Meng Qingchen said: "Yes!"

Yu Tian Shinichi said: "Also, I have been wondering a question. I heard that you took a master of your dream family under your command. This person is called Meng Wanshan. Although the cultivation base is not as good as you and me, it is still considered A fierce general, why didn't we see him when we were guarding the Loulan 7+ Heavenly Kingdom that day."

Meng Qingchen smiled coldly and said, "You and the woman in black have the same problems, do you know?"

"Do you have too many mouths?" Yu Tianzhen was taken aback for a moment, and then his face didn't look good.

Meng Qingchen said: "Of course not, it's too self-contained. You have always been self-sufficient. If you have a chain of order, you think you can stand upright. But the fact is that after your chain of order is destroyed, you will find that you have no idea what to do. Up."

Yu Tian Zhenyi admitted that Meng Qingchen's words were reasonable, but he still said, "What does this have to do with Meng Wanshan not appearing?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Meng Wanshan's magic weapon was destroyed by me, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. On that day, I thought about whether he would participate or not, and it would not have much effect in the battle. In fact, it was the same. Without the ability to influence the situation, if you are not impulsive and the chain of order has not been destroyed by the woman in black, we will not lose."

Yu Tian Zhenyi could not speak.

This matter really depends on him.

The battle that day was full of luck.

But it's always their bad luck.

Meng Qingchen continued: "I prepared for failure, so I asked Meng Wanshan to go to Xiao Ling's treasure house first. It is not easy to find that place, and it is erratic in the depths of the universe. I gave Meng Wanshan clues. , I hope he has found it now."

Yu Tian Shinichi said, "Where is the treasure? Is the sentence you told me true and false?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Except that the dark tide I told you is fake, the treasure is hidden in the space-time elements. Moreover, there is a puppet **** guarded by Xiao Ling in the treasure. Those who come in are destined. But Even people who are predestined can only take two treasures at most. I took the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom and the Dharma Blood Penetrating Bone Nails at the time. I didn't expect that they were all destroyed in this battle."

A look of excitement flashed in Yu Tianzhen's eyes, and said: "This time, I must choose two treasures. This group of earth is smashed, and I will break them into pieces!"

Meng Qingchen sneered and said: "We will let them know that anyone who dares to commit a crime against Planet Dunau will be punishable even if it is far away!"

"Although it is far away, it will be punishable?" Yu Tianzhen murmured. He went on to say: "Good sentence."

Meng Qingchen said, "These are some sentences that I have learned in Loulan Heaven. It seems to come from the earth."

The two people shuttled through the stars with lightning.

After hundreds of thousands of miles, Meng Qingchen and Yu Tianzhenyi stopped again.

"Meng Wanshan!" Meng Qingchen shouted to the void.

Then, the front figure flickered. After a while, Meng Wanshan came to Meng Qingchen and Yutian Zhenyi.

"See the Lord!" Facing Meng Qingchen, Meng Wanshan, dressed in blue clothes, looked extremely respectful.

"This is Dragon God Yu Tianzhenyi!" Meng Qingchen nodded faintly, and then introduced Meng Wanshan.

Meng Wanshan immediately saluted Yu Tianzhen.

Yu Tianzhenyi is not arrogant, holding a fist in return. He knew that Meng Wanshan could be regarded as a senior figure, and he didn't care about Meng Wanshan's face, but he wanted to give Meng Qingchen face.

"How's it going?" Meng Qingchen asked Meng Wanshan afterwards.

Meng Wanshan immediately said: "Go back to the Lord, the lower officials have been calculating the changes and laws of space-time particles according to your method. When the number of three to three and the number of ninety-nine appear continuously, according to the number of nine palaces and eight trigrams on the earth Enter, you can travel through the void. If the opportunity is good, you can shuttle into the treasure. But if you make a mistake, you may fall into the tide of time and space."

Meng Qingchen glanced at Meng Wanshan and said, "Are you sure?"

Meng Wanshan shuddered at the sight of Meng Qingchen. He said: "The subordinates are not sure, but the subordinates have tried their best."

Meng Qingchen sneered, and said: "Forgive you for not daring to play tricks. When you go in first, you can get in, that is your good fortune, the deity rewards you with a magic weapon. The extra one is given to the deity, if you fall in In the tides of time and space, then you will be counted as suffering."

Meng Wanshan said: "Yes, Lord!"

He really didn't engage in any conspiracy, nor did he dare to engage in any conspiracy. He deeply knew that Meng Qingchen was too smart. To engage in conspiracy and tricks in front of her is simply seeking a dead end.

But despite this, Cautious Meng Qingchen let Meng Wanshan go ahead.

Meng Wanshan can only accept it.

At this time, the ups and downs of the time-space elements were regular. Meng Qingchen broke in by accidentally hitting her, but she came out and returned to this place to study for a long time.

After so many years of research, she finally figured out a pattern. She was right. During this period of time, there would be gaps in the space-time elements, and she couldn't separate herself, so she asked Meng Wanshan to calculate the law according to the method she gave.

Now, Meng Qingchen asked Meng Wanshan to find the way first, and was also trying and making mistakes, and was testing whether the law studied by Meng Wanshan was correct.

The space-time elements in front are erratic gray particles, erratic and unpredictable.

A large area is covered with gray, and there is still a huge whirlpool inside.

Here is the black hole of time.

This is the trap of the universe!

"At this time, the space-time particles are also collapsing into the black hole. Are you sure that Xiao Ling's treasure cave can survive in it for a long time? If it really exists, the treasure cave is consuming mana every moment, Xiao Ling himself is inside, time I'm afraid it will be difficult to support it when he grows. Besides, he himself is not inside." Yu Tian Zhenyi felt very puzzled at this time.

Meng Qingchen said: "The formations on the earth are extremely mysterious. There are magic formations in the Yuhua Cave Mansion, with spar absorbing the energy of space-time particles. The Yuhua Cave Mansion moves along with the tides of time and space, and has been hovering outside the black hole. Assimilation. I have to say that this Xiao Ling is a masterful genius. The power on the earth is incomparable to our planet Danube. If Xiao Ling does come, he must deal with us. I think no matter how much power we accumulate, it will Can't match his hand."

Yu Tianzhen took a breath of cold air, this is a thing of extreme fear!

The three of them didn't wait long. Then, there was a change in the time and space elements, and it was the law Meng Wanshan said appeared. In the gray of the empty element at that time, there was a gray mist rippling like ripples, and the ripples spread out, there were faintly nine palaces, and gossip appeared.

The nine palaces, gossip, and various elements were born from the universe and flourished on the earth.

Meng Wanshan took a deep breath, broke into the gap, and instantly shuttled through time and space. In the violent rotation of the emptiness and the void, everything has surpassed the speed of light, and Meng Wanshan felt that time had become slow, slow in some places, and fast in some places.

The space-time element is like a huge vortex, and in the middle layer rotating, it is like a high-speed suspended train moving fast. In the middle, there is a silver light body. That is the Yuhua Dongfu operating in it.

Meng Wanshan just wanted to enter the Yuhua cave mansion. His body shape changed extremely fast, and he looked at Yuhua Dongfu, his body flickering.


Yuhua Cave Mansion suddenly knocked Meng Wanshan out, and Meng Wanshan immediately fell into the space-time vortex inside. At that time, the air particles rushed up frantically, wrapping, compressing, smashing...Boom...Meng Wanshan directly turned into space-time particles, completely swallowed by the space-time black hole.

Even though Meng Wanshan has the ability to reach the sky, it is still as small as ant dust in front of the black hole of time and space.

Time black holes are a hundred times more powerful than dark elemental black holes!

Time is a unique force in the universe.

"This..." As soon as Yu Tianzhen saw the fate of Meng Wanshan, he couldn't help being shocked, and at the same time he retreated. "It's too dangerous, you and I go in, and even one carelessness is broken."

Meng Qingchen sneered. She had no sense of Meng Wanshan's death, and just asked: "Are you scared?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, but I don't want to die." Yu Tian Shinichi said: "Your rules are simply wrong."

"If it's wrong, it's impossible for him to see Yuhua Dongfu!" Meng Qingchen said: "It's just that he was bad luck and didn't hit the door of Yuhua Dongfu."

Yu Tian Shinichi said: "I can't see that it's normal not to hit the door, and it's only a thousandth of luck if I hit the door."

Meng Qingchen said: "Do whatever you want. If you don't want to go in, then I will go in. This kind of pattern is rare, and if you miss the opportunity, you won't have it. If you don't go in, I will choose the two The magic weapon will not be distributed to you. Because risk and opportunity are equal. You are not willing to take risks, and of course there will be no good results."

Yu Tianzhen hesitated, but after a long while, he decided to take a risk.

How can you return empty-handed once you enter Baoshan.

"You first!" Yu Tian Shinichi said.

"Of course!" Meng Qingchen did her part, and her figure flashed into the ocean of time elements. Then, she entered the vortex and flew towards the high-speed spinning Yuhua cave.

In the next second, Meng Qingchen entered the Yuhua Cave Mansion.

Yu Tianzhen saw clearly that Meng Qingchen had succeeded, but it had not disappeared.

He gritted his teeth and followed.

Yu Tian Zhenyi's cultivation base was on Meng Wan Mountain, and his luck was also good, so he also smoothly entered the Yuhua cave.

The moment he broke in, Yu Tian Zhenyi felt that his body seemed to pass through an energy waterfall. After that, the gate of Yuhua Dongfu was closed again.

Meng Qingchen stood in front of him, pretty and smiling.

"It seems that our luck is pretty good, the sky is endless, our Danube star!" Meng Qingchen said.

Yutian Shinichi was also excited. He said, "That's right." At the same time, he looked at the Yuhua Dongfu.

In front of us is a huge palace, a gorgeous palace, and a dizzying treasure cave.

This palace is a full 3,000 square meters, and amidst the jewels, various magical implements and medicines are emerging in endlessly...

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