Super Security in the City

Chapter 2334: Back then

Fu Zhichen and the group are also used to seeing masters. If four years ago, I had not experienced the almost extinct disaster. The Emperor Demon in front of him really didn't have the capital to come and arrogant. But at this moment, facing a master like Taihuang Mozun, Fu Zhichen and others can really only lower their bodies.

Fu Zhichen sat on the throne. He clasped his fists and said, "This senior, I don't know why he came so rashly?" Although they were frightened by the breath of the Emperor Demon Venerable, Fu Zhichen, the master of a family, did not It may be low.

Taihuang Mozun looked at Fu Zhichen, and he also knew that this Yuqing Gate was a chess piece left by the fairy world on the earth.

He has no affection for the immortals in the fairy world, Tianjun.

However, he will not deal with Yuqingmen for no reason. This is not in his interest. Even if he wants revenge in the future, at least he has to wait until the power of the world is completely restored.

The Emperor Demon Expelled the power of the world, and his original power of the world has been shut down. It is not so easy for him to have the power of the world again. To possess the power of the world requires great luck and inspiration.

Moreover, it is basically impossible to have the same world power the second time.

Never in history.

The Emperor Demon Lord did not speak, but was thinking.

Fu Zhichen couldn't help but said, "Senior?"

Supreme Emperor Demon Venerable’s divine mind has already shot Yuqing World up and down, and then he said: “You don’t need to be nervous, the deity is here and there is no malice. Just want to inquire about something.”

Fu Zhichen said, "What do you want to ask about?"

Tai Huang Mozun said: "As far as the deity knows, Yuqing World has Hunyuan Taiji Diagrams. Masters are not allowed to possess the power of the world on earth. Back then, the immortal world suppressed our Demon Lord, Mozun, but signed an agreement with the earth. On the Yuqing world side, because it is a subordinate of the fairy world, he gave Hunyuan Taiji Tu in a special way, and the emperor of the universe acquiesced. You have the power of the world. On this earth, besides Yuanjue, almost no one can Defeated you. But the deity came today, only to find that you are no longer covered by Hunyuan Taiji Tu. What is going on?"

The faces of Fu Zhichen and others were hard to look at.

This is the pain in their hearts!

"What's the matter? Inconvenient to say?" the Emperor Demon Lord asked.

Elder Wuyun said solemnly: "Senior is here, I don't know why senior is suddenly interested in our Yuqing world?"

The Emperor Demon said: "The deity is just curious." Of course he can't tell the truth. How many vicissitudes of life this guy has gone through, how can he not point the city.

Elder Wuyun said: "This is our family affair."

Taihuang Mozun's eyes were cold, and said, "This deity has been very polite in recent days. The things that the immortal world did to this deity, even if the deity dismantled Yuqingmen, it is not too much. Although you have the support of the heavenly monarch behind you, They can't come over now. The deity advises you that it is better to know the current affairs and not to realize yourself. If you answer truthfully, the deity turns around and leaves."

"You..." The elders and deputy head teachers suddenly became angry.

These individuals are all lofty and instigated all year round. Now being so threatened by others, they can stand the anger there.

It was Fu Zhichen, he was the most composure. What he represents is the entire Yuqing Gate.

Fu Zhichen immediately shouted: "Don't say anything."

In fact, everyone was a little bit confused. Now that Fu Zhichen spoke, they were so happy that they went down to the donkey, so they stopped talking angrily.

The meaning is obvious, Lao Tzu is not afraid of you, but the head of the supreme has spoken, just to give the supreme face.

Taihuang Mozun also didn't bother to care about these ants.

Fu Zhichen said: "In that case, senior, let's take a step to speak."

The Emperor Demon said: "Also!"

Afterwards, Fu Zhichen led the Emperor Demon Venerable to talk in a separate attic.

The Emperor Demon said: "Now, can I say it?"

Fu Zhichen said in a deep voice, "Senior shouldn't be purely curious, right?"

The Emperor Demon said: "That is the matter of the deity."

Fu Zhichen said: "Although Senior can kill me at will now, if Senior doesn't tell the reason, Junior will not tell Senior."

"You are not brave!" Taihuang Demon Zun's eyes were chilly.

Fu Zhichen said: "Yuqingmen...has the dignity of Yuqingmen."

Killing thought moved in the heart of Taihuang Mozun.

In fact, this matter is not difficult. The situation can also be inquired in some places outside. After all, it was too much trouble back then. But the Emperor Demon Venerable has not been in this world for too long, so he just ran here to ask.

What the Emperor Demon Sovereign was thinking at this time was to wash the blood up and down the Yuqing Sect, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed a bit **** bad. In order to do such a thing, it is not worthwhile to forge such a beam with the fairy world again.

Fu Zhichen was also very nervous.

But he was also a little sure, he bet that the Emperor Demon Venerable would not kill him.

"Okay!" After much consideration, the Emperor Demon Sovereign said in a deep voice: "The deity will tell you. The reason why he is interested in this matter is because the deity is currently interested in..."

He thought about it, and then remembered, Chen Yihan once said that his eldest brother was Luo Jun.

"This deity is currently somewhat interested in Luo Jun. I heard that this person was not very happy with your Yuqing World at the beginning." said the Emperor Demon Venerable.

Fu Zhichen said: "That's it."

The Emperor Demon said: "Then now, can you speak?"

Fu Zhichen said: "It's okay to say, can the junior say something more? Is the senior going to deal with Luo Jun?"

The Emperor Demon said: "I have this plan."

Fu Zhichen said, "Luo Jun is not that powerful. However, his identity is not simple."

"Oh, is it?" said the Emperor Demon: "Why is it not easy?"

Fu Zhichen said: "He is the King of Destiny in the great world."

The Emperor Demon said: "What King of Destiny?"

Fu Zhichen immediately explained the destiny, the king of destiny, and the killing of heaven and earth to the Emperor Demon Lord.

The Emperor Demon said: "It seems that the deity has been trapped for too long, and many things have been out of touch with this reality. But the destiny, the king of destiny, the deity also sees thoroughly. It is nothing more than better luck, to kill. I have to die."

"Yes!" Fu Zhichen said, "It is true. The strength of the seniors, except Yuanjue, no one is your opponent on the earth."

The Emperor Demon said: "You haven't said yet, what happened."

Fu Zhichen told the original events of the year.

"The reason why Luo Jun and Situ Ling'er won back then was not their ability. It was not just the ability of those friends. They spent a river of pure Yang and the pictures of the fairy mountain and rivers of the goddess Nuwa. Lost our Hunyuan Taiji Tu. Now, they can no longer have such strength." Fu Zhichen said to the Emperor Demon.

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