Super Security in the City

Chapter 2410: Chance

Shen Mo Nong answered the phone, and what she heard was a woman's voice.

"Are you Shen Mo Nong?" The unfamiliar woman's voice was calm with vast truth. Ordinary people don't think there is anything, but Shen Mo Nong can feel the unfathomable depth of it.

This strange woman is naturally Suzhen in black.

The reason why Shen Mo Nong could feel unfathomable was also because her cultivation base was too far apart from Black Suzhen, so a simple sentence could make Shen Mo Nong feel majestic.

"I am!" Shen Mo Nong said solemnly, "May I ask who you are?"

Black Suzhen said: "You don't need to be nervous, I am Luo Jun's friend. My name is...Bai Suzhen. I have important things to do right now, so I want to put Linger with you. Linger's sleepy matter, You must know it."

"I do know." Shen Mo Nong said. She felt strange and shocked in her heart.

Bai Suzhen, she heard from Luo Jun.

She first heard the three characters Bai Suzhen, naturally it was dropped from Lu Xun's on Leifeng Pagoda. Later, I saw it in film and television dramas and in dramas.

When she listened to Luo Jun, she always felt unreal.

But right now, when such a legendary character talks to her, she still feels a little shocking and unreal.

"What's wrong?" There is not much time for Suzhen in black over there, but she is a little anxious. Why doesn't this girl speak anymore.

"It's okay!" Shen Mo Nong returned to his senses and said, "Okay!"

Black Suzhen said: "I can't get in Yanjing, don't hang up your phone, I can lock you out of Yanjing!"

Shen Mo Nong was about to agree, but suddenly he felt a little bit in his heart. What if this is Luo Jun’s opponent and enemy tempting him?

If it is an enemy, this enemy cannot start in Yanjing and deliberately lures himself out?

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but be careful, she was a veteran.

"Wait!" Shen Mo Nong said immediately.

"Huh?" said Suzhen in black.

Shen Mo Nong said: "Bai...White girl." She wanted to call senior, but thought that Luo Jun and Bai Suzhen were friends of the same generation, so she changed to white girl. "I'm sorry, I have to be careful. In case you are someone else's pretend, fake. I can't afford this risk. So, I will send my friend out to join you, how about?"

Hei Suzhen said: "It's okay, I will **** your friend into Yanjing, and you will immediately respond."

Shen Mo Nong said, "Of course."

Hei Suzhen said: "The speed must be fast. In the vast world, I can't stay for long. Otherwise, Yuanjue will expel me later. I can't beat him!"

Of course Shen Mo Nong knew this, so she immediately said to Yuan Xingyun who was opposite: "Chu Yuan, do me a favor."

Yuan Xingyun kept listening, but he heard nothing. Because Suzhen Hei's voice is magical.

Yuan Xingyun also knew that if Shen Mo Nong spoke, there was a major event. He immediately responded.

In the past few years, Yuan Xingyun has received the guidance and favor of Shen Mo Nong and Luo Jun, and his cultivation has reached the stage of Taixu Sixth Heaven. This is a realm he couldn't even think of before!

Therefore, what Shen Mo Nong said, he would agree.

Seeing Yuan Xingyun's dignified face, Shen Mo Nong smiled and said, "Pick me up." She then gave Yuan Xingyun the phone. "Don't hang up, I'll take you for a ride first. After you leave Yanjing, someone will meet you!"

After that, Shen Mo Nong grabbed Yuan Xingyun, his figure flashed, and he shuttled through the void.

Shen Mo Nong's cultivation has reached the mid tenth heaven of Taixu.

In fact, she is not too keen on cultivation bases, she is dedicated to taking care of her family and dealing with national security matters. But no way, the height of her husband is too high.

She is completely passive and progressive.

Yuan Xingyun still does not have the ability to fly. Hei Suzhen said to Shen Mo Nong, "Throw him directly out of Yanjing, and I will catch him."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Good!"

Yuan Xingyun was in the air, before he could react, he was pushed out by Shen Mo Nong with a palm.

At that moment, Yuan Xingyun could not resist nor dissolve Shen Mo Nong's power. He felt like an off-string cannonball.

"Mom!" Although Yuan Xingyun had some repairs, he was also shocked at this time. He feels like shooting out like this is definitely a dead end!

However, he just left Yanjing.

A black shadow flashed in front of him, and then, with a big hand, the black shadow caught Yuan Xingyun. The strength on Yuan Xingyun's body was directly resolved by the shadows.

Then, just in the air, Yuan Xingyun felt the mana surging under his feet, and he stepped on it, just like stepping on the flat ground.

Yuan Xingyun has always been dressed in a Taoist robe, and is a master in the world.

But right now, he felt that he was very insignificant. He looked up and saw Suzhen in black clearly.

Black Suzhen's temperament, beauty, and glamour are enough to shock Yuan Xingyun.

Her eyes seemed to contain the entire universe.

Yuan Xingyun has always been an expert, but at this moment he is like a kid who has never seen the world, and he said: "See senior!"

Hei Suzhen nodded, and said, "I'll give it to you. Go and leave it to Shen Mo Nong for safekeeping!" After she finished speaking, she grabbed a black spar. This black spar is naturally not a black hole spar, but Heiyi Suzhen created it with her own thoughts.

Originally, Suzhen in black had always carried Linger with her. She absorbs pure Yang aura and so on, and will send it to Ling'er. But now, for the safety of Ling'er, it can only be placed in Yanjing first.

It is this simple thought protection that even ordinary heavenly realm masters can't detect it. This is Suzhen Black's ability.

But Suzhen in black also retained the breath of Luo Jun, and Luo Jun could easily open up this idea.

Yuan Xingyun didn't think much, and took the idea. At the same time said: "Yes, senior!"

Black Suzhen nodded, then looked at Yuan Xingyun again, and said, "You help me run errands, I can't help but show." After she finished speaking, a flash of lightning flashed.

The electric light instantly invaded Yuan Xingyun. Before Yuan Xingyun could react, he felt that his whole body was hit by an electric current, and the pain was unbearable. Yuan Xingyun thought he had been attacked, and couldn't help but lose his face.

But at this time, the current has disappeared.

At the same time, Yuan Xingyun felt the changes in his body. There was a breath of pure Yang from all over his body, and many distracting thoughts and impurities were directly tempered and cleaned.

"Swallow it!" Black-clothed Suzhen shot out a divine pill.

Yuan Xingyun opened his mouth to catch it, and he suddenly felt nutrition coming over him like a mountain. There was almost no difficulty, he directly ascended to the Seventh Heaven of Taixu, and that was not counted, his mana kept climbing upwards. Cells continue to evolve, and many principles are perfectly solved in his heart.

Afterwards, Yuan Xingyun reached the Eighth Layer of Taixu!

His strength is five times higher than before seeing Suzhen in Black!

Yuan Xingyun felt the surging mana in his body, which was a feeling of mastering the power. "Thank you senior, thank you senior!" Yuan Xingyun directly knelt down to Suzhen in black.

He is grateful!

Black Suzhen waved his hand, and Yuan Xingyun flew out and headed directly into Yanjing.

Shen Mo Nong also caught Yuan Xingyun.

Suzhen in black then left the world.

Yuan Xingyun and Shen Mo Nong returned to the State Security Administration Building.

Still in the office, Yuan Xingyun had already given the black spar to Shen Mo Nong. Shen Mo Nong also treasured and collected it.

Yuan Xingyun was extremely excited. He said, "Mo Nong, thank you so much. For giving me such a chance."

Shen Mo Nong also saw that Yuan Xingyun's realm was directly improved by two levels. She was also shocked. In such a short period of time, Bai Suzhen's shot actually doubled Yuan Xingyun's power.

You know, this is too imaginary, and every level of improvement is extremely difficult!

"God man, really is a man of God!" Yuan Xingyun was still sighing, and said, "I used to think that Luo Jun is already a man of God in the world. Now it seems that Luo Jun is still inferior to this female predecessor. !"

Shen Mo Nong said: "Her ability is indeed far above Luo Jun. Luo Jun himself admits this."

"It's amazing skills, amazing skills!" Yuan Xingyun said.

Shen Mo Nong was thinking: "With Bai Suzhen's ability, why should she hand over girl Ling'er to me before doing errands? Luo Jun is relieved to put Ling'er with her, because she can help Ling'er get nourishment. And now...Could it be that Bai Suzhen has also encountered an unsolvable problem? Only when her life is in danger can she do this. What kind of power is it that can make her feel dangerous too?"

Shen Mo Nong couldn't figure it out. She had heard Luo Jun say that the realm of Suzhen in black was almost immortal.

At this time, Yuan Xingyun suddenly asked Shen Mo Nong again: "What is this senior's name?"

"Bai Suzhen!" Shen Mo Nong said.

"Huh?" Yuan Xingyun was dumbfounded. "With the same name and surname as Bai Suzhen in the biography of the white snake?"

Shen Mo Nong came back to his senses, she said: "This is a bit complicated, but the Legend of the White Snake is based on some of her legends."

"My god, Bai Suzhen turned out to be such a powerful senior." Yuan Xingyun felt that some of the concepts in his head had been subverted. "Furthermore, Bai Suzhen actually has a person, that Guanyin Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha, Taoist ancestors, etc., do they all exist?"

Shen Mo smiled and said: "I don't know much about these things. When Luo Jun comes back, you can ask him. However, you are also a member of the Taoist School, so why do you have doubts about the Taoist Master?"

Yuan Xingyun couldn't help but said in embarrassment, "I used to think that many Taoist priests were bluffing and deceiving. I am the real disciple of Taoism and I entered the Taoism. Now I feel that I still haven't really entered the Taoism!"

He then murmured: "This world is crazy!"

Yanjing has become the most important gateway to the earth.

Earth, Great Thousand World, China, Yenching, in that order.

Taoism and Buddhism culture have always been in China and have a long history.

In the West, science and technology may be more prosperous, but when it comes to Taoism and magic, it is far from it.

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