Super Security in the City

Chapter 2378: Magic weapon

Luo Jun knew very well that even if they didn't come, the Pearl Nation would be dead sooner or later. Therefore, he has no guilt.

However, tomorrow and the accident, which one will come first, is something that nobody knows.

Shi Gexi, the king of the Pearl Kingdom, was suffering at the moment, but even if it was suffering, he quickly arranged the task. At this point, he had no choice but to preserve the blood of the Pearl Nation as much as possible. Moreover, in order to be worthy of all the people of Pearl Nation, he decided to stay.

Anyone can leave, but he, the king, wants to stay with the remaining subjects waiting to die.

High-tech talents, etc., must be protected. Because they are the future of the Pearl Nation!

The old and the weak are not considered, this is not selfish, but a kind of greatness.

However, at this moment, flashes began to appear in the sky.

Over the Pearl Nation, a jet-black spaceship appeared.

To be precise, it is not a ship, but an existence similar to an iron egg. The iron egg is oval in shape, with a large area, like a huge iron mountain.

A huge amount of heat was emitted from the dark iron egg, and the heat wave rolled. Then, on the top floor of the Pearl Nation, the light began to flicker!

Then, a group of people came to the top floor through the portal.

Shi Gexi got the news immediately and came forward quickly. Luo Jun and others also followed to the top level.

On the top floor, there is a suspended bridge, which is brilliant and spectacular.

A total of more than ten people came on the floating bridge.

Luo Jun, Lan Ziyi, Qiao Ning, and Mingyue Xianzun all stood behind Shi Gexi.

Luo Jun and the others fired with their minds and immediately discovered that the iron egg was not a magic weapon. It is a high-tech product!

Also, the teleportation just now was not composed of mana. It is also a void teleportation achieved by high technology!

"Very high technology, so they are not Zerg people!" Luo Jun quickly came to a conclusion.

Someone once said that the end of technology is theology.

What can be done in magic, when the technology reaches a certain level, it should be done too.

Luo Jun once had this idea, but now, this idea has been confirmed by these people in front of him.

Among the ten people, it seemed that the head was a young man in a black armor. The face of this man was hidden in the armor, and he couldn't really see it. But there is a divine light in his eyes, which makes people feel that he is unfathomable.

All of these people wore armors, but only the young man headed was black armor. The rest are white armors.

All the people in this group are weird. The weird thing is that those armors seem to cover everything up, making Luo Jun and the others look at them.

At this time, the masks of two of the men in white armor shrank automatically, revealing their faces.

These are two pearl men!

When Shi Gexi saw these two pearl men, he was suddenly excited and tears filled his eyes.

"Lacy, Bolai!" Shi Gexi burst into tears instantly. Even though it had been twenty years, he recognized these two people at a glance.

At the beginning, Shi Gexi sent a hundred people on a ship to find rescuers.

Twenty years later, all the teenagers of that year have experienced vicissitudes of life.

And Shi Gexi is even more old.

"King!" Lacey and Bolai knelt down immediately when they saw Shi Gexi.

Both sides are full of tears!

Among them, there are too many difficulties and difficulties.

Shi Gexi defended the city for twenty years, and he suffered too many grievances. And God knows how many dangers Lacey and Bolet have experienced in finding rescue soldiers in the universe.

Afterwards, Lacey immediately said to Shi Gexi: "My lord, we have brought the rescuers. I introduce to you, this is the third majesty of the Tianhe Kingdom, and he personally led the team to rescue us. Moreover, there will be something later. There is a Zhouwang-class ship coming, and it may take about three years. At that time, we will all be able to leave here and take a rest on the intact planet arranged for us by His Highness Three!"

Shi Gexi immediately came to the front of the three His Royal Highnesses. He bowed deeply and said: "The servants are deeply impressed by the great virtues of His Highness and the Kingdom of Tianhe. I hope that you will be loyal to the Kingdom of Tianhe for generations to come!"

Although, the Kingdom of Tianhe God once attacked the Kingdom of Pearl. And made the Pearl Nation pay a heavy price.

But now that thousands of years have passed, the grudges and grievances of the older generation have long since disappeared. Tianhe Divine Kingdom also changed its leader, so their thinking has also changed. The Tianhe Kingdom conquered the universe in those days, but now the Tianhe Kingdom is kind.

His Royal Highness gave people a cold feeling.

He glanced at Shi Gexi, then took a deep breath, and said: "This temple has come across the universe and hyperspace for three years, for the safety of the people of the Pearl Nation. Are you loyal to the Tianhe Kingdom? It doesn't matter. We come with kindness!"

"Thanks to the Kingdom of God, thank you, Your Highness!" Shi Gexi was grateful and snorted.

Later, Shi Gexi asked again: "I don't know how many reinforcements did your Highness bring over this time?"

"Just us!" said His Highness.

"Huh?" Shi Gexi was suddenly disappointed.

The subordinates next to the Three Highnesses said, "Why, do you think we can't help you?" Shi Gexi said, "This...I don't know how to describe this specific situation."

"Let me do it!" Lan Ziyi walked out.

Those three His Royal Highnesses and others spoke the language of the Pearl Kingdom, which they learned specifically for communication.

Lan Ziyi also speaks the language of the Pearl Country.

"You are not a citizen of the Pearl Nation?" Lacey said in surprise immediately after seeing the blue and purple clothes.

Shi Gexi hurriedly said, "Lacey, don't be rude. This girl is our supreme guest, and they have great abilities."

Lacey was a little suspicious, but still apologized to Lan Ziyi.

Lan Ziyi didn't care about it, she looked at the three Highnesses, and then said: "Your Highness, do you know that the enemies of the Pearl Nation are not just the iron insects?"

The Third Highness said in a deep voice: "This hall knows that there are also nobles in the Zerg race. This planet was originally called Suzaku Star, and Suzaku once inhabited again. They are powerful existences!"

Lan Ziyi nodded and said, "That's good. Since you know the key to this, I don't need to say anything else."

His Royal Highness stared at Lan Ziyi closely, and then said: "You are very powerful, I feel your power."

His eyes swept across Mingyue Xianzun, and Qiao Ning, and finally fell on Luo Jun.

"You are also very strong!" He said to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun also stood out from the crowd. He was not arrogant. He clasped his fist and said, "His Royal Highness, we are from a distant planet. We are here to find the blood pearl. Seeing that the pearl country is difficult, he also helps. "

"Distant planet? How far away is it?" His Highness seemed very interested in Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was startled slightly, but he didn't want to expose his hometown. I don't want to bring unnecessary trouble to my hometown!

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