Super Security in the City

Chapter 2359: teach

Lan Ziyi was stunned when he heard Xuan Zhenghao say that he regrown a flesh body with a pair of hearts.

"How is this possible?" Lan Ziyi said incredulously, "Although contemporary technology has cloning technology, there has not been a real human cloning. Especially, it is almost impossible to clone a powerful and complex person like you. Impossible. Cloning is a process of regrowth, but your mana is not lost!"

Xuan Zhenghao said indifferently: "This is not something that can be created by cloning. All this I have done is not a clone. I am not a clone." He thought for a moment and said, "Willpower and belief are very strange things. When a hundred people are in a cold zone, ninety-seven people may freeze to death. The remaining three people have strong beliefs. They will survive and even begin to adapt to the cold. This is belief and evolution. There is such a myth and legend. Before ancient times, all creatures were the same species. Some creatures longed to leave the sea, so they degenerated their fins, regenerated their respiratory system, and came to land. Some creatures longed for the sky, so they grew wings."

Lan Ziyi said: "Amphibians are not legends, evolution is even more visible."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Evolution is a long process, but belief can accelerate evolution. No matter how strong the belief of ordinary people, it is pure willpower. But we are different. Later, I realized a truth."

"Oh, what's the point?" Lan Ziyi was very interested.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The power of the physical body is tangible. Whether it is a human or an elephant, their power has its limits. But the power of belief is invisible and unlimited. A weak body, a person with firm belief can change his own destiny. It can change the destiny of the people around you, and the destiny between heaven and earth. The mind and will, ordinary people are weak, normal, tough, and super tough. When it comes to the gods, the mind and will can not move like a mountain, meaning like stars, and heaven is me!

Lan Ziyi was stunned.

A shocking color flashed in her eyes. She had cultivated for many years, but at this moment, Xuan Zhenghao gave her new enlightenment.

The man in front of him seemed to be no longer human.

Xuan Zhenghao’s eyes were shining, and he said: “From an ordinary human, wounds can heal themselves. But a broken arm cannot grow. From the perspective of a monk, a broken hand can grow. . But if you turn your head off, you have to die. The eyes are dug out, and they can grow back, but if they consume more energy than their own, they will not be able to supply growth. And I, without the head and body, can rely on faith and will to transform the body Re-growth. Ideas and beliefs have reached the point where they communicate in the void. At that time, the divine will is my will! Therefore, I tame their spatial will, there is no big problem!"

After Xuan Zhenghao finished speaking, Lan Ziyi was unable to speak for a long time.

After a long while, Lan Ziyi said: "Emperor, from this moment on, I probably need to look up to you forever. Your reasoning is a theory in my opinion, but you did it. Great!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "Miss Lan, you're overwhelmed."

Lan Ziyi said with a serious face: "This is not an exaggeration."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "Then, Miss Lan, do you have any other doubts?"

Lan Ziyi said, "No more."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Well, I'll save your soul for Miss Lan!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Okay, you are super, I will let them cross again with the bridge of Naihe."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "This is foolproof."

After that, Xuan Zhenghao used the Great Transcendence Technique to supersed all the three souls. These three souls are not simple and powerful.

However, after the Grand Transcendence Surgery, he was washed again by Lan Ziyi with the Bridge of Naihe. After that, these three souls became extremely pure and extremely powerful soul power.

Lan Ziyi absorbed it all, and after she had absorbed it, her soul power had more than doubled.

This powerful force made Lan Ziyi feel a little uneasy, and felt that it was so plundered, and it seemed that there was a heavy cause and effect behind.

"This plunder, although extremely fast, is not the right way!" Lan Ziyi couldn't help expressing her concern.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Lady Lan, I understand how you feel. This is a large amount of wealth, but the source is unknown. Although we have cleaned up this wealth, it will eventually be a hidden danger. You want to eliminate this hidden danger. , Still need more karma."

Lan Ziyi said: "Yes!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Life is full of adventures."

In the Great Thousand World, Shen Mo Nong did not find any information about Vermilion Star.

Luo Jun practiced the great reincarnation technique for a day.

The great reincarnation technique is a magical existence in the Three Thousand Great Dao, and it is the top-ranked technique. However, the power of the Three Thousand Dao has always been the power of the original power.

Such as blue and purple clothes, already possesses massive power of reincarnation. Therefore, her great reincarnation technique is boundless.

And Luo Jun, the power of reincarnation is poor, so he can't display much power.

However, after Luo Jun possessed the Great Reincarnation Technique, the massive souls he possessed were integrated into the Tao of Reincarnation, which allowed those soul powers to be sublimated and become more pure.

In the black hole spar, one has a more thorough understanding of the law of reincarnation. Therefore, once it is used, the power will become more profound.

It's hard to say when you meet a high-level player, Luo Jun can have an absolute advantage when you meet someone at the same level.

Luo Jun took advantage of the time and went to Shennong World again.

Black Suzhen has not left yet, Luo Jun told Black Suzhen about the treasure in the tomb of God. He hoped that Suzhen in black could take time to retrieve the treasure.

Black Suzhen also agreed to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun naturally asked Suzhen Hei about Suzaku Star, but Suzhen Hei could not answer either.

Luo Jun had no choice but to visit Ling'er again. After that, the three-day period almost came.

Therefore, Luo Jun returned to Tianzhou again.

Inside the Bridge of One Yuan, Luo Jun met Lan Ziyi and Xuan Zhenghao.

"The position of Vermilion Star, the emperor and I have already found out." Lan Ziyi said directly after seeing Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was still a little frustrated, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "Really?"

Lan Ziyi smiled slightly and said, "I can still make this joke with you." At the same time, she said, "Thanks to the emperor this time!"

Luo Jun immediately said to Xuan Zhenghao: "Thank you, the emperor!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "Sit down!"

So the three of them sat cross-legged.

Lan Ziyi told Luo Jun to find the cause and effect of Vermilion Star. Luo Jun couldn't help but patted his head, and said: "I'm so stupid, I forgot to find the Suzaku star, you can find the answer from the Suzaku monster in the doomsday cemetery, the beast."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "People always have a hundred secrets!"

Luo Jun said: "Since I already know the Star of Vermilion, then..."

He is anxious to leave.

He was really worried about Qiao Ning's safety.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Wait a minute!"

Luo Jun couldn't help looking at Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Going to Vermilion Star is far away from the earth. In other words, you will all lose the protection of the heavenly way. I don't need to say more about how dangerous this is. Therefore, I want to prepare for you."

Luo Jun couldn't help being very grateful, and said: "The emperor, your great kindness..."

Xuan Zhenghao waved his hand and said: "We are all alive, this is the best. Because in the future, there are still many things we need to do together."

Luo Jun nodded heavily.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I went to the Doomsday Cemetery this time, and realized the very mysterious space principles. But I said that it is difficult to understand Miss Lan with Miss Lan. Luo Jun, you have a high talent for the law of battle. So, this I will pass on the magical method of space theory. Maybe it can save you when you are in crisis!"

Luo Jun gave a dry cough and said, "I may not be smarter than the blue and purple clothes!"

Lan Ziyi smiled and said, "Luo Jun, you don't need to be humble. I am better than you now, but it is only because of my age. Your progress and talent are obvious to all."

Luo Jun gave a dry laugh, not knowing what to say.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't say much any more, he said to Luo Jun: "You close your eyes with me."

Luo Jun immediately closed his eyes.

Xuan Zhenghao also closed his eyes. Lan Ziyi glanced at the two of them, she thought about it, and closed her eyes.

Afterwards, Xuan Zhenghao opened his mouth and exhaled a spit of colorful spirit!

This essence was like a cloud of smoke at first, but in an instant, it diffused and soon enveloped all within a radius of ten miles.

Within these ten miles, the mist was so thick that it almost dripped water.

Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi felt that the surrounding mist was heavy and moist. At the same time, Luo Jun also felt two words, vast!

The foggy space around is vast and vast, boundless, infinite, magnificent and terrifying!

Moreover, in space, there are many space molecules, time molecules, wonderful combinations of various space molecules, and wonderful combinations of time molecules.

The level of complexity is something Luo Jun has never seen or felt before.

Xuan Zhenghao also spoke at this time. He said: "The old saying goes, read thousands of books, and travel thousands of miles! I have read the magic books all over and know everything on the earth. Later, in the boat of one yuan, I understand everything in the universe. But... I have read thousands of books, but have not traveled thousands of miles. Therefore, this time, the trip to the doomsday cemetery gave me a great experience. This space formation is mysterious and gave me great hints. The realm is really so supreme , Is it unbreakable? Ordinary people face masters, masters have a thousand pounds of power, which is difficult for ordinary people to deal with. However, if you divide this thousand catties into one hundred parts? The space mysterious formation allows you to face ten equals. Master level, you trap them all in the space world, and defeat them one by one."

"Every master at the same level, even those who are higher than you, have unique insights into space and time. If you want to trap them in space, then you have to understand the mystery of space better than them!"

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