Super Security in the City

Chapter 2396: Perfect fusion

Luo Jun's body began to gradually return to calm.

However, his head still couldn't calm down, it was messy. Because there is too much information in that head. Luo Jun merged all the memories of Linghui, as well as the consciousness of the eternal spar. The consciousness in the eternal spar, most of its memories are time, the passage of years, and the unspeakable loneliness, the loneliness deep into the bones.

It has been in the wormhole for nearly a million years, the kind of loneliness that outsiders dare not imagine.

Also, Luo Jun's understanding of wormholes has become even more profound.

Through the wormhole, reasoning about the universe and so on.

Luo Jun's cosmic principles can be used more freely. Although, these supreme principles are still just a drop in the ocean and the tip of an iceberg for the entire universe. But for other humans and creatures, Luo Jun is already an absolute master level.

In Luo Jun's brain, there is too much information to process. This is not something that can be dealt with in a few days. Just the knowledge points left by Linghui, Luo Jun will not be able to understand even after three years. Therefore, he could only store all the memories of Linghui in one corner of his brain. He needs to read slowly, just like there is a library in front of him. He needs to read slowly and digest all the memories slowly.

Although at this moment, Luo Jun is still in a lethargic process. But Luo Jun's head has already started to work and work.

Soon, Luo Jun's body completely digested the eternal spar.

The seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley, as well as the eternal spar, all blend together perfectly.

Luo Jun's body also began to change, and the violent energy inside became calm. His internal organs grew back, and his skin began to become crystal clear. Just like the skin of a newborn, it is soft and tender with a baby fragrance.

Luo Jun's whole person is truly reborn.

Before the bed, Qiao Ning kept looking at Luo Jun. She saw the changes in Luo Jun's body, and this change was obviously going in a good direction.

After a long time.

Luo Jun sat up again, he looked at his hands with some doubts.

"What's wrong, Luo Jun?" Qiao Ning asked quickly.

Luo Jun first touched his head, his hair is not long. He then looked at Qiao Ning and said, "The body has undergone a lot of changes, and I am not used to it yet."

Qiao Ning said: "It seems to be developing in a good direction."

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Yes. But it is difficult for me to describe to you. I have seen Moro before and saw my elder brother. They are not only okay, but they will be more evolved."

Qiao Ning said, "So?"

Luo Jun closed his eyes again.

He can feel the changes in the cells, and each cell contains the genes for the Black Yellow God Valley Seed and Eternal Spar. There are billions of cells in his body, all of which can be gathered together.

"Yes, only the cells in the brain of ordinary masters can gather spiritual power and mana. But now, the cells in my body can hold mana... Ordinary masters can cultivate the brain, and I can cultivate the whole body. And, every cell. All have terrifying growth power. This eternal spar has become a cell, and there is a wonderful material connection between the cells..."

Luo Jun feels that his body is strange. When ordinary people think, they can clearly feel that it is thinking in the head. Luo Jun felt that he was thinking all over his body, or he could become thinking with his feet. It can also become a hand thinking.

At this time, Luo Jun stretched out his hand. His palm is soft and white, and when his hand moves, this hand begins to grow. Ten fingers grew soon, and there were still eyes in the palm.

Luo Jun then ejected his left hand, and sharp nails quickly grew on his left hand. He chopped slightly, and immediately chopped off his right hand.

Qiao Ning screamed, but soon discovered that although Luo Jun's palm was broken. But there was no blood at all at the place where he severed his hand. Instead, he was growing rapidly...After a short while, novices grew.

And the severed hand that was cut off is also starting to grow...

Soon, that severed hand grew a body, a head, and then became another Luo Jun.

A Luo Jun wearing nothing.

"My God!" Qiao Ning was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

The power of cells grows wildly.

Moreover, Luo Jun knew that if he was blown into fragments, these fragments would automatically condense and grow again.

This situation is so strange that it is a bit like the situation of Suzhen in black.

The difference is that Suzhen in Black does not have a physical body and is condensed by thoughts. Although Suzhen in black does not have a physical body, her thoughts have already materialized, which means she has a physical body.

Although Luo Jun is a flesh body, his flesh body cells are equivalent to thoughts.

Even if it is cut into thousands of pieces, the connection between the eternal spar itself will restore the whole body. The regenerative power of those cells is unimaginable for ordinary people.

More importantly, Luo Jun used to rely on brain cells to absorb mana and store mana. Now Luo Jun is relying on his whole body!

Compared with the cells in the whole body, the cells in the brain are still much less.

Now Luo Jun's mana reserves can be directly increased by more than twice.

In other words, before, only ten swords could be used, but now thirty swords can be used. The power of a sword going out did not increase, just as fast as the hour. The speed is two hundred yards per hour, but before it could only run 800 kilometers, now it can run 2,400 kilometers.

This also means that it will be more difficult for Luo Jun to cultivate and improve his realm in the future.

There are advantages and disadvantages!

"Before, I always felt that Linghui was immortal, Moro was immortal, and my eldest brother was immortal. But now, I find that there is a big problem in this." Luo Jun then thought of another question.

This is like a worker who saw the boss before and felt that the boss was very comfortable. I didn't know the problem until I became the boss.

Although the body can be resurrected by being shattered, the internal organs can pass through the spar, and the cells can quickly regenerate.

But if someone takes away his own body fragments, seal it up. That is also a very headache.

At the beginning, if someone wanted to kill Linghui, he would directly remove his body and walk in all directions, everywhere in the universe. Then, Linghui's strength will be greatly reduced.

The flesh can grow again, but the cells of origin are irreversible. You can't come back if you lose. That thing cannot be regenerated indefinitely.

Therefore, there is no real immortality. When Chen Tianya's energy runs out, he will die.

When the life source of Lan Ziyi burns out, Lan Ziyi will also die.

If Luo Jun is bombarded into fragments, the fragments are taken away by people, divided into a hundred directions, and then sealed and hidden in the universe. Then, Luo Jun will be choking. However, those pieces of Luo Jun will continue to grow and become another Luo Jun. However, the power will be much weaker.

Right now, the naked Luo Jun derived from the severed hand is still standing in front of him.

This Luo Jun didn't have much wisdom, but he actually belonged to Luo Jun's cell. If this Luo Jun has been in the world for a long time and has not been taken back by Luo Jun. Then, he will also begin to produce spiritual consciousness and become a real person.

Therefore, if Luo Jun's body is shattered, scattered in all directions, and sealed. Then there will be a hundred Luo Jun. These Luo army will gradually produce wisdom, and finally become the real Luo army. But their power will be much weaker.

At this time, Luo Jun looked at the naked copy in front of him, his eyes were a bit complicated.

Then he took a breath. This copy body immediately softened, then turned into a golden cell body, which was sucked into the body by Luo Jun.

The flesh that grows out is also directly absorbed by the cells and refined.

Luo Jun's father, the Devil Emperor Chen Tianya, possessed ever-changing supernatural powers. I don't know where I learned it from, but flesh and blood can be transformed into countless entities. Although its level of evolution is not as good as Luo Jun, it is also very powerful.

The reason why Chen Tianya has such supernatural powers may be because he himself is a duplicate of Chen Ling's body.

Luo Jun didn't know Chen Tianya's specific methods. He didn't know whether Chen Tianya could create a clone that was intelligent and survived forever.

But Luo Jun has this ability.

But Luo Jun never dared to do this.

When the clone possesses wisdom, consciousness arises. He is the same person as Luo Jun, possessing all the memories of Luo Jun. Even, he would feel that Nianci is his son, Mo Nong and Ling'er are his wife.

At that time, Luo Jun will definitely not allow it.

So this is the deep hatred.

It was like the tragedy between Senior Ling and his father Chen Tianya.

Luo Jun's heart began to realize, and at the same time, after the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds re-fused, spiritual liquid was produced. This spiritual liquid is produced every day, and it will be stored in Luo Jun's Dantian. If Luo Jun doesn't want to absorb it, he can extract it and refine it into a pill.

This spirit liquid is neither a chaotic fruit nor a mysterious yellow liquid. It's a brand new species!

At this time, Luo Jun felt that there was a gathering of spiritual fluids in his dantian, and these spiritual fluids were primitive fluids. Is the beginning of everything.

This is the best supplement!

Just wait for Luo Jun to absorb it.

"The Primal Liquid is the most precious. It is the product of the combination of Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds and Eternal Spar. I can extract a part of it and use it for Purple Clothes."

"Maybe, this can restore Ziyi's life origin." Luo Jun thought of this, so he wanted to extract it. But soon he discovered that he could not extract the original liquid at all.

"Essence fluid can be extracted, but the original fluid must be incorporated into my body. Because this is a necessity for the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds and my body to be more integrated. They have been deeply embedded in my flesh and blood."

Luo Jun immediately understood this.

"No, I don’t want to absorb this primordial fluid now. If I absorb it, the primordial fluid will no longer be there in the future. It will become the gene for the production of spiritual fluid...this primordial fluid, I want to save Ziyi by the way See if you can help the child in Qiao Ning's belly..."

Luo Jun now had a decision in his mind.

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