it is fine."

"Good!" said TVXQ.

Luo Jun laughed, and then left the southern Xinjiang continent with TVXQ. But while leaving, he quietly left something behind. This thing is... black hole spar.

Luo Jun and Dongfangshen were heading for the East Frontier mainland, their original goal was to enter the Purple Mansion to save people.

Their speed is very fast, they are swiftly moving, and they have reached the area above the eastern frontier mainland in the blink of an eye.

TVXQ laughed and said, "Brother Luo Jun, you see, we have already come. There is no problem, you are still too suspicious."

However, his words just fell silent...

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