Super Security in the City

Chapter 2321: Yelang arrogant

After Luo Jun finished speaking, he also bowed slightly to everyone present, which was considered a return.

After all, although Luo Jun is the majesty of the blood clan, it does not mean that he is the real emperor. He and everyone are equal to some extent.

At the same time, Luo Jun's humble action also won the favor of everyone present.

Of course, humility alone cannot solve the problem.

Weak humility will make people look down even more. Only the strong and humble can make people feel valuable.

Luo Jun then greeted everyone to take their seats.

From beginning to end, the master Luka remained motionless.

In the audience, a guest spoke first and said: "For a long time, we have known that the bloodline is mostly British and American. May I ask your majesty, which country are you from?"

This is what everyone is most curious about at the moment.

Luo Jun looked at the guest, he smiled slightly and said: "I am from the East China, a Chinese native."

"The kinship has always been a long-standing existence in the West. We really did not expect that the sire of the kinship was actually a yellow race." Another guest said.

Luo Jun smiled faintly. He said: "Priests, maybe you have misunderstood the blood race. Yes, the blood race has always been a race with a long history in the West. Although I am a Chinese, the blood in my body is the blood of the blood race. The blood of our blood is unique, and my blood is bestowed by the ancestors of the blood."

"The ancestor of the blood family?" Although the little princess Betis had a good impression of Luo Jun, she still couldn't help saying at this moment: "The ancestor of the blood family should be more than a thousand years old, how did she give her to her? Noble blood? Your majesty is not going to tell me, that is given to you in a dream, right?"

Luo Jun looked at the little princess, he smiled, and said: "It's not unusual to live more than a thousand years old. The average life span of our blood people is 300 years. The life span of our ancestors, let alone say more. "

Betis said, "I don't believe it, your Majesty, do you have any evidence?"

Luo Jun said: "His Royal Highness, I have no evidence. Moreover, today's dinner is not to discuss my legitimacy. My legitimacy has nothing to do with the VIPs present. As long as all members of the blood family approve it. My legitimacy, then there is no problem."

He paused, smiled slightly at the songwriter Oconding, and said, "Prince Oconding, do I make sense?"

Okandin immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, you are the only majesty of our clan, and the brilliance and glory of your subordinates. Your subordinates will always follow you and be loyal to you!"

Bai Xue and others immediately got up and said, "Your subordinates will always follow your Majesty and be loyal to your Majesty."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Sit down, everyone."

Bai Xue and other talents are seated again.

"I don't know what your Majesty's purpose is to host the dinner today?" Another guest asked.

Luo Jun said: "I have long admired all the distinguished guests here, and I finally have an unprecedented trip to London today. So I wanted to get close to everyone. At the same time, I also heard that Prince Okandin had trouble with our Mr. Luca. It was a little unpleasant. So I wanted to get together. If there is any misunderstanding, we will make it clear at this banquet."

After Luo Jun said these words, Naruka still said nothing.

He looked really arrogant.

Compared to Luo Jun's humility, Luca's style is indeed unpleasant. But everyone present was absolutely daring to speak up with Luca.

Even Bai Xue and others were also angry.

Bai Xue slapped the table and suddenly pointed angrily at Master Naruka: "Luca, our majesty has expressed kindness to you over and over again. Are you deaf? Do you really think that our blood is afraid of you?"

Luca finally looked up. There was a chill in his eyes.

"Little girl, can you say it again?" Lucasson said coldly. The threat of this is already obvious.

If Bai Xue dared to say it again, this descending technique master would make a move.

Bai Xue was about to speak...

The hearts of the guests at the scene mentioned in their throats, and they all regretted this beautiful girl, and also regretted the majesty Luo Jun. Although this majesty is personable, elegant and polite, these demeanors cannot be the power to subdue Master Luca after all!

"Bai Xue!" Luo Jun spoke first. "The VIP is present, don't be rude, you know?"

"Your Majesty, I..."

"Shut up!" Luo Jun said sharply.

Bai Xue had no choice but to say: "Yes!"

The VIPs present, including that Jenny, Betis were all disappointed. This Bai Xue was holding the injustice for him. But Luo Jun can only suppress his family, obviously he is afraid of Master Luca. What an embroidered pillow, it's a big deal!

So, what does he organize this banquet for?

Insult yourself?

Still want to beg Luca for mercy?

This is something that everyone does not understand.

Some VIPs have already wanted to leave, feeling that such a banquet is really boring.

At this time, Luo Jun smiled slightly and scanned the crowd. Then, his eyes fell on Luca.

"Mr. Luca, I have heard of your name. I admire you very much in my heart, but this meeting, you really let me down." Luo Jun said with a smile.

When everyone heard the words, their eyes suddenly brightened.

They originally thought Luo Jun was a soft guy.

Unexpectedly, Luo Jun's words are not soft at this time!

The chill in Luka's eyes was even worse, he also looked at Luo Jun and said, "Really?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes."

Then, Luo Jun stood up and said: "I was born in China, and the culture of China has a long history. Our Taoist culture is even more profound, and it is difficult to penetrate one or two of them in my life. I have seen the stars and the sea. , I have seen the vastness of the universe, so I understand my own insignificance. In fact, in this universe, we are all very small and very small. Therefore, I dare not be arrogant."

Speaking of this, Luo Jun said: "We humans are actually ridiculous. Some of them know that they are ignorant, so they are in awe. There is a category of people that is even more ridiculous. This category of people thinks that they know everything. Actually, he doesn’t know anything. Mr. Luca, you don’t have to doubt it, because I’m talking about you. I really didn’t expect that, with your little skill, you would dare to be so arrogant in front of me. All this It all stems from your ignorance, do you know?"

Luo Jun's words became more fierce the later. Actually, it didn't give Master Luca any face.

Anger flashed in Luka's eyes, and he suddenly got up and looked at Luo Jun: "You said, I have no abilities?"

"Yes!" Luo Jun said.

Luca said again: "You said I was ignorant?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes!"

The threat in Luka's mouth was so heavy that everyone present felt suffocated.

However, in the face of Luca's coercion, Luo Jun strolled leisurely, not paying attention to it.

Betis, Jenny and other women began to admire Luo Jun's courage. But they are even more worried that such a handsome man with infinite courage will suffer bad luck.

They have known Luca's name for a long time.

Luca nodded at this time, and then he said to Luo Jun: "You...kneel down."

When he fell silent, he flipped his palm.

I saw that his palm suddenly turned black, and there was a spirit of evil in the center of the black palm. This evil spirit flew out with lightning, and immediately attacked Luo Jun's chest and abdomen.

"Yin Sha insect, it really is witchcraft! It's just under the guise of head drop technique!" Luo Jun sneered.

At this moment, Luo Jun neither avoided nor avoided. Let the evil spirits penetrate into the body. These evil spirits entered Luo Jun's body and immediately turned into small insects. Countless small insects crawled and bitten inside Luo Jun's body.

This kind of pain is unbearable for human beings.

Luca breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. Before, he thought Luo Jun was arrogant, but he was really afraid of what he could do. Now it seems, but so!

But at this moment, Luca's face quickly changed.

He saw no pain on Luo Jun's face. His face is as usual!

At this moment, the mana in Luo Jun's body rushed, directly grabbing all the Yin Sha worms together.

As soon as Luo Jun used his mana, he forced all the evil evil worms into evil evil energy, and then drained out of the pores of his palm.

"No!" Betis half-covered her eyes.

She was really afraid that Luo Jun would kneel down. She had heard of Luca's ability, Luca's ability to become gold, and whoever is allowed to die will die. Let anyone kneel down. She could not accept that a man like Luo Jun would kneel to someone like Luka.

Luo Jun looked at Luca: "You are afraid that you are crazy, let me kneel to you?"

Luo Jun followed with a sneer, and he sat back on the chair.

"Luca, I heard that your head-down technique is very powerful." Luo Jun continued: "I am sitting here today and I will give you five minutes. If you can make me stand up or fall down, then In the face of all the people, our blood family will confess to you from then on. All the blood family’s inheritance and property will be given to you. If you can’t, then you will kowtow to me three times in front of the people, and then, From then on, get out of London and no longer come in. How?"

There was a sudden uproar in the audience.

The tone of the blood emperor is so big!

Dare to place such a bet.

"But your Majesty..." Betis said: "What if he stabs you directly with a dagger? Then your Majesty, don't you just lose?"

This is absolute!

Everyone secretly said: "Yes, this young majesty, is he dizzy?"

Okandin was also a little frightened on the side, after all, Luo Jun said that the bet was too big.

Luo Jun immediately smiled at Betis and said: "He can bomb me with a cannon, as long as he can let me fall down or stand up. He will win! Of course, he can kill me, then He won."

Luka's eyes burst into light: "What you say, can you be the master, and you can be the real?"

Luo Jun said to Bai Xue and Wall Rhein next to him: "My words, have you become the lord of the blood clan?"

Bai Xue said: "Naturally do it, we can sign an agreement with Mr. Luca on the spot!"

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